

יללכ - החפשמ

12326 Abrahams, Israel: Family (Jewish). Hastings 5, p. 741-742

12327 Abrahams, Israel: Jewish life in the Middle Ages. London 1896; new ed., enlarged by Cecil Roth, London 1932; ch. VII: Monogamy and the home; ch. IX: Love and courtship

12328 Adinolfi, Marco: La donna e il matrimonio nel Giudaismo ai tempi di Cristo. Rivista Biblica 20 (1972), p. 369-390

12329 Alberti, Angelo: Matrimonio e divorzio nella Bibbia. Milano 1962, 190 p.

12330 Alexander, Levy: Hebrew ritual and doctrinal explanation of the whole ceremonial law, oral and traditional, of the Jewish community in England and foreign parts. London 1819, 7 + 309 p.; p. 155-173: Of marriages; p. 233-299: On the Mishna, or oral law

12331 Arrhenius, Laurentius: בוט לזמ Dissertationes historico-philologicae de jure connubiorum apud Hebraeos. In: De jure connubiorum, ed. Olavus Celsius, Upsala 1727, p. 35-92

12332 Baab, O.J.: Family. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 238-240

12333 Bennett, William Henry: Family. Hastings Dict. 1, p. 846-850

12334 Benzinger, Immanuel: Family. Encyclopedia Biblica 2, p. 1498-1505

12335 Benzinger, Immanuel: Marriage. Encyclopedia Biblica 3, p. 2942-2951

12336 Benzinger, Immanuel: Familie und Ehe bei den Hebraern. Hauck 5, p. 738-750

12337 Bergel, Joseph: Die Eheverhaltnisse der alten Juden im Vergleiche mit den Griechischen und Romischen. Leipzig 1881, 33 p.

12338 Bergman, J.; Ringgren, Helmer; Tsevat, Matitiahu: הלותב. Theologisches Worterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 872-877

12339 Bergmann, Alexander; Ferid, Murad: Internationales Ehe- und Kindschaftsrecht (Religiose Eherechte - Juden: Das judische Eherecht). 5 ed., Frankf.a.M. 1976, vol. 1, 12 p.

12340 Biale, David: Family. Mishpacha. In: Contemporary Jewish religious thought. Original essays on critical concepts, movements, and beliefs, eds. Arthur A. Cohen and Paul Mendes-Flohr, N.Y. 1987, p. 239-243

12341 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Ehe. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 6, p. 223-253

12342 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Familie, -in der Bibel; -im Talmud. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 6, p. 917-922

12343 Billauer, A.: Grundzuge des babylonisch-talmudischen Eherechts. Berlin 1910, 78 p.

12344 Bleich, J. David: Marriage, divorce and personal status: Surnames in marriage contracts and bills of divorce; Employment during the postnuptional week; The Agunah problem; Refusal to grant a religious divorce; Mamzerut I, II; The Langer Case; Children of mixed marriages; Their status as Levites. Contemporary Halakhic problems, N.Y. 1977, p. 146-178


12345 Brav, Stanley R.: Jewish family solidarity - myth or fact? Vicksburg 1940, 5 + 130 p.

12346 Brav, Stanley R. (ed.): Marriage and the Jewish tradition. N.Y. 1951, 13 + 218 p.

12347 Breuer, Joseph: Am Heiligtumsquell des judischen Ehelebens. Frankf.a.M. 1923, 75 p.

12348 Breuer, Joseph: The Jewish marriage, source of sanctity. N.Y. 1956, 67 p.

12349 Breuer, Raphael: Fragen des judischen Ehegesetzes. Nachalath Z'wi 1 (1930-31), p. 44-52, 122-128

12350 Buchdahl, David A.: An examination of the meaning of kinship in Jewish law. Master Thesis, Chicago 1969

12351 Buchholz, Peter: Die Familie in rechtlicher und moralischer Beziehung nach mosaisch-talmudischer Lehre. Breslau 1867, 138 p.

12352 Carlebach, Joseph: Die judischen Ehegesetze. Blatter des Judischen Frauenbundes in Deutschland 8,1 (1932), p. 2-4

12353 Caverno, C.: Family. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 2, p. 1094-1096

12354 Chigier, Moshe: Husband and wife in Israeli law. Jerusalem 1985, 281 p.

12355 Cohn, Marcus: Eherecht. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 248-274 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 95-110

12356 Cohn, Marcus: Marriage. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 7, p. 369-376

12357 Cross, Earle Bennett: The Hebrew family. Chicago 1927, 11 + 217 + 9 p.

12358 D[avis], M[er.]: Hagar, or Scripture facts concerning marriage, esp... polygamy, concubinage, divorce, marriage authority. London 1881, 8 + 206 p.

12359 Deen, Edith: Family living in the Bible. N.Y. 1963, 14 + 274 p.

12360 Drazin, Nathan: Marriage made in Heaven. London 1958, N.Y. 1961, 144 p.

12361 Dronkert, K.: Het huwelijk in het Oude Testament. Leiden 1957, 112 p.

12362 Duschak, Moritz: Das mosaisch-talmudische Eherecht. Wien 1864, 10 + 146 + 4 p. |R: Duschak, Hermann, Ben Chananja 7 (1864), p. 952-953

12363 Eberharter, Andreas: Das Ehe-und Familienrecht der Hebraer. Munster i.W. 1914, 10 + 205 p.

12364 Eisenstadt, S.: Early history and principles of Jewish family law. Juridical Review 60 (1948), p. 48-53

12365 Eliash, Ben Zion: Ethnic pluralism or melting pot?; The dilemma of rabbinical adjudication in Israeli family law. Israel Law Review 18 (1983), p. 348-380

12366 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Familia. Vol. 4, p. 374-376

12367 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Hermano. Vol. 5, p. 378

12368 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Matrimonio. Vol. 7, p. 326-340

12369 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Sexo. Vol. 9, p. 553-562

12370 Engert, Thad.: Ehe- und Familienrecht der Hebraer. Munchen 1905, 6 + 108 p.

12371 Epstein, Louis M.: Adjustment of the Jewish marriage laws to present-day conditions. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 5 (1933-38), p. 227-235

12372 Epstein, Louis M.: Marriage laws in the Bible and the Talmud. Cambridge, Mass. 1942, 10 + 362 p. |R: Mikliszanski, Jacques K., Jewish Social Studies 5 (1943), p. 316-317; Agus, Irving A., Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 34 (1943-44), p. 369-370; Burrows, Millar, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 3 (1944), p. 104-105; Higger, Michael, Jewish Forum 29 (1946), p. 280-289; 113-108 'מע ,(זשת-ושת) גכ רפס תירק ,ח"א ,ןמיירפ

12373 Epstein, Louis M.: Sex laws and customs in Judaism. N.Y. 1948, 10 + 251 p.; repr. with introduction by Ari Kiev, N.Y. 1967, 24 + 251 p.; N.Y. 1968, 259 p. |R: Higger, Michael, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 39 (1948-49), p. 425-428; Feldman, David M., Conservative Judaism 22,4 (1968), p. 89-90; Weiss, Ch., Jewish Social Studies 32 (1970), p. 163-165


12374 Epstein, Oskar: Ein Weg zur judischen Gemeinschaft. Der Jude 2 (1917-18), p. 539-544

12375 Eschelbacher, Max: Zur Geschichte des biblisch-talmudischen Eherechts. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 65, N.F. 29 (1921), p. 299-322

12376 Falk, Zeev W.: Jewish matrimonial law in the Middle Ages. Oxford 1966, 16 + 154 p. |R: Yaron, Reuben, Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 449-453; Jackson, Bernard S., American Journal of Comparative Law 16 (1968), p. 641-642; Berkovits, Eliezer: Marriage law, Judaism 18 (1969), p. 122-123

12377 Falk, Zeev W.: Ehe - Eherecht - Ehescheidung: Judentum. Theologische Realenzyklopedia 9 (1981), p. 313

12378 Fink, Daniel: Uber den Begriff der Ehe im Judentum und im Neuen Testamente. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 7 (1920), p. 396-400, 461-473, 571-575; 8 (1921), p. 62-65

12379 Frankel, J.A.: Uber das Princip der judischen Ehe. Orient 1 (1840), p. 308-313, 325-330, 337-340

12380 Frankel, Zacharias: Grundlinien des mosaisch-talmudischen Eherechts. Jahresbericht, jud.-theol. Seminar Breslau 1860, Leipzig 1860, 48 p.; author's introd. remarks: Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 9 (1860), p. 75-78. |R: Schwarz, A.: Die Ehe im biblischen Alterthum, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 45, N.F. 9 (1901), p. 278-291

12381 Freidus, A.S.: Marriage and divorce among Jews. New York Public Library Bulletin 1905*

12382 Friedenthal, Marcus Beer: Die judische Ehe nach der Bibel. Orient 5 (1844), p. 565-568, 582-585, 609-615, 633-638, 753-758

12383 Friedlander, Markus Hirsch: Die judische Trauung in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung. Die Neuzeit Wien 1870-71*

12384 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Jewish marriage in Palestine; a Cairo Geniza study. Vol. 1-2, Tel Aviv-N.Y. 1980-81. 24 + 492, 19 + 517 p. |R: Maier, Johann, Bibliotheca Orientalis 40 (1983), p. 715-716; Bokser, Baruch M., Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53 (1985), p. 302;
166-163 'מע ,(זמשת) די 'בוח רפס ילע .תילארשי ץראה הבותכה לע :השמ ,סיסע

12385 Frymer-Kensky, Tikva: Israelite law: Personal status and family law. Encyclopedia of Religion 7, p. 469-473

12386 Furstauer, Johanna: Eros in Israel. In: Eros im alten Orient, Stuttgart 1965, p. 257-324

12387 Gershon, Phillip S.: Jewish family life in Italy 1680-1760 based on... responsa from Isaac Lampronti... Pachad Yitzchak. Dissertation Hebrew Union College 1958

12388 Gerster, Thomas Villanova: Familia veteris foederis. Taurini (Torino) 1931, 263 p.

12389 Ginsburg, Christian D.: Marriage. Kitto 3, p. 75-90

12390 Goitein, Shlomo Dov: A Mediterranean Society, vol. 3: The family. Berkeley 1978, 21 + 522 p. |R: Scheiber, Alexander, Oriens Antiquus 33 (1979), 286-288; Nemoy, Leon, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 70 (1979-80), p. 50-56; Morabia, Alfred, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 25 (1982), p. 210-217

12391 Goldstein, Sidney E.: Meaning of marriage and foundations of the family,a Jewish interpretation. N.Y. 1940, 8 + 95 p.; Enl. ed., N.Y. 1942, 9 + 214 p.

12392 Gordis, Robert: The Jewish concept of marriage. Judaism 2 (1953), p. 225-238


12393 Gordis, Robert: Sex and family in the Jewish tradition. N.Y. 1967, 64 p.

12394 Gordon, Hirsch Loeb: Sex laws and customs. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 9, p. 487-489

12395 Greenstone, Julius H.: Husband and wife. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 508-510

12396 Greenstone, Julius H.: Marriage laws. Jewish Encyclopedia 8, p. 347-349

12397 Grunfeld, I.: The Jewish family. Jubilee vol. Schuster, 1971, p. 11-33

12398 Guttmacher, Adolf: Family and family life. Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 336-338

12399 Harrington, Wilfred J.: The Bible on marriage. Dublin 1963, 38 p.

12400 Haymann: Ehegesetze der Juden. Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und Katholische Theologie. Coln 1835*

12401 Holdheim, Samuel: Uber die Autonomie der Rabbinen und das Prinzip der judischen Ehe. Schwerin 1843, 13 + 263 p.; 2nd ed. 1847. |R: Hirsch, Samuel, Orient 4 (1843), p. 696-698; Gebhardt, J., ib., 5 (1844), p. 27-31; Frankel, Zacharias, Zeitschrift fur die Religiosen Interessen des Judenthums 1 (1844), p. 204-208, 244-248, 273-288, 321-328

12402 Holdheim, Samuel: Vorschlage zu einer zeitgemassen Reform der judischen Ehegesetze. Schwerin 1845, 44 p.

12403 Horst, Alex. D. van der: La vie familiale juive. Bruxelles 1922, 182 p.

12404 Isaacs, Nathan; Isaacs, Ella Davis: Relationship, family. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 4, p. 2554-2556

12405 Jacquey, Jules: Du regime matrimonial des Israelites non citoyens francais et en particulier des Israelites marocains maries en Algerie. Alger 1886, 24 p.

