

םהיתויוכמסו םתדמעה ,םהיגוס ,ןיד יתב

9575 Alon, Gedalyahu: Those appointed for money (on various juridical authorities). In: Jews, Judaism and the classical world, Jerusalem 1977, p. 374-435

9576 Baruk, Henri; Bachet, Maurice: Le test 'Tsedek'. Le jugement moral et la delinquance. Paris 1950, 88 p.

9577 Chajes, Hirsch Perez: Les juges juifs en Palestine, de l'an 70 a l'an 500. Revue des Etudes Juives 39 (1899), p. 39-52

9578 Cohn, Haim H.; Levitats, Isaac: Bet Din and judges. Encyclopedia Judaica 4, p. 719-728; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 561-565

9579 Cohn, Marcus: Din Tora. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 165-166 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 173-174

9580 Cohn, Marcus: Gerichtswesen. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 1032-1036 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 181-183

9581 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Jurisdiction. Jewish Encyclopedia 7, p. 394-395

9582 Doniach, N.S.: החמומ [expert]. Revue des Etudes Juives 92 (1932), p. 59-60

9583 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Jurisdiccion. Vol. 6, p. 368-369

9584 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Justicia. Vol. 6, p. 369-370

9585 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Tribunales. Vol. 10, p. 301302

9586 Encyclopedia Judaica: Av Bet Din. Vol. 3, p. 940-941

9587 Feldman, A.: The London Beth Din (the Jewish court or the court of the Chief Rabbi). Juridical Review 41 (1929), p. 1-19 = Publications of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence, Engl. branch 3 (1928-29). |R:
198 'מע ,(גצרת) ד ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

9588 Frenkel, Anna: Beth Din and the Australian court. Bridge (Sidney) 3,3-4 (1967), p. 45-48

9589 Funk, Salomon: Die Manner der grossen Versammlung und die Gerichtshofe im nachexilischen Judentum. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 55, N.F. 19 (1911), p. 33-42; -, Noch einmal die Mitgliederzahl der Gerichtshofe zur Zeit des zweiten Tempels. ib. 67, N.F. 21 (1913), p. 501-506

9590 Funk, Salomon: Die Kompetenz der Gerichtshofe. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 55, N.F. 19 (1911), p. 699-712

9591 Ginzberg, Louis: Bet Din. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 114-115

9592 Goldin, Judah: Hasmonean Bet Din (םיאנומשח לש ןיד תיב). Encyclopedia Judaica 7, p. 1454-1455

9593 Goldmann, Simon: Die judische Gerichtsverfassung innerhalb der judischen Gemeindeorganisation: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Judenbischofs im Mittelalter in seiner Entwicklung von den altesten Zeiten bis zum 15. Jahrhundert. Dissertation Koln 1924

9594 Goldmann, Simon: Die judische Gerichtsverfassung innerhalb der judischen Gemeindeorganisation. Udim 2 (1971), p. 21-67

9595 Goldstein, Israel: Jewish courts. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 385-389

9596 Goodenough, Erwin R.: The jurisprudence of the Jewish courts in Egypt. Legal administration by the Jews under the early Roman Empire, as described by Philo Judaeus. New Haven 1929, 7 + 268 p.; repr. Amsterdam 1968. |R: F.M.G., Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 3rd ser., 12 (1930), p. 315-316


9597 Grunfeld, I.: The Beth Din (Court of the Chief Rabbi). Jewish Chronicle (1.10.1948), p. 13, 16

9598 Grunwald, M.: Wer sind die Dajane Geseroth (תוריזג ינייד)? Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur 18 (1891) p. 60-62

9599 Halivni-Weiss, David: The location of the Bet Din in the early tannaitic period. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 29 (1960-61), p. 181-191

9600 Heinemann, Isaac: Judisch-hellenistische Gerichtshofe in Alexandrien? Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 74, N.F. 38 (1930), p. 363-369

9601 Hermann, Th.: Gericht. Zeller, p. 273

9602 Herzog, Isaac: The administration of justice in ancient Israel: 1. The reconstruction of the judiciary by Ezra; 2. The Bet Din; 3. The appointment of judges and their ordination; 4. The Sanhedrin. Jewish Forum 14 (1931), p. 84-88, 404-408, 436-439; 15 (1932), p. 165-170 = Judaism, law and ethics, London-Jerusalem-N.Y. 1974, p. 107-143

9603 Herzog, Isaac: The administration of justice in Israel. Extracts from... articles... 1931-33. Jewish Forum 43 (1960), p. 106

9604 Huppenbauer, Hans Walter; Gerichtshaus und Gerichtstag im Habakuk-Kommentar von Qumran. Theologische Zeitschrift 17 (1961), p. 281-282

9605 Jacobs, Louis: The Beth Din; the Jewish ecclesiastical court. Lawyer 5 (1962), p. 19-25

9606 Jones, Thoma: Prolusiones academicae; 1: Recitationes solennes in tit. De Judiciis... apud Ebraeos, Graecos et Romanos disputatur. Oxford 1660, 12 + 302 p.

9607 Juster, Jean: Juridiction juive. In: Les juifs dans l'Empire Romain, vol. 2, Paris 1914, p. 93-116

9608 Karlin, A.J.: Uber die Mitgliederzahl der Gerichtshofe zur Zeit des zweiten Tempels. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 57, N.F. 21 (1913), p. 24-31, 245. |: Funk, S., ib. p. 501-506

9609 Kennard, J. Spencer: The Jewish provincial assembly. Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 53 (1962), p. 25-51

9610 Kennett, Robert Hatch: Ancient Hebrew social life and custom, as indicated in law, narrative and metaphor. London 1933, 114 p.; p. 16-21: Marriage; p. 89-98: Administration of justice and law

9611 Kirsch, Harvey J.: Conflict resolution and the legal culture; a study of the rabbinical court. Osgoode Hall Law Journal 9 (1971), p. 335-357

9612 Kisch, Guido: Relations between Jewish and Christian courts in the Middle Ages. Jubilee vol. Ginzberg, 1945, p. 201-225; repr. in enlarged version: Historia Judaica 21 (1959), p. 81-108

9613 Kisch, Guido: Zur Frage der Aufhebung judischer religioser Jurisdiktion durch Justinian. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 77 (1960), p. 395-401

9614 Knierim, Rolf: Exodus 18 und die Neuordnung der mosaischen Gerichtsbarkeit. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 73 (1961), p. 146-171

9615 Kohler, Ludwig: Gericht und Gerichtsverfassung in Israel. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart 2, p. 1051-1053

9616 Krauss, Simcha: Litigation in secular courts. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 2,1 (1982), p. 35-53

9617 Levitats, Isaac: Herem Bet Din. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 355-356


9618 Lew, M.: Communal and social problems concerning the Beth Din. 12th Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers, London 1958, p. 40-48

9619 Lieben, Salomon Hugo: Gerichtsbarkeit uber Juden. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 1026-1032

9620 Macholz, Georg Christian: Zur Geschichte der Justizorganisation in Juda. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 84 (1972), p. 314-340

9621 Mencken, Joannes August Ludwig: De Judaeo iurisiurandi suppletorii haud incapace... Dissertation Wittemberg 1782, 24 p.

9622 Michel, A.: Le Maitre de Justice d'apres les documents de la Mer Morte, la litterature apocryphe et rabbinique. Paris 1954, 23 + 335 p.

9623 Neuman, Abraham A.: The Jews in Spain, their social, political and cultural life during the Middle Ages. 2 vols., Philadelphia 1942; Vol. 1, p. 112-146: Jewish courts

9624 Neusner, Jacob: School, court, public administration: Judaism and its institutions in talmudic Babylonia. Atlanta 1987, 15 + 306 p.

9625 Pela, David: The Chief Rabbi's court. Jewish Chronicle, (10.7.1959), p. 13,17

9626 Quint, Emanuel B.; Hecht, Neil S.: Jewish jurisprudence: its sources and modern applications. Vol. 1, Chur-London-N.Y. 1980, 264 p.; Vol. 2, Chur-London-Paris-N.Y. 1986, 237 p. |R:
ומש-המש 'מע המשת-דמשת בי ךרכ לארשי יניד :בקעי ,קזב

9627 Riehm, Eduard: Gerichtswesen. Riehm 1, p. 503-507

9628 Rivkin, Ellis: Beth Din, Boule, Sanhedrin: a tragedy of errors. Hebrew Union College Annual 46 (1975), p. 181-199

9629 Rubinstein, Hilary L.: Chosen: the Jews of Australia. Sydney 1987, 22 + 308 p.; p. 31-34: The Batei Din (Rabbinical courts)

9630 Shohet, David Menahem: The Jewish court in the Middle Ages. Studies in Jewish jurisprudence according to the Talmud, geonic and medieval German responsa. N.Y. 1931, 15 + 226 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 3 (1974), 13 + 224 p.; repr. N.Y. 1976. |R:
83 'מע ,(דצ-גצרת) י רפס תירק ,'נ ,שטיוטנב; Jung, Moses, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 27 (1936-37), p. 79-86

9631 Sidon, A.: Eine Magistratur in Jerusalem. Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur 17 (1890), p. 198-218

9632 Siegfried, C.: Gericht. Guthe, p. 205-206

9633 Spicehandler, Ezra: ראוד יב and אטסיגמד אניד, notes on gentile courts in talmudic Babylonia. Hebrew Union College Annual 26 (1955), p. 333-354

9634 Stobbe, Otto: Die Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittelalters. Braunschweig 1866; repr. Amsterdam 1968; p. 140-148: Gemeinde- und Gerichtsverhaltnisse; p. 148-159: Der Beweis und der Eid der Juden; p. 159-162: Strafrechtliches

9635 Sugranyes de Franch, Ramon: Etudes sur le droit palestinien a l'epoque evangelique: la contrainte par corps. Fribourg 1946, 143 p. |R: Wirkgreen, Allen, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 7 (1948), p. 207-208

9636 Tropper, Daniel: Bet Din shel Kohanim. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 63 (197273), p. 204-221

9637 Turk, Samuel A.: The need for Jewish courts. Jewish Life 37,5 (1970), p. 37-41

9638 Victor, Daniel: Extra-legal decisions of Bet Din. Petach 2 (1975), p. 19-24

9639 Weyl, Heinrich: Die judischen Strafgesetze bei Josephus Flavius in ihrem Verhaltnis zu Schrift und Halacha, mit einer Einleitung: Josephus... uber die judischen Gerund Richter. Berlin 1900, 164 p.

9640 Wittichen, (Karl): Gerichte (bei den Israeliten). Schenkel 2, p. 402-403

9641 Zipser, M.: Zur Streitfrage, ob bei einer Ehescheidung ein Beth-Din vonnothen? Ben Chananja 8 (1865), p. 913-915. |: Fassel, Hirsch B., ib. 9 (1866), p. 172-173; Zipser, M., ib. p. 223-224, 238-240; Deutsch, Heinrich, ib. p. 277-278


9642 Rabbinical courts; modern day Solomons. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 6 (1970), p. 49-75 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 2 (1972)



9643 Bressler, Dov: Arbitration and the courts in Jewish law. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 9 (1985), p. 105-117

9644 Carlebach, Joseph: Rabbinische Schiedsgerichte. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 15 (1928), p. 609-615

9645 Cohen, Boaz: Arbitration in Jewish and Roman law. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 5 (1958), p. 165-223 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 651-709

9646 Cohn, Marcus: Schiedsrichter. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 204-205 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 189-190

9647 Elon, Menachem: Arbitration. Encyclopedia Judaica 3, p. 294-300 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 565570

9648 Glucksmann, Sami: Das Verfahren vor der Rabbinatsschiedsgerichten. Berlin 1932, 40 p.

9649 Goldstein, Israel: Modern courts of arbitration and the Jewish historical background. Jubilee vol. Mark, 1975, p. 49-69

9650 Goldstein, Israel: Jewish justice and conciliation; a history of the Jewish Conciliation Board of America, 1930-1968, and a review of Jewish juridical autonomy. N.Y. 1981, 24 + 252 p. |R: Finestein, Israel, Jewish Journal of Sociology 23 (1981), p. 149-152;
170 'מע (גמשת-במשת) אס הנש ראדה ,ונימב דחוימ טפשמ תיב לע דחוימ רפס :רזעלא ,ןמדלוג

9651 Lowenstein, Fritz; Goldstein, Israel: Arbitration. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 454-456

9652 Richman, Louis: Justice among themselves. Arbitration Journal 1 (1937), p. 357-359*


ותורישכ ,ויונימ ,ןייד

9653 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Juez (Hebr. dayan). Vol. 6, p. 357-359

9654 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Friend בהוא. Vol. 1, p. 322-326

9655 Greenstone, Julius H.: Judge. Jewish Encyclopedia 7, p. 375-377

9656 Lesetre, Henri: Juge (sofet, dayyan, palil). Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 1833-1836

9657 Levertoff, Paul: Judge (טפוש). International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 3, p. 1771-1772

9658 Low, Leopold: Das Hinderniss der Verwandtschaft in Rabbinatskollegien. Ben Chananja 2 (1859), p. 241-245

9659 McKenzie, Donald A.: The judge of Israel. Vetus Testamentum 17 (1967), p. 118-121


9660 Noth, Martin: Das Amt des 'Richters Israel'. Jubilee vol. Bertholet, 1950, p. 404-417 = Gesamm. Schrift. zum Alten Testament, vol. 2, Munchen 1969, p. 71-85

9661 Rabinowitz, Louis I.; Levitats, Isaac: Dayyan. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 1390-1391

9662 Reznikoff, Charles: Judges. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 258-260

9663 Ross, Paul L.: Lawyers and judges in Hebrew jurisprudence. United States Law Review 67 (1933), p. 19-26

9664 Rozenberg, Martin S.: The Sofetim in the Bible. Eretz Israel 12 (1975), English section, p. 77-86

9665 Schunck, K.D.: Die Richter Israels und ihr Amt. Vetus Testamentum Supplement 15 (1966), p. 252-262

9666 Shulman, Zvi: The blind judge on a court of three. Petach 1 (1974), p. 29-32

9667 Winer, G.B.: Richter. Winer 2, p. 323-329

9668 Wolf, C.U.: Judge. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 1012-1013


ןיד ירדס



9669 Amram, David Werner: Appeal. Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 22

9670 Amram, David Werner: Clerical errors. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 116-117

9671 Amram, David Werner: The summons: a study in Jewish and comparative procedure. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1919, p. 50-67 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 281-298

9672 Cogan, Morton: Sentencing at the gate in Jeremiah 1, 15-16. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 1 (1972), p. 3-6

9673 Cohen, Simon: Appeal. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 433-434

9674 Cohn, Haim H.: Pleas. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 631-636 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 584-590

9675 Cohn, Haim H.: Practice and procedure. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 952-962 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 574-584

9676 Cohn, Marcus: Appellation. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 404-407 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 170-171

9677 Cohn, Marcus: Irur. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 33-34 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 82-83

9678 Cohn, Marcus: Prozessrecht. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 1164-1167 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 185-186

9679 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Accusatory and inquisitorial procedure. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 163

9680 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Acquittal in talmudic law. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 169-170

9681 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Procedure in civil cases. Jewish Encyclopedia 10, p. 201-206

9682 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Procedimiento judicial. Vol. 8, p. 614-616

9683 Epstein, Markus: Prozessuale Rechtsgrundsatze der Juden in biblischer und nachbiblischer Zeit. Eine juristische quellenmassige Studie zur Streitfrage: Bibel und Babel. Frankf.a.M. 1905, 32 p.

9684 Frankel, Zacharias: Uber Oeffentlichkeit und Mundlichkeit des Gerichtsverfahrens nach mosaisch-talmudischem Rechte. Zeitschrift fur die Religiosen Interessen des Judenthums 1 (1844), p. 141-158, 169-190

9685 Glucksmann, Sami: Das Verfahren vor der Rabbinatsschiedsgerichten. Berlin 1932, 40 p.


9686 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Prosecution and defence in Jewish law. Dimensions 4 (1971), p. 5 ff.*

9687 Kitto, John: Appeal. Kitto 1, p. 176-177

9688 Lesetre, Henri: Jugement judiciaire (mispat, din, pelili). Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 1843-1845

9689 Lesetre, Henri: Justification. Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 1877-1878

9690 Lesetre, Henri: Procedure. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 680-681

9691 Many, S.: Appel des sentences. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 787-793

9692 Quint, Emanuel B.; Hecht, Neil S.: Jewish jurisprudence: its sources and modern applications. Vol. 1, Chur-London-N.Y. 1980, 264 p.; Vol. 2, Chur-London-Paris-N.Y. 1986, 237 p. |R:
ומש-המש 'מע (המשת-דמשת) בי ךרכ לארשי יניד :בקעי ,קזב

9693 Schwartz, Matthew B.: Appeals in the Jewish courts of Palestine in the third century, C.E. Hebrew Union College Annual 49 (1978), p. 187-204

9694 Silverstein, Arthur Jay: The right of appeal in talmudic law. Case Western Reserve Journal 6 (1973), p. 33-55

9695 Verger, Alessandro; Moscati, S.; Volterra, Edoardo: L'amministrazione della giustizia nei papiri aramaici di Elefantina. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 8th ser., 19 (1964), p. 75-94

9696 Waxman, Meir: Civil and criminal procedure in Jewish courts. Journal of Theological Studies Students' Annual 1 (1914), p. 259-309 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 1 (1971), p. 181-233


ןיד ךרוע .ןידב םידיקפת יאשונ .ןוידה ךלהמ

9697 Amram, David Werner: Attorney. Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 293-294

9698 Cohn, Haim H.: Attorney. Encyclopedia Judaica 3, p. 837-838 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 573-574

9699 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Subpoena. Jewish Encyclopedia 11, p. 578

9700 Eisenstein, Judah David: Summons (ןומיז, אתונמיזד אקסיד). Jewish Encyclopedia 11, p. 587-588

9701 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Abogado. Vol. 1, p. 38

9702 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Representacion legal. Vol. 9, p. 105-106

9703 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Admonition םויא. Vol. 1, p. 622-628

9704 Friedell, Steven F.: Legal ethics and the Jewish tradition. Reconstructionist 52,5 (1987), p. 20-24

9705 Frimer, Dov I.: The role of the lawyer in Jewish law. Journal of Law and Religion 1 (1983), p. 297-305

9706 Herring, Basil F.: Legal counsel and the truth. In: Jewish ethics and Halakhah for our time: Sources and commentary, N.Y. 1984, p. 91-120

9707 Hoffmann, Gottfried Daniel (praes.); Beger, E. (resp.): De advocatia imperatoris judaica si gillatim de homagio ab urbium imperialium Iudaeis illi praestando... Dissertation Tubingen 1748, 54 p.

9708 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Representation in litigation in Jewish law. Dine Israel 6 (1975), English section, p. 25-41

9709 Lesetre, Henri: Plaideur. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 448-449

9710 Lieben, Salomon Hugo: Appellant. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 3, p. 19-20

9711 Many, S.: Accusateur. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 115-118


9712 Many, S.: Avocat. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 1292-1293

9713 Porat-Martin, Hedva: Representation and its role in concurrent jurisdiction (in the rabbinical and district courts of Israel). Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 7-42

9714 Reventlow, Henning Graf: Das Amt des Mazkir. Zur Rechtsstruktur des offentlichen Lebens in Israel. Theologische Zeitschrift 15 (1959), p. 161-175

9715 Ross, Paul L.: Lawyers and judges in Hebrew jurisprudence. United States Law Review 67 (1933), p. 19-26

9716 Tucker, Gordon: The confidentiality rule: a philosophical perspective with reference to Jewish law and ethics [the right of a lawyer to disclose a professional secret]. Fordham Urban Law Journal 13 (1984-85), p. 99-112

9717 Waldman, Nahum M.: On 'shout, litigate and challenge'. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 4 (1975), p. 3-8


תושפנ ינידב ןיד ירדס

9718 Aiyar, S. Srinivasa: The trial of Jesus in its legality from a jurist's viewpoint. Lawyer and Banker 7 (1914), p. 443-452; 8 (1915), p. 56-63, 152-158, 215-222, 291-297, 362*

9719 Buss, Martin J.: The distribution between civil and criminal law in ancient Israel. Proc., 6th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1973), vol. 1, p. 51-62

9720 Chandler, W.M.: Did Jesus have a fair trial? Chicago Legal News 43 (1911), p. 319-320*

9721 Cohn, Haim H.: The 'defense of legality' in talmudic law. Hebrew Union College Annual 58 (1987), p. 251-276

9722 Cohn, Marcus: Freisprechung. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 792 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 149

9723 Danby, Herbert: The bearing of the rabbinical criminal code on the Jewish trial narratives in the Gospels. Journal of Theological Studies 21 (1920), p. 51-76

9724 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Criminal procedure. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 361-362

9725 Fassel, Hirsch B.: וליצהו וטפשו Das mosaisch-rabbinische Strafgesetz und strafrechtliche Gerichtsverfahren. Gross-Kanizsa 1870, 7 + 13 + 137 p.