12406 Juynboll, Th. W.: Opmerkingen over het familierecht bij de oude Hebreen. Leiden 1917, 21 p.

12407 Katz, Jacob: The family. In: Tradition and crisis, N.Y. 1961, p. 135-148

12408 Kennett, Robert Hatch: Ancient Hebrew social life and custom, as indicated in law, narrative and metaphor. London 1933, 114 p.; p. 16-21: Marriage; p. 89-98: Administration of justice and law

12409 Kister, Yitzhak: Law of personal status (in Mandatory Palestine and in Israel). In: International Lawyers Convention in Israel 1958, Jerusalem 1959, p. 244-256

12410 Kitto, John: Affinity. Kitto 1, p. 78

12411 Kohler, Ludwig: Familie im Alten Testament und Neuen Testament. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart 2, p. 509

12412 Kornfeld, Walter: Mariage dans l'Ancien Testament. Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement 5, p. 905-926

12413 Krenkel: Ehe (im A.T.). Schenkel 2, p. 57-61

12414 Landau, Ezechiel: Das mosaisch-talmudische Eherecht... auf Verlangen Kaiser Josefs des Zweiten... erstattetes Gutachten mit Einleitung und Anmerkngen versehen von Alex. Kisch. Leipzig 1900, 36 p.

12415 Lesetre, Henri: Famille, la - sous la loi mosaique. Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 2171-2172

12416 Levy, J. Leonard; Harrison, Leonard: The modern problem of marriage and divorce. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 23 (1913), p. 340-362

12417 Levy, Louis-Germain: La famille dans l'antiquite israelite. Paris 1905, 296 p.

12418 Lewkowitz, Julius: Familie, Familienleben. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 585-586

12419 Lichtschein, Ludwig: Die Ehe nach mosaisch-talmudischer Auffassung und das mosaisch-talmudische Eherecht. Leipzig 1879, 10 + 172 p.

12420 Linzer, Norman: The Jewish family. N.Y. 1968, 192 p.; repr. 1970

12421 Lipinski, E.: Le mariage de Ruth. Vetus Testamentum 26 (1976), p. 124-127

12422 Loeckle, W.: Ehe. Zeller, p. 160-162

12423 Loewe, Heinr. Georg Friedr. sen: Blut und Geld im Judentum, dargestellt im judischen Recht (Schulchan Aruch). Vol. 1: Eherecht (Eben Haaser) und Fremdenrecht. Munchen 1936, 29 + 307 p.


12424 Low, Leopold: Eherechtliche Studien. Ben Chananja 3 (1860), p. 209-228, 317-329, 529-539, 657-667; 4 (1861), p. 111-115, 257-259, 271-273; 5 (1862), p. 69- 74, 93-97, 195-196, 203-204, 211-212, 219-221, 253-256, 261-263, 285-288, 301-304, 309-312, 363-366, 373-377, 391-395, 399-402, 408-412 = Gesamm. Schr., vol. 3, Szegedin 1893, p. 13-334

12425 Mace, David R.: Hebrew marriage, a sociological study. N.Y. 1953, 15 + 271 p. London dto.

12426 Macmillan, Kerr D.: Marriage among the early Babylonians and Hebrews. Princeton Theological Review 1908*

12427 Malka, Elie: Essai sur la condition juridique de la femme juive au Maroc. Paris 1952, 165 p.

12428 Max, Morris: The Jewish concept of marriage. N.Y. 1941, 62 p.

12429 McLaughlin, J.F.; Greenstone, Julius H.: Marriage. Jewish Encyclopedia 8, p. 335-339

12430 Mendelssohn, Moses; Levin, Hirschel: Ritualgesetze der Juden, betreffend Erbschaften, Vormundschaftssachen, Testamente und Ehesachen,... entworfen... auf Veranlassung und unter Aufsicht... R. Hirschel Lewin. Berlin 1778; 3rd ed., Berlin 1793, 20 + 221 p.; 4th ed., Berlin 1799, 32 + 198 p.; 5th ed., Berlin 1826, 24 + 183 p.; Gesam. Schr., vol. 6, Leipzig 1845, p. 1-118; Gesamm. Schr. Jubilaumsausgabe, vol. 7, Berlin 1930, p. 109-251 (with intr. by S. Rawidowicz, p. CVI-CLXI)

12431 Michaelis, Johann David: Abhandlung von den Ehegesetzen Mosis. 2nd ed., Frankf.a.M.-Leipzig 1786, 16 + 484 + 20 p.

12432 Mielziner, Moses: The Jewish law of marriage and divorce. Cincinnati 1880, 149 p.; 2nd ed., N.Y. 1901, 149 p.; repr. 1987

12433 Naamani, Israel T.: Marriage and divorce in Jewish law. Journal of Family Law 3 (1963), p. 177-200

12434 Negwer, Joseph: Die Ehe und die Familie in der heiligen Schrift des Alten und des Neuen Testaments. Leipzig 1956, 190 p.

12435 Nemeth, M.: Marriage and divorce in Israel. L'Eylah 1,9 (1980), p. 20-26

12436 Neubauer, Jacob: Beitrage zur Geschichte des biblisch-talmudischen Eheschliessungsrechts. Eine rechtsvergleichend-historische Studie. Leipzig 1920, 16 + 249 p. |R: Epstein, Louis M.: Legal conception of marriage in ancient Israel, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 14 (1923-24), p. 269-274

12437 Neuwirth, Aron: Zum judischen Eherecht. Judische Monatshefte 3 (1916), p. 297-316, 343-348; 4 (1917), p. 27-35

12438 Paterson, W.P.: Marriage. Hastings Dict. 3, p. 262-275

12439 Rackman, Emanuel: Ethical norms in the Jewish law of marriage. Judaism 3 (1954), p. 221-228 = One man's Judaism, N.Y. 1970, p. 225-237

12440 Rainey, Anson; Rabinowitz, Louis I.: Family. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 1164-1172

12441 Richter, Hans-Friedemann: Geschlechtlichkeit, Ehe und Familie im Alten Testament und seiner Umwelt. 2 vols., Bern-Frankf.a.M. 1978, 204 + 162 p. |R: Batto, Bernard F., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44 (1982), p. 128-129

12442 Safrai, Shmuel: Home and family. In: The Jewish people in the first century, vol. 1, eds. S. Safrai and M. Stern, Assen 1974, p. 728-792

12443 Scheftelowitz, Erwin Elchanan: The Jewish law of family and inheritance and its application in Palestine. Tel Aviv (between 1934-1948), 256 p.


12444 Scheftelowitz, Erwin Elchanan: Das religiose Eherecht im Staat. Koln 1970, 189 p. |R:
254 'מע ,(1974) 5 ;260-259 'מע ,(1972) 3 לארשי יניד ,באז ,קלפ

12445 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Husband and wife. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 1120-1128 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 379-387

12446 Schneid, Hayyim (ed.): Marriage. Philadelphia-Jerusalem 1973, 6 + 117 p.

12447 Schnitzer, Jeshaia: The ideal of Jewish marriage: perspectives of the man-woman relationship. In: Marital counseling, ed. Hirsch Lazar Silverman, Springfield, Ill., 1967, p. 246-253

12448 Schulweis, Harold M.: The Jewish family: the religious perspective. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 93 (1983), p. 25-30

12449 Selden, Joannes: Uxor Ebraica, seu De nuptiis et divortiis ex jure civili, id est Divino et Talmudico, veterum Ebraeorum, libri tres. Ejusdem de successionibus ad leges Ebraeorum in bona defunctorum, liber singularis; in pontificato, libri duo. London 1646; New ed., Frankf.a.O. 1673, 22 + 456 + 14; 248 + 8 p. -, Frankf.a.O. 1695; Joannis Seldeni Opera omnia, London 1726, vol. 2

12450 Siegfried, C.: Ehe. Guthe, p. 140-144

12451 Swift, Morris: Jewish marriage and divorce. London 1962, 17 p.

12452 Synan, Edward A.: The covenant of husband and wife. Bridge, a Year Book of Judeo-Christian Studies 4 (1962), p. 149-170

12453 Tedeschi, Guido: On the problem of marriage in the State of Israel. In: Studies in Israel private law, Jerusalem 1966, p. 218-233

12454 Unna, Isak: Marriage in Judaism. N.Y. 1927, 31 p. = The Jewish Library, ed. Leo Jung, 1st ser., N.Y. 1928, p. 311-335

12455 Weintraub, Dov; Shapiro, Miriam: The traditional family in Israel in the process of change - crisis and continuity. British Journal of Sociology 19 (1968), p. 284-299

12456 Wiesner, L.: Kindersegen und Kinderlosigkeit im altrabbinischen Schrifttume. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 66, N.F. 30 (1922), p. 34-48, 138-148

12457 Wiesner, L.: uber Kinderlosigkeit und Kinderreichtum im Talmud. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Judische Volkskunde 26-27 (Jahrbuch 1924-25), p. 73-79

12458 Winer, G.B.: Ehe. Winer 1, p. 296-299

12459 Zingg, Ernst: Ehe und Familie nach den Gesetzen Moses. Judaica 20 (1964), p. 121-128

12460 Zuckermandel, Moses Samuel: Die Familie in moralischer und rechtlicher Beziehung nach pentateuchischen Prinzipien. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 18 (1869), p. 71-76



12461 Amram, David Werner: Breach of promise of marriage. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 361-362

12462 Buchler, Adolf: Das judische Verlobnis und die Stellung der Verlobten eines Priesters im 1. und 2. Jahrhundert. Jubilee vol. Lewy, 1911, p. 110-144

12463 Buchler, Adolf: The Jewish betrothal and the position of a woman betrothed to a priest in the first and second centuries. Jews' College Publications, N.S. 1 (1956), p. 126-159


12464 Cohen, Boaz: On the theme of betrothal in Jewish and Roman law. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 18 (1948-49), p. 67-135 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 279-347

12465 Cohn, Marcus: Verlobung. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 1194-1195 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 137-138

12466 Drachman, Bernard: Betrothal. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 125-128

12467 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Compromiso matrimonial. Vol. 3, p. 109-110

12468 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Annulling the bride's vows: a Palestinian Ketubba clause. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 61 (1970-71), p. 222-233

12469 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: The ransom clause of the Jewish marriage contract. Jubilee vol. Gratz College, 1971, p. 63-82 = Israel Oriental Studies 6 (1976), p. 288-307

12470 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Pre-nuptial agreements with grooms of questionable character: A Geniza study. Dine Israel 6 (1975), English section, p. 105-122

12471 Levi, Israel: Une consultation rabbinique de Mardochee Cremieu (1806) [on matchmaking]. Revue des Etudes Juives 87 (1929), p. 35-39

12472 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Betrothal. Encyclopedia Judaica 3, p. 753-757 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 353-360


ןיאושינו ןישודק


םינוקיתו תונקת .םיגהנמ .יללכ

12473 Abrahams, Israel: Marriage (Jewish). Hastings 8, p. 460-463

12474 Abrahams, Israel: Jewish life in the Middle Ages. London 1896; new ed., enlarged by Cecil Roth, London 1932; ch. X: Marriage customs