9726 Furst, Julius (1826-1899): Das peinliche Rechtsverfahren im judischen Alterthume. Heidelberg 1870, 8 + 48 p.

9727 Gordon, Hirsch Loeb: Cenni di diritto e di procedura penale ebraica ed in particolar modo l'omicidio nel diritto penale ebraico. Citta di Castello 1935, 18 p.

9728 Hatch, Edward W.: The trial and condemnation of Jesus as a legal question. Green Bag 5 (1893), p. 398-403, 449-456*

9729 Herin, W.A.: The trial of Jesus. University of Florida Law Review 7 (1954), p. 47-57*

9730 Hirsch, Naftali: Prinzip des Beweises und Beweisverfahrens im Criminalprozess des judischen Rechts. Jeschurun, Hirsch, 12 (1866), p. 80-88, 109-122, 147-165, 249-258, 382-394 = Ein Blick in seine Geisteswerkstatte, Frankf.a.M. 1923, p. 18-90


9731 Hirsch, Naftali: Grundzuge des Strafprozesses im judischen Recht. Jeschurun, Hirsch, 16 (1870), p. 215-234 = Ein Blick in seine Geisteswerkstatte, Frankf.a.M. 1923, p. 1-17

9732 Iken, Conrad (praes.); Hase, Theodor von (resp.): De jure vitae et necis tempore mortis servatoris apud Judaeos non amplius superstite ad Joh. 18,31. Bremen 1740, 2 + 541 p.; Dissertationes philologico-theologicae, vol. 2, ed. Joh. Herm. Schacht, Traiecti Batavorum (Utrecht) 1770, p. 521-572

9733 Katz-Halpern, Marcos David: Algunos aspectos comperativos entre el derecho procesal penal hebreo y el mexicano. Dissertation Mexico 1979, 7 + 354 p.

9734 Levin, Stanley: Due process in rabbinical and Israeli law; abuse and subversion. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 191-194

9735 Levy, Louis-Germain: La procedure criminelle dans la legislation talmudique. Revue des Etudes Juives 82 (1926), p. 173-181

9736 May, Max: Jewish criminal law and legal procedure. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 31 (1940-41), p. 438-447

9737 Ostrow, Jonah: Tannaitic and Roman procedure in homicide. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 48 (1957-58), p. 352-370; 52 (1961-62), p. 160-167, 245-263 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence, 4 (1976), p. 211-229

9738 Owen, Robert L.: Pontius Pilate's judgement and recall. Central Law Journal 75 (1912), p. 33-35*

9739 Vargha, Julius: Die Vertheidigung in Strafsachen. Wien 1879, 32 + 883 p.; p. 3-16: Juden

9740 Vargha, Julius: Defense in criminal cases with the ancient Hebrews. Hebrew Review Cincinnati 1 (1880), p. 254-268

9741 W.J.G.: The arrest and trial of Jesus. Albany Law Journal 36 (1887), p. 384-388, 440, 498*



9742 Amram, David Werner: An injunction of a Jewish-Egyptian court of the thirteenth century. Green Bag 13 (1901), p. 339-343

9743 Baneth, Eduard: Dispensation. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 167-168

9744 Baruk, Henri: Le Tsedek dans le monde moderne et la civilisation hebraique. Revue d'Histoire de la Medecine Hebraique 64 (1964), p. 57-72; 65 (1964), p. 109-124; 66 (1964), p. 157-168

9745 Cohn, Haim H.: Contempt of court. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 922-923 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 518-519

9746 Cohn, Haim H.: Reflections on the trial and death of Jesus. Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 332-379 = Jewish law in ancient and modern Israel, N.Y. 1971, p. 83-130; The trial and death of Jesus. N.Y. 1971, 24 + 419 p.

9747 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Contempt of court. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 248

9748 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Costs. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 292-293

9749 Elon, Menachem: Limitation of actions. Encyclopedia Judaica 11, p. 251-254 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 596-599

9750 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Appraisal דמוא. Vol.1, p. 367-373


9751 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A judge must consider only what he sees
תואור ויניעש המ אלא ןיידל ול ןיא. Vol. 2, p. 37-38

9752 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A witness cannot act as judge
ןייד השענ דע ןיא. Vol. 2, p. 106-111

9753 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man of power םלא. Vol. 2, p. 279-283

9754 Greenstone, Julius H.: Fee. Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 355-357

9755 Klingenberg, Eberhard: Urteil, Schiedsspruch und Vergleich im romischen, griechischen und judischen Recht. Jubilee vol. Mayer, 1986, p. 63-75*

9756 McKay, J.W.: Exodus XXIII 1-3,6-8: a decalogue for the administration of justice in the city gate. Vetus Testamentum 21 (1971), p. 311-325

9757 McKenzie, Donald A.: Judicial procedure at the town gate. Vetus Testamentum 14 (1965), p. 100-104

9758 Nascher, Simon: Die Sentenz bei Juden und Arabern. Berlin 1868, 19 p.

9759 Pautrel, R.: Jugement dans l'Ancien Testament. Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement 4, p. 1321-1344

9760 Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai: Non Liquet; From modern law to Roman law. Israel Law Review 9 (1974), p. 63-84

9761 Rosengarten, Isaac: The Beth Din of London. Jewish Forum 41 (1958), p. 51-52


לעופל האצוה

9762 Aumann, Robert J.; Maschler, Michael: Game theoretic analysis of a bankruptcy problem from the Talmud. Journal of Economic Theory 36 (1985), p. 195-213

9763 Cohn, Marcus: Prioritat (המידק ןיד). Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 1126-1127 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 89

9764 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Appraisement (םוש). Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 25-27

9765 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Bankruptcy. Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 493-494

9766 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Execution. Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 287-288

9767 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Priority. Jewish Encyclopedia 10, p. 201

9768 Eisenstadt, Samuel: Adrachta (אתכרדא). Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 1, p. 902-904

9769 Elon, Menachem: Execution (civil). Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 1007-1020 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 621-633

9770 Elon, Menachem: Imprisonment for debt. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 1303-1309 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 633-640

9771 Elon, Menachem: Restraint of the person as a means in the collection of debts in Jewish law. Dissertation Jerusalem 1961, 4 + 23 p.

9772 Elon, Menachem: Imprisonment for debt. Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jewish Law, p. III,1-III,3

9773 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Writ of investigation תרקב תרגא. Vol. 1, p. 183

9774 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Writ of assessment םוש תרגא. Vol. 1, p. 190-192

9775 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Writ of execution אתכרדא. Vol. 1, p. 261-266

9776 Loewenthal, Ernst: Vollstreckungsschutz und mosaisches Recht. Frankfurter Israel. Gemeindeblatt 12 (1933-34), p. 54-56

9777 Wahrhaftig, Zerach: The specific performance of contracts in Hebrew law as compared with the law in force in the State of Israel. Summary, 2nd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1957), Sect. Talmud and Rabb. Liter., p. 14


9778 Wahrhaftig, Zerach: Specific performance of contracts in Hebrew law and in the positive law effective today in the State of Israel. Scripta Hierosolymitana 5 (1958), p. 195-218. |R: Tuchman, Hyman, Tradition 2,1 (1959), p. 145-146


לארשי תנידמב םיינברה ןידה יתב

9779 Chigier, Moshe: The rabbinical courts in the State of Israel. Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 147-181 = Jewish law in ancient and modern Israel, ed. H.H. Cohn, N.Y. 1971, p. 225-259

9780 Eliash, Ben Zion: Ethnic pluralism or melting pot?; The dilemma of rabbinical adjudication in Israeli family law. Israel Law Review 18 (1983), p. 348-380

9781 Elon, Menachem: Developments of the rabbinic judiciary in Israel. Dine Israel 5 (1974), English section, p. 71-83

9782 Friedman, Theodore: Civil cases and rabbinical courts. Conservative Judaism 35,3 (1982), p. 75-79

9783 Jaffe, Maurice: The authority of the Rabbinate in Israel. Public Administration in Israel and Abroad 7 (1966), p. 19-23

9784 Porat-Martin, Hedva: Israeli rabbinic courts - aspects of a more 'Responsive legal system'. Dine Israel 8 (1977), English section, p. 49-76

9785 Porat-Martin, Hedva: Representation and its role in concurrent jurisdiction (in the rabbinical and district courts of Israel). Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 7-42

9786 Shava, Menashe: The rabbinical courts in Israel; jurisdiction over non-Jews? Journal of Church and State 27 (1985), p. 99-112

9787 Shava, Menashe: The nature and scope of Jewish law in Israel as applied in the civil courts as compared with its application in the rabbinical courts. Jewish Law Annual 5 (1985), p. 3-24

9788 Sinclair, Daniel B.: Jewish law in the State of Israel. 1. The Supreme Court; 2. Rabbinical courts. Jewish Law Annual 3 (1980), p. 154-169





9789 Baruk, Henri: Le Tsedek dans le droit hebraique: l'organisation de la justice et l'examen des temoignages. Hatikva 7 (1969), p. 9-35

9790 Bokser, Ben Zion: Religious witness in Judaism. Judaism 26 (1977), p. 63-67

9791 Bornstein, David Josef: Beweis. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 4, p. 449-455

9792 Cohen, Boaz: Evidence in Jewish law. Recueils de la Societe Jean Bodin 16 (1965), p. 103-115 = Bruxelles 1965, 13 p.

9793 Cohn, Haim H.: Evidence. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 991-997 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 599-605

9794 Cohn, Haim H.: Witness. Encyclopedia Judaica 16, p. 584-590 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 605-612

9795 Cohn, Haim H.: The proof in biblical and talmudical law. In: La preuve en droit, eds. C. Perelman and P. Foriers, Bruxelles 1981, p. 77-98*

9796 Cohn, Marcus: Beweis. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 948-952 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 171-173

9797 Cohn, Marcus: Zeugen. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 1568-1571 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 190-191

9798 Daube, David: Witnesses in Bible and Talmud. Oxford Centre Papers 1986, p. 3-20

9799 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Evidence. Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 277-280

9800 Denham, Joshua Fred.: Witness. Kitto 3, p. 1122-1123

9801 Eisenstein, Judah David: Admissions in evidence. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 199-200

9802 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Prueba legal (Hebr. Reaya). Vol. 9, p. 14-15

9803 Falk, Zeev W.: Oral and written testimony. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 19 (1968), p. 113-119

9804 Frankel, Zacharias: Der gerichtliche Beweis nach mosaisch-talmudischem Rechte. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des mosaisch-talmudischen Criminal- und Civilrechts. Berlin 1846, 8 + 543 p.; 2nd ed., 1847, 12 + 263 p. |: Frankel, Z., Zeitschrift fur die Religiosen Interessen des Judenthums 3 (1846), p. 301-305; |R: Landau, W., Orient 7 (1846), p. 732-740, 810-813; Fassel, Hirsch, ib. 8 (1847), p. 145-147, 202-205, 219-222, 237-240, 253-256, 267-272, 284-288, 298-304; [Low, L.], Forsch. d. wiss. talm. Vereins, Beilage zu Ben Chananja 1866-67, p. 17-22

9805 Goldberg, Meyer: Evidence. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 199

9806 Hirsch, Naftali: Prinzip des Beweises und Beweisverfahrens im Criminalprozess des judischen Rechts. Jeschurun, Hirsch, 12 (1866), p. 80-88, 109-122, 147-165, 249-258, 382-394 = Ein Blick in seine Geisteswerkstatte, Frankf.a.M. 1923, p. 18-90

9807 Jackson, Bernard S.: 'Two or three witnesses'. In: Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 153-171

9808 Jackson, Bernard S.: Susanna and the singular history of singular witnesses. Acta Juridica (1977), p. 37-54

9809 Kaatz, Saul: Die Beweiswurdigung im judischen Recht. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 15 (1928), p. 89-98, 179-187

9810 Kaestner, Abraham: De teste Iudaeo in usum dnn. auditorum suorum quaedam disserit et praelectiones suas per semestre hybernam habendas intimat... Leipzig 1736, [8] p.


9811 Kaestner, Abraham (praes.); Auerbach, I.M. (resp.): De teste Iudaeo. Dissertation Leipzig 1739, [14] p.

9812 Klein, Jacob: Das Gesetz uber das gerichtliche Beweisverfahren nach mosaisch-talmudischem Rechte. Dissertation Halle 1885, 31 p.

9813 Kohn, Jakob Pinchas: Die Zeugenaussage im judischen Recht. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 17 (1930), p. 391-404

9814 Leeuwen, C. van: דע. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 2, p. 209-221

9815 Lesetre, Henri: Temoin (ed). Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 2020-2021

9816 Levertoff, Paul: Witness. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 5, p. 3099

9817 Ravenna, Alfredo: Nota sul concetto di testimonianza nella Bibbia e nell'ebraismo. Archivio di Filosofia 1972, p. 349-350

9818 Stobbe, Otto: Die Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittelalters. Braunschweig 1866; repr. Amsterdam 1968; p. 140-148: Gemeinde- und Gerichtsverhaltnisse; p. 148-159: Der Beweis und der Eid der Juden; p. 159-162: Strafrechtliches




תודעה תעובש .דיעהל בויחה

9819 Cohen, Boaz: The testimonial oath. A study in the reciprocal relations of Jewish and Roman law in medieval Europe. Historia Judaica 7 (1945), p. 51-74 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 710-733

9820 Cohen, Boaz: Testimonial compulsion in Jewish, Roman and Moslem law. Memorial vol. Goldziher, 1958, pt. 2, p. 50-70 = Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 9 (1958), p. 1-21 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 734-755

9821 Frankel, Zacharias: Die Eidesleistung der Juden in theologischer und historischer Beziehung. Dresden 1840, 10 + 170 p.; 2nd ed., Dresden 1847, 12 + 235 p. |R: Landau, W., Orient 8 (1847), p. 669-672; M-a, ib., p. 682-686

9822 Spiro, Abram: A law on the sharing of information. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 28 (1959), p. 95-101



9823 Bahr, Oscar: Das Gesetz uber falsche Zeugen. Dissertation Berlin 1882, 102 p.

9824 Biberfeld, Ph.: ןיגרהנ ןיא וגרה ןיגרהנ וגרה אל. Nachalath Z'wi 3 (1932-33), p. 369-374. |R: Kohn, Jakob, ib. 4 (1933-34), p. 31-38; Stein, Mordecai, ib., p. 38-39; Biberfeld, Ph., ib., p. 104-110


9825 Cohn, Haim H.: Perjury. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 288-290 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 516-517

9826 Horovitz, Jacob: Zur rabbinischen Lehre von der Zeugenuberfuhrung (המזה). Jubilee vol. Hoffmann, 1914, p. 139-161

9827 Kaatz, Saul: Die Schriftherleitung von םיממוז םידע. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 9 (1922), p. 174-175


תודחוימ תויאר

9828 Adam: Der Talmud und die Folter (Von talmudischen Gerichtsverfahren bis zu Simon von Trient). Die Welt 3,44 (1899), p. 6-7

9829 Eidelberg, Shlomo: Trial and ordeal in medieval Jewish history: laws, customs and attitudes. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 46-47 (1979-80), p. 105-120

9830 Frimer, Dov I.: Establishing paternity by means of blood type testing in Jewish law and Israeli legislation. Proceedings, Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists 9 (1987), p. 153-195

9831 Kalischer, Elias: Der Identitats-Beweis fur Personen und Sachen durch Zeichen und allgemeines Erkennen nach dem Talmud ( סימניןund .(טביעת עין Berlin 1897, 34 p.

9832 Kohut, George Alexander: Blood test as proof of kinship in Jewish folklore. Journal of the American Oriental Society 24 (1903), p. 129-144

9833 Sasson, J.M.: Numbers 5 and the 'Waters of Judgement'. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 16 (1972), p. 249-251



9834 Agus, Irving A.: The Code of Maimonides, Book Six, the Book of Asseverations. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 54 (1963-64), p. 80-83

9835 Belkin, Samuel: Dissolution of vows and the problem of anti-social oaths in the Gospels and contemporary Jewish literature. Journal of Biblical Literature 55 (1936), p. 227-233

9836 Benzinger, Immanuel: Eid bei den Hebraern. Hauck 5, p. 242-244

9837 Bernfeld, Immanuel: Eid und Gelubde nach Talmud und Schulchan Aruch. Berlin 1924, 19 p. Berlin 1930, 24 p.

9838 Blank, Sheldon H.: The curse, blasphemy, the spell, and the oath. Hebrew Union College Annual 23, 1 (1950-51), p. 73-95

9839 Blumenstein, J.: Die verschiedenen Eidesarten nach mosaisch- talmudischem Recht. Frankf.a.M. 1883, 31 p.

9840 Bornstein, David Josef: Eid. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 6, p. 316-332

9841 Bruch: Eid. Schenkel 2, p. 67-70

9842 Buhl, Frants: Gelubde im Alten Testament. Hauck 6, p. 485-487


9843 Canney, Maurice A.; Chenney, T.K.: Oath. Encyclopedia Biblica 3, p. 3451-3454

9844 Canney, Maurice A.: Oath (Semitic). Hastings 9, p. 436-438

9845 Celsius, Olavus (praes.); Boje, Ericus (resp.): De voto Jephtae. Upsala 1715, 9 + 16 p.

9846 Celsius, Olavus (praes.); Rudman, Ericus (resp.): םידוהי תועובש; sive, juramenta Judaeorum. Upsala 1727, 5 + 24 p.

9847 Coffin, F.J.: The third Commandment. Journal of Biblical Literature 19 (1900), p. 166-188

9848 Cohn, Marcus: Eid. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 286-298 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 174-181

9849 Cohn, Tobias: Der Eid am Sabbath und Festtag. Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums 54 (1890), p. 180-182, 192-195

9850 Cramer, J. van de: Judei ad juramentum suppletorium ratione. Observatore 507*

9851 Davies, G. Henton: Vows. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 4, p. 792-793

9852 Dithmar, Justus Christoph (tr.): תועובש תוכלה, id est constitutiones de jurejurando ex R. Mosis Maimonidis opere הקזחה די dicto, latine redditae variisque notis illustratae. Leiden 1706, 12 + 226 + 4 p.

9853 Duschak, Moritz: Aeusserung uber den Eid. Ben Chananja 10 (1867), p. 671-678

9854 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Juramento (Hebr. Shevua). Vol. 6, p. 363-365

9855 Falk, Zeev W.: On talmudic vows. Harvard Theological Review 59 (1966), p. 309-312

9856 Falk, Zeev W.: Binding and loosing. Journal of Jewish Studies 25 (1974), p. 92-100

9857 Fassel, Hirsch B.: Uber die Unverbruchlichkeit der Eide. Orient 6 (1845), p. 465-470, 484-487, 503-507, 513-519

9858 Fassel, Hirsch B.; Lengsfelder, (Salomon): Zur Eidesfrage. Ben Chananja 5 (1862), p. 135-137, 149-150, 173-174, 196-198, 208. |R: Forsch.d. wiss.-talm. Vereins, Beilage zu Ben Chananja 1866-67, p. 17-22

9859 Ferries, G.: Oath. Hastings Dict. 3, p. 575-577

9860 Friedenthal, Marcus Beer: Uber die judische Eidesformel. Orient 7 (1846), p. 553-555, 699-701; 8 (1847), p. 663-665

9861 Ginsburg, Christian D.: Oath. Kitto 3, p. 347-349

9862 Goschel, Karl Friedrich: Der Eid nach seinem Principe, Begriffe und Gebrauche. Theologisch-juristische Studien. Berlin 1837, 32 + 335 p.

9863 Greenberg, Moshe; Cohn, Haim H.: Oath. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 1295-1302 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 615-621

9864 Gruge, F.A.: De jure jurando Judaei. Frankf.a.M. 1726*

9865 Haltermann, C.D.: De formulis juramentorum judaicarum. Dissertation Rostock 1701, unn.

9866 Happel, Julius: Der Eid im alten Testament, vom Standpunkt der vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte aus betrachtet. Leipzig n.d., 4 + 72 p.

9867 Heinemann, J.: Philos Lehre vom Eid, eine quellenkritische Untersuchung. Jubilee vol. Cohen, 1912, p. 109-118

9868 Hellwig, Albert: Judischer Meineidaberglaube. Archiv fur Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik 41 (1911), p. 126-141

9869 Hermann, Th.: Eid, Schwur, Schworer. Zeller, p. 164-166

9870 Herxheimer, Salomon; Frankel, David: Uber den Judeneid. Sulamith 9 (1848), p. 116-131

9871 Hildesheimer, Israel: Uber die Reform der israelitischen Eidesleistung in Oesterreich. Der Israelit 8 (1867), p. 565-566, 582-583, 603-604, 619-620 = Gesamm. Aufsatze, Frankf.a.M. 1923, p. 82-95

9872 Hirzel, Rudolf: Der Eid (bei den Juden). Leipzig 1902, 6 + 225 p.


9873 Hoffmann, David: Der Eid der Juden. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 1 (1914), p. 186-197, 229-234

9874 Holdheim, Samuel: Was lehrt das rabbinische Judentum uber den Eid. Der Israelit des 19. Jahrhunderts 5 (1844), p. 277-280, 327-329. |: Hess, M., ib., p. 280; Einhorn, David, Die rabbinische Lehre von der Auflosbarkeit der Eide, ib. p. 375-378; Holdheim, S., Bemerkungen zu der Entgegnung des Herrn Dr. Einhorn, ib. 6 (1845), p. 9-13, 17-20; Kirchheim, Raphael, Orient 5 (1844), p. 726-732; Holdheim, S., ib. 6 (1845), p. 164-169, 197-204, 215-220, 229-234; M.A-n, ib., p. 361-363; Friedenthal, Marcus Beer, ib. 8 (1847), p. 331-336, 348-352

9875 Horst, Friedrich: Der Eid im Alten Testament. Evanglische Theologie 17 (1957), p. 366-384 = Gottes Recht, Gesamm. Studien zum Recht im Alten Testament, Munchen 1961, p. 292-314

9876 Jehuda: Ist es dem Israeliten nach judischen Gesetzen wohl erlaubt, einen falschen Eid zu leisten, wenn die Gesetzrolle, die er in seiner Hand halt, nicht correct ist? n.p., n.d., 15 p.

9877 Joseph, Morris: Vows (Jewish). Hastings 12, p. 657-659

9878 Kaatz, Saul: Eine Halacha uber Gelubde. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 1 (1914), p. 245-249

9879 Kayser, Johann Friderich (praes.); Englert, Johann (resp.): Dissertatio inauguralis iuridica de iuramento judaeorum von Juden-Eyd. Dissertation Giessen 1747, 34 p.

9880 Keller, C.A.: רדנ. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 2, p. 39-42

9881 Kisch, Guido: Die Torah im Zeremonial des (deutschen) Judeneides. Der Beweis der Echtheit der Torah. Hebrew Union College Annual 14 (1939), p. 438-456 = Forschungen zur Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittelalters, Stuttgart 1955, p. 146-159

9882 Kohler, Josef: Skizzen aus dem Orient. 2: Assyrien und Babylonien. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 31 (1914), p. 317-319

9883 Landau, A.L. (Louria, Anton): Das Judentum in staatsburgerlicher Beziehung. Breslau 1832, 96 + 3 p.

9884 Landauer, Gabriel Josua: Die Eidesbelehrung aus der judischen Rechtslehre entnommen. Kreuznach 1859, 16 p.

9885 Lauterbach, Jacob Z.: Vows. Jewish Encyclopedia 12, p. 451-452

9886 Lehmann, Manfred R.: Biblical oaths. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 81 (1969), p. 74-92

9887 Lesetre, Henri: Jurement (Sebuah, Alah). Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 1868-1869

9888 Levertoff, Paul: Oath. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 4, p. 2172-2173

9889 Libson, G.: The use of a sacred object in the administration of a judicial oath. Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 53-60

9890 Lieberman, Saul: Oaths and vows. In: Greek in Jewish Palestine, N.Y. 1942, p. 115-143

9891 Loewe, Heinrich: Die Heiligkeit des Eides nach altjudischer Aufassung. Gemeindeblatt der Judischen Gemeinde zu Berlin 17 (1927), p.236-239

9892 Low, Leopold: Die Lehre Philo's vom Eide. Ben Chananja 6 (1863), p. 324-330 = Gesamm. Schrift., vol. 1, Szegedin 1889, p. 213-221

9893 Low, Leopold: Die Dispensation von Gelobnissen. Forsch.d.wiss.-talm. Vereins, Beilage zu Ben Chananja 1866-67, p. 5-11 = Gesamm. Schrift., vol. 3, Szegedin 1893, p. 359-366


9894 Low, Lipot (Leopold): A zsido esku multja, jelene es jovoje [the Jewish oath, past, present and future]. Pest 1868, 3 + 67 p.

9895 Magnetti, Donald Louis: The oath in the Old Testament in the light of related terms and in the legal and covenantal context of the ancient Near East. Dissertation Ann Arbor 1969, 238 p.

9896 Mahlert, Karl Friedrich: Kann der Eid der den Talmud verehrenden und befolgenden Juden verbindend seyn und Vertrauen verdienen? Leipzig n.d., 4 + 44 p.

9897 McFadyen, John E.: Vows (Hebrew). Hastings 12, p. 654-656

9898 Mendelsson, Moses: Zur Reform des Judeneides. Berlin 1782 = Gesamm. Schrift., Jubilaumsausgabe, vol. 7, Berlin 1930, p. 253-293 (with introd. by S. Rawidowicz)

9899 Mollenbecius, Bernardus Ludovicus: Dissertatio de juramento per genium Principis. Ugolinus Thesaurus 26*

9900 Moller, D.W.: De judaeorum juramentorum. Altorf 1698

9901 Nicolai, Johann: Diatribe de juramentis Hebraeorum, Graecorum, Romanorum aliorumque populorum. Frankf.a.M. 1700; Ugolinus Thesaurus 26*

9902 Pedersen, Johannes: Der Eid bei den Semiten, in seinem Verhaltnis zu verwandten Erscheinungen, sowie die Stellung des Eides im Islam. Strassburg 1914, 8 + 242 p.

9903 Pfeiffer, August: De juramento per creaturas. In: Antiquitates Ebraicae selectae, Leipzig 1692, p. 186-191

9904 Pope, M.H.: Oaths. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 3, p. 575-577

9905 Price, Ira M.: The oath in court procedure in early Babylonia and the Old Testament. Journal of the American Oriental Society 49 (1929), p. 22-29

9906 Rappoport, Julius: Oath. Jewish Encyclopedia 9, p. 365-367

9907 Rappoport, Salomo Jehuda: Uber den Judeneid. Orient 1 (1840), p. 263-267, 275-282, 296-298

9908 Rappoport, Salomon Lob: Uber Auflosbarkeit der Eide. Zeitschrift fur die Religiosen Interessen des Judenthums 2 (1845), p. 81-99

9909 Richter, Wolfgang: Das Gelubde als theologische Rahmung der Jakobsuberlieferungen. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 11 (1967), p. 21-52

9910 Riehm, Eduard: Eid. Riehm 1, p. 358-361

9911 Riehm, Eduard: Gelubde. Riehm 1, p. 498-500

9912 Rosenblatt, Samuel: The relations between Jewish and Muslim laws concerning oaths and vows. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 7 (1935-36), p. 229-243

9913 Rothschild, A.: Der Eid der Juden. 1862*

9914 Salmont, Johannes: תועובש seu juramenta Hebraeorum. Upsala 1700, 102 p.

9915 Sammter, Ascher: Uber den Eidschwur. In: Talmud Babylonicum - Tractat Baba Mezia, Berlin 1876, p. 134-136

9916 Scheiber, Alexander: A medieval form of Jewish oath. Journal of Jewish Studies 25 (1974), p. 181-182

9917 Schneidt, Joseph Maria (praes.); Samhaber, Joannes B.A. (resp.): Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de juribus Judaeorum ex legibus imprimis Franconicis. Wurzburg 1776, 6 + 88 + 6 p.

9918 Schrader, E.: Gelubde. Schenkel 2, p. 373-375

9919 Schreiber, Christian; Hess, Isaac: Uber den Eid der Juden. Eisenach 1823, 106 p.

9920 Schwarz, Mor: A zsido eskurol (םידוהיה תעובש ןפוא). Jubilee vol. M.A. Bloch, 1905, p. 213-227

9921 Segel, Binjamin: Schwure und Gelubde, deren Heiligkeit und deren Auflosung nach judischer Lehre. Ost und West 19 (1919), p. 255-271, 322-327; 20 (1920), p. 47-52


9922 Selden, Johannes: Dissertatio de juramentis, excerpta ex ejus libro secundo de Synedriis. Ugolinus Thesaurus 26*

9923 Sessa, Guiseppe: Tractatus de Judaeis, eorum privilegiis, observantia et recto intellectu, continens pignora, usuras, testimonia, testamenta, juramenta, successiones, immunitates, matrimonie, repudia... Augusta Taurinorum (Turin) 1717, 16 + 387 p.

9924 Siegfried, C.: Gelubde. Guthe, p. 202

9925 Silving, Helen: The oath; the oath's beginnings. Yale Law Journal 68 (1958-59), p. 1329-1337

9926 Staudlin, Carl Friedrich: Geschichte der Vorstellungen und Lehren vom Eide. Gottingen 1824, 8 + 168 p.

9927 Stemler, Christophorus Gotthelf; Bermann, Christian Nicolaus: תועובש, seu de iureiurando secundum disciplinam Hebraeorum. Dissertation Leipzig 1736, 62 p.

9928 Stocks, H.: Judischer Meineidsaberglaube. Archiv fur Religionwissenschaft 13 (1910), p. 155-157. |: Hellwig, Albert, Archiv fur Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik 41 (1911), p. 126-141; Schutze, W., ib. 43 (1911), p. 190-192; Eschelbacher, Max, ib. 54 (1913), p. 130-140

9929 Strumpf, Sidney: Toath in Jewish law. Dissertationert. Hebrew Union College, N.Y. 1941, 3 + 49 p.

9930 Taubes, Zwi: Die Auflosung des Gelubdes. Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelung der Halacha. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 73, N.F. 37 (1929), p. 33-46, 328-329. |: Dorfler, Arje, ib. p. 326-328; Baneth, E., ib. p. 414

9931 Tonelis, Handl J.: Die Zulassigkeit zur Zeugenaussage und zur Eidesablegung nach mosaisch-rabbinischem Rechte. Wien 1866, 10 p. + 12 p. (in Hebrew: לארשיל תודע). |R: Low, Leopold: Die moralische Zeugen- und Eidesfahigkeit, Forsch.d.wiss.-talm.Vereins, Beilage zu Ben Chananja 1866-67, p. 17-22

9932 Toorn, K. Van der: Herem-Bethel and Elephantine oath procedure. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 98 (1986), p. 282-285

9933 Wendel, Adolf: Das israelitisch-judische Gelubde. Berlin 1931, 157 p.

9934 Wildvogel, Christian (praes.); Moriz, Christian Gottlieb (resp.): Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de juramentis judaeorum. Vom Juden Eyden. Dissertation Jena 1730, 32 p.

9935 Winer, G.B.: Eid. Winer 1, p. 303-305

9936 Winer, G.B.: Gelubde. Winer 1, p. 405-407

9937 Winer, G.B.: Meineid. Winer 2, p. 78

9938 Wolff, A.A.: Die Formalitat des Nekitath Chefez beim Eide. Ben Chananja 9 (1866), p. 297-300, 313-317. |: Stern, A., ib. p. 548-550

9939 Wolff, A.A.: Ist die Kopfbedeckung bei der Eidesleistung eines Israeliten nothwendig oder zweckmassig? Ben Chananja 10 (1867), p. 664-669

9940 Zunz, Leopold: Die Vorschriften uber Eidesleistung der Juden. Berlin 1859, 29 p.

9941 Zweig, Jakob: Der Schwur im Talmud. Zurich 1967, 14 p.



אתידוא .ןיד-לעב תאדוה

9942 Cohn, Haim H.: Admission. Encyclopedia Judaica 2, p. 290-292 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 612-614

9943 Eisenstein, Judah David: Admissions in evidence. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 199-200

9944 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man is wont to disclaim abundance of wealth
ומצע תא עיבשהל אלש יושע םדא. Vol. 1, p. 238-244

9945 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Fictitious admission אתידוא. Vol. 1, p. 318-322

9946 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A person does not jest in his dying hour
התימ תעשב הטשמ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 671-672


'עשר ומצע םישמ םדא ןיא' .תימצע העשרה

9947 Braz, Isaac: The privilege against self-incrimination in Anglo-American law; the influence of Jewish law. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 161-168

9948 Buis, Pierre: Notification de jugement et confession nationale. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 11 (1967), p. 193-205

9949 Cohn, Haim H.: Confession. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 877-878 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 614-615

9950 Cohn, Haim H.: The privilege against self-incrimination: Israel. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 51 (1960-61), p. 175-178

9951 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Confesion legal. Vol. 3, p. 140-141

9952 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man can make himself out to be wicked
עשר ומצע םישמ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 672-677

9953 Enker, Arnold: Self incrimination. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 169-175

9954 Glaser, Joseph B.: A new/old look at the Fifth Amendment - some help from the past. Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 29-40

9955 Halberstam, Malvina: The rationale for excluding incriminating statements; U.S. law compared to Jewish law. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 177-190

9956 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: The rabbinic law of criminal confession. Dissertation Jewish Theological Seminary 1965*

9957 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Self-incrimination in Jewish law. N.Y. 1970, 12 + 212 p. |R: Shilo, Shmuel, Israel Law Review 6 (1971), p. 435-440; Pfeffer, Leo: In the pursuit of justice, Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 2 (1972), p. 365-373 = Judaism 22 (1973), p. 107-114; Enker, Arnold, Dine Israel 4 (1973), English section, p. 107-124;
957-955 'מע (1974-1973) ג ךרכ טפשמ ינויע :בקעי ,קזב

9958 Mandelbaum, Simcha: The privilege against self-incrimination in Anglo-American and Jewish law. American Journal of Comparative Law 5 (1956), p. 115-119

9959 Sigal, Phillip: Reflections on ethical elements of Judaic Halakhah. Duquesne Law Review 23 (1984-85), p. 863-903


9960 Susser, B.: Worthless confessions: the Torah approach. New Law Journal 130 (1980), p. 1056-1057*

9961 Wolchover, David: The descent of the maxim 'nemo tenetur seipsum prodere' from Sanhedrin 9b. A developmental aspect of the privilege against self-incrimination. London 1973, 21 p.



9962 Baneth, Eduard: Miggo. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 175-176

9963 Fassel, Hirsch B.: יח םיקלא ירבד Neun Derusch-Vortrage, namlich das Migo... das Sfeka deDina, Ruba und Chasaka... Gross-Kanizsa 1867, 4 + 118 p.

9964 Fink, Daniel: Miggo als Rechtsbeweis im babylonischen Talmud. Dissertation Leipzig 1891, 63 p.

9965 Lauterbach, Jacob Z.: Miggo. Jewish Encyclopedia 8, p. 583



9966 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Chasaka. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 5, p. 322-330

9967 Cohn, Marcus; Lewin, Louis; Meisl, Josef: Chasaka. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 1331-1335 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 17-19

9968 Dazi, G.: Il gazaga. 1872*

9969 Elon, Menachem; Levitats, Isaac: Hazakah. Encyclopedia Judaica 7, p. 1516-1523; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 590-596

9970 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Jazaka. Vol. 6, p. 207-208

9971 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Presuncion legal. Vol. 8, p. 607-608

9972 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Retrospective clarification ערפמל אתלמ יאלגא. Vol. 1, p. 176-182

9973 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Presumption against commision of theft
ןניקזחמ אל יבנגב ישניא יקוזחא. Vol. 1, p. 562-566

9974 Encyclopedia Talmudica: It is impossible to be exact םצמצל רשפא יא. Vol. 1, p. 603-607

9975 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A person does not sin save for himself
ול אלו אטוח םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 656-659

9976 Encyclopedia Talmudica: One does not trouble to prepare a banquet only to destroy it הדיספמו הדועסב חרוט םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 659-661

9977 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man does not speak to no purpose
הלטבל וירבד איצומ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 661-666


9978 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man is brazen to his creditor's face
ובוח לעב ינפב וינפ זיעמ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 666-670

9979 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A person cannot control himself where his property is concerned ונוממ לע ומצע דימעמ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 670-671

9980 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A person does not jest in his dying hour
התימ תעשב הטשמ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 671-672

9981 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man reconciles himself to defects
ןימומב סיפתמ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 677-679

9982 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man does not pay his debt before his time
ונמז ךות ערופ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 694-703

9983 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man sees anything to his disadvantage
ומצעל הבוח האור םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 703-704

9984 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man wishes his wife to suffer indignity in law court ןיד-תיבב ותשא הזבתתש הצור םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 704-707

9985 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man drinks out of a cup without first examining it וקדוב ןכ םא אלא סוכב התוש םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 707-708

9986 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man claims without some substance to his claim וילע ול שי ןכ םא אלא עבות םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 708-710

9987 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No woman is brazen to her husband's face
הלעב ינפב הינפ הזיעמ השא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 730-736

9988 Encyclopedia Talmudica: One interdict is not presumed from another
רוסיאל רוסיאמ ןיקיזחמ ןיא. Vol. 2, p. 70-75

9989 Encyclopedia Talmudica: We do not presume from place to place
םוקמל םוקממ ןיקיזחמ ןיא. Vol. 2, p. 75-80

9990 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Elijah והילא. Vol. 2, p. 271-276

9991 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Explanation (אלתמ וא) אלתמא. Vol. 2, p. 378-386

9992 Encyclopedia Talmudica: We are witnesses ידהס ןנא. Vol. 2, p. 423-426

9993 Encyclopedia Talmudica: The interdict is established
ארוסא עבקא. Vol. 2, p. 625-628

9994 Fassel, Hirsch B.: יח םיקלא ירבד. Neun Derusch-Vortrage, namlich das Migo... das Sfeka dedina, Ruba und Chasaka... Gross-Kanizsa 1867, 4 + 118 p.

9995 Finzi, Moise: Il diritto di Hazaka. Jubilee vol. Berliner, 1903, p. 93-96

9996 Freudenthal, J.: Uber Prinzip und Gebiet der Prasumptionen nach talmudischer Lehre. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 9 (1860), p. 161-175, 230-234, 251-271, 298-305

9997 Greenstone, Julius H.: Hazakah. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 280-282

9998 Herzog, Isaac: Possession in Jewish law. Temple Law Quarterly 4 (1929-30), p. 329-338; 5 (1930-31), p. 260-271, 598-612

9999 Kohler, Josef: Chasaka und Ersitzung. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 31 (1914), p. 312-315

10000 Kramer, Marcus: Chazaka as a juridical principle in the Talmud. Di. Hebrew Union College, N.Y. 1930, 69 p.

10001 Krauss, Simcha: The Sotheby's case; a halachic perspective [Hazaka on Jewish books]. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 9 (1985), p. 5-18

10002 Lewin, Isay: Die Chasaka des talmudischen Rechts. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 29 (1912-13), p. 151-298. =R: Aptowitzer, Victor: Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 60, N. F. 24 (1916), p. 431-432

10003 Rubinstein, R.: Die Hazaqa im talmudischen Vermogensrecht. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 76, N.F. 40 (1932), p. 42-73, 106-120; repr. separ.


10004 Ruiz de Cuevas, Theodore: Jurisprudencia rabinica en marruecos (La 'Hazzaka'). Tetuan 1950, 44 p. 2nd ed., Madrid 1973

10005 Sperber, Daniel: Flight and the talmudic law of usucaption: a study in the social history of third century Palestine. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite 3rd. ser. 19 (1972), p. 29-42



10006 Amram, David Werner: Circumstancial evidence. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 102-103

10007 Baruk, Henri: Le Tsedek dans le monde moderne et la civilisation hebraique. Revue d'Histoire de la Medecine Hebraique 64 (1964), p. 57-72; 65 (1964), p. 109-124; 66 (1964), p. 157-168

10008 Daube, David: The law of witnesses in transferred operation. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Society, Columbia University 5 (1973), p. 91-93

10009 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Alibi. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 393-394

10010 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man is considered a relative of himself
ומצע לצא בורק םדא. Vol. 1, p. 244-250

10011 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Assumption (Legal) אנדמוא. Vol. 1, p. 373-382

10012 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A mute םלא. Vol. 2, p. 283-291

10013 Estor, Johann Georg (praes.); Lotichius, Joh. Georg. (resp.): De lubrico jurisiurandi judaeorum et generatim, vol. 1: titulo LXXXVI legitur. Dissertation Marburg 1744, 48 p.