12475 Abrahams, Israel: Some Jewish marriage ceremonies. Jewish Chronicle, (6.10.1899)

12476 Apple, Raymond, a.o.: Marriage. Encyclopedia Judaica 11, p. 1025-1051; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 356-360

12477 Ascher, Maurice: Marriage at eighteen. Jewish Forum 4 (1921), p. 981-984

12478 Baab, O.J: Marriage. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 3, p. 278-287

12479 Barton, George Aaron: Marriage (Semitic). Hastings 8, p. 466-471

12480 Bickerman, Elias Joseph: Two legal interpretations of the Septuagint. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 3 (1956), p. 81-104 = Studies in Jewish and Christian history, Leiden 1976, p. 201-224

12481 Blau, Ludwig: Zur Geschichte des judischen Eherechts. Jubilee vol. Schwarz, 1917, p. 193-209

12482 Blau, Ludwig: Die alteste Ehereform. Ein Beitrag zur Bibel- und Talmudexegese. Memorial vol. Chajes, 1933, p. 6-21

12483 Bonfil, Robert: אמוניה יאמ Un antico uso nuziale ebraico. Annuario di Studi Ebraici4 (1964-65), p. 81-100


12484 Bornstein, David Josef: Chuppa. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 5, p. 573-455

12485 Bottenheim, Paul: Etude sur le mariage d'apres le droit hebreu et l'application en Russie des lois hebraiques le regissant. Bulletin de la Societe de Legislation Comparative 40 (1910-11), p. 233-264

12486 Brissaud, J.B.: Le mariage juif. Bulletin de l'Academie de Legislation de Toulouse, 2 (1898-99)*

12487 Buchler, Adolf: The induction of the bride and the bridegroom into the הפוח in the first and the second centuries in Palestine. Memorial vol. Poznanski, 1927, p. 82-132

12488 Bulka, Reuven P.: Jewish marriage: a halakhic ethic. N.Y.-Hoboken 1986, 21 + 255 p.

12489 Burrows, Millar: The basis of Israelite marriage. New Haven, Conn., 1938, 8 + 72 p. |R: Epstein, Louis M., Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 30 (1939-40), p. 271-275

12490 Carpzov, Jo. Benedictus (praes.); Schmer, J. (resp.): Dissertatio philologico-theologica de Chuppa Hebraeorum. Leipzig [169-?], 46 p.; Rostock 1710, 46 p.

12491 Carpzov, Joh. Benedictus: Exercitatio de Chuppa Hebraeorum. Ugolinus Thesaurus 30*

12492 Celsius, Olavus (praes.); Leestrom, Benedict. (resp.): De jure connubiorum apud Hebraeos. 2 vols., Upsala 1727-1729

12493 Cohen, Boaz: Dowry in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Levi, 1955, p. 57-85 = L'Annuaire de l'Institute de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 13 (1953), p. 57-85 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 348-376

12494 Daube, David: Historical aspects of informal marriage. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser., 25 (1978), p. 95-107

12495 Dwight, Sereno Edwards: The Hebrew wife, or the law of marriage, examined in relation to the lawfulness of polygamy and to the extent of the law of incest. N.Y. 1836, 4 + 189 p.; Glasgow 1837, 8 + 148 p.

12496 Eager, Geo. B.: Marriage. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 3, p. 1996-1999

12497 Eberharter, Andreas: Was bedeutet Mohar? Theologische Quartalschrift 95 (1913), p. 489-508

12498 Elman, Peter (ed.): Jewish marriage. London-N.Y. 1967, 14 + 231 p.; p. 121-133: Owen, A.: Legal aspects of marriage

12499 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Cohabitacion. Vol. 3, p. 55

12500 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Dote. Vol. 3, p. 539-540

12501 Eschelbacher, Max: Vom Sinn der judischen Trauung. Der Morgen 6 (1930), p. 435-444

12502 Falk, Zeev W.: Engagement and marriage in ancient Hebrew law. Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jew. Law, p. XII,1-XII,3

12503 Freehof, Solomon B.: The Chuppa. Jubilee vol. Silver, 1963, p. 186-193

12504 Friedler, Abraham: Uber die Einsegnung der Ehen im Freien. ,(1846) 6 קחצי יבכוכ p. 103-107

12505 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: The minimum Mohar payment as reflected in the Geniza documents: marriage gift or endowment pledge. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 43 (1976), p. 15-47

12506 Gittelsohn, Roland B.: Discussion guide for 'Consecrated unto Me'. N.Y. 1966, 3 + 106 p.


12507 Gittelsohn, Roland B.: My beloved is mine. Judaism and marriage. N.Y. 1969, 14 + 326 p.

12508 Gittelsohn, Roland B.: The extra dimension: a Jewish view of marriage. N.Y. 1983, 11 + 270 p.

12509 Grunwald, Max: Marriage ceremonies. Jewish Encyclopedia 8, p. 340-347

12510 Herlitz, Georg; Grunwald, Max: Hochzeit und Hochzeitsbrauche. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 1635-1641

12511 Herzfeld, Levi: Vorschlage zu einer Reform der judischen Ehegesetze. Braunschweig 1846, 4 + 48 p.

12512 Jacobi, Hosea: Uber die Stellung des Weibes im Judenthum, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Eheschliessung, wie sie uns in den Schriften des Alten Testaments vorliegt. Berlin 1865, 39 p.

12513 Jakobovits, Immanuel: The meaning of the marriage ceremony. In: ןיאושינ רדס Order of the Jewish marriage service, N.Y. 1958, p. 6-10

12514 Jung, Leo: Jewish aspects of marriage. Jewish Forum 12 (1929), p. 215-217

12515 Jung, Leo: Modern marriage problems. In: The Jewish Library, 3rd ser., N.Y. 1934, p. 67-90

12516 Juster, Jean: Le mariage; le divorce; capacite de fait (femme juive, mineur). In: Les Juifs dans l'Empire Romain, vol. 2, Paris 1914, p. 41-64

12517 Kahana, Koppel: The theory of marriage in Jewish law. Leiden 1966, 11 + 99 p. |R: Kramer, Meyer, Tradition 9,1-2 (1967), p. 194-196

12518 Kalthoff, Joh. Heinr.: Eherecht. In: Handbuch der hebraischen Alterthumer, Munster 1840, p. 349-385

12519 Kanter, Felix: Die 'Chuppah'. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 1 (1914), p. 280-284

12520 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: The Talmud and you. A series of four units. N.Y. 1967, 9 + 49 p.; Pt. 1, p. 6-23: Under the canopy - the Jewish wedding ceremony; Pt. 2, p. 24-49: How to quarrel constructively - the talmudic concept and practice

12521 Klein, Hans: Natur und Recht; Israels Umgang mit dem Hochzeitsbrauchtum seiner Unwelt. Theologische Zeitschrift 37 (1981), p. 3-18

12522 Klein, Hermann: Zwei Gutachten zur Frage der Ehereform. Nachalath Z'wi 3 (1932-33), p. 289-297

12523 Kohler, Josef: Rechtsvergleichende Skizzen: 1.: Die Kaufehe nach dem Mischnatraktat Kidussin. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 26 (1911), p. 456-458

12524 Kohler, Kaufmann: Huppah. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 504-506

12525 Kohler, Ludwig: Ehe und Hochzeit im Alten Testament. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart 2, p. 25-27

12526 Kohnstamm, Jackie A.; Moulinas, Rene: Archaisme et traditions locales: Le mariage chez les Juifs d'Avignon et du Comtat au dernier siecle avant l'emancipation. Revue des Etudes Juives 138 (1979), p. 89-115

12527 Kuhlewein, J.: שרא. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 240-242

12528 Laufer, Joseph: Marital law in transition: the problem in Israel. BuffalLaw Review 9 (1959-60), p. 321-353

12529 Lauterbach, Jacob Z.: Kiddushin. Jewish Encyclopedia 7, p. 485-486

12530 Lauterbach, Jacob Z.: The ceremony of breaking a glass at weddings. Hebrew Union College Annual 2 (1925), p. 351-380 = Studies in Jewish law, custom and folklore, N.Y. 1970, p. 1-29

12531 Lesetre, Henri: Fiancailles. Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 2230-2232

12532 Lesetre, Henri: Mariage. Dictionnaire de la Bible 4, p. 758-770


12533 Levy, Felix A.: Judaism and marriage. Jewish Tracts 19 (n.d.), 19 p.

12534 Lewy, Heinrich: אמוניה in der Mischna. Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur 19 (1892), p. 133-134

12535 Loewe, Heinrich: Judische Brauche bei Verlobnis und Heirat. Gemeindeblatt der Judischen Gemeinde zu Berlin 18 (1928), p. 165-172

12536 [Low, Leopold]: Uber das Recht, Trauungen zu vollziehen. Ben Chananja 7 (1864), p. 49-56, 73-81

12537 Low, Leopold: Ist es nach dem Talmud erlaubt, unter freiem Himmel Trauungen vorzunehmen? Ben Chananja 8 (1865), p. 397-402, 413-421. |: Hochstadter: Theologisches Gutachten uber die in der Synagoge offentlich vorzunehmenden Trauungen, ib., p. 469-471; Strasser: Noch ein Wort uber Trauungsgebrauche, ib., p. 561-562

12538 Mangel, L. Ahouva: La formation du mariage en droit biblique et talmudique. Paris 1935, 139 p.

12539 Neufeld, Edward: Ancient Hebrew marriage laws, with special references to general Semitic laws and customs. London 1944, 19 + 304 p. |R: Gordon, Cyrus H., Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 40 (1949-50), p. 25

12540 Perles, Felix: Die judische Hochzeit in nachbiblischer Zeit. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 9 (1860), p. 339-360

12541 Plautz, Werner: Die Form der Eheschliessung im Alten Testament. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 76 (1964), p. 298-318

12542 Plummer, A.: Bride. Hastings Dict. 1, p. 326-327

12543 Plummer, A.: Bridegroom. Hastings Dict. 1, p. 327

12544 Rabbiner, Zemach: Die Bedingungen der Eheschliessung bei den Juden. Sofia 1930, 13 + 114 p. (German title page, text in Bulgarian lang.)

12545 Sessa, Guiseppe: Tractatus de Judaeis, eorum privilegiis, observantia et recto intellectu, continens pignora, usuras, testimonia, testamenta, juramenta, successiones, immunitates, matrimonie, repudia... Augusta Taurinorum (Turin) 1717, 16 + 387 p.

12546 Stern, Albert: Uber ehegesetzliche Zeitfragen [levirate marriage; Agunot; conditional Kidushin]. Pest 1872, 207 p.

12547 Tosato, Angelo: Il matrimonio israelitico: una teoria generale. Rome 1982, 16 + 234 p. |R: Althann, Robert, Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47 (1985), p. 149-150

12548 Tosato, Angelo: Il trasferimento dei beni nel matrimonio israelitico. Bibbia e Oriente 27 (1985), p. 129-148

12549 Tosato, Angelo: Il matrimonio israelitico. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 51 (1985), p. 393-401

12550 Vismara, Giulio: La donazione nuziale nel diritto ebraico e nelle fonti cristiane in relazione al diritto romano post-classico. Publicazioni della Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 2nd ser., Scienze Giuridiche 43 (1935), p. 295-406

12551 Wiesner, J.: Die Hochzeitsfeier in thalmudischer und nachthalmudischer Zeit. Ben Chananja 4 (1861), p. 73-77. |: Spitzer, Samuel; J. Kahn: Die Schliessung der judischen Ehe, ib. p. 121-122, 186

12552 Winer, G.B.: Hochzeit (הנתח). Winer 1, p. 499-500

12553 Winster, Jerry: Marriage as reflected in aggadic literature. Dissertation Hebrew Union College, N.Y. 1973, 6 + 130 p.