10014 Falk, Zeev W.: Forms of testimony. Vetus Testamentum 11 (1961), p. 88-91

10015 Feilchenfeld, Ludwig: Die Zeugen im Strafprozess des Talmud. Dissertation Koln, Berlin 1933, 4 + 31 p.

10016 Frankel, J.A.: Das judische Recht erlaubt nicht nur, sondern fordert sogar den Zeugeneid. Orient 3 (1842), p. 321-328

10017 Hildesheimer, Israel: Erwiederungen auf verschiedene, das Religionsgesetzliche oder die Tradition uberhaupt betreffende reformistische Gutachten. Der Israelit 3 (1862), p. 139, 147, 156, 162-165, 172-174, 354-357, 363-366, 396-397; 7 (1866), p. 415-417, 433-434, 449-450, 481-482, 508-510 = Uber die Zeugnisunfahigkeit (תודעל לוספ) der Ubertreter von Religionsgeboten, Gesamm. Aufsatze, Frankf.a.M. 1923, p. 36-81; Von der Bestandigkeit der םימכח תונקת, ib. p. 96-111

10018 Hoffmann, David: Die judisch-traditionelle Auffassung des Gesetzes uber falsche Zeugen. Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur 5 (1878), p. 1-14

10019 Horovitz, Jacob: Untersuchungen zur rabbinischen Lehre von den falschen Zeugen. Frankf.a.M. 1914, 14 + 90 p. |R: Guttmann, Michael, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 66, N.F. 30 (1922), p. 71-74

10020 Jaeger, H.: La preuve judiciaire d'apres la tradition rabbinique et patristique. Recueil de la Societe Jean Bodin 16 (1965), p. 415- 494

10021 Low, Leopold: Die moralische Zeugen- und Eidesfahigkeit. Forsch.d.wiss.-talm. Vereins, Beilage zu Ben Chananja 1866-67, p. 17-22 = Gesamm. Schrift., vol. 3, Szegedin 1893, p. 335-345. |R: Forsch.d.wiss.-talm.Vereins, ib., p. 17-22


10022 Meislin, Bernard J.: Refusal to testify as a protected first amendment religious right. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 219-221

10023 Schiffman, Laurence H.: The Qumran law of testimony. Revue de Qumran 8 (1972-75), p. 606-612

10024 Tonelis, Handl J.: Die Zulassigkeit zur Zeugenaussage und zur Eidesablegung nach mosaisch-rabbinischem Rechte. Wien 1866, 10 p. + 12 p. (in Hebrew: לארשיל תודע). |R: Low, Leopold: Die moralische Zeugen- und Eidesfahigkeit, Forsch.d.wiss.-talm.Vereins, Beilage zu Ben Chananja 1866-67, p. 17-22

10025 Tucker, Gene M.: Witnesses and 'dates' in Israelite contracts. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 28 (1966), p. 42-45

10026 Vliet, H. van: No single testimony: a study on the adoption of the law of Deuteronomy 19,15 par. into the New Testament. Utrecht 1958, 9 + 162 p.

10027 Volkwein, Bruno: Massoretisches 'Edut', 'Edwot', 'Edot'-'Zeugnis' oder 'Bundesbestimmungen'? Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 13 (1969), p. 18-40

10028 Ward, E.F. de: Superstition and judgment: archaic methods of finding a verdict. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 89 (1977), p. 1-19



(תואחסונ .םיצבק) תורטש



10029 Aptowitzer, Victor: Formularies of decrees and documents from a gaonic court. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 4 (1913-14), p. 23-51 (includes Hebrew text)

10030 Cohen, Boaz: Note sur la loi juive de divorce [יתרכ הריסמ ידע]. Revue des Etudes Juives 92 (1932), p. 151-162 (also publ. separ.)

10031 Cohen, Boaz: Note sur la signature des temoins au bas du guett. Revue des Etudes Juives 98 (1934), p. 58-65

10032 Cohn, Marcus: Mamrem. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 1350-1352 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 58

10033 Cowley, A. (ed.): Aramaic papyri of the fifth century. Oxford 1923; repr. Osnabruck 1967, 32 + 319 p.

10034 Daube, David: The form is the message. In: Ancient Jewish law; three inaugural lectures, Leiden 1981, p. 71-129. |R: Solomon, Norman, Jewish Journal of Sociology 24 (1982), p. 139-141

10035 Davidovitch, David: The Ketuba, Jewish marriage contracts through the ages. Tel Aviv 1968, 116 p.

10036 Davidovitch, David: Ketubot, Sivlonot and 'Marriage Stones'. Israel Yearbook (1974), p. 109-116

10037 Davis, Mayer David: תורטש, Hebrew deeds of English Jews before 1290. London 1888, 15 + 394 p.; repr. Farnborough 1969

10038 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Legal maxims. Jewish Encyclopedia 8, p. 383-384

10039 Falk, Zeev W.: The deeds of manumission of Elephantine. Journal of Jewish Studies 5 (1954), p. 114-117

10040 Fuchs, S.: Talmudische Rechtsurkunden. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 30 (1913), p. 269-317 = Mitteilungen des Seminars fur orientalische Sprachen Berlin 18 (1915)

10041 Golb, Norman: Legal documents from the Cairo Genizah. Jewish Social Studies 20 (1958), p. 17-46

10042 Gulak, Ascher: Das Urkundenwesen im Talmud, im Lichte der griechisch-agyptischen Papyri und des griechischen und romischen Rechts. Jerusalem 1935, 162 p.

10043 Juster, Jean: Contrats; du droit de propriete; esclaves. In: Les juifs dans l'Empire Romain, vol. 2, Paris 1914, p. 65-84

10044 Millas y Vallicrosa, Jose Maria: Contratos de judios y moriscos del reino de Navarra. Madrid 1933, 16 p. + 5 pl.

10045 Scheiber, Alexander; Hahn, S.: Two fragments from the Kitab al-Sahadat wa-l-Wata'iq of Saadia (תורטשה רפס) from the Kaufmann Geniza. Acta Orientalia (Hung.) 5 (1955), p. 231-247



םיצבק .תורטש יספוט

10046 Abrahams, Israel; Stokes, H.P.; Loewe, Herbert: Starrs and Jewish charters, preserved in the British Museum. 3 vols., Cambridge-London 1930-32, 36 + 510 p.

10047 Adler, Jacob Georg C.: תורטש ינוקת רדס, Sammlung von gerichtlichen-judischen Contracten, Rabbinisch und Deutsch. Hamburg 1773, 6 + 176 + 8 p.; 2nd ed., Altona 1792, 176 + 9 p.

10048 Blau, Ludwig: The rejection of ancient semitic formulae by Rabbis of the Talmud. 1. The marriage formula; 2. The renunciation; 3. Conventional fire. Jewish Forum 9 (1926), p. 358-361

10049 Friedman, Milton K.: Jewish marriage contracts in the Palestinian tradition. Pennsylvania 1969 (microfilm repr., Ann Arbor 1970), 52 + 445 p.

10050 Gaster, Moses: Die Ketubbah bei den Samaritanern. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 54, N.F. 18 (1910), p. 174-188, 289-304, 433-451, 571-587 = Studies and texts, London 1925-28, p. 139-204

10051 Gaster, Moses: The Ketubah. Berlin-London 1923, 54 p., 8 pl.

10052 Hammond, Philip C.: A divorce document from the Cairo Geniza. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 52 (1961-62), p. 131-153

10053 Hirschfeld, Hartwig: Some Judaeo-Arabic legal documents. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 16 (1925-26), p. 279-286. |R: Mann, Jacob, ib., N.S. 17 (1926-27), p. 83-85 = Collected articles, vol. 3, Gedera 1971, p. 474-476

10054 Lehmann, O.H.; Stern, S.M.: A legal certificate from Bar-Kochba's days. Vetus Testamentum 3 (1953), p. 391-396

10055 Milik, J.T.: Deux documents inedits du Desert de Juda:... (2) Acte de vente d'un terrain. (3) Acte de vente d'une maison, date de 134 ap. J.C. Biblica 38 (1957), p. 255-268. |R: Yaron, Reuben, Note on a Judean deed of sale of a field, Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 150 (1958), p. 26-28

10056 Millas y Vallicrosa, Jose Maria: Documentos hebraicos del Archivo del Pilar, de Zaragoza. Madrid 1930, 16 + 3 p.

10057 Millas y Vallicrosa, Jose Maria: Documentos hebraicos de Jueus Catalans. Barcelona 1930, 34 p. + 33 plates = Institut d'Estudios Catalans, Seccio historico-arqueologica, Memories, vol. 1,3, p. 63-167

10058 Muffs, Yochanan: Studies in the Aramaic legal papyri from Elephantine. Leiden 1969, 11 + 311 p. |R: Yaron, Reuven, 4 (1969), p. 588-591

10059 Neubauer, Adolf; Kaufmann, David: Shtars in Merton College, Oxford. Jewish Quarterly Review 2 (1890), p. 527-530; 3 (1891), p. 157-158

10060 Piatelli, Daniela: Alcune osservazioni su Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum 144. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 18 (1967), p. 121-124

10061 Porten, Bezalel: The restoration of fragmentary Aramaic marriage contracts. Jubilee vol. Gratz College, 1971, p. 243-261

10062 Pritsch, Erich: Judische Rechtsurkunden aus Aegypten. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 27 (1912), p. 7-70

10063 Roth, Cecil: Oxford Starrs. Oxoniensia 22 (1957), p. 63-77

10064 Schechter, Solomon: Geniza specimens: a marriage settlement. Jewish Quarterly Review 13 (1901), p. 218-221


10065 Vida, G. Levi della: A marriage contract on parchment from Fatimite Egypt. Eretz Israel 7 (1964), p. 64-69

10066 Volterra, Edoardo: Intorno a Ap. 13 Lin. 17-18. Jubilee vol. Tisserant, vol. 1 (1964), p. 443-448

10067 Weiss, Gershon: Legal documents written by the court clerk Halfon ben Manasse (1100-1138). A study in the diplomatics of the Cairo Geniza. Univ. of Pennsylvania 1970, 49 + 435 p.

10068 Weiss, Gershon: Financial arrangements for a widow in a Cairo Geniza document. Jubilee vol. Gratz College, 1971, p. 275-283

10069 Weiss, Gershon: Mortgage procedures and interest rates as reflected in the Cairo Geniza documents of the first quarter of the twelfth century. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 1 (1972), p. 64-79

10070 Weiss, Gershon: Formularies (Shetarot) reconstructed from the Cairo Geniza. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 2 (1973), p. 29-42; 3 (1974), p. 63-76; 4 (1975), p. 69-76

10071 Weiss, Gershon: A testimony from the Cairo Geniza documents: son-in-law - mother-in-law relations. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 68 (1977-78), p. 99-103

10072 Yaron, Reuven: Aramaic marriage contracts from Elephantine. Journal of Semitic Studies 3 (1958), p. 1-39


תואחסונ .םיחנומ

10073 Blau, Ludwig: Bekampfung altorientalischer Rechtsformeln durch die Rabbinen des Talmuds. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 69, N.F. 33 (1925), p. 139-144. |R: Hildesheimer, E.E.: Altjudisches und talmudisches Recht. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 12 (1925), p. 408-412

10074 Epstein, Jacob Nahum: Notizen zu den judisch-aramaischen Papyri von Assuan. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 6 (1908), p. 359-373

10075 Fischer, Leopold: Glossen zu den judisch-aramaischen Papyri von Assuan. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 8 (1910), p. 371-377

10076 Fischer, Leopold: Die Urkunden im Talmud. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 9 (1911), p. 45-197; 13 (1920), p. 1-54; 19 (19-28), p. 113-194; 20 (1929), p. 71-97; also publ. separ. |R: Guttmann, Michael, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 75, N.F. 39 (1931), p. 264-266

10077 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: The minimum Mohar payment as reflected in the Geniza documents: marriage gift or endowment pledge. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 43 (1976), p. 15-47

10078 Koffmahn, Elisabeth: Die 'Restitutionsklausel' in den aramaischen Vertragsurkunden von Murabba'at. Revue de Qumran 4 (1963-64), p. 421-427

10079 Koffmahn, Elisabeth: Zur Datierung der aramaisch-hebraischen Vertragsurkunden von Murabba'at. Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunde des Morgenlandes 59-60 (1963-64), p. 119-136

10080 Koffmahn, Elisabeth: Die Doppelurkunden aus der Wuste Juda. Leiden 1968, 8 + 208 + 10 p.

10081 Kohler, Josef: Spatbabylonische Urkunden. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 35 (1918), p. 446-459

10082 Levine, Baruch A.: On the origins of the Aramaic legal formulary at Elephantine. Jubilee vol. Smith, vol. 4, 1975, p. 37-54


10083 Loeb, Isidore: Actes de vente hebreux originaires d'Espagne. Revue des Etudes Juives 10 (1885), p. 108-122

10084 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Marriage contracts in ancient Egypt in the light of Jewish sources. Harvard Theological Review 46 (1953), p. 91-97 = Jewish law, N.Y. 1956, p. 39-47

10085 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: A legal formula in the Susa tablets, in the Egyptian documents of the 12th dynasty... and in the Book of Daniel. Biblica 36 (1955), p. 74-77

10086 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: A biblical parallel to a legal formula from Ugarit. Vetus Testamentum 8 (1958), p. 95

10087 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Grecisms and Greek terms in the Aramaic Papyri. Biblica 39 (1958), p. 77-82

10088 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Neo-Babylonian legal documents and Jewish law. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 13 (1961), p. 131-175

10089 Shapiro, Judith A.: Shetar's effect on English law - a law of the Jews became the law of the land. Georgetown Law Journal 71 (1982-83), p. 1179-1200

10090 Stern, Samuel Miklos: Shetar Abezarih. Journal of Jewish Studies 15 (1964), p. 141-147

10091 Tucker, Gene M.: Covenant forms and contract forms. Vetus Testamentum 15 (1965), p. 487-503

10092 Tucker, Gene M.: Witnesses and 'dates' in Israelite contracts. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 28 (1966), p. 42-45

10093 Volterra, Edoardo: Sulla redazione dei contratti nell' antico diritto ebraico. Jubilee vol. Ruiz, 1964, p. 1190-1197

10094 Yaron, Reuven: The schema of the Aramaic legal documents. Journal of Semitic Studies 2 (1957), p. 33-61

10095 Yaron, Reuven: Dispositions in contemplation of death: some formulas. Scripta Hierosolymitana 5 (1958), p. 245-259

10096 Yaron, Reuven: Notes on Aramaic papyri. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 5 (1958), p. 299-310




שנועה תרות .יללכ

10097 Alt, Albrecht: Zur Talionsformel. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 52 (1934), p. 303-305 = Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte des Volkes Israel, 1, Munchen 1959, p. 341-344 = Prinzip der Vergeltung, ed. Klaus Koch, Darmstadt 1972, p. 407-411

10098 Amram, David Werner: Retaliation and compensation. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 2 (1911-12), p. 191-211 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence, 2 (1972)

10099 Aptowitzer, Victor: Observations on the criminal law of the Jews. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 15 (1924-25), p. 55-118

10100 Bazak, Ya'akov: Maimonides' views on crime and punishment. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 121-126

10101 Beaucamp, E.: La peche dans l'Ancien Testament. Jubilee vol. Ottaviani, 1972, p. 299-334

10102 Bennett, William Henry: Crimes and punishments (Hebrew). Hastings 4, p. 280-283

10103 Benny, Philip Berger: The criminal code of the Jews according to the Talmud, Massecheth Synhedrin. London 1880, 10 + 133 p.

10104 Blau, Joel; Levy, Felix A.: Lex Talionis. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 26 (1916), p. 336-375

10105 Blau, Ludwig: Ordeal. Jewish Encyclopedia 9, p. 427-428

10106 Blau, Ludwig: Die Strafklauseln der griechischen Papyrusurkunden, beleuchtet durch die aramaischen Papyri und durch den Talmud. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 63, N.F. 27 (1919), p. 138-155

10107 Bloch, Moses: Das mosaisch-talmudische Strafgerichtsverfahren. Jahresbericht, Landesrabbinerschule Budapest 1900-01, 71 p. |R: Kronberg, N., Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 46, N.F. 10 (1902), p. 381-388; Wohlgemuth, Jos., Zeitschrift fur Hebraeische Bibliographie (Steinschneider) 6 (1902), p. 131-132

10108 Brauner, Ronald A.: Some aspects of offence and penalty in the Bible and the literature of the ancient Near East. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 3 (1974), p. 9-18

10109 Buchler, Adolf: Studies in sin and atonement in the rabbinic literature of the first century, with prefat. note by the Chief Rabbi (J.H. Hertz). London 1928, 15 + 461 p. |R: Weill, Lucien, Revue des Etudes Juives 86 (1928) p. 220-222

10110 Buss, Martin J.: The distribution between civil and criminal law in ancient Israel. Proc., 6th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1973), vol. 1, p. 51-62

10111 Carmichael, Calum M.: Biblical laws of talion. Hebrew Annual Review 9 (1985), p. 107-126 = Oxford Centre Papers 1986, p. 21-39

10112 Cohn, Haim H.: Divine punishment. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 120-122 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 522-524

10113 Cohn, Haim H.: Ordeal. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 1448-1449 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 524-525

10114 Cohn, Haim H.: Penal law. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 222-228 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 469-475

10115 Cohn, Haim H.; Levitats, Isaac: Punishment. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 1386-1390; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 520-522

10116 Cohn, Haim H.: Talion. Encyclopedia Judaica 15, p. 741-742 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 525-526


10117 Cohn, Haim H.: On retaliatory punishments. Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jewish Law, p. II,1-II,2

10118 Cohn, Haim H.: The penology of the Talmud. Israel Law Review 5 (1970), p. 53-74 = Jewish law in ancient and modern Israel, ed. H.H. Cohn, N.Y. 1971, p. 61-82 = Jewish Spectator 36,2 (1971), p. 8-13 (abridged)

10119 Cohn, Marcus: Strafrecht, Judisches. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 736-742 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 160-163

10120 Crusemann, Frank: 'Auge um Auge'.. (Ex. 21,24f); zum sozialgeschichtlichen Sinn des Taliongesetzes im Bundesbuch. Evanglische Theologie 47 (1987), p. 411-426

10121 Daube, David: Lex Talionis. In: Studies in biblical law, Cambridge 1947, p. 102-153

10122 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Crime. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 357-359

10123 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Retaliation, or Lex Talionis. Jewish Encyclopedia 10, p. 385-386

10124 Denham, Joshua Fred.: Punishments. Kitto 3, p. 615-618

10125 Diamond, A.S.: 'An eye for an eye'. Iraq 19 (1957), p. 151-155

10126 Drai, Raphael: Oeil pour oeil; le mythe de la loi du talion. Paris 1986, 188 p.

1012Duschak, Moritz: Zu dem mosaisch-talmudischen Strafrechte. Forsch.d.wiss.-talm.Vereins, Beilage zu Ben Chananja 1866-67, p. 315-316

10128 Duschak, Moritz: Das mosaisch-talmudische Strafrecht. Wien 1869, 15 + 95 p.

10129 Dykan, P.: Nulla poena sine lege. Papers, 4th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1967), 1, p. 268

10130 Falk, Zeev W.: Legal archaeology: trial by battle, adoption, form of contract. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 17 (1966), p. 167-173

10131 Fassel, Hirsch B.: וליצהו וטפשו Das mosaisch-rabbinische Strafgesetz und strafrechtliche Gerichtsverfahren. Gross-Kanizsa 1870, 7 + 13 + 137 p.

10132 Fensham, F. Charles: Transgression and penalty in the Book of the Covenant. Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 5 (1977), p. 23-41.

10133 Finkelstein, Louis: An eye for an eye. Men.J. 24 (1936), p. 207-218

10134 Forster, Gerhard: Das mosaische Strafrecht in seiner geschichtlichen Entwicklung. Dissertation Leipzig 1900, 91 p.

10135 Frazer, James George: Folk-Lore in the Old Testament. Vol. 3, London 1919; p. 93-110: The place of the law in Jewish history; p. 304-306: The ordeal of the bitter water in Israel. |R: Smith, Henry Preserved, Harvard Theological Review 17 (1924), p. 63-82

10136 Friedman, Richard Elliot: Deception for deception. Bible Review 2,1 (1986), p. 22-31, 68*

10137 Frymer-Kensky, Tikva: Tit for Tat: the principle of equal retribution in Near Eastern and biblical law. Biblical Archaeologist 43 (1980), p. 230-234

10138 Fuchs, Samuel: Hammurabi... Parallels with Mosaic Code; the 'Lex Talionis'; mode of composition; superiority of Mosaic Code. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 198-200

10139 Funk, Salomon: Das Grundprincip des biblischen Strafrechts nach Maimonides und Hofrat Muller. Berlin 1904, 8 p.

10140 Gemser, Berend: Het object van het zedelijk ordeel in het Oude Testament. Homiletica en Biblica 20 (1961), p. 2-9, 35-39 = The object of moral judgment in the Old Testament. In: Adhuc coquitur, collected essays of B. Gemser, Leiden 1968, p. 78-95

10141 Gmelin, Christian Gottlieb: Abhandlung von den besonderen Rechten der Juden in peinlichen Sachen. Tubingen 1785, 114 p.

10142 Goitein, E.: Das Vergeltungsprinzip im biblischen und talmudischen Strafrecht. Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur 19 (1892), p. 1-32, 188-204; 20 (1893), p. 33-49, 83-104 (also printed separ.)


10143 Goldberg, Louis B.: An eye for an eye. Case and Comment 38 (1932), p. 2-5, 24*

10144 Goldmann, Felix: Ideal- und Gesetzeskonkurrenz im judischen Recht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 22 (1909), p. 32-64

10145 Greenberg, Moshe: Crimes and punishments. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 733-742

10146 Greenberg, Moshe: Some postulates of biblical criminal law. Jubilee vol. Y. Kaufman, 1960, p. 5-28 = The Jewish expression, ed. Judah Goldin, N.Y. 1970, p. 18-37; repr. New Haven-London 1976. |R: Jackson, Bernard S.: Reflections on biblical criminal law, Journal of Jewish Studies 24 (1973), p. 8-38

10147 Greenstone, Julius H.: Elder, rebellious (ארממ ןקז). Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 92-93

10148 Gronemann, Sammy: Abschnitte aus dem talmudischen Strafrecht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 13 (1899), p. 415-450

10149 Gross, Joseph: Trial by ordeal in ancient Hebrew law. Detroit Law Review 7 (1937-38), p. 78-102

10150 Gut, Simon: Die Religionsverbrechen nach judischem Recht. Nachalath Z'wi 4 (1933-34), p. 270-280; 5 (1934-35), p. 49-57, 115-137, 214-222, 277-284; 6 (1935-36), p. 188-191 = Frankf.a.M. 1935, 20 + 79 p.

10151 Guttmann, Michael: Maimonides uber das biblische 'Jus Talionis'. Budapest 1937, 14 p.

10152 Harris, John S.: Lex Talionis and the Jewish law of mercy. London n.d., 16 p.

10153 Hirsch, Frank E.: Crime, crimes. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 2, p. 745-748

10154 Hirsch, Frank E.: Punishments. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 4, p. 2504-2506

10155 Horovitz, Jacob: Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn. Jubilee vol. Cohen, 1912, p. 609-658

10156 Horovitz, Jacob: Zur rabbinischen Deutung von Deuteronomium 25,12. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 10 (1912), p. 34-48

10157 Jackson, Bernard S.: Reflections on biblical criminal law. Journal of Jewish Studies 24 (1973), p. 8-38 = Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 25-63

10158 Jackson, Bernard S.: The problem of Exodus 21,22-25 (Ius Talionis). Vetus Testamentum 23 (1973), p. 273-304 = Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 75-107

10159 Jacob, Benno: Auge um Auge. Untersuchungen zum Alten und Neuen Testament. Berlin 1929, 6 + 144 p. |R: Goldmann, Felix, Central Verein Zeitung 9 (1930), p. 42-43

10160 Jungling, Hans-Winfeld: 'Auge fur Auge, Zahn fur Zahn': Bemerkungen zu Sinn und Geltung der alttestamentlichen Talionsformeln. Theologie und Philosophie 59 (1984), p. 1-38

10161 Kaatz, Saul: Maimonides und das Talionsprinzip. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 13 (1926), p. 43-50

10162 Kalthoff, Joh. Heinr.: Strafrecht. In: Handbuch der hebraischen Alterthumer, Munster 1840, p. 325-348

10163 Katz, Simcha: Die Strafe im talmudischen Recht. Berlin 1936, 127 p. |R: 300 'מע ,(וצרת) ה ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד;
Higger, Michael, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 28 (1937-38), p. 349-351

10164 Kirschner, Bruno: Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 571-572

10165 Koch, Klaus: Gibt es ein Vergeltungsprinzip im Alten Testament? Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche 52 (1955), p. 1-42


10166 Koch, Klaus: Um das Prinzip der Vergeltung in Religion und Recht des Alten Testaments. Darmstadt 1972, 14 + 458 p.
|R: 254-253 'מע ,(1974) 5 לארשי יניד ,באז ,קלפ

10167 Lefevre, A.: Une ordalie en milieu biblique. Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement 6, p. 803-806

10168 Lesetre, Henri: Penalites. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 31-33

10169 Lesetre, Henri: Talion. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 1975-1976

10170 Lieberman, Saul: On sins and their punishment. With appendix: Shaving of the hair and uncovering of the face among Jewish women. In: Texts and studies, N.Y. 1974, p. 29-56

10171 Lillie, W.: Towards a biblical doctrine of punishment. Scottish Journal of Theology 21 (1968), p. 449-461

10172 Loewe, Herbert: Crimes and punishments (Jewish). Hastings 4, p. 288-290

10173 Loewenstamm, Samuel E.: Exodus XXI, 22-25. Vetus Testamentum 27 (1979), p. 352-360

10174 May, Herbert G.: Individual responsibility and retribution. Hebrew Union College Annual 32 (1961), p. 107-120

10175 May, Max: Jewish criminal law and legal procedure. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 31 (1940-41), p. 438-447

10176 Mayer, Rudolf: Sunde und Gericht in der Bildersprache der vorexilischen Prophetie. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 8 (1964), p. 22-44

10177 McCarter, P. Kyle: The river ordeal in Israelite literature. Harvard Theological Review 66 (1973), p. 403-412

10178 McKane, W.: Poison, trial by ordeal and the cup of wrath. Vetus Testamentum 30 (1980), p. 474-492

10179 Melinek, A.: The doctrine of reward and punishment in biblical and early rabbinical writings. Jubilee vol. Brodie, 1967, p. 275-290

10180 Mendelsohn, S.: Confiscation and forfeiture. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 220-221

10181 Mendelsohn, S.: The criminal jurisprudence of the ancient Hebrews. Baltimore 1891, 8 + 270 p.; new ed., N.Y. 1968. |R: Kohut, Alexander, Jewish Quarterly Review 4 (1891-92), p. 678-681;
259 'מע ,(1972) 3 לארשי יניד ,באז ,קלפ

10182 Mikliszanski, J.K.: The law of retaliation and the Pentateuch. Journal of Biblical Literature 66 (1947), p. 295-303

10183 Morgenstern, Julian: Trial by ordeal among the Semites and in ancient Israel. Jubilee vol. Hebrew Union College Annual (1875-1925), 1925, p. 113-143

10184 Norden, Joseph: 'Auge um Auge - Zahn um Zahn'. Berlin 1926, 24 p.

10185 Novak, David: Violence in our society: some Jewish insights. N.Y. 1983, 6 + 37 p.

10186 Pergola, Ubaldo: La legge biblica del taglione, suo significato e valore. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 16 (1950), p. 310-324

10187 Pfeiffer, August: De poenis Judaeorum forensibus. In: Antiquitates Ebraicae selectae, Leipzig 1692, p. 10-50

10188 Phillips, Anthony: Ancient Israel's criminal law. Oxford 1970, 8 + 218 p. |R: Greenberg, Moshe, Journal of Biblical Literature 91 (1972), p. 535-538

10189 Poucher, J.: Crimes and punishments. Hastings Dict. 1, p. 520-527

10190 Preiser, Wolfgang: Vergeltung und Suhne im altisraelitischen Strafrecht. Jubilee vol. Schmidt, 1961, p. 7-38 = Um das Prinzip der Vergeltung in Religion und Recht des Alten Testaments, ed. Klaus Koch, Darmstadt 1972, p. 236-277

10191 Press, Richard: Das Ordal im alten Israel. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 51 (1933), p. 121-140, 227-255

10192 Prevost, Marcel-Henri: A propos du talion. Memorial vol. Teneur, Lille 1977*


10193 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Denunziation. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 80-81

10194 Rappaport, Solomon: Le chatiment des enfants pour les fautes des parents dans l'exegese et l'ideologie rabbiniques. Revue des Etudes Juives 94 (1933), p. 29-49

10195 Riehm, Eduard: Korperverletzung (jus talionis). Riehm 1, p. 863-864

10196 Riehm, Eduard: Strafrecht. Riehm 2, p. 1591-1596

10197 Rosenthal: Die Lehren von der 'Vergeltung' und vom 'Nichtwiderstehen'. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 16 (1929), p. 54-64

10198 Rosenthal, J.A.: Etwas uber das talmudische Strafrecht. Israel Monatsschrift/Monatshefte No. 3-7 (?)*

10199 Roskoff: Strafen. Schenkel 5, p. 420-423

10200 Schachter, Joseph: Amalek; a study of the rabbinic model of ultimate criminality. Jerusalem 1977, 79 p.

10201 Schwab, Isaac: On transmission and imputation of guilt to posterity. Hebrew Review Cincinnati 2 (1881-82), p. 191-207

10202 Schwab, Isaac: Original sin (peccatum originis, or peccatum originale). Hebrew Review Cincinnati 2 (1881-82), p. 240-271

10203 Schwartz, Helene E.: Justice by the book: aspects of Jewish and American criminal law. N.Y. 1976, 107 p.

10204 Selbie, J.A.: Ordeal (Hebrew). Hastings 9, p. 521

10205 Siegfried, C.: Strafen, Strafrecht. Guthe, p. 643-644

10206 Skweres, Dieter Eduard: Das Motiv der Strafgrunderfragung in biblischen und neuassyrischen Texten. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 14 (1970), p. 181-197

10207 Spector, Theodore: Some fundamental concepts of Hebrew criminal jurisprudence. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science 15 (1924-25), p. 317-322

10208 Stobbe, Otto: Die Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittelalters. Braunschweig 1866; repr. Amsterdam 1968; p. 140-148: Gemeinde- und Gerichtsverhaltnisse; p. 148-159: Der Beweis und der Eid der Juden; p. 159-162: Strafrechtliches

10209 Vargha, Julius: Die Vertheidigung in Strafsachen. Wien 1879, 32 + 883 p.; p. 3-16: Juden

10210 Vargha, Julius: Defense in criminal cases with the ancient Hebrews. Hebrew Review Cincinnati 1 (1880), p. 254-268

10211 Verdam, P.J.: 'On ne fera point mourir les enfants pour les peres' en droit biblique. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite 3 (1949), p. 393-416

10212 Vries, S.J. de: Sin, sinners. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 4, p. 361-370

10213 Weismann, Jakob: Talion und offentliche Strafe im mosaischen Rechte. Jubilee vol. Wach, vol. 1, 1913, p. 1-12, 22-56, 64-100 = Um das Prinzip der Vergeltung in Religion und Recht des Alten Testaments, ed. Klaus Koch, Darmstadt 1972, p. 325-406

10214 Wessely, Wolfgang: Strafrecht. n.p. 1870*

10215 Westbrook, Raymond: Lex Talionis and Exodus 21, 22-25. Revue Biblique 93 (1986), p. 52-69

10216 Wiener, Harold Marcus: The biblical doctrine of joint, hereditary and individual responsibility. In: Early Hebrew history, London 1924, p. 79-109

10217 Winer, G.B.: Strafen. Winer 2, p. 536-538

10218 Wittichen, (Karl): Rache. Schenkel 5, p. 31-34

10219 Wohlgemuth, Joseph: Das judische Strafrecht und die positive Strafrechtsschule. Jubilee vol. Berliner, 1903, p. 364-376


10220 Zentgraff, Joh. Joachim (praes.); Germann, Joh. Daniel (resp.): De legibus ebraeorum forensibus. Argentorati (Strasbourg) 1692, 24 p.

10221 Zepper, Wilhelm: Legum Mosaicarum forensium explanatio. 2nd ed., Hubornae Nassoviorum (Herborn) 1614, 57 + 821 p.

10222 Zingg, Ernst: Das Strafrecht nach den Gesetzen Moses. Judaica 17 (1961), p. 106-119



הווהבו רבעב תוומ ןיד .הזה ןמזב ןישנוע

10223 Amram, David Werner: Capital punishment. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 277-278

10224 Bailey, Lloyd R.: Capital punishment; what the Bible says. Nashville 1987, 112 p.

10225 Bleich, J. David: Capital punishment in the Noachide code. In: Jewish law in our time, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Denver 1982, p. 109-139

10226 Blidstein, Gerald J.: Capital punishment - the classic Jewish discussion. Judaism 14 (1965), p. 159-171 = Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 310-325

10227 Block, Richard A.: 'Death, thou shalt die': Reform Judaism and capital punishment. Journal of Reform Judaism 30,2 (1983), p. 1-10

10228 Bokser, Ben Zion: Capital punishment. Conservative Judaism 15,3 (1961), p. 32-33

10229 Buchsel, Friedrich: Die Blutgerichtsbarkeit des Synedrions. Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 30 (1931), p. 202-210; 33 (1934), p. 84-87. |: Lietzmann, Hans: Bemerkungen zum Prozess Jesu, ib. 31 (1932), p. 78-84

10230 Cohn, Haim H.; Rabinowitz, Louis I.: Capital punishment. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 142-147; partly repr. in Principles of Jewish law, p. 526-530

10231 Cohn, Haim H.: Extraordinary remedies. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 1071-1074 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 550-554

10232 Cohn, Marcus: Todesstrafe. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 965-968 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 163-165

10233 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Muerte, pena de. Vol. 8, p. 15-16

10234 Freedman, H.: Capital punishment in Halachah. Bridge (Sidney) 3,2 (1967), p. 4-10

10235 Glanz, Rudolf: The 'Jewish Execution' in Medieval Germany. Jewish Social Studies 5 (1943), p. 1-26. |: Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: A note on the 'Jewish Execution', ib., p. 305-308

10236 Gloege, Gerhard: Die Todesstrafe als theologisches Problem. Koln 1966, 105 p.

10237 Good, Edwin M.: Capital punishment and its alternatives in ancient Near Eastern law. Stanford Law Review 19 (1966-67), p. 947-977

10238 Gordon, Hirsch Loeb: Cenni di diritto e di procedura penale ebraica ed in particolar modo l'omicidio nel diritto penale ebraico. Citta di Castello 1935, 18 p.

10239 Hengel, Martin: Crucification in the ancient world. Philadelphia 1977, 12 + 99 p.

10240 Herring, Basil F.: Capital punishment. In: Jewish ethics and Halakhah for our time: Sources and commentary, N.Y. 1984, p. 149-173

10241 Holzmeister, U.: Zur Frage der Blutgerichtsbarkeit des Synedriums. Biblica 19 (1938), p. 43-59, 151-174


10242 Kazis, Israel: Judaism and the death penalty. In: Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 326-329

10243 Kohler, Kaufmann: Die Bibel und die Todesstrafe. Leipzig 1868, 7 + 47 p.

10244 Kramer, Meyer: Jewish view on capital punishment. Jewish Heritage (Spring 1963), p. 32-34

10245 Meiselman, Moshe: Capital punishment in Jewish law. Gesher 8 (1981), p. 23-35

10246 Mendelsohn, S.: Capital punishment. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 554-558

10247 Michaelis, Christ. Bened. (praes.); Vetter, Joh. Fried. (resp.): Dissertatione inaugurali de poenis capitalibus in S. Scriptura commemoratis. Halle-Magdeburg 1730, 6 + 40 p.

10248 Remy, P.: Peine de mort et vengeance dans la Bible. Sciences Ecclesiastiques 19 (1967), p. 323-350

10249 Revel, Hirschel: Capital punishment. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 25-27

10250 Riehm, Eduard: Todesstrafen. Riehm 2, p. 1702-1704

10251 Ring, F.S.: De lapidatione Hebraeorum. Frankfurt 1716*

10252 Saera, Rafael Vincent: La Halaka de DT 21,22-23 y su interpretacion en Qumran y en JN 19, 31-42. Memorial vol. Macho, 1986, p. 699-709

10253 Schulz, Hermann: Das Todesrecht im Alten Testament. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Alttestanentiche Wissenschaft 114 (1969), 7 + 208 p. |R: Childs, Brevard S., Journal of Biblical Literature 90 (1971), p. 214-215

10254 Sen, Felipe: La pena de muerte en la epoca de los Macabeos. Cultura Biblica 29 (1972), p. 352-354

10255 Sola Pool, David de: Capital punishment among the Jews. In: Jewish eugenics and other essays, N.Y. 1916, p. 50-103

10256 Thonissen, J.J.: La peine de mort dans le Talmud. Bruxelles 1866, 77 p.

10257 Vogelstein, Hermann: Uber die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe vom mosaisch-talmudischen Standpunkte. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 17 (1868), p. 87-97

10258 Wachter, Oscar; Moser, Leop.: Mord und Todesstrafe nach dem Alten Testament. Stuttgart 1865, 24 p.

10259 Wagner, Volker: Umfang und Inhalt der Mot-Jumat-Reihe. Orientalische Literaturzeitung 63 (1968), p. 325-328

10260 Winer, G.B.: Lebensstrafen. Winer 2, p. 11-13


םיללכ תונורקע


סנואו ןוצר ,הנווכ .תילילפ הבשחמ

10261 Cohn, Haim H.: The 'defense of legality' in talmudic law. Hebrew Union College Annual 58 (1987), p. 251-276

10262 Cohn, Marcus: Fahrlassigkeit (הגגש). Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 576-578 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 147-148

10263 Cohn, Marcus: Irrtum. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 30-33 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 23-25

10264 Cohn, Marcus: Oness. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 572-575 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 27-29

10265 Cohn, Marcus: Vorsatz (דיזמ). Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 1250-1252 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 166-167


10266 Daube, David: Error and accident in the Bible. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite 2 (1949), p. 189-213

10267 Daube, David: Error and ignorance as excuses in crime. In: Ancient Jewish law; three inaugural lectures, Leiden 1981, p. 49-70. |R: Solomon, Norman, Jewish Journal of Sociology 24 (1982), p. 139-141

10268 Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard: The human will in Judaism; The Mishnah's philosophy of intention. Atlanta 1986, 14 + 250 p.

10269 Encyclopedia Talmudica: One who thinks the forbidden permitted רתומ רמוא. Vol. 1, p. 394-402

10270 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Duress סנוא. Vol. 1, p. 435-452

10271 Enker, Arnold: Duress as a defence to murder. Memorivol. Lookstein 1980, p. 111-117

10272 Fensham, F. Charles: Liability in case of negligence in the Old Testament Covenant Code and ancient legal traditions. Acta Juridica (1976), p. 283-294

10273 Greenstone, Julius H.: Ignorance of the law. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 558-559

10274 Greenstone, Julius H.: Intention. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 610

10275 Jackson, Bernard S.: Liability for mere intention in early Jewish law. Hebrew Union College Annual 42 (1971), p. 197-225 = Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 202-234

10276 Kornfeld, Hermann: Verbrechen und Geistesstorung im Lichte der altbiblischen Tradition. Halle 1904, 36 p.

10277 Shilo, Shmuel: Ones אנס. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 1397-1402 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 178-183

10278 Spero, Moshe Halevi: The halakhic state of neurotically motivated religious act. Journal of Psychology and Judaism 4 (1980), p. 185-188

10279 Stein, Salomon: Die Behandlung des Problems der Notluge im Talmud. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 5 (1907), p. 206-224

10280 Zeitlin, Solomon: Studies in tannaitic jurisprudence. Intention as a legal principle. Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy 1 (1919), p. 297-311; repr. 1969 = Studies in the early history of Judaism, vol. 4: History of early talmudic law, N.Y. 1978, p. 57-71

10281 Zeitlin, Solomon: A note on the principle of intention in tannaitic literature. Jubilee vol. Marx, 1950, p. 631-636 = Studies in the early history of Judaism, vol. 4: History of early talmudic law, N.Y. 1978, p. 86-91

10282 Zuckermandel, Moses Samuel: Uber Beurtheilung von Zweck und Absicht bei Ubertretung religioser Verbote nach dem Talmud
ןווכתמ וניאש רבד ,הפוגל הכירצ הניאש הכאלמ ,קסעתמ. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 20 (1871), p. 542-546; 21 (1872), p. 37-43, 76-87, 155-160


ףדור .תימצע הנגה

10283 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Denunziation. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 5, p. 934-937

10284 Bleich, J. David: Terror must be condemned, not condoned. Sh'ma 14 (1983-84), p. 121-124

10285 Cohen, Boaz: Self-help in Jewish and Roman law. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 2 (1955), p. 107-133 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 624-650


10286 Cohen, Heinrich: Das judische Notrecht. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 9 (1922), p. 272-299

10287 Cohn, Haim H.: Extraordinary remedies. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 1071-1074 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 590-554

10288 Cohn, Haim H.: Informer. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 1370-1374 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 507-510

10289 Cohn, Marcus: Notwehr. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 527-529 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 156-157

10290 Finkelman, Marilyn: Self-defence and defence of others in Jewish law: The Rodef defence. Wayne Law Review 33 (1987), p. 1257-1287

10291 Frimer, Dov: The right of self-defence and abortion. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 195-216

10292 Katz, Moise: The halakhic definition of aggression. Intercom 10,1 (1968), p. 20-21

10293 Kaufmann, David: Jewish informers in the Middle Ages. Jewish Quarterly Review 8 (1896), p. 217-238; |: Halberstam, S.J., ib., p. 527-528; Kaufmann, David: Zur Geschichte des Delatorenwesens und der Kriminaljustiz unter den Juden im Mittelalter, Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums 61 (1897), p. 403-404, 414-416

10294 Neufeld, Edward: Self-help in ancient Hebrew law. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 5 (1958), p. 291-298