12554 Zagouri, Abraham: Du mariage en droit hebraique. Paris 1960, 121 p.


12555 Zipser, M.: Uber die Vornahme von Trauungen in den Synagogen. Ben Chananja 9 (1866), p. 569-570, 584-585

12556 Synodalarbeiten uber die das Ehegebiet betreffenden Vorschlage. Judische Zeitschrift fur Wissenschat und Leben, Geiger, 8 (1870), p. 84-100


ער םש איצומ .התפמו סנוא

12557 Cohn, Marcus: Oness. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 572-575 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 27-29

12558 Daube, David: Collatio 2.6.5. (From 'Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum'). Jubilee vol. Hertz, 1942, p. 111-129

12559 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Seduction. Jewish Encyclopedia 11, p. 150-151

12560 Easton, Burton Scott: Virgin, virginity. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 5, p. 3051-3052

12561 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Raping a virgin סנוא. Vol. 1, p. 452-464

12562 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A raped woman הסונא. Vol. 2, p. 399-404

12563 Locher, Clemens: Deuteronomium 22, 13-21: vom Prozessprotokoll zum kasuistischen Gesetz. In: Das Deuteronomium, Entstehung, Gestalt und Botschaft, ed. Norbert Lohfink, Leuven 1985, p. 298-363

12564 Paul, Shalom M.; Rabinowitz, Louis I.: Virgin, virginity. Encyclopedia Judaica 16, p. 160-162

12565 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Rape. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 1548-1549 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 489-491


הנטקו ןטק .ןיאושינל תורישכ

12566 Greenstone, Julius H.: Miun. Jewish Encyclopedia 8, p. 623-624

12567 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Child marriage. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 423-426 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 363-366


ןישודיקב לוספ


12568 Barton, George Aaron: Blood-Relationship. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 268-270

12569 Benzinger, Immanuel: Kinship. Encyclopedia Biblica 2, p. 2672-2676

12570 Bigger, S.F.: The family laws of Leviticus 18, in their setting. Journal of Biblical Literature 98 (1979), p. 187-203.

12571 Bornstein, David Josef: Inzest. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 8, p. 461-468

12572 Cohn, Haim H.: Incest. Encyclopedia Judaica 8, p. 1316-1318 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 487-488

12573 Cohn, Haim H.: Sexual offences. Encyclopedia Judaica 14, p. 1207-1208 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 485-487

12574 Cohn, Marcus: Priesterehe. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 1122-1123 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 135-136


12575 Davis, J.J.: Incest (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 7, p. 419-420

12576 Dwight, Sereno Edwards: The Hebrew wife; or the law of marriage, examined in relation to the lawfulness of polygamy, and to the extent of the law of incest. N.Y. 1836, 4 + 189 p.; Glasgow 1837, 8 + 148 p.

12577 Eisenstein, Judah David; Broyde, Isaac: Incest. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 571-575

12578 Elliger, Karl: Das Gesetz Leviticus 18. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 67 (1955), p. 1-25

12579 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Consanguinidad. Vol. 3, p. 146-147

12580 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Incesto. Vol. 5, p. 601-602

12581 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Father - an interdict of sodomy
(תוירע) בא. Vol. 1, p. 21-22

12582 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Resultant Interdicts והירזבא. Vol. 1, p. 73-75

12583 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Brother - the fraternal relationship חא. Vol. 1, p. 536-540

12584 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Sister תוחא. Vol. 1, p. 543-547

12585 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A wife's sister השא תוחא. Vol. 1, p. 547-556

12586 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Paternal aunt (a father's sister)
באה תוחא. Vol. 1, p. 556-559

12587 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Maternal aunt (a mother's sister)
םאה תוחא. Vol. 1, p. 559-562

12588 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Paternal uncle (a father's brother)
באה יחא. Vol. 1, p. 569-570

12589 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Mother (B) - an incest interdict םא. Vol. 2, p. 310-313

12590 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A woman raped by one's father
באה תסונא. Vol. 2, p. 409-410

12591 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Interdicts in virtue of a commandment הוצמ רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 458

12592 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Interdict of holiness השודק רוסא. Vol. 2, p. 460-461

12593 Felsenthal, B.: Marriage between uncle and niece. Chicago Legal News 14 (1882), p. 327-328*

12594 Finestein, Israel: An aspect of the Jews and English marriage law during the Emancipation: The prohibited degrees. Jewish Journal of Sociology 7 (1965), p. 3-21

12595 Halbe, Jorn: Die Reihe der Inzestverbote Leviticus 18, 7-18. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 92 (1980), p. 60-88

12596 Hoffner, Harry A., Jr.: Incest, sodomy and bestiality in the ancient Near East. Jubilee vol. Gordon, 1973, p. 81-90

12597 Kirschner, Bruno: Unzucht. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 1125-1128

12598 Kitto, John: Affinity. Kitto 1, p. 78

12599 Krauss, Samuel: Die Ehe zwischen Onkel und Nichte. Jubilee vol. Kohler, 1913, p. 165-175

12600 Lesetre, Henri: Inceste. Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 864-867

12601 Liff, Dennis M.: Forbidden sexual relations in rabbinic literature. Dissertation Hebrew Union College, N.Y. 1974, 3 + 78 p.

12602 Luria, Salomo: Tochterschandung in der Bibel. Archiv Orientalni 33 (1965), p. 207-208

12603 Many, S.: Affinite. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 246-254

12604 Markon, Isaak: Blutsverwandten, Ehen unter -. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 1088-1090


12605 Michaelis, Johann David: Abhandlung von den Ehegesetzen Mosis welche die Heyrathen in die nahe Freundschaft untersagen. 2nd ed., Gottingen 1768, 16 + 366 + 17 p.

12606 Nemoy, Leon: Two controversial points in the Karaite law of incest. Hebrew Union College Annual 49 (1978), p. 247-266

12607 Ricks, Stephen D.: Kinship bars to marriage in Jewish and Islamic law. In: Studies in Islamic Judaic traditions, eds. William M. Brinner and Stephen D. Ricks, Atlanta 1986, p. 123-141

12608 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Prohibited marriage. Encyclopedia Judaica 11, p. 1051-1054 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 360-363

12609 Sellar, David: Leviticus XVIII, the forbidden degrees and the law of incest in Scotland. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 229-232

12610 Siegfried, C.: Unzucht. Guthe, p. 696-697

12611 Theilhaber, Felix Aron: Inzucht bei den Juden. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 28-30

12612 Trier, Johann Wolfgang (praes.); Puschel, Chr. Lud.(resp.): Dissertatio juridica de proportione servata in lege mosaica de incestu. Dissertation Frankf.a.O. 1726, 3 + 20 p.

12613 Yaron, Reuven: Duabus sororibus coniunctio. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser., 10 (1963), p. 115-136


12614 Blidstein, Gerald J.: 4Q Florilegium and rabbinic sources on bastard and proselyte. Revue de Qumran 8 (1972-75), p. 431-435

12615 Buchler, Adolf: Familienreinheit und Familienmakel in Jerusalem vor dem Jahre 70. Jubilee vol. Schwarz, 1917, p. 133-162

12616 Cohn, Marcus: Mamser. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 1352-1354 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 130-131

12617 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Bastard. Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 587

12618 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Ilegitimidad. Vol. 5, p. 584-585

12619 Falk, Zeev W.: Reflections on the case of Mamzerut. Immanuel 3 (1973-74), p. 94-96.

12620 Galling, Kurt: Das Gemeindegesetz in Deuteronomium 23. Jubilee vol. Bertholet, 1950, p. 176-191

12621 Harkavy, A.: Karaische Deutung des Wortes רזממ. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 31 (1882), p. 170-172

12622 Jacobs, Louis: The problem of the Mamzer. In: A tree of life; diversity, flexibility, and creativity in Jewish law, Oxford 1984, p. 249-275

12623 Kellermann, Ulrich: Erwagungen zum deuteronomischen Gemeindegesetz Deuteronomy 23,2-9. Biblische Notizen 2 (1977), p. 33-47

12624 Lattes, Dante: La triste, immezitata sorte del 'Mamzer'. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 29 (1963), p. 371-375. |: Colombo, Yoseph: Ancora sul 'Mamzer', ib. p. 537-538; Lattes, Dante: Il 'Mamzer' ebreo e l'illegitimo o adulterino italiana, ib. p. 539-540; Artom, Elia S.: Ancoro sul 'Mamzer', ib. 30 (1964),p. 83; Lattes, Dante: ib. p. 84-85; Basse, P. Shaul: ib. p. 226-230; Lattes, Dante: ib. p. 231-233, 464

12625 Many, S.: Batard. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 1502-1505

12626 Nathan, M.N.: A defense of ancient rabbinical interpretation of the prohibitory law of Deut. XXIII,3, being an answer... to a polemic essay on that subject by... J(acob) M(endes) de Solla. Kingston, Jamaica, 5621 (1861), 5 + 40 p.


12627 Novak, David: The conflict between Halakhah and ethics: the case of Mamzerut. In: Halakhah in a theological dimension, Chico 1985, p. 11-28

12628 Passamaneck, Stephen M.: The Halacha of Mamzeruth from the Talmud and the Shulhan Arukh. Dissertation Hebrew Union College 1963

12629 Passamaneck, Stephen M.: Some medieval problems in Mamzeruth. Hebrew Union College Annual 37 (1966), p. 121-145

12630 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Mamzer. Encyclopedia Judaica 11, p. 840-842 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 435-438

12631 Teichman, Jenny: Illegitimacy; an examination of bastardy. Ithaca, N.Y. 1982, 200 p.

12632 Touati, Charles: Le Mamzer, la Zona et le statut des enfants, issus d'un mariage mixte en droit rabbinique. Jubilee vol. Blumenkranz, 1985, p. 37-47

12633 Zemer, Moshe: Mamzerut. Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 79 (1972), p. 33-37


12634 Canellas, Gabriel: El celibate en el Antiguo Testamento. Biblia y Fe 5 (1979), p. 241-253.

12635 Davidovic, Emil: Die mosaisch-talmudischen Ehehindernisse. Jubilee vol. Lichtigfeld, 1964, p. 50-75

12636 Shilo, Shmuel: Ones סנא. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 1397-1402 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 178-183



12637 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No man practices sexual intercourse as an immoral act תונז תליעב ותליעב השוע םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 679-689

12638 Hirt, Johann Friedrich: ירישע קרפ תושיא תוכלה; seu, Rabbi Mosis ben Maimon Tractatus de matrimonio ebraeorum caput decimum. Adiecta sunt puncta vocalia et accentus, versio latina nec non annotationes multae, ita ut instar commentationes de nuptiis Ebraeorum. Jena 1746, 3 + 52 p.

12639 Hoenig, Samuel N.: Halakhot Gedolot - Hilkhot Kiddushin: a study in early gaonic codification. Dissertation N.Y. 1975, 9 + 293 p.

12640 Lewis, Naphtali; Katzoff, Ranon; Greenfield, Jonas C.: Papyrus Yadin 18. 1: Text, translation and notes. 2: Legal commentary. 3: The aramaic subscription. Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987), p. 229-250

12641 Livneh, Ernst: On rape and the sanctity of matrimony. Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 415-422

12642 Luckock, H.M.: The history of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relation to divorce and certain forbidden degrees. London 1894, 20 + 327 p.; 2nd. ed. 1895, 26 + 359 p.

12643 Mann, Abraham M.: Who said it first? The antiquity of 'Be thou my wife'. Proceedings, 9th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1986), Sect. C: Jewish Thought and Literature, p. 39-45

12644 Meislin, Bernard J.: Jewish law of marriage in American courts. Journal of Family Law 11 (1971), p. 271-284

12645 Mielziner, Moses: The marriage agenda. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 1 (1890-91), p. 34-42


12646 Richter, Johann Tobias (praes.); Wagner, J.G. (resp.): Jus matrimonii Judaeorum in Germania tum inter se tum si alter coniux ad sacra Christianorum transiit. Dissertation Leipzig 1751, 32 p.

12647 Rubinstein, Amnon: The right to marriage. Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 3 (1973), p. 233-255

12648 Schauss, Hayyim: The lifetime of a Jew. Cincinnati 1950; p. 125-219: Courtship and marriage

12649 Schechter, Martha Jean: Civil enforcement of the Jewish marriage contract. Journal of Family Law 9 (1969-70), p. 425-432

12650 Westbrook, Raymond: The prohibition on restoration of marriage in Deuteronomy 24: 1-4. Scripta Hierosolymitana 31 (1986), p. 387-405

12651 Yaron, Reuven: Aramaic marriage contracts from Elephantine. Journal of Semitic Studies 3 (1958), p. 1-39

12652 Yaron, Reuven: The restoration of marriage. Journal of Jewish Studies 17 (1966), p. 1-11

12653 Yaron, Reuven: Sponsalia inter decem testes. Juridical Review (1966), p. 42-46

12654 Yaron, Reuven: Ad secundas nuptios convolare. Jubilee vol. David, vol. 1, 1968, p. 265-279


םושרג ונברד םרח .םישנ יובר

12655 Abrahams, Israel: Monogamy. Jewish Encyclopedia 8, p. 657-659

12656 Caverno, C.: Polygamy. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 4, p. 2416-2417

12657 Cohn, Marcus: Polygamie. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 1041-1042 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 135

12658 [Delany, Patrick] Dubliniensis, Phileleutherus (pseudonym): Reflections upon polygamy and the encouragement given to that practice in the Scriptures of the Old Testament. London 1737, 188 p.

12659 Diecmann, Jo. (praes.); Lehment, Joachim (resp.): Dissertatio de rigore legis monagamicae in politia iudaica. Stadae 1677*

12660 Dwight, Sereno Edwards: The Hebrew wife, or the law of marriage, examined in relation to the lawfulness of polygamy and to the extent of the law of incest. N.Y. 1836, 4 + 189 p.; Glasgow 1837, 8 + 148 p.

12661 Finkelstein, Louis: Jewish self-government in the Middle Ages. N.Y. 1924, 13 + 390 p. |R: Baer, F., Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 71, N.F. 35 (1927), p. 392-397; Finkelstein, Louis: Zu den Takkanot des Rabbenu Gerschom, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 74, N.F. 38 (1930), p. 23-31; Baer, F.: Nachwort, ib. p. 31-34

12662 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: The monogamy clause in Jewish marriage contracts. Perspectives in Jewish Learning 4 (1972), p. 20-40

12663 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Polygamy in Jewish tradition and practice; New sources from the Cairo Geniza. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 49 (1982), p. 33-68

12664 Ginzberg, Louis: Bigamy. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 210

12665 Goldmann, Felix: Ideal- und Gesetzeskonkurrenz im judischen Recht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 22 (1909), p. 32-64

12666 Greenstone, Julius H.: Polygamy. Jewish Encyclopedia 10, p. 120-122

12667 Herr, Moshe David: Monogamy. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 258-260


12668 Lesetre, Henri: Polygamie. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 508-512

12669 Lowy, S.: The extent of Jewish polygamy in talmudic times. Journal of Jewish Studies 9 (1958), p. 115-138

12670 Many, S.: Bigamie. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 1791-1793

12671 McComiskey, T.E.: The status of the secondary wife. Dissertation Brandeis University 1968*

12672 Plautz, Werner: Monogamie und Polygynie im Alten Testament. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 75 (1963), p. 3-27

12673 Ravenna, Alfredo: La poligamia presso gli ebrei. Rivista Italiana per le Scienze Giuridiche, 3rd ser., 17-21 (1963-67), p. 377-379

12674 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Bigamy and polygamy. Encyclopedia Judaica 4, p. 985-990 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 366-371

12675 Schwartz, Gedalia: Heter Meah Rabbanim. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 11 (1986), p. 33-49

12676 Schwarzfuchs, Simon: A propos des Takkanot de Rabbenu Gershom et de Rabbenu Tam. Revue des Etudes Juives 115 (1956), p. 109-116

12677 Webber, George J.: The recognition of polygamous marriage in Mosaic law. Law Quarterly Review 49 (1933), p. 19-20

12678 Winer, G.B.: Vielweiberei. Winer 2, p. 661-663


תבורעת יאושינ

12679 Bamberger, Bernard J.: Plain talk about intermarriage. Reconstructionist 15,16 (1949), p. 10-14

12680 Bentwich, Norman; Hochman, Joseph: Intermarriage. Jewish Review (London) 1 (1910), p. 383-386

12681 Berman, Louis A.: Jews and intermarriage. N.Y.-London 1968, 707 p. |R: Brill, Mordecai L.: Psychological factors in intermarriage, Reconstructionist 35,5 (1969), p. 13-15

12682 Bierer, Ruben: Die Mischehe. Frankf.a.M. n.d., 24 p.

12683 Bleich, J. David: The prohibition against intermarriage. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 1,1 (1981), p. 5-27

12684 Brull, Adolf: Die Mischehe im Judentum im Lichte der Geschichte. Frankf.a.M. 1905, 23 p.

12685 Bulmerincq, Alexander von: Die Mischehen im Buche Malachi. Jubilee vol. Haupt, 1926, p. 31-42

12686 Cahn, Judah: The Rabbi, mixed marriages and Jewish education. Reconstructionist 31,1 (1965), p. 11-16

12687 Cahnman, Werner J. (ed.): Intermarriage and Jewish life. N.Y. 1963, 212 p. |R: Eisenstein, Ira: Intermarriage, a growing problem. Reconstructionist 29,13 (1964), p. 26-28; Shultz, Jos., Conservative Judaism 18,2 (1964), p. 65-66

12688 Cahnman, Werner J.: New intermarriage studies: a critical survey. Reconstructionist 33,2 (1967), p. 7-13

12689 Castelli, David: De la nullite, selon le droit hebraique, du mariage contracte entre un Juif et une femme d'une autre religion. Journal du Droit International Prive 20 (1893), p. 1101-1118


12690 Cohen, J. Simcha: Intermarriage and conversion; a halakhic solution. Hoboken 1987, 9 + 174 p.

12691 Cohen, Shaye J.D.: From the Bible to the Talmud; the prohibition of intermarriage. Hebrew Annual Review 7 (1983), p. 23-39

12692 Cohn, Marcus: Mischehe. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 212-215 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 131-133

12693 Davis, Moshe: Mixed marriage in Western Jewry: historical background to the Jewish response. Jewish Journal of Sociology 10 (1968), p. 177-220 = Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 77 (1972), p.2-47

12694 Edelheit, Joseph A.: Children of mixed marriages: a non-lineal approach. Journal of Reform Judaism 30,1 (1983), p. 34-42

12695 Eichhorn, David Max: Jewish intermarriages: facts and fiction. Satellite Beach, Fa. 1974, 5 + 180 p.

12696 Eisenstein, Ira: Intermarriage: for Jewish parents. N.Y. n.d., 7 p. = Judaism and the community, ed. Jakob Freid, N.Y. 1968, p. 131-150

12697 Ellenson, David: Representative orthodox responsa on conversion and intermarriage in the contemporary era. Jewish Social Studies 47 (1985), p. 209-220

12698 Falkson, Ferdinand (ed.): Gemischte Ehen zwischen Juden und Christen. Hamburg 1847, 10 + 166 p.

12699 Feldman, Ephraim: Intermarriage historically considered. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 19 (1909), p. 271-307

12700 Fisher, Adam D.: Ger Toshav and mixed marriages. Reconstructionist 39,4 (1973), p. 22-26

12701 Freehof, Solomon B.: A responsum on the marrying of gentiles. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 2 (1953), p. 41-42*

12702 Friedman, Edwin H.: New thoughts on mixed marriage. Reconstructionist 29,3 (1963), p. 8-13

12703 Goldstein, Sidney I.: Mixed marriages in the deep south (of USA). Reconstructionist 30,2 (1964), p. 15-18

12704 Gordon, Albert I. (ed.): The Jew and intermarriage. Intermarriage - interfaith, interracial, interethnic. Boston 1964, p. 174-219. |R: Rosenthal, Erich: On understanding marriage, Midstream 10,3 (1964), p. 103-104; Bohner, Eli A., Conservative Judaism 19,1 (1964), p. 80-81

12705 Graetz, Heinrich: Illegitime Mischehen in Judaa vor und nach dem zweiten Untergang des judaischen Staates und ihre Folgen. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 28 (1879), p. 481-508

12706 Hilse, C.: In welcher Religion ist das von einer Judin mit einem Christen ausserehelich erzeugte Kind zu erziehen?, und darf ein judischer Vater sein aussereheliches mit einer Christin erzeugtes Kind legitimieren? Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 15 (1866), p. 410-436

12707 Hirsch, Samson Raphael: Das Verbot der Mischehe. Jahrbuch fur die Judischen Gemeinden Schleswig-Holsteins und der Hansestadte 6 (1934-35), p. 28-30

12708 Holdheim, Samuel: Das religiose und politische im Judenthum, mit besonderer Beziehung auf gemischte Ehen. Schwerin 1845, 8 + 95 p.

12709 Holdheim, Samuel: Gemischte Ehen zwischen Juden und Christen. Berlin 1850, 6 + 88 p.

12710 Illowy, [Bernard]; Lehmann, M.: Die Beschneidung der in Mischehen von nichtjudischen Muttern geborenen Kindern. Der Israelit 5 (1864), p. 683-684. |: Feilchenfeld, Wolf, ib. 6 (1865), p. 18-20; Hildesheimer, Israel: Glossen zu der Frage uber die Beschneidung der in Mischehen erzeugten Kinder, ib. 6 (1865), p. 57-59 = Gesamm. Aufsatze, Frankf.a.M. 1923, p. 141-150; Ellenson, David: A Jewish legal decision by Rabbi Bernard Illowy of New Orleans and its discussion in nineteenth century Europe [dismissing a Mohel who circumcised a son of a non-Jewess]. American Jewish History 69,2 (1979), p. 174-195


12711 Jacob, Benno: Mischehen. Der Morgen 6 (1930), p. 257-278

12712 Jacob, Benno: Mischehen. Eine biblische Studie, zu 1. Buch Moses, c. 36-38. Berlin 1930, 24 p.

12713 Jacobson, Perry Eugen: The dynamics of interfaith marriages. Dissertation Minnesota 1963

12714 Jakobovits, Immanuel: The problem of intermarriage. London (1967), 27 p.

12715 Jakobovits, Immanuel: Intermarriage and conversion. Two essays. London 1971, 14 p.

12716 Kahn, Lehman: Sechs Briefe uber die Mischehe. Koln 1877, 52 p.

12717 Kahn, Lehman: Serie de six lettres sur le mariage mixte. Bruxelles 1877, 47 p.

12718 Kohler, Kaufmann: Intermarriage. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 610-612

12719 Kollin, Gilbert: Yet more thoughts on intermarriage. Reconstructionist 40,7 (1974), p. 18-23

12720 Lazerwitz, Bernard: Intermarriage and conversion: a guide for future research. Jewish Journal of Sociology 13 (1971), p. 41-63

12721 Maller, Allen Stephen: New facts about mixed marriages. Reconstructionist 35,2 (1969), p. 26-29

12722 Maller, Allen: Mixed marriages: what can we do about it? Ideas 4,1 (1973), p. 27-30

12723 Maller, Allen Stephen: Mixed marriage and Reform rabbis. Judaism 24 (1975), p. 39-48

12724 Mann, Louis L.: Intermarriage as a practical problem in the ministry. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 47 (1937), p. 309-323