10295 Vishny, Paul H.: The informer as a defendant in Jewish criminal procedure. Jubilee vol. Waxman, 1966, p. 122-136 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 231-245

10296 Vogelstein, Hermann: Notwehr nach mosaisch-talmudischem Recht. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 48, N.F. 12 (1904), p. 513-553



10297 Cohn, Marcus: Versuch. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 1201 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 166

10298 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Prohibition הרהזא. Vol. 1, p. 517-523

10299 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Transgressors may not be abetted
הריבע ירבוע ידי (ןיקזחמ :וא) ןיקיזחמ ןיא. Vol. 2, p. 65-69

10300 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Punishment may not be imposed by means of exegetical derivation ןידה ןמ ןישנוע ןיא. Vol. 2, p. 111-118

10301 Encyclopedia Talmudica: There can be no agent for a delict
הריבע רבדל חילש ןיא. Vol. 2, p. 154-165

10302 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: A cog in the wheel: the defence of 'obedience to superior orders' in Jewish law. Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 4 (1974), p. 168-193

10303 Mendelsohn, S.: Abetment. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 54-55

10304 Mendelsohn, S.: Hatra'ah. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 260

10305 Wurzburger, Walter S.: Cooperation with non-orthodox Jews. Tradition 22,2 (1986), p. 33-40






10306 Berger, B.: Criminal code of the Jews. n.p. 1880*

10307 Braver, J.: Criminal law according to the Hebrew code. Kansas City Law Review 2 (1934), p. 104-107*

10308 Brin, Joseph G.: Mosaic law in an ideal state. Law Society Journal (Boston) 6 (1934), p. 73-76*

10309 Cazelles, Henri: La transgression de la Loi en tant que crime et delit. Jubilee vol. Ottaviani, 1972, p. 521-528

10310 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Traspaso. Vol. 10, p. 297

10311 Harari, Abraham: Desuetude. Journal of Jewish Studies 25 (1974), p. 101-113

10312 Steinberg, Isaak: Die Lehre vom Verbrechen im Talmud. Dissertation Stuttgart 1910, 6 + 134 p.

10313 Steinberg, Isaak: Rechtswidrigkeit und Schuld im Strafrecht des Talmud. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 25 (1910-11), p. 140-197 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 153-210


הגירהו חצר


10314 Amram, David Werner: The murder of Abel. Green Bag 13 (1901), p. 592-594

10315 Christ, Hieronymus: Blutvergiessen im Alten Testament: Der gewaltsame Tod des Menschen untersucht am hebraischen Wort Dam. Basel 1977, 236 p. |R: McEvenue, Sean E., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 40 (1978), p. 89

10316 Cohn, Haim H.: Homicide. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 944-946 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 475-478

10317 Cohn, Marcus: Elternmord. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 382 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 147

10318 Flusser, D.: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder'. Textus 4 (1964), p. 220 ff*

10319 Genauer, Marvin: The treatment of homicide in the Talmud. Dissertation Seattle, Wash. 1970, 2 + 160 p.

10320 Golka, Friedemann H.: Keine Gnade fur Kain (Genesis 4, 1-16). Jubilee vol. Westermann, 1980, p. 58-73

10321 Greenberg, Moshe: Bloodguilt. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 449

10322 Hirsch, Frank E.: Assassination. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 1, p. 288

10323 Hirsch, Frank E.: Murder. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 3, p. 2049

10324 Lagrange, M.J.: L'homicide d'apres le Code de Hammourabi et d'apres la Bible. Revue Biblique 25 (1916), p. 440-471

10325 Lesetre, Henri: Homicide. Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 740-743

10326 Levertoff, Paul: Homicide. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 3, p. 1418


10327 McKeating, Henry: The development of the law on homicide in ancient Israel. Vetus Testamentum 25 (1975), p. 46-68

10328 Phillips, Anthony: Another look at murder. Journal of Jewish Studies 28 (1977), p. 105-126

10329 Rosenbaum, Stanley: Israelite homicide law and the term 'enmity' in Genesis 3:15. Journal of Law and Religion 2 (1984), p. 145-151

10330 Schroer, Hermann: Mord - Judentum - Todesstrafe. Munchen (after 1933), 41 p.

10331 Sick, Ulrich: Die Totung eines Menschen, ihre Ahndung in den keilschriflichen Rechtssammlungen unter Berucksichtigung rechtsvergleichender Aspekte. 2 vols. Dissertation Ostfilden 1984*

10332 Siegfried, C.: Mord, Morder. Guthe, p. 442-443

10333 Sinclair, Daniel B.: Treatment of fatally ill patient (Terefah) in Maimonides' law of homicide. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 181-194

10334 Sperling, S. David: Bloodguilt in the Bible and in ancient Near Eastern sources. In: Jewish law in our time, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Denver 1982, p. 19-25

10335 Sulzberger, Mayer: The ancient Hebrew law of homicide. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 5 (1914-15), p. 127-161, 289-344, 559-614; repr. separ. Philadelphia 1915, 160 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 2 (1972)

10336 Winer, G.B.: Mord. Winer 2, p. 105-106

10337 Ziegen, J.: Die Sunde Mord in Bibel und Midrasch. Jubilee vol. Schwarz, 1917, p. 75-88

10338 Justification and excuse in the Judaic and common law: the exculpation of a defendant charged with homicide. New York University Law Review 52 (1977), p. 599-628


CITIES OF REFUGE טלקמ ירע .תולג

10339 Albright, William F.: The list of Levitic cities. Jubilee vol. Ginzberg, 1945, p. 49-73

10340 Alt, Albrecht: Festungen und Levitenorte im Lande Juda. Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte des Volkes Israel, vol. 2, Munchen 1959, p. 306-315

10341 Auld, A. Greene: The 'Levitical cities', texts and history. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 91 (1979), p.194-206

10342 Baeck, Samuel (1834-1912): Die Asyle der Griechen und Romer, verglichen mit der Zufluchtsstatte des pentateuchischen Gesetzes. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 18 (1869), p. 307-312, 565-572

10343 Beard, J.R.: Cities of refuge. Kitto 1, p. 526-528

10344 Cohn, Haim H.: City of refuge. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 591-594 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 531-532

10345 David, Martin: Die Bestimmungen uber die Asylstadte in Josua XX. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des biblischen Asylrechts. Oudtestamentusche Studien 9 (1951), p. 30-48

10346 Davies, G. Henton: Levitical cities. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 3, p. 116-117

10347 Delekat, L.: Asylie und Schutzorakel am Zionheiligtum. Leiden 1967, 8 + 432 p. |R: 260 'מע ,(1972) 3 לארשי יניד ,באז ,קלפ


10348 Ewing, W.: Refugee, cities of. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 4, p. 2545-2546

10349 Farrar, Frederic W.: Asylum. Kitto 1, p. 255-257

10350 Fuld, Ludwig: Das Asylrecht im Alterthum und Mittelalter. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 7 (1887), p. 102-157, 285-296

10351 Graf: Leviterstadte. Schenkel 4, p. 32-33

10352 Greenberg, Moshe: Banishment. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 346

10353 Greenberg, Moshe: City of refuge. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 638-639

10354 Greenberg, Moshe: The biblical conception of asylum. Journal of Biblical Literature 78 (1959), p. 125-132

10355 Haran, Menahem: Studies in the account of the Levitical cities. Journal of Biblical Literature 80 (1961), p. 45-54, 156-165

10356 Heller, Josef: Asylrecht. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 3, p. 614-617

10357 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Domicile. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 158-160 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 165-167

10358 Lesetre, Henri: Refuge (villes de). Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 1018-1020

10359 Levinas, Emmanuel: Lecon talmudique; extrait du traite Makkoth 10a. In: Jerusalem: l'unique et l'universel, donnees et debats. 19e Colloque d'intellectuels juifs de langue francaise... du congress juif mondial, Paris 1979, p. 35-51

10360 Lohr, Max: Das Asylwesen im Alten Testament. Schriften d. Konigsberger Gelehrten Gesellschaft, Geisteswiss. Klasse 7,3 (1930), p. 177-214; repr. separ.

10361 Moore, G.F.: Asylum. Encyclopedia Biblica 1, p. 377-378

10362 Nicolsky, N.M.: Das Asylrecht in Israel. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 48 (1930), p. 146-175

10363 Oeveren, Benjamin van: De vrijsteden in het Oude Testament. Dissertation Kampen 1968, 284 p.

10364 Ohlenburg, Salomon: Die biblischen Asyle in talmudischem Gewande. Dissertation Munchen 1895, 54 p.

10365 Osiander, Johannes Adam: Dissertationes academicae de asylis Hebraeorum, gentilium, Christianorum. Tubingen 1673, 6 + 280 + 12 p. = Ugolinus Thesaurus 26

10366 Riehm, Eduard: Priesterstadte. Riehm 2, p. 1246

10367 Rofe, Alexander: The history of the cities of refuge in biblical law. Scripta Hierosolymitana 31 (1986), p. 205-239

10368 Schrader, E.: Freistatt. Schenkel 2, p. 297-298

10369 Selekman, Mayer W.: The concept of asylum in rabbinic literature. Dissertation N.Y. 1967, 4 + 75 p.

10370 Siegfried, C.: Freistatt. Guthe, p. 185-186

10371 Steinmuller, J.E.: Asylum, cities of. New Catholic Encyclopedia 1, p. 993-994

10372 Steinmuller, J.E.: Levitical cities. New Catholic Encyclopedia 8, p. 685

10373 Toy, Crawford Howell; Ginzberg, Louis: Asylum. Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 256-259

10374 Wiener, Harold Marcus: Levitical cities. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 3, p. 1869-1870

10375 Winer, G.B.: Freistatt (טלקמ). Winer 1, p. 379-380

10376 Winer, G.B.: Levitenstadte. Winer 2, p. 22-23


10377 Bammel, Ernst: Die Blutgerichtsbarkeit in der romischen Provinz Judaa vor dem ersten judischen Aufstand. Journal of Jewish Studies 25 (1974), p. 35-49.

10378 Blank, Sheldon H.: Blood revenge. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 410-412

10379 Ciuba, E.J.: Blood vengeance. New Catholic Encyclopedia 2, p. 621-622


10380 Cohn, Haim H.: Blood-avenger. Encyclopedia Judaica 4, p. 1116-1118 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 530-531

10381 Goetze, Georg (praes.); Saurwaldt, Nicol. (resp.): םדה לאוג, sive De vindici sanguinis quae est de redemptore Ebraeorum. Dissertation Jena 1662, [22] p.

10382 Greenberg, Moshe: Avenger of blood. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 321

10383 Gressmann, Hugo: Blutrache. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart 1, p. 1159-1160

10384 Hastings, S.R.: Goel. Encyclopedia Biblica 2, p. 1745-1747

10385 Heller, Joseph: Blutrache. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 4, p. 876-879

10386 Jacobs, Joseph: Goel (לאג). Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 18-19

10387 Kennedy, A.R.S.: Goel. Hastings Dict. 2, p. 222-224

10388 Merz, Erwin: Die Blutrache bei den Israeliten. Leipzig 1916, 137 p.

10389 Milgrom, Jacob: Bloodguilt. Encyclopedia Judaica 4, p. 1118-1119

10390 Neufeld, Edward: Ius redemptionis in ancient Hebrew law. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 8 (1961), p. 29-40

10391 Prince, John Dineley; Ginzberg, Louis: Avenger of blood. Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 344-346

10392 Remy, P.: Peine de mort et vengeance dans la Bible. Sciences Ecclesiastiques 19 (1967), p. 323-350

10393 Riehm, Eduard: Blutracher. Riehm 1, p. 232-234

10394 Stamm, J.J.: לאג g'l, erlosen. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 383-395

10395 Tullock, John Harrison: Blood-vengeance among the Israelites in the light of its Near Eastern background. Dissertation Nashville, Tenn. 1966, 320 p.

10396 Vigouroux, F.: Goel. Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 260-265

10397 Winer, G.B.: Blutracher. Winer 1, p. 189


10398 Barrett, D.S.: Hammurabi's Code, secs. 23 and 24: some later parallels (Deuteronomy 21,1-9). La Parola del Passato 26 (1971), p. 201-204

10399 Dion, P.: Deuteronome 21, 1-9: Miroir du developpement legal et religieux d'Israel. Sciences Religieuses 11 (1982), p. 13-22

10400 Jirku, Anton: Drei Falle von Haftpflicht im altorientalischen Palastina-Syrien und Deuteronomium cap. 21. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 79 (1967), p. 359-360

10401 Patai, Raphael: The Egla Arufa or the expiation of the polluted land. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 30 (1939-40), p. 59-69

EUTHANASIA הלמח ךותמ הגירה

10402 Bar-Zev, Asher: Euthanasia: a classical ethical problem in a modern context. Reconstructionist 44,9 (1979), p. 7-16

10403 Bleich, J. David: Karen Ann Quinlan: A Torah perspective. In: Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 296-307

10404 Bleich, J. David: The Quinlan case: A Jewish perspective. Jewish Life (Winter 1976), p. 13-20 = Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979, p. 266-276

10405 Bleich, J. David: Providing nutrition and hydration for terminally ill patients. Issues in Law and Medicine 2 (1986), p. 117-131

10406 Block, Richard A.: A matter of life and death: Reform Judaism and the defective child. Journal of Reform Judaism 31,4 (1984), p. 14-30


10407 Carmi, Amnon: Live like a king, die like a king. In: Euthanasia, ed. A. Carmi, Berlin 1984, p. 3-28 = Law and medicine, Haifa 1987, p. 28-63

10408 Dagi, Teodoro Forcht: The paradox of euthanasia. Judaism 24 (1975), p. 157-167

10409 Drazin, Nathan: Jewish law and mercy slaying. Congress Weekly 7,8 (1950), p. 8-9

10410 Federbush, Simon: The problem of euthanasia in Jewish tradition. Judaism 1 (1952), p. 64-68

10411 Goldman, Alex J.: Euthanasia. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 171-191

10412 Halevi, C.D.: Disconnecting a terminal patient from an artificial respirator. Crossroads 1 (1987), p. 147-155

10413 Halibard, G.B.: Euthanasia. In: Current responsa, decisions of Batei Din, and rabbinical literature, eds. J. David Bleich and G.B. Halibard, Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 196-199

10414 Herring, Basil F.: Euthanasia. In: Jewish ethics and Halakhah for our time: Sources and commentary, N.Y. 1984, p. 67-90

10415 Jakobovits, Immanuel: Euthanasia. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 978-979

10416 Klein, Isaac: Euthanasia: a Jewish view. Jubilee vol. Kelman, 1978, p. 249-255

10417 Larue, Gerald: Euthanasia and religion. Los Angeles 1985; p. 19-25: Judaism

10418 Leiman, Sid Z.: The Karen Ann Quinlan case: a Jewish perspective. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 6 (1977), p. 43-50

10419 Leiman, Sid Z.: Jewish ethical teaching and technological advance. In: Contemporary ethical issues in the Jewish and Christian traditions, ed. Frederick E. Greenspahn, Hoboken 1986, p. 9-29

10420 Levin, Faitel: Live or let die. Or Hadorom 2 (1984), p. 24-46

10421 Morgenstern, Moshe: Conflict of lives: surrendering a fugitive, organ transplants, and the removal of a life sustaining system. In: Halachic perspective: bio-medical ethics - Ohr Tsiporah, N.Y. 1981, p. 58-71

10422 Novak, David: Euthanasia in Jewish law. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 36 (1974), p. 48-58 = Law and theology, vol. 2, N.Y. 1976, p. 98-117

10423 Rosner, Fred: L'attitude juive devant l'euthanasie. Revue d'Histoire de la Medecine Hebraique 84 (1969), p. 53-67

10424 Rosner, Fred: Jewish attitude toward euthanasia. Medica Judaica 2,2 (1972), p. 25-33 = Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979, p. 253-263 = New York State Journal of Medicine 70 (1970), p. 2499-2506

10425 Rosner, Fred: Euthanasia. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 189-207

10426 Rosner, Fred: Heroic measures to prolong dying. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 209-223

10427 Rosner, Fred: Risks versus benefits in treating the gravely ill patient; ethical and religious c. In: Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986, p. 46-74

10428 Shapira, Amos: The human right to die - Israeli and Jewish legal perspectives. Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 7 (1977), p. 127-138

10429 Shapira, Yitzchak: Euthanasia. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 225-231

10430 Shohet, David Menahem: Mercy death in Jewish law. Conservative Judaism 8,3 (1952), p. 1-15


10431 Stern, K.A.: Quality of life, human suffering and euthanasia. In: Euthanasia, ed. A. Carmi, Berlin 1984, p. 175-179

10432 Sternbuch, Josua: Medizinische Ethik im Judentum am Beispiel der Euthanasie. Zurich 1980, 107 p.

10433 Weisbard, Alan J.: On the bioethics of Jewish law: the case of Karen Quinlan. Israel Law Review 14 (1979), p. 337-368

10434 Yakobovitz, Yoel: Neumatali euthanasia, Jewish views of a contemporary dilemma. Tradition 22,3 (1986), p. 13-30


תעדל דוביא

10435 Barton, George Aaron: Suicide (Semitic). Hastings 12, p. 38-39

10436 Bulka, Reuven P.: Rabbinic attitudes towards suicide. Midstream 25,8 (1979), p. 43-49

10437 Carmi, Amnon: Live like a king, die like a king. In: Euthanasia, ed. A. Carmi, Berlin 1984, p. 3-28; Law and medicine, Haifa 1987, p. 28-63

10438 Cohn, Haim H.: Suicide. Encyclopedia Judaica 15, p. 489-491 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 477-479

10439 Cohn, Haim H.: Suicide in Jewish legal and religious tradition. Mental Health and Society 3 (1976), p. 129-136

10440 Cohn, Marcus: Selbstmord. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 350-352 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 158-159

10441 Daube, David: Death as a release in the Bible. Novum Testamentum 5 (1962), p. 82-104

10442 Daube, David: Josephus on suicide and liability of depositee. Juridical Review, N.S. 9 (1964), p. 212-224 = Jubilee vol. Belaunde, p. 213-243

10443 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Suicidio. Vol. 10, p. 106-107

10444 Feitel, Moritz: Der Selbstmord nach rabbinischen Grundsatzen. Ben Chananja 9 (1866), p. 461-464

10445 Fishberg, Maurice: Suicide. Jewish Encyclopedia 11, p. 581-582

10446 Freehof, Solomon B.: Suicide and Jewish law. Keeping Posted 29 (Nov. 1983), p. 3-5; 29 (Mar. 1984), p. 11-15

10447 Goldman, Alex J.: Suicide. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 247-262

10448 Heller, Bernard: Masada and the Talmud. Tradition 10,2 (1968), p. 31-34

10449 Hoenig, Sidney B.: The Sicarii in Masada, glory or infamy? Tradition 11,1 (1970), p. 5-30. |R: Spero, Shubert, In defense of the defenders of Masada, ib., p. 31-43. |: Rabinowitz, Louis I.: The Masada martyrs according to the Halakha, ib. 3, p. 31-37; Kolitz, Zvi: Masada - suicide or murder?, ib. 12,1 (1971), p. 5-26; Frimer, Dov I.: Masada - in the light of Halakha, ib., p. 27-43; Hoenig, Sidney B.: Historic Masada and the Halakhah, ib., 13,2 (1972), p. 100-115

10450 Joel, J.: Etwas uber die Selbsttotung nach dem Talmud. Judisches Litteraturblatt 18 (1889), p. 45. |R: Sidon, ib. p. 54-55

10451 Margoliouth, G.: Suicide (Jewish). Hastings 12, p. 37-38

10452 Mendelsohn, S.: Homicide. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 451-454

10453 Nemoy, Leon: A tenth century disquisition on suicide according to Old Testament law (from the Kitab Al-Anwar of Yaqub Al-Qirqisani). Journal of Biblical Literature 57 (1938), p. 411-419


10454 Novak, David: Suicide in Jewish perspective. In: Law and theology in Judaism, vol. 1, N.Y. 1974, p. 80-93

10455 Perls, Armin: Der Selbstmord nach der Halacha. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 55, N.F. 19 (1911), p. 287-295

10456 Reines, Chaim W.: The Jewish attitude toward suicide. Judaism 10 (1961), p. 160-170

10457 Rosner, Fred: Suicide in biblical, talmudic and rabbinic writings. Tradition 11,2 (1970), p. 25-40

10458 Rosner, Fred: Suicide in Jewish law. In: Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979, p. 317-330

10459 Rosner, Fred: Suicide. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 225-239

10460 Roth, Aron: Eine Studie uber den Selbstmord von judischem Standpunkte. Budapest 1878, 112 p.

10461 Siegel, Seymour: Suicide in the Jewish view. Conservative Judaism 32,2 (1979), p. 67-74

10462 Spero, Moshe Halevi: Samson and Masada: altruistic suicide reconsidered. Psychoanalytic Review 65 (1978), p. 631-639

10463 Spero, Moshe Halevi: Violating Shabbat for suicide emergency: A halakhic explication. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 2,1 (1982), p. 72-83

10464 Trimble, Virginia L.: Masada, suicide and Halakhah. Conservative Judaism 31,2 (1977), p. 45-55

10465 Young, F.W.: Suicide. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 4, p. 453-454


םדא תבינג

10466 Cohn, Haim H.: Abduction. Encyclopedia Judaica 2, p. 55-56 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 479-480

10467 Mendelsohn, S.: Abduction (Genebat Ish, Genebat Nefesh). Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 45-47

10468 Sokolow, Moshe: Kidnapping in karaite law according to the commentary of Sahl ben Masliah. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 73 (1982-83), p. 176-188


הרומו ררוס ןב

10469 Bellefontaine, Margaret Elizabeth: Deuteronomy 21, 18-21: Reviewing the case of the rebellious son. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 13 (1979),p. 13-31.