12725 Mayer, Egon: Processes and outcomes in marriages between Jews and non-Jews. American Behavioral Scientist 23 (1980), p. 487-518

12726 Mirsky, Norman: Mixed marriages and the Reform rabbinate. Midstream 16,1 (1970), p. 40-46

12727 Moskowitz, Moshe A.: Intermarriage and the proselyte, a Jewish view. Judaism 28 (1979), p. 423-433

12728 Nadich, Judah: Mixed marriage. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 40 (1978), p. 87-96

12729 Nathan, M.N.: Zum Kampf gegen die Mischehen. Mitteilungen des Verbandes der judischen Jugendvereine Deutschlands, 8 (1917), p. 80-81

12730 Naurois, Louis de: Les mariages mixtes. Revue de Droit Canonique 20 (1970), p. 193-219

12731 Newman, Lewis I.: Intermarriage between Jews and Christians during the Middle Ages. Jewish Institute Quarterly 2,1 (1926), p. 2-8; 2,3 (1926), p. 22-28

12732 Pelcovitz, Ralph: The intermarriage issue - crisis and challenge. Jewish Life 40,4 (1973), p. 38-47

12733 Perles, Joseph: Die Mischehe. Barby 1879, 12 p.

12734 Petuchowski, Jakob J.: Realism about mixed marriages. Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 54 (1966), p. 34-38, 41

12735 Petuchowski, Jakob J.: The ramifications of realism. Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 58 (1967), p. 81-88


12736 Rauchmann, Leo: Die Mischehe zwischen Juden und Christen. Zurich 1880, 47 p.

12737 Rothman, Murray I.; Schaalman, Herman Z., a.o.: Mixed marriage (1972 Convention Statement). Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 81 (1973), p. 15-54

12738 Rozwaski, Chaim: Jewish law and intermarriage. Jewish Life 36,6 (1969), p. 18-33

12739 Rubenstein, Richard L.: Intermarriage and conversion. Reconstructionist 28,5 (1962), p. 11-21

12740 S.V. FG: Moslem-Jewish marriage. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 15 (1933), p. 270-271; 16 (1934), p. 146-147

12741 Salzberger, Georg: Die judisch-christliche Mischehe. Der Morgen 5 (1929), p. 18-30

12742 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Mixed marriage. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 168-169 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 376-377

12743 Schiff, Alvin I.: On intermarriage and Jewish education. Jewish Education 47,2 (1979), p. 18-21

12744 Schreiner, Stefan: Mischehen - Ehebruch - Ehescheidungen. Betrachtungen zu Malachi 2, 10-16. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 91 (1979), p. 207-228

12745 Schulman, S.: Mixed marriages in their relation to the Jewish religion. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 19 (1909), p. 308-335

12746 Seltzer, Sanford: Jews and non Jews getting married. n.p. 1984, 44 p.

12747 Silberman, Lou H.: Reprobation, prohibition, invalidity: an examination of the halachic development concerning intermarriage. In: Judaism and ethics, ed. Daniel Jermy Silver, N.Y. 1970, p. 179-200

12748 Sklare, Marshall: Intermarriage and Jewish survival. Commentary 49,3 (1970), p. 51-58

12749 Tanzer, Arnold: Die Mischehe in Religion, Geschichte und Statistik. Berlin 1913, 46 p.

12750 Touati, Charles: Le Mamzer, la Zona et le statut des enfants, issus d'un mariage mixte en droit rabbinique. Jubilee vol. Blumenkranz, 1985, p. 37-47

12751 Weinstein, Jacob J.: The Jew and mixed marriage. Reconstructionist 7,10 (1941), p. 5-10

12752 Zeitlin, Solomon: The offspring of intermarriage. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 51 (1960-61), p. 135-140 = Studies in the early history of Judaism, vol. 2, N.Y. 1974, p. 418-424

12753 Zohar, Zvi: Lowering barriers of estrangement: Rabbanite-Karaite intermarriage in twentieth-century Egyptian Halakha. In: The Jews of Egypt, ed. Shimon Shamir, London 1987, p. 143-168


םייחרזא ןיאושינ

12754 Bulz, Emmanuel: Das Problem der Zivilehe in der rabbinischen Rechtsprechung in Israel. Udim 11-12 (1981-82), p. 37-45

12755 Ellinson, Getsel: Civil marriage in Israel: Halakhic and social implications. Tradition 13,2 (1972), p. 24-34


12756 Friedman, David: The status of non-halachic marriage. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 8 (1984), p. 118-128

12757 Frimer, Norman E.; Frimer, Dov I.: Reform marriages in contemporary halakhic responsa. Tradition 21,3 (1984), p. 7-39

12758 Klein, Isaac: The case of civil marriage according to Jewish law. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 5 (1933-38), p. 474-486

12759 Klein, Isaac: Civil marriage. In: Responsa and halakhic studies, N.Y. 1975, p. 1-12

12760 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Civil marriage. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 595-599 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 371-374

12761 Zwergbaum, Aaron: The civil marriage controversy in Israel. Congress Bi-weekly 30,15 (1963), p. 18-20


'רוביצב העודי' .שגליפ

12762 Alfonso, Laurentino Jose; Wurmbrand, Max: Prostitution. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 1243-1247

12763 Baab, O.J.: Prostitution. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 3, p. 931-934

12764 Davis, J.J.: Prostitution (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 11, p. 881

12765 Denham, Joshua Fred.: Harlot (הנוז). Kitto 2, p. 231-232

12766 Eager, Geo. B.: Harlot. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 2, p. 1339-1340

12767 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Concubinato. Vol. 3, p. 135-136

12768 Epstein, Louis M.: The institution of concubinage among the Jews. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 6 (1934-35), p. 153-188

12769 Friedmann, Daniel: The 'unmarried wife' in Israeli law. Israel Yearbook of Human Rights 2 (1972), p. 287-316

12770 Harris, Monford: Pre-marital sexual experience: a covenantal critique. Judaism 19 (1970), p. 134-144

12771 Kohn, Jakob Pinchas: Prostitution. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 1152-1153

12772 Kuhlewein, J.: הנז. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 518-520

12773 Lesetre, Henri: Prostitution. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 765-773

12774 Ochser, Shulim: Pilegesh. Jewish Encyclopedia 10, p. 35

12775 Rainey, Anson; Rabinowitz, Louis I.; Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Concubine. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 862-865; Partly repr. Principles of Jewish law, p. 374-376

12776 Renard, P.: Concubine (pileges). The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 906-907

12777 Shifman, Pinhas: Marriage and cohabitation in Israeli law. Israel Law Review 16 (1981), p. 439-460

12778 Winer, G.B.: Hure. Winer 1, p. 517-518

12779 Concubine. Kitto 1. p. 553



ותשאו לעב ןיב םיבויח


ןוממ יסחי

12780 Bodenheimer, Levi: Die Rechte des Ehemanns auf die Guter seiner Frau. Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums 15 (1851), p. 92-94, 165-168

12781 Doukhan-Landau, Leah: Husband and wife as co-owners of immovable property. Israel Law Review 6 (1971), p. 487-516, p. 488-489: Principles of Jewish law

12782 Dubin, Abraham: The legal property relations of married persons. Dissertation Hebrew Union College, N.Y. 1926, 29 p.

12783 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Alimentos a la mujer. Vol. 1, p. 220

12784 Engel, Diana R.: Marital property rights in Jewish law: a survey and comparison. National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 97-120

12785 Epstein, Jacob Nahum: Notizen zu den judisch-aramaischen Papyri von Assuan. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 6 (1908), p. 359-373

12786 Falk, Zeev W.: On matrimonial property in Jewish and Germanic laws. Tidjschrift voor Rechts-geschiedenis 28 (1960), p. 70-78

12787 Falk, Zeev W.: The working wife. Israel Law Review 6 (1971), p. 266-267

12788 Freund, L.: Zur Geschichte des Eheguterrechtes bei den Semiten. Sitzungsber. Kais. Akad. d. Wiss., Philos.-hist. Klasse 162, Abt. 1, Wien 1909, 55 p.

12789 Greenstone, Julius H.: Dowry. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 645-646

12790 Gulak, Ascher: Aeltere talmudische Parallelen zur Novelle 97 des Kaisers Justinian. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 47 (1932-33), p. 241-255

12791 Horovitz, Markus: Ein eherechtliches Gutachten. Jubilee vol. Hildesheimer, 1890, p. 54-68

12792 Katzoff, Ranon: Donatio ante nuptias and Jewish dowry additions. In: Papyrology, ed. Naphtali Lewis, Cambridge 1986, p. 231-244

12793 Kautschansky, David M.: Die Unterhaltungspflicht der Ehegatten nach biblischem, talmudischem und rabbinischem Recht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 44 (1929), p. 390-396

12794 Levine, Baruch A.: Mulugu/Melug: the origins of a talmudic legal institution. Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (1968), p. 271-285

12795 Paul, Shalom M.: Exodus 21,10, a threefold maintenance clause. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 28 (1969), p. 48-53

12796 Pfeiffer, August: De dote. In: Antiquitates Ebraicae selectae, Leipzig 1692, p. 123-127

12797 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Dowry. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 185-189; Partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 390-394

12798 Schloss, Friedrich: Das Dotalprivilegium der Judinnen. Giessen 1856, 14 + 96 p.

12799 Shava, Menashe: The Spouses (Property Relations) law, 5733-1973, in light of religious divorce in Israel. Tel Aviv University Studies in Law 2 (1976), p. 113-129

12800 Tschernowitz, Chaim: Das Dotalsystem nach der mosaisch-talmudischen Gesetzgebung. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 29 (1912-13), p. 445-473


12801 Wahrhaftig, Zerach: Community of matrimonial property. Papers, 4th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1967), 1, p. 267-268

12802 Weissbrodt, Karl: Gattenpflichten nach Bibel und Talmud. Berlin 1891, 171 p.; 2nd ed. Berlin 1906, 144 p.

12803 Civil enforceability of religious antenuptial agreements. University of Chicago Law Review 23 (1955), p. 122-132



12804 Abrahams, Israel: A formula and a responsum (A Geniza marriage form anno 1220; a Geniza responsum concerning the naming of the rabbinical authority...). Jubilee vol. Jews' College, 1906, p. 101-108

12805 Agus, Irving A.: The development of the money clause in the Ashkenazic Ketubah. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 30 (1939-40), p. 221-256

12806 Agus, Irving A.: The standard Ketuba of the German Jews and its economic implications. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 42 (1951-52), p. 225-232

12807 Ashkenazi, Touvia: A Ketubah of the Jews of Hadhramawt. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 38 (1947-48), p. 93-96

12808 Bornstein, David Josef: Kettuba. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 9, p. 1174-1186

12809 Brovender, Herbert: The Mohar as a biblical institution. Master Thesis, Yeshiva University 1964

12810 Buchler, Adolf: La Ketouba chez les Juifs du Nord de l'Afrique a l'epoque des Geonim et les relations des communautes africaines avec la Babylonie et la Palestine. Revue des Etudes Juives 50 (1905), p. 145-181

12811 Cohn, Marcus: Ketubba. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 668-674 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 124-127

12812 Cohn, Marcus: Kethubah. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 367-372

12813 Davidovitch, David: The Ketuba, Jewish marriage contracts through the ages. Tel Aviv 1968, 116 p.

12814 Davidovitch, David: Ketubot, Sivlonot and 'Marriage Stones'. Israel Yearbook (1974), p. 109-116

12815 Ellenson, David; Ellenson, James S.: American courts and the enforceability of a Ketubah; an investigation of recent U.S. court decisions. Conservative Judaism 35,3 (1982), p. 35-42

12816 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Ketuba. Vol. 6, p. 426-430

12817 Epstein, Louis M.: The Jewish marriage contract. A study in the status of the woman in Jewish law. N.Y. 1927, 17 + 316 p.; repr. 1973. |R:
185-183 'מע ,(גצרת) ד ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

12818 Falk, Zeev W.: Mutual obligations in the Ketubah. Journal of Jewish Studies 8 (1957), p. 215-217

12819 Falk, Zeev W.: The Kethubbah of Murabba'at. Journal of Jewish Studies 15 (1964), p. 157

12820 Fassel, Hirsch B.: Das Vorlesen der Kethuba. Ben Chananja 4 (1861), p. 149-150

12821 Fitzmyer, Joseph A.: A re-study of an Elephantine Aramaic marriage contract. Jubilee vol. Albright, 1971, p. 137-168

12822 Friedman, Milton K.: Jewish marriage contracts in the Palestinian tradition. Pennsylvania 1969 (microfilm repr., Ann Arbor 1970), 52 + 445 p.


12823 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Termination of marriage upon the wife's request: a Palestinian Ketubba stipulati. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 37 (1969), p. 29-55

12824 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Annulling the bride's vows: a Palestinian Ketubba clause. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 61 (1970-71), p. 222-233

12825 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Jewish marriage in Palestine; a Cairo Geniza study. 2 vols., Tel Aviv-N.Y. 1980-81, 24 + 492, 19 + 517 p. |R: Maier, Johann, Bibliotheca Orientalis 40 (1983), p. 715-716; Bokser, Baruch M., Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53 (1985), p. 302;
166-163 'מע (זמשת) די 'בוח רפס ילע .תילארשי ץראה הבותכה לע :השמ ,סיסע

12826 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Marriage and the family in the Talmud. Selected chapter. In: Yad La-Talmud, Ramat Gan 1984, p. 29-36, 99-100

12827 Gaster, Moses: Die Ketubbah bei den Samaritanern. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 54, N.F. 18 (1910), p. 174-188, 289-304, 433-451, 571-587 = Studies and texts, London 1925-28, p. 139-204

12828 Gaster, Moses: The Ketubah. Berlin-London 1923, 54 p., 8 pl.

12829 Geller, Merkham J.: New sources for the origins of the rabbinic Ketubah. Hebrew Union College Annual 49 (1978), p. 227-245.

12830 Golb, Norman: A marriage deed from 'Wardurnia of Baghdad'. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 43 (1984), p. 151-156

12831 Gordis, Robert: A proposal for the text of the Ketubbah. Conservative Judaism 36, 3 (1983), p. 49-52

12832 Greenstone, Julius H.: Ketubah-legal. Jewish Encyclopedia 7, p. 472

12833 Higger, Michael: The Ketubah. Jewish Forum 12 (1929), p. 353-354

12834 Kaufmann, David: Zur Geschichte der Khethubba. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 41, N.F. 5 (1897), p. 213-221

12835 Lacave, Jose Luis: Tres nuevas ketubbot espanolas. Proceedings, 9th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1986), Sect. B, vol. 1, p. 1-6

12836 Lamm, Norman: Recent additions to the Ketubah. Tradition 2 (1959-60), p. 93-118. |: Walkenfeld, Cecil, ib., 3 (1960-61), p. 103-105; Lamm, N., ib., p. 105-106

12837 Lazar, Hava: A propos d'une Ketubah italienne du XVIIe siecle: reemploi de support et epithalame. Revue des Etudes Juives 138 (1979), p. 367-383

12838 Levin, A. Leo; Kramer, Meyer: New provisions in the Ketubah - a legal opinion. N.Y. 1955, 24 p.

12839 Liebermann, Yehoshua: The economics of Kethubah valuation. History of Political Economy 15 (1983), p. 519-528

12840 Mann, Abraham M.: The Jewish marriage contracts from Elephantine: a study of text and marriage. Dissertation N.Y., 1985

12841 Piatelli, Daniela: Alcune osservazioni su Corpus Papyrorum Judaicarum 144. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 18 (1967), p. 121-124

12842 Piatelli, Daniela: The marriage contract and bill of divorce in ancient Hebrew law. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 66-78

12843 Piattelli, Daniela: Le garanzie delle obbligazioni nelle fonti ebraiche osservazioni in margine al problema dell'origine della ketubah. Memorial vol. Prevost, 1982, p. 105-122

12844 Porten, Bezalel: The restoration of fragmentary Aramaic marriage contracts. Jubilee vol. Gratz College, 1971, p. 243-261

12845 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion; Friedman, Theodore: Ketubbah. Encyclopedia Judaica 10, p. 926-930 = Partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 387-390


12846 Schwarzfuchs, Simon: La valeur de la Kethubah en Italie au 16me siecle. Revue des Etudes Juives 117 (1958), p. 116-123

12847 Sirat, Colette, a.o.: La Ketouba de Cologne; un contrat de mariage juif a Antinopolis. Opladen 1986, 72 p.

12848 Waldman, Nahum M.: The designation of marital status in the Ketubah. Conservative Judaism 38,3 (1986), p. 80-82

12849 Warmflash, Lawrence M.: The New York approach to enforcing religious marriage contracts; from Avitzur to the Get statute. Brooklyn Law Review 50 (1984), p. 229-253

12850 Weiss, Gershon: An illuminated marriage contract from the Cairo Geniza from April 16, 1821. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 7 (1978), p. 89-98

12851 Weiss, Gershon: Amendments to marriage contracts from the Cairo Geniza. Memorial vol. Fischel, 1981, p. 97-107

12852 Zeitlin, Solomon: The origin of the Ketubah. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 24 (1933-34), p. 1-7 = Studies in the early history of Judaism, vol. 4: History of early talmudic law, N.Y. 1978, p. 130-136

12853 The new Ketubah and Jewish law. A symposium: Friedman, Theodore, The conservative view; Freehof, Solomon B., The reform view; Rackman, Emanuel, The orthodox view. Congress Weekly 22,9 (1955), p. 3-8


השאה תונוזמ

12854 Amram, David Werner; Eisenstein, Judah David: Alimony. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 398-400

12855 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Letter of alimony ןוזמ תרגא. Vol. 1, p. 184-186

12856 Grejevsky, A.L.: La nouvelle loi israelienne sur l'obligation alimentaire. Revue Internationale de Droit Compare 13 (1961), p. 341-342

12857 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Maintenance. Encyclopedia Judaica 11, p. 783-788 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 394-398


תושיא יסחי

12858 Lesetre, Henri: Fornication. Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 2314-2317

12859 Rakover, Nahum: Coercion in conjugal relations. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 137-159 = Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 101-119

12860 Simon, Isidore: L'etude du 'devoir conjugal' dans la medecine hebraique traditionnelle. Revue d'Histoire de la Medecine Hebraique 106 (1974), p. 11-16



הטוס .ףואינ

12861 Abrahams, Israel: Adultery (Jewish). Hastings 5, p. 130-131

12862 Alpert, Rebecca T.: The Sotah: rabbinic attitudes and the adulterous wife. In: Jewish civilization: Essays and studies, ed. Ronald A. Brauner, vol. 1, Philadelphia 1979, p. 33-41

12863 Amram, David Werner: Adultery. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 216-218

12864 Baab, O.J.: Adultery. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 51

12865 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Ehebruch. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 6, p. 253-259

12866 Brichto, Herbert Chanan: The case of the Sota and a reconsideration of biblical 'law'. Hebrew Union College Annual 46 (1975), p. 55-70

12867 Buchler, Adolf: Das Schneiden des Haares als Strafe der Ehebrecher bei den Semiten. Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunde des Morgenlandes 19 (1905), p. 91-138

12868 Buchler, Adolf: Die Strafe der Ehebrecher in der nachexilischen Zeit. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 55, N.F. 19 (1911), p. 196-219

12869 Cook, Stanley Arthur: Adultery (Semitic). Hastings 1, p. 135-137

12870 Daube, David: Origen and the punishment of adultery in Jewish law. Studia Patristica, vol. 2 presented to the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies, 1955, Berlin 1957, p. 109-113

12871 Daube, David: Lawless women in the Bible. Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Bible Stud., p. 7

12872 Davis, J.J.: Adultery (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 1, p. 151-152

12873 Drori, Moshe: Artificial insemination; is it adultery? In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 203-216

12874 Dykan, P.: Sanctions for the preservation of family purity. Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jew. Law, p. IV,1-IV,4

12875 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Adulterio. Vol. 1, p. 96-97

12876 Fishbane, Michael: Accusations of adultery; a study of law and scribal practice in Numbers 5,11-31. Hebrew Union College Annual 45 (1974), p. 25-45

12877 Flusser, D.: 'Do not commit adultery, do not murder'. Textus 4 (1964), p. 220 ff*

12878 Ford, J. Massingberd: The divorce bill of the lamb and the scroll of the suspected adulteress. A note on Apoc. 5,1 and 10,8-11. Journal f.t. Study of Judaism in Persian, Hellenistic & Roman periods 2 (1971), p. 136-143

12879 Frazer, James George: Folk-Lore in the Old Testament. Vol. 3, London 1919; p. 93-110: The place of the law in Jewish history; p. 304-306: The ordeal of the bitter water in Israel. |R: Smith, Henry Preserved, Harvard Theological Review 17 (1924), p. 63-82

12880 Frymer-Kensky, Tikva: The strange case of the suspected Sotah (Numbers V11,31). Vetus Testamentum 34 (1984), p. 11-26

12881 Gordis, Robert: On adultery in biblical and babylonian law - a note. Judaism 33 (1984), p. 210-211

12882 Haacker, Klaus: Der Rechtssatz Jesu zum Thema Ehebruch (Mt 5,28). Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 21 (1977), p. 113-116

12883 Kitto, John: Adultery. Kitto 1, p. 73-75

12884 Klopfenstein, Martin A.: דגב. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 261-264

12885 Kornfeld, Walter: L'adultere dans l'Orient antique. Revue Biblique 57 (1950), p. 92-109; p. 93-96: La legislation dans l'Ancien Testament


12886 Lauterbach, Jacob Z.: Sota. Jewish Encyclopedia 11, p. 471-472

12887 Lesetre, Henri: Femme adultere. Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 2199-2202

12888 Many, S.: Adultere. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 242-245

12889 Margolis, Max Leopold: Adultery. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 1, p. 63-64

12890 McKeating, Henry: Sanctions against adultery in ancient Israeli society, with some reflections on methodology in the study of Old Testament ethics. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 11 (1979), p. 57-72

12891 Rosner, Fred: The ordeal of the wayward woman (Sotah): miracle or natural phenomenon. Koroth 8,9-10 (1984), English section, p. 396-406

12892 Sasson, J.M.: Numbers 5 and the 'Waters of Judgement'. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 16 (1972), p. 249-251

12893 Schreiner, Stefan: Mischehen - Ehebruch - Ehescheidungen. Betrachtungen zu Malachi 2,10-16. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 91 (1979), p. 207-228

12894 Tigay, Joffrey Howard; Cohn, Haim H.: Adultery. Encyclopedia Judaica 2, p. 313-316; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 488-489

12895 Wagenseil, Joh. Christoph: Sota, hoc est liber Mischnicus de uxore adulterii suspecta, una cum libri En Jacob excerptis Gemarae, versione latina et commentario... accedunt correctiones Lipmannianae. Altdorf 1674, 30 + 1234 + 88 + 15 p.

12896 Wahrmann, Nachum: Das Sotaverfahren in 4. Mose 5,11-31 in der tannaitischen Literatur. Part of Dissertation Giessen 1926, 14 p.