10470 Cohn, Haim H.: Rebellious son. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, 1603-1605 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 491-492

10471 Rotenberg, Mordechai; Diamond, Bernard L.: The biblical conception of psychopathy: the law of the stubborn and rebellious son. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 7,1 (1971), p. 29-38



הליזגו הבינג

10472 Alt, Albrecht: Das Verbot des Diebstahls im Dekalog. Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte des Volkes Israel, 1, Munchen 1959, p. 333-340. |R: Klein, H.: Verbot des Menschendiebstahls im Dekalog, Vetus Testamentum 26 (1976), p. 161-169

10473 Bernat, Haskell M.: Punitive damage for theft in the Talmud. Dissertation N.Y. 1961, 4 + 69 p.

10474 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Diebstahl. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 5, p. 1103-1108

10475 Broyde, Isaac: Tax-gatherers (ןיסכומ). Jewish Encyclopedia 12, p. 69

10476 Cohen, Benjamin: The talmudic law concerning the alteration of objects obtained by robbery. Jewish Forum 10 (1927), p. 348-353 (also publ. separ.). |R:
185-184 'מע ,(חפרת) ג ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

10477 Cohen, Boaz: Contrectatio in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Visscher, 1949, vol. 1, p. 133-156 = Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite 2 (1949), p. 133-156 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 409-432

10478 Cohn, Haim H.: Oppression. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 1435-1436 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 497-498

10479 Cohn, Haim H.: Theft and robbery. Encyclopedia Judaica 15, p. 1094-1098 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 492-497

10480 Cohn, Marcus: Diebstahl. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 158-160 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 145-146

10481 Cohn, Marcus: Hehlerei. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 1505-1508 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 151-152

10482 Daube, David: Some comparative law - furtum conceptum. Tidjschrift voor Rechts-geschiedenis 15 (1937), p. 48-77

10483 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Robbery. Jewish Encyclopedia 10, p. 434-437

10484 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Theft and stolen goods. Jewish Encyclopedia 12, p. 123-124

10485 Easton, Burton Scott: Thief. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 5, p. 2972

10486 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Rapto. Vol. 9, p. 54

10487 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man is brazen to his creditor's face
ובוח לעב ינפב וינפ זיעמ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 666-670

10488 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A person cannot control himself where his property is concerned ונוממ לע ומצע דימעמ םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 670-671

10489 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Multiple restitution השמחו העברא. Vol. 2, p. 666-681

10490 Forster, G.: Diebstahl und Raub im Gesetze Hammurabis. Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Verwandte Gebiete 28 (1913-14), p. 337-340

10491 Gottstein, M.H.: Du sollst nicht stehlen. Theologische Zeitschrift 9 (1953), p. 394-395

10492 Hoffmann, David: Eine geanderte Mischna R. Akiba's [that which was robbed from a proselyte - Baba Kama 110a]. Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur 15 (1888), p. 174-178

10493 Horst, Friedrich: Der Diebstahl im Alten Testament. Jubilee vol. Kahle, 1935, p. 19-28 = Gottes Recht, Munchen 1961, p. 167-175

10494 Jackson, Bernard S.: Some comparative legal history: Robbery and brigandage. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 1 (1970), p. 45-105

10495 Jackson, Bernard S.: Foreign influence in the early Jewish law of theft. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 18 (1971), p. 25-42 = Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 235-249

10496 Jackson, Bernard S.: Theft in early Jewish law. Oxford 1972, 17 + 316 p. |R: Phillips, Anthony, Journal of Semitic Studies 17 (1972), p. 260-261; Goodblatt, David M., Journal of Biblical Literature 92 (1973), p. 308-309; Jacobs, Louis, Journal of Jewish Studies 24 (1973), p. 91-93;
273-270 'מע ,(1973) 4 לארשי יניד ,באז ,קלפ


10497 Jackson, Bernard S.: Principles and cases: the theft law of Hammurabi. In: Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 64-74

10498 Jung, Moses (ed.): The Jewish law of theft, with comparative references to Roman and Englaw. Philadelphia 1929, 6 + 145 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 1-151. |R: Webber, George J., Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 3rd ser. 12 (1930), p. 142-144; Guttmann, Michael, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 75, N.F. 39 (1931), p. 266;
191-190 'מע ,(גצרת) ד ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

10499 Kaatz, Saul: Die talmudische Diskussion uber das 'Funftel'. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 1 (1914), p. 434-437

10500 Kisch, Guido: The 'Jewish law of concealment'. Historia Judaica 1 (1938), p. 3-30. |: Cohen, Boaz: The so-called Judisches Hehlerrecht in the light of Jewish law, ib. 4 (1942), p. 145-153 = 'Hehlerrecht' in the Jewish law, Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 615-623

10501 Kisch, Guido: Das 'judische Hehlerrecht'. In: Forschungen z. Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittelalters, Stuttgart 1955, p. 107-136

10502 Margoliouth, D.S.: A Jewish-Persian law report. Jewish Quarterly Review 11 (1899), p. 671-675

10503 Meyer, Herbert: Das judische Hehlerrecht. In: Entwertung und Eigentum in deutschen Fahrnisrecht, Jena 1902, p. 166-278. |R: Eschelbacher, Max, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 47, N.F. 11 (1903), p. 181-192; Meyer, Herbert, ib. p. 382-383; Eschelbacher, Max, ib. p. 384

10504 Meyer, Herbert: Das judische Hehlerrecht. Deutsche Rechtswissenschaft 2 (1937), p. 97-111

10505 Meyer, Herbert: Das Hehlerrecht der Juden und der Lombarden. Forschungen zur Judenfrage 1 (1937), p. 92-109

10506 Milgrom, Jacob: The missing thief in Leviticus 5,20 ff. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 22 (1975), p. 71-85

10507 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Aneignung. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 310-311

10508 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Einbruch. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 308-309

10509 Tschernowitz, Chaim: Der Einbruch nach biblischem und talmudischem Recht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 25 (1910-11), p. 443-458

10510 Tschernowitz, Chaim: Der Raub nach biblisch-talmudischem Recht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 27 (1912), p. 187-196

10511 Winer, G.B.: Diebstahl. Winer 1, p. 268-269


תעד תבינג .םירבד תאנוא

10512 Cohn, Haim H.: Fraud. Encyclopedia Judaica 7, p. 110-111 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 498-499

10513 Dukes, Leopold: Nothluge. Jeschurun, Kobak, 3 (1859), p. 41

10514 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Vexation through words םירבד תאנוא. Vol. 1, p. 431-434


CRIMES IN THE AREA OF FAMILY החפשמה םוחתב תוריבע

See Family תוריבע האר


תוכלמב דרומ

10515 Eisenstein, Judah David: Treason. Jewish Encyclopedia 12, p. 237-238

10516 Greenberg, Moshe: Rabbinic reflections on defying illegal orders: Amasa, Abner and Joab. Judaism 19 (1970), p. 30-37 = Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 211-220

10517 Knierim, Rolf: דרמ Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 925-928

10518 Lesetre, Henri: Sedition (mered). Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 1560



10519 Cohn, Haim H.: Sorcery. Encyclopedia Judaica 15, p. 163-164 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 515-516

10520 Davies, T. Witton: Witch, witchcraft. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 5, p. 3097-3098

10521 Denham, Joshua Fred.: Witchcraft. Kitto 3, p. 1119-1122

10522 Driver, S.R.: Witchcraft in the Old Testament. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London (1943), p. 6-16

10523 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A ghost בוא. Vol. 1, p. 312

10524 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Optical deception םיניע תזיחא. Vol. 1, p. 570-573

10525 Guillaume, Alfred: Magical terms in the Old Testament. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London 1942, p. 111-131; 1943, p. 251-254; 1946, p. 79-80. |R: Driver, S.R., Hebrew notes, ib. 1944, p. 167-171

10526 Joel, D.: Der Aberglaube und die Stellung des Judenthums zu demselben. 2 vols., Jahresbericht, Jud.-theol. Seminar Breslau, 1881, 116 p.; 1883, 65 p.

10527 Low, Leopold: Zur talmudischen Mantik. Ben Chananja 9 (1866), p. 329-335 = Gesamm. Schrift., vol. 2, Szegedin 1890, p. 105-114

10528 Winer, G.B.: Zauberei. Winer 2, p. 718-721

10529 Zentgraff, Johann J. (praes.); Treitlinger, Johann Christian (resp.): Legum Ebraeorum forensium contra magiam explicatio moralis... Dissertation Argentorati (Strasbourg) 1693, 26 p.

10530 Zentgraff, Johann J. (praes.); Bleicher, Johann Jacob (resp.): Ex legibus Ebraeorum forensibus contra magiam, de speciebus divinationum magicarum et vana observantia... Dissertation Argentorati (Strasbourg) 1694

10531 Zentgraff, Johann J. (praes.); Le Conte, Johann Georg (resp.): Ex legibus Ebraeorum forensibus contra magiam, de divinationibus magicis, eaque occasione de virgula divina et divinatione Jacobi Aymari... sicariorum et furum investigandorum causa facta... Dissertation Argentorati (Strasbourg) 1694

10532 Zentgraff, Johann J. (praes.); Spoor, Johann Friedrich (resp.): De Ll. [legum] Ebraeorum forensium contra magiam ratione et usu politico et poena magorum... Dissertation Argentorati (Strasbourg) 1694


10533 Zentgraff, Johann J. (praes.); Wolff, Johann Daniel (resp.): Ex legibus Ebraeorum forensibus contra magiam, de maleficio magico... Dissertation Argentorati (Strasbourg) 1694


םייח ילעב רעצ

10534 Bamberger, Moses Loeb (II): Uber Tierschutz nach den Lehren der Thora. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 2 (1915), p. 80-86. |: Kaatz, S., ib. p. 180-181

10535 Cohen, Noah J.: Tsa'ar Baale Hayim - The prevention of cruelty to animals, its bases, development and legislation in Hebrew literature. Washington D.C., 1959, 15 + 208 p.; 2nd ed. Jerusalem 1976, 12 + 211 p. |: Jakobovits, Immanuel, Judaism 9 (1960), p. 188-189

10536 Daiches, Samuel: Man's duty to animals. Jewish Forum 14 (1931), p. 10-13

10537 Heinemann, Isaac: Tierschutz nach judischer und griechischer Anschauung. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 2 (1915), p. 137-140

10538 Hirsch, Emil G.: Cruelty to animals. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 376-378

10539 Hurewitz, Jos.: The care of animals in Jewish life and law. In: The Jewish Library, ed. Leo Jung, 1st ser., no. 5, N.Y. 1926, 22 p.

10540 Jakobovits, Immanuel: The medical treatment of animals in Jewish law. Journal of Jewish Studies 7 (1956), p. 207-220

10541 Jung, Leo: The Supreme Triad: Hen; Hessed; Tzedakah; Rahamim; Hessed toward animals; Ecology. Jubilee vol. Mark, 1975, p. 93-106

10542 Kaplan, Zvi: Animals, cruelty to. Encyclopedia Judaica 3, p. 5-7 = Jewish values, ed. Geoffrey Wigoder, Jerusalem 1974, p. 188-191

10543 Landau, W.: Uber Thierqualerei nach den Grundsatzen des Judenthums. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 12 (1863), p. 41-54

10544 Lattes, Giuseppe: La legge Mosaica e la societa protettrice degli animali. Mose 1 (1878), p. 193-194, 349-350

10545 Low, Albert: Thierschutz im Judenthume nach Bibel und Talmud. Budapest 1890, 37 p.; 1891, 36 + 2 p.

10546 Massyngberde-Ford, J.: Jewish law and animal symbolism. Journal f.t. Study of Judaism in Persian, Hellenistic & Roman periods 10 (1979), p. 203-212

10547 Rabinowicz, H.: Judaism and hunting. Harofe Haivri 37,1 (1964), English section, p. 264-261 = 38,1 (1965), p. 263-260

10548 Raisin, Jacob Salmon: Humanitarianism of the laws of Israel. Kindness to animals. Jewish Tracts 6, n.d., 12 p.

10549 Rubenstein, Samuel: Conversion to Judaism and animal life in Jewish law. N.Y. 1973?, 28 p.

10550 Schochet, Elijah Judah: Animal life in Jewish tradition: attitudes and relationships. N.Y. 1984, 10 + 379 p.

10551 Unna, Isak: Tierschutz im Judentum. Frankf.a.M. 1928, 24 p.


10552 Wohlgemuth, Josef: Vom Tier und seiner Wertung (nach Bibel und Talmud). Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 14 (1927), p. 585-610

10553 Wohlgemuth, Josef: Das Leid der Tiere. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 15 (1928), p. 245-267, 452-468

10554 Wohlgemuth, Josef: Einfuhrung in das Empfindungsleben der Tiere (nach Bibel und Talmud). Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 16 (1929), p. 455-481

10555 Wohlgemuth, Josef: Das Tier und seine Wertung im alten Judentum. Frankf.a.M. 1930, 147 p.



10556 Amram, David Werner; Ginzberg, Louis: Bribery. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 379-381

10557 Cohn, Haim H.: Bribery. Encyclopedia Judaica 4, p. 1367-1368 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 510-511

10558 Cohn, Marcus: Bestechung. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 937-938 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 144-145

10559 Goldberg, Michael L.: The story of the moral: gifts and bribes in Deuteronomy. Interpretation 38 (1984), p. 15-25



10560 Aberbach, Moses: Smoking and the Halakhah. Tradition 10,3 (1969), p. 49-58 = Jewish Digest 17 (1972), p. 41-47

10561 Blidstein, Gerald J.: The sale of animals to gentiles in talmudic law. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 61 (1970-71), p. 188-198

10562 Borowitz, Eugene B.: Hillul Hashem: A universalistic rubric in halakhic ethics. Jubilee vol. Schaalman, 1986, p. 19-30 = Studies in Jewish philosophy, ed. Norbert M. Samuelson, Lanham-N.Y.-London 1987, p. 507-525

10563 Carlebach, Alexander: Violence in Jewish tradition. Niv Hamidrashia 10 (1972), English section p. 15-28

10564 Cohn, Haim H.: Assault. Encyclopedia Judaica 3, p. 758-760 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 480-482

10565 Cohn, Haim H.: Forgery. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 1432-1433 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 505-506

10566 Cohn, Haim H.: Police offences. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 796-797 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 519-520

10567 [Dalman, Gustaf Hermann] Marx, Gustaf (pseudonym): Die Totung Unglaubiger nach talmudisch-rabbinischem Recht. Leipzig 1885, 48 p.

10568 Daube, David: To be found doing wrong. Jubilee vol. Volterra, vol. 2, 1971, p. 1-13

10569 Fensham, F. Charles: Common trends in curses of the Near Eastern treaties and Kudurru-Inscriptions compared with maledictions of Amos and Isaiah. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 75 (1963), p. 155-175

10570 Greenstone, Julius H.: Forgery. Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 434-435

10571 Hirsch, Emil G.: Cruelty. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 374-376


10572 Klopfenstein, Martin A.: Die Luge nach dem Alten Testament. Zurich 1964, 16 + 517 p. |R: Murphy, Roland E.; O. Cramm, Journal of Biblical Literature 84 (1965), p. 102

10573 Kravetz, Julius: Some cautionary remarks. Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 60 (1968), p. 75-81

10574 Magonet, Jonathan: Violence in the Bible. Patterns 4,6 (1970), p. 25-27

10575 Paterson, W.P.: Lie, lying. Hastings Dict. 3, p. 112-113

10576 Rakover, Nahum: Terrorism and extortion. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 217-223

10577 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Amtsvergehen. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 294-295

10578 Roth, Ernest: Does the Torah punish impudence? Notes to Deuteronomy 25, 11-12. Memorial vol. Hirschler, 1950, p. 116-121

10579 Simonson, Solomon: Violence: from the perspective of the Ethics of the Fathers. Tradition 10,2 (1968), p. 35-41

10580 Spath: Heuchelei. Schenkel 3, p. 77

10581 Stein, Salomon: Die Behandlung des Problems der Notluge im Talmud. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 5 (1907), p. 206-224

10582 Vries, S.J. de: Lying. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 3, p. 192-193




ןיד תיב תתימ

10583 Buchler, Adolf: Die Todesstrafen der Bibel und der judisch-nachbiblischen Zeit. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 50, N.F. 14 (1906), p. 539-562, 664-706

10584 Encyclopedia Talmudica: The four judicial death penalties
ןיד תיב תותימ עברא. Vol. 2, p. 653-656

10585 Fitzmyer, Joseph A.: Crucification in ancient Palestine, Qumran literature and the New Testament. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 40 (1978), p. 493-513.

10586 Greenberg, Moshe: Hanging. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 522

10587 Halperin, David J.: Crucifixion, the Nahum Pesher, and the rabbinic penalty of strangulation. Journal of Jewish Studies 32 (1981), p. 32-46

10588 Herbots, J.: Rechtshistorische beschouwingen bij het proces van Jesus de Nazareth. Rechtskundig Weekblad 35 (1977), p. 1033-1052

10589 Hirzel, Rudolf: Die Strafe der Steinigung. Sachische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Leipzig. Philologisch-historische Klasse. Abhandlungen vol. 27, 7 (1909), p. 225-266

10590 Kennedy, G.T.: Stoning (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 13, p. 725-726

10591 Longo, Pianetto: La condanna di Gesu. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 20 (1969), p. 233-256

10592 Schumann, A.: Bemerkungen zum Prozess Jesu vor dem Synhedrion. Zeitschrift d.Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung, 82 (1965), p. 315-320

10593 Winer, G.B.: Steinigung. Winer 2, p. 521-523


10594 Winter, Paul: On the trial of Jesus. Berlin 1961, 216 p. 2nd ed. Berlin-N.Y. 1974. |R: Bruns, J.E., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 23 (1961), p. 360-363; Brown, Raymond E., ib. 37 (1975), p. 135-136



10595 Beurlier, E.: Flagellation. Vigouroux 2, p. 2281-2283

10596 Cohn, Haim H.: Flogging. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 1348-1351 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 532-535

10597 Cohn, Marcus: Malkut. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 1348-1349 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 153-154

10598 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Stripes. Jewish Encyclopedia 11, p. 569-570

10599 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Castigos corporales. Vol. 2, p. 587-588

10600 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Flagelacion. Vol. 4, p. 543

10601 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Appraisal .אומד Vol. 1, p. 367-373

10602 Kennedy, G.T.: Flagellation (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 5, p. 955-956

10603 Strauch, Aegidius (praes.); Seyppel, Johannes Jacobus: Dissertatio philologico-historica... sive, Ritum flagellandi apud Judaeos. Dissertation Wittenberg 1668; 2nd ed. Wittenberg 1670, [24] p.; Ugolinus Thesaurus 26

10604 Winer, G.B.: Leibesstrafen. Winer 2, p. 14-15



10605 Aron, Maurice: Histoire de l'excommunication juive. Nimes 1882, 7 + 168 p.

10606 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Cherem. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 5, p. 411-422

10607 Bindrim, Joan. Georgius: Dissertatio de gradibus excommunicationis apud Hebraeos. Ugolinus Thesaurus 26*

10608 Blank, Sheldon H.: The curse, blasphemy, the spell, and the oath. Hebrew Union College Annual 23, 1 (1950-51), p. 73-95

10609 Brekelmans, C.H.W.: De Herem in het Oude Testament. Dissertation Nijmegen 1959, 203 p. |R: Vries, Simon J. de, Journal of Biblical Literature 79 (1960), p. 390; Scharbert, Josef, Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 5 (1961), p. 119-122

10610 Brekelmans, C.H.W.: םרח. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 635-639

10611 Breuer, Raphael: Der Bann. Judische Monatshefte 5 (1918), p. 207-225, 271-276, 302-307

10612 Brilliant, Akiva J.: A historical survey of the law of excommunication in post-talmudic times. Dissertation Jewish Theological Seminary 1968

10613 Brown, W. Adams: Excommunication. Hastings Dict. 1, p. 800-801

10614 Busse, G.W.: The Herem of Rabenu Tam in Queen Anne's London. Jewish Historical Society of England, Transactions 21 (1968), p. 138-147

10615 Channell, Philip Wendell: Excommunication. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 2, p. 1050-1051

10616 Denney, J.: Curse. Hastings Dict. 1, p. 534-535

10617 Doller, J.: Der Bann. Zeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie 37 (1913)*


10618 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Anatema (Hebr. jerem, niduy). Vol. 1, p. 299-300

10619 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Jerem. Vol. 6, p. 218-219

10620 Fernandez, A.: El Herem Biblico. Biblica 5 (1924), p. 3-25

10621 Forkman, Goran: The limits of the religious community; expulsion from the religious community within the Qumran Sect, within rabbinic Judaism and within primitive Christianity. Lund 1972, 257 p.