12897 Wahrmann, Nachum: Untersuchungen uber die Stellung der Frau im Judentum im Zeitalter der Tannaiten. Vol. 1: Das Ermittlungsverfahren gegen eine des Ehebruchs Verdachtigte. Breslau 1933, 14 + 54 p. |R: Higger, Michael, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 27 (1936-37), p. 205-206

12898 Weiss-Rosmarin, Trude: The seventh commandment. Jewish Spectator 36,8 (1971), p. 2-5

12899 Winer, G.B.: Ehebruch. Winer 1, p. 299-301


ןיאושינ תעיקפ



12900 Baab, O.J.: Widow. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 4, p. 842-843

12901 Bennett, William Henry: Widow. Hastings Dict. 4, p. 916-917

12902 Chigier, Moshe: The widow's rights in Jewish and Israeli law. Jewish Law Annual 5 (1985), p. 44-53

12903 Cohn, Haim H.; Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Widow. Encyclopedia Judaica 16, p. 487-496; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 399-403

12904 Cohn, Marcus: Witwe. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 1466-1467 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 37

12905 Dassov, Theodor (praes.); Fronmuller, Georg. (resp.): Viduam Hebraeam ad illustranda varia codicis divini commata. Wittenberg 1714, 24 p.; 1735, 20 p. = Ugolinus Thesaurus 30


12906 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Widow הנמלא. Vol. 2, p. 291-301

12907 Fassel, Hirsch B.: Die Wiederverehelichung einer Witwe. Ben Chananja 4 (1861), p. 288-289

12908 Hoffner, H.A.: הנמלא. Theologisches Worterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 308-313

12909 Kahn, J.: Uber Besteuerung der selbstandigen Frauenzimmer, besonders der Witwen, die durch keinen Sohn oder anderen Verwandten in der Gemeinde und Synagoge vertreten werden, zur Aufbringung der Kosten, vorzuglich des Gottesdienstes in der israelitischen Gemeinde in welchen diese Steuern nach dem Vermogen (ןוממ יפל) entrichtet werden. Ben Chananja 7 (1864), p. 739-746

12910 Kuhlewein, J.: הנמלא. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 169-173

12911 Lesetre, Henri: Veuve (Almanah). Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 2411-2413

12912 Manley, J.G.: Widow. Kitto 3, p. 1103-1104

12913 Rabinowicz, Harry M.: The widow in Judaism. Chicago Jewish Forum 24 (1965-66), p. 191-195

12914 Ulmer, Stephen Terry: A study of widowhood in the Old Testament. Master Thesis, Dallas Theol. Seminary 1972

12915 Weiss, Gershon: Financial arrangements for a widow in a Cairo Geniza document. Jubilee vol. Graetz College, 1971, p. 275-283


םובייו הצילח

12916 Ahroni, Reuben: The Levirate and human rights. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 67-76

12917 Albeck, Chanoch: Zur neueren Talmudforschung. 49. Bericht, Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft d. Judentums (1932), p. 66-72

12918 Belkin, Samuel: Levirate and agnate marriage in rabbinic and cognate literature. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 60 (1969-70), p. 275-329

12919 Benary, Ferdinand: De Hebraeorum Leviratu. Berlin 1835, 70 p.

12920 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Chaliza. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 5, p. 210-216

12921 Bornstein, David Josef: Leviratsehe. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 10, p. 881-886

12922 Brongers, H. A.: Enkele opmerkingen over het verband tussen lossingen Levirat. Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 2 (1947-48), p. 1-7

12923 Burrows, Millar: Levirate marriage in Israel. Journal of Biblical Literature 59 (1940), p. 23-33

12924 Burrows, Millar: The ancient oriental background of Hebrew Levirate marriage. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 77 (1940), p. 2-15

12925 Carmichael, Calum M.: A ceremonial crux: removing a man's sandal as a female gesture of contempt. Journal of Biblical Literature 96 (1977), p. 321-336

12926 Cohn, Marcus: Leviratsehe. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 1076-1078 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 128-129

12927 Cruveilhier, P.: Le levirat chez les Hebreux et chez les Assyriens. Revue Biblique 34 (1925), p. 524-546

12928 Davies, Eryl W.: Inheritance rights and the Hebrew Levirate marriage. Vetus Testamentum 31 (1981), p. 138-144, 257-268


12929 Davies, W.W.: The Levirate marriage. Christian Advocate, N.Y. 1888*

12930 Dunner, Lasar: הצילחו טג ירדס השש Der judische Scheidungsakt. Koln 1927, 8 + 101 p.

12931 Elon, Menachem; Rabinowitz, Louis I.: Levirate marriage and Halizah. Encyclopedia Judaica 11, p. 122-131; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 403-409

12932 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Jalitza. Vol. 6, p. 170-172

12933 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Levirato. Vol. 6, p. 576-577

12934 Feilchenfeld, Wolf: Einiges zur Wurdigung der religions-gesetzlichen Chalizah. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 6 (1919), p. 325-337

12935 Geiger, Abraham: Die Levirats-Ehe, ihre Entstehung und Entwickelung. Judische Zeitschrift fur Wissenschat und Leben, Geiger, 1 (1862), p. 19-39. |R: Wechsler, B[ernhard]: Die Leviratsehe... eine abweichende Auffassung, ib. p. 253-263

12936 Geiger, Abraham: Dispensation von der Schwagerehe und Weigerung der Unmundigen (Chalizah und Meun). Judische Zeitschrift fur Wissenschat und Leben, Geiger, 2 (1863), p. 88-112

12937 Goitein, Shlomo Dov: Zur heutigen Praxis der Leviratsehe bei orientalischen Juden. Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 13 (1933), p. 159-166

12938 Grayson, A.K.; Seters, John van: The childless wife in Assyria and the stories of Genesis. Orientalia 44 (1975), p. 485-486

12939 Greenstone, Julius H.: Halizah. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 170-174

12940 Guttmann, M.: Uber die Leviratsehe und die Ceremonien des Schuhausziehens (הצילחו םובי). Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift fur Judische Theologie 4 (1839), p. 61-87

12941 Hirsch, Frank E.: Brother's wife (תמבי). International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 1, p. 526

12942 Jacobs, Joseph: Levirate marriage. Jewish Encyclopedia 8, p. 45-46

12943 Klein, Isaac: The problem of Chalitzah today. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 15 (1951), p. 146-155

12944 Klein, Isaac: The problem of Halisah. In: Responsa and halakhic studies, N.Y. 1975, p. 13-21

12945 Leggett, Donald A.: The Levirate and Goel institutions in the Old Testament, with special attention to the Book of Ruth. Dissertation Cherry Hill, N.J. 1974, 9 + 351 p. |R: Shefer, Byron E., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 37 (1975), p. 116-117

12946 Lesetre, Henri: Levirat. Dictionnaire de la Bible 4, p. 213-216

12947 Manor, Dale W.: A brief history of Levirate marriage as it relates to the Bible. Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin 20 (1982), p. 33-52

12948 Mattuck, Israel I.: The Levirate marriage in Jewish law. Jubilee vol. Kohler, 1913, p. 210-222

12949 McGrath, R.H.: Levirate marriage (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 8, p. 683

12950 Mittelmann, Jacob Marcus: Der altisraelitische Levirat. Eine rechtshistorische Studie. Dissertation Leipzig 1934, 11 + 50 p. |R:
171 'מע ,(וצרת-הצרת) בי רפס תירק ,'ש ,טטשנזייא

12951 Newman, Aryeh: Spotlight on Chalitzah in Israel. Jewish Life 34,4 (1967), p. 18-22

12952 Nitzsche, Carl Ludwig: Neuer Versuch uber die Ungultigkeit des mosaischen Gesetzes und den Rechtsgrund der Eheverbote; in einem Gutachten uber die Ehe mit des Bruders Witwe. Wittenberg-Zerbst 1800, 16 + 118 p.

12953 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Chaliza. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 1308-1310

12954 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Halitzah. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 180-183

12955 Redslob, Gustav Moritz: Die Levirats Ehe bei den Hebraern. Leipzig 1836, 52 p.

12956 Richter, Hans-Friedemann: Zum Levirat im Buch Ruth. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 95 (1983), p. 123-126


12957 Scheftelowitz, J.: Die Leviratsehe. Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft 18 (1915), p. 250-257

12958 Scheunevogel, David: Beantwortung der Fragen; 1: Ob das mosaische Gesetz, welches die Ehe mit des Bruders Weib verbietet, zum allgemeinen Moralgesetze gehore; 2: Was es mit der Ausnahme desselben 5. B. Moses 25 fur eine Bewandniss gehabt; 3: Ob die Ehe mit des Bruders Weib, wenn sie bereits vollzogen, zu dulden sey, oder musse getrennet werden. Danzig 1768, 77 p.

12959 Silberstein, Solomon Joseph: Remedial laws for deserted wives, proved by the real spirit of the written laws of Moses, as well as of the oral laws of Judaism, the Talmud and rabbinical translations. Also a thesis upon Chaliza, N.Y. 1907, 62 p. [in Yiddish]

12960 Stern, Albert: Uber ehegesetzliche Zeitfragen [Levirate marriage; Agunot; conditional Kidushin]. Pest 1872, 207 p.

12961 Voigtlander, Adolf: Das israelitische Levirat. Eine rechtshistorische Studie. Dissertation Leipzig 1924, 59 p.

12962 Vriezen, Th. C.: Two old cruces. Oudtestamentusche Studien 5 (1948), p. 80-91

12963 Wellhausen, Julius: Zwei Rechtsriten bei den Hebraern. Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft 7 (1904), p. 33-42

12964 Westbrook,Raymond: Law of the biblical Levirate. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser., 24 (1977) p. 65-87

12965 Winer, G.B.: Leviratsehe. Winer 2, p. 19-20


טג .ןישוריג

12966 Amram, David Werner: Divorce. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 624-628

12967 Amram, David Werner: The Jewish law of divorce, according to Bible and Talmud. Philadelphia 1896, 224 p.; repr. N.Y. 1968. |R: Simmons, L.M., Jewish Quarterly Review 9 (1897), p. 531-533; Falk, Z., Dine Israel 3 (1972), p. 259

12968 Belicha, Maurice: Le divorce confessionel chez les Israelites. Alger 1953, 48 p.

12969 Bentwich, Herbert: Divorce and Jewish law: a study in comparative jurisprudence. Law Magazine and Review 23 (1898), p. 317-323*

12970 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Ehescheidung. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 6, p. 259-271

12971 Blau, Ludwig: Die judische Ehescheidung und der judische Scheidebrief. Jahresbericht, Landesrabbinerschule Budapest 1910-11 (34), p. 1-80; 1911-12 (35), p. 1-111, 2 fasc.; (Published also in Hungarian, 1911-12); separ. print 1912; photo repr. Farnborough 1970

12972 Blau, Ludwig: Der Gruss im Scheidebrief. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 76, N.F. 40 (1932), p. 310-312

12973 Bleich, J. David: Refusal to grant a religious divorce. In: Current responsa, decisions of Batei Din, and rabbinical literature, eds. J. David Bleich and G.B. Halibard. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 179-183

12974 Bleich, J. David: Impotence as grounds for a divorce. In: Current responsa, decisions of Batei Din, and rabbinical literature, eds. J. David Bleich and G.B. Halibard. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 184-186


12975 Bleich, J. David: Indirect coercion in compelling a get. In: Survey of recent halakhic periodical literature. Tradition 20 (1982), p. 155-159

12976 Bleich, J. David: Jewish divorce: judicial misconceptions and possible means of civil enforcement. Connecticut Law Review 16 (1983-84), p. 201-289

12977 Bleich, J. David: A suggested antenuptial agreement: a proposal in wake of Avitzur. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 7 (1984), p. 25-41

12978 Bleich, J. David: Indirect coercion in compelling a Get