10622 Gevirtz, Stanley: Curse. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 749-750

10623 Gevirtz, Stanley: West-Semitic curses and the problem of the origins of Hebrew law. Vetus Testamentum 11 (1961), p. 137-158

10624 Goldin, Judah: On the account of the banning of R. Eliezer ben Hyrcanus; an analysis and proposal. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Society, Columbia University 16-17 (1987), p. 85-97

10625 Greenberg, Moshe; Cohn, Haim H.: Herem. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 344-355; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 539-544

10626 Greenstone, Julius H.: Excommunication. Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 285-287

10627 Guttmann, Alexander: Der Bann im Judentum in fruhtalmudischer Zeit. Udim 11-12 (1981-82), p. 51-67

10628 Hirsch, Richard A.: Jewish bans and benedictions. Jubilee vol. Becker, 1986, p. 134-147

10629 Horbury, William: Extirpation and excommunication. Vetus Testamentum 35 (1985), p. 13-38

10630 Kohler, Kaufmann: Ban. Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 487-489

10631 Kohler, Kaufmann: Banishment. Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 490-491

10632 Krauss, Samuel: Bann. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 705-707

10633 Krauss, Samuel: Excommunication. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 205-206

10634 Laras, Guiseppe: La scomunica. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 29 (1963), p. 446-450, 491-496

10635 Lesetre, Henri: Excommunication (תרכ). Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 2132-2134

10636 Levin, Louis: Ein Bannfluch [in Posen 1691-92]. Jubilee vol. Hoffmann, 1914, p. 162-166

10637 Lieber, David L.; Rabinowitz, L.I.: Banishment. Encyclopedia Judaica 4, p. 163-165

10638 Malamat, Abraham: The ban in Mari and in the Bible. Ou-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika, Proceedings of the 9th meeting (1966), p. 40-49

10639 Mandl, Simon: Das Anathema im alttestamentlichen Schrifttum. Der Bann im Alten Testament. Judisches Litteraturblatt 23 (1894), p. 41-42, 45-46, 50-52, 54-55

10640 Mandl, Simon: Der Bann im talmudischen Schrifttum. Judisches Litteraturblatt 23 (1894), p. 110, 114, 118, 130, 134-135

10641 Mandl, Simon: Der Bann. Ein Beitrag zum mosaisch-rabbinischen Strafrecht. Brunn 1898, 51 p. |R: Feuchtwang, David, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 42, N.F. 6 (1898), p. 524-525

10642 Many, S.: Bannissement. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 1430-1432

10643 Merr: Bann. Schenkel 1, p. 351-354

10644 Pfeiffer, August: De anathematismis Ebr. In: Antiquitates Ebraicae selectae, Leipzig 1692, p. 168-186

10645 Pope, M.H.: Excommunication. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 183-185

10646 Rabinowicz, Harry M.: Rabbi Joseph Colon and the Jewish ban. Historia Judaica 22 (1960), p. 61-70

10647 Revel, Hirschel: Banishment. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 63-64


10648 Riehm, Eduard: Bann. Riehm 1, p. 182-185

10649 Siegfried, C.: Bann. Guthe, p. 70-71

10650 Voorsanger, Jacob: Anathema. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 559-561

10651 Weiss, Gershon: Shetar Herem - excommunication formulary. Five documents from the Cairo Geniza. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 6 (1977), p. 98-120

10652 Wiesner, J.: Der Bann. 1864, 108 p.

10653 Winer, G.B.: Bann. Winer 1, p. 134-137



10654 Kantor, Leo: Beitrage zur Lehre von der strafrechtlichen Schuld im Talmud (Kippahstrafe). Marburg 1926, 7 + 103 p. |R:
189-188 'מע ,(גצרת) ד ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד



10655 Bennett, William Henry: Prison. Hastings Dict. 4, p. 103

10656 Buchler, Adolf: L'enterrement des criminels d'apres le Talmud et le Midrasch. Revue des Etudes Juives 46 (1903), p. 74-88

10657 Chavel, Charles B.: The releasing of a prisoner on the eve of Passover in ancient Jerusalem. Journal of Biblical Literature 60 (1941), p. 273-278

10658 Cohn, Marcus: Freiheitsstrafe. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 789-790 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 148-149

10659 Cohn, Marcus: Gefangnis. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 934-935 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 149-150

10660 Elon, Menachem: Imprisonment. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 1299-1303 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 535-539

10661 Elon, Menachem: Imprisonment for debt. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 1303-1309 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 633-640

10662 Elon, Menachem: Restraint of the person as a means in the collection of debts in Jewish law. Dissertation Jerusalem 1961, 4 + 23 p.

10663 Elon, Menachem: Imprisonment for debt. Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jew. Law, p. III,1-III,3

10664 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Prision, prisioneros. Vol. 8, p. 612-613

10665 Greenberg, Moshe: Prison. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 3, p. 891-892

10666 Greenstone, Julius H.: Imprisonment. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 567-568

10667 Lesetre, Henri: Prison. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 678-680

10668 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Gefangenschaft. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 933-934

10669 Winer, G.B.: Gefangnis. Winer 1, p. 402-403



םייצוביק םישנוע

10670 Daube, David: Common responsibility. In: Studies in biblical law, Cambridge 1947, p. 154-189

10671 Daube, David: Summum jus, summa iniuria. In: Studies in biblical law, Cambridge 1947, p. 190-315

10672 Gottlieb, Dale: Collective responsibility. Tradition 14,3 (1974), p. 48-65

10673 Lattey, Cuthbert: Vicarious solidarity in the Old Testament. Vetus Testamentum 1 (1951), p. 267-274

10674 Rodriguez, M.: Collective responsibility (Semitic attitude, collective responsibility in Old Testament). New Catholic Encyclopedia 3, p. 1002-1003

10675 Wiener, Harold Marcus: The biblical doctrine of joint, hereditary and individual responsibility. In: Early Hebrew history, London 1924, p. 79-109


וקלש תותירכ יבייח .תרכ

10676 Bornstein, David Josef: Karet. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 9, p. 956-962

10677 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Karet. Vol. 6, p. 397-398

10678 Encyclopedia Talmudica: An interdict of 'Kareyth'
תרכ רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 450-451

10679 Fink, Elias: Gedanken uber die תרכ - Strafe. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 4 (1917), p. 383-393

10680 Lesetre, Henri: Excommunication (תרכ). Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 2132-2134

10681 Rothschild, (David): Die תרכ - Strafe im Judenthum. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 25 (1876), p. 89-91


'הינימ הברדב היל םיק' .םישנוע יוביר

10682 Cohn, Marcus: Gesetzeskonkurrenz. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 1112-1114 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 21-22

10683 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Double jeopardy and entrapment in Jewish law. Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 3 (1973), p. 202-222



10684 Gershuni, Yehuda: Extradition. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 127-136

10685 Morgenstern, Moshe: Conflict of lives: surrendering a fugitive, organ transplants, and the removal of a life sustaining system. In: Halachic perspective: bio-medical ethics - Ohr Tsiporah, N.Y. 1981, p. 58-71



ןוממ תעקפהו סנק

10686 Cohn, Haim H.: Confiscation, expropriation, forfeiture. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 880-882 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 548-550

10687 Cohn, Haim H.; Levitats, Isaac: Fines (תוסנק). Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 1287-1289; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 545-547

10688 Cohn, Marcus: Geldstrafe. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 949-951 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 150-151

10689 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Fines and forfeiture (סנק). Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 386-387


תוברע .החכות .תוריבע תעינמ

10690 Abeles, Armin: Die Burgschaft als Motiv in der judischen Literatur. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 60, N.F. 24 (1916), p. 213-226, 263-278

10691 Abeles, Armin: הזב הז םיברע לארשי לכ Alle Israeliten sind Burgen, Einer fur den Anderen. Jubilee vol. Schwarz, 1917, p. 231-246

10692 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man is anxious for his property
ונוממ לע לוהב םדא. Vol. 1, p. 212-216

10693 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man is anxious for his dead
ותמ לע לוהב םדא. Vol. 1, p. 216-218

10694 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man is not told, 'Sin for your neighbor's benefit' ךרבח הכזיש ידכ אטח םדאל םירמוא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 710-713

10695 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A man is not told, 'Sin in order to acquire merit'
הכזתש ליבשב אטחו דמע םדאל םירמוא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 713-715

10696 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Restraining from wrong-doing
ארוסיאמ ישורפא. Vol. 2, p. 616-618

10697 Momigliano, Giuseppe: L'apportenenza alla comunita; alumi spunti della Halakhah e del pensiero dei maestri. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 51 (1986), p. 637-641

10698 Sherman, Avraham: The halachic approach towards nonobservant Jews. Crossroads 1 (1987), p. 11-18


תווצמב הייחד

10699 Dukes, Leopold: Nothluge. Jeschurun, Kobak, 3 (1859), p. 41

10700 Shaviv, Yehuda: Conflicting mitzva obligations (Halachic aspect of the 'Hesder'). Crossroads 1 (1987), p. 187-199



ינהמ אל דיבע יא .הרבעב אבה השעמ

10701 Kaatz, Saul: Temura 4b (ינהמ אל וא ינהמ דיבע םא). Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 13 (1926), p. 309-310


שפנ חוקיפ .שפנ תלצה

10702 Baneth, Eduard: Sakkanat Nefaschot. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 44-45

10703 Carlebach, Alexander: Saving the life of a non-Jew on Shabbat. Niv Hamidrashia (Winter 1967), English section p. 7-14

10704 Danz, Joh. Andr. (praes.); Wakius, Joh. Conr. (resp.): תבשב שפנ חוקיפ sive, Christi curatio sabbathica. Dissertation Jena 1699, 6 + 70 p.

10705 Encyclopedia Talmudica: One life is not sacrificed for another
שפנ ינפמ שפנ ןיחוד ןיא. Vol. 2, p. 3-6

10706 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Grave interdict; light interdict
לק רוסא ;רומח רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 441-443

10707 Feldman, David M.: Life as a principle, not an estimate. Sh'ma 13 (1982-83), p. 108-109

10708 Frankel, Y.Y.: A holocaust survivor who saved himself with his brother's money. Crossroads 1 (1987), p. 87-90

10709 Gutnick, Mordechai: Children in life-threatening medical situations: the family responsibility, duties and rights. Or Hadorom 4 (1987), p. 33-42

10710 Johns, Alger F.: The military strategy of Sabbath attacks on the Jews. Vetus Testamentum 13 (1963), p. 482-486

10711 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: The 'good Samaritan' and Jewish law. Dine Israel 7 (1976), English section, p. 7-85

10712 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: The bystander's duty to rescue in Jewish law. Journal of Religious Ethics 8 (1980), p.204-226

10713 Klagsbrun, Francine: The value of Jewish life; Jewish ethics and the Holocaust. In: Contemporary views on the Holocaust, ed. Randolph L. Braham, Boston 1983, p. 3-19

10714 Rackman, Emanuel: Priorities in the right to life. Jubilee vol. Jakobovits, 1986, p. 235-244

10715 Rosner, Fred; Wolfson, Wilfred: Returning on the Sabbath from a life-saving mission. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 9 (1985), p. 53-67

10716 Saltzman, Steven: The sanctity of life in Jewish law. Dissertation Jewish Theological Seminary 1983



'רובעי לאו גרהיי' .שפנ תוריסמ .םשה שודיק

10717 Anbar (Bernstein), M.: Le chatiment du crime de sacrilege d'apres la Bible et un texte hepatoscopique paleo-babylonien. Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale 68 (1974), p. 172-173

10718 Bornstein, David Josef: Kiddusch Ha-Schem. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 9, p. 1213-1217

10719 Breuer, Raphael: Die Lehre von den Zwangshandlungen und Zwangsvorstellungen. Judische Monatshefte 3 (1916), p. 10-13. |R: m.w.r.t., ib. p. 139-140; Breuer, R., ib. p. 140-142

10720 Daube, David: Limitations on self-sacrifice in Jewish law and tradition. Theology 72 (1969), p. 291-304*

10721 Daube, David: Appeasement or resistance; and other essays on New Testament Judaism. Berkeley 1987, 128 p.; p. 75-119: Appeasing or resisting the oppressor

10722 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Kidush Ha-Shem. Vol. 6, p. 436-437

10723 Friedman, Harry G.: Kiddush Hashem and Hillul Hashem. Hebrew Union College Annual 1904, p. 193-214

10724 Holtz, Avraham: Kiddush and Hillul Hashem. Judaism 10 (1961), p. 360-367

10725 Holtz, Avraham: The concept of Qiddush Hashem in the Jewish prayer book. Harvard Theological Review 57 (1964), p. 137-140

10726 Jacobs, Louis: Greater love hath no man...; The Jewish point of view of self sacrifice. In: Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 175-183

10727 Joseph, Max: Kiddusch Haschem und Chillul Haschem. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 687-688

10728 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: A cog in the wheel: the defence of 'obedience to superior orders' in Jewish law. Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 4 (1974), p. 168-193

10729 Kohler, Kaufmann: Kiddush Hashem and Hillul Hashem. Jewish Encyclopedia 7, p. 484-485

10730 Lamm, Norman; Ben Sasson, H.H.: Kiddush Ha-Shem and Hillul Ha-Shem. Encyclopedia Judaica 10, p. 977-986

10731 Lieberman, S.: Martyrs of Caesaria. Annuaires de l'Institut de Philologie et a Histoire Orientales et Slaves 7 (1939-44), p. 411 ff.*

10732 Low, Leopold: Kiddusch ha-Schem und Chillul ha-Schem. Ben Chananja 9 (1866), p. 105-111 = Gesamm. Schrift. Vol. 1, Szegedin 1889, p. 223-231

10733 Maccoby, Hyam: Sanctification of the name. Kiddush Hashem. In: Contemporary Jewish religious thought. Original essays on critical concepts, movements, and beliefs, eds. Arthur A. Cohen and Paul Mendes-Flohr, N.Y. 1987, p. 849-854

10734 Oshrey, Ephraim: Responsa from the Holocaust. N.Y. 1983, 30 + 218 p.*. |R: Levine, Murray, Halakha is alive and well. Jewish Spectator 49,4 (1984), p. 47-50

10735 Perles, Felix: Zur Wurdigung der Sittenlehre des Talmuds: a) der Begriff des Kiddusch Haschem; b) die Wahrheitsliebe. In: Judische Skizzen, Leipzig 1912, p. 114-124

10736 Petuchowski, Jakob J.: The limits of self-sacrifice. In: Modern Jewish ethics, ed. Marvin Fox, Columbus 1975, p. 103-118

10737 Rosenbaum, Irving J.: Holocaust and Halakhah. In: Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 402-419

10738 Septimus, Bernard: Narboni and Shem Tov on martyrdom. In: Studies in medieval Jewish history and literature, ed. Isadore Twersky, vol. 1, Cambridge, Mass.-London 1984, p. 447-455


10739 Shenhabin, Israel: Kiddush Hashem. Jewish Forum 43 (1960), p. 96-97, 123-124, 136-137, 173-174; 44 (1961), p. 23

10740 Steinherz, Jakab: Kiddus ha-Sem es Chillul ha-Sem. Jubilee vol. M.A. Bloch, 1905, p. 228-237

10741 Winer, G.B.: Gotteslasterung. Winer 1, p. 443


םימוליש .שפנ רפוכ

10742 Cohn, Haim H.: Compounding offences. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 856-857 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 547-548

10743 Schenker, Adrian: Koper et expiation. Biblica 63 (1982), p. 32-46


היצטיליבהיר .הנינח .הבושת

10744 Driver, S.R.: Expiation and atonement (Hebrew). Hastings 5, p. 653-659

10745 Loewe, Herbert: Expiation and atonement (Jewish). Hastings 5, p. 659-664

10746 Milgrom, Jacob: The priestley doctrine of repentance. Revue Biblique 82 (1975), p. 186-205

10747 Urbach, Efraim E.: Redemption and repentance in talmudic Judaism. In: Types of redemption, eds. R.J.C. Werblowsky and C.J. Bleeker, Leiden 1970, p. 190-206

10748 Wohlgemuth, Joseph: Zur Charakteristik des Sundenbewusstseins im talmudischen Judentum. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 11 (1924), p. 95-127, 185-228

10749 Yaron, Reuven: Redemption of persons in the ancient Near East. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 6 (1959), p. 155-176



10750 Adam: Der Talmud und die Folter (Von talmudischen Gerichtsverfahren bis zu Simon von Trient). Die Welt 3,44 (1899), p. 6-7

10751 Alexander, Uri Ben: Violence and the Jewish tradition. European Judaism 18,2 (1985), p. 17-27

10752 Baneth, Eduard: Issur Chal al Issur. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 85-86

10753 Baron, Salo Wittmayer; Wise, George S. (eds.): Violence and defence in the Jewish experience. Philadelphia 1977, 12 + 362 p.


10754 Bleich, J. David: Parameters and limits of communal unity from the perspective of Jewish law. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 6 (1983), p. 5-20 = Halacha and contemporary society, ed. Alfred S. Cohen, N.Y. 1984, p. 151-166

10755 Daube, David: Concessions to sinfulness in Jewish law. Journal of Jewish Studies 10 (1959), p. 1-13

10756 Denney, J.: Curse. Hastings Dict. 1, p. 534-535

10757 Doron, Pinchas: A new look on old lex. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Oriental Society 1,2 (1969), p. 21-27

10758 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Resultant interdicts והירזיבא. Vol. 1, p. 73-75

10759 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Presumption against commission of theft
ןניקזחמ אל יבנגב ישניא יקוזחא. Vol. 1, p. 562-566

10760 Encyclopedia Talmudica: People are not presumed to act wickedly against the law ןניקזחמ אל יעישרב ישניא יקוזחא. Vol. 1, p. 566-567

10761 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Interdictions are not presumed
ןניקזחמ אל ירוסיא יקוזחא. Vol. 1, p. 567-568

10762 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man sees anything to his disadvantage
ומצעל הבוח האור םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 703-704

10763 Encyclopedia Talmudica: One prohibition cannot superimpose itself upon another רוסא לע לח רוסא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 715-727

10764 Encyclopedia Talmudica: 'Eyphah and 'Eyphah הפיאו הפיא. Vol. 2, p. 166-168

10765 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Torah interdictions אתיירואד רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 433-434

10766 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Rabbinic interdicts ןנברד רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 439-441

10767 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Objective interdict; personal interdict
ארבג רוסא ;אצפח רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 444-450

10768 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Interdict in virtue of a negative precept ואל רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 451-453

10769 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Capital interdict התימ רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 457-458

10770 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Positive interdicts השע רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 458-460

10771 Gordon, Cyrus H.: A new Akkadian parallel to Deuteronomy 25,11-12. Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 15 (1935), p. 29-34

10772 Joseph, Morris: Discipline (Jewish). Hastings 4, p. 720-723

10773 Katz, David H.: Religion and delinquency. Jewish Forum 36 (1956), p. 10-12

10774 L'Hour, Jean: Une legislation criminelle dans le Deuteronome. Biblica 44 (1963), p. 1-28

10775 L'Hour, Jean: Les interdits To'eba dans le Deuteronome. Revue Biblique 71 (1964), p. 481-503

10776 Mayer, Samuel: Die Rechte der Israeliten, Athener und Romer. 3: Geschichte des Strafrechts (bei den Juden). 1876

10777 Nobel, Nehemias Anton: Zur talmudischen Auffassung des concursus delictorum. Jubilee vol. J. Guttmann, 1905, p. 143-147

10778 Schochet, Elijah Judah: A responsum of surrender. Los Angeles 1973, 4 + 106 p.

10779 Weingreen, J.: The concepts of retaliation and compensation in Biblical law. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 26 (1976), p. 1 ff.*

10780 Wellhausen, Hermann: Arabisch-judisch[es Strafrecht]. In: Momsen, Theodor, Fragen zum vergleichenden Strafrecht, Berlin 1903, p. 49-57

10781 Weyl, Heinrich: Die judischen Strafgesetze bei Josephus Flavius in ihrem Verhaltnis zu Schrift und Halacha, mit einer Einleitung: Josephus... uber die judischen Gerichtshofe und Richter. Berlin 1900, 164 p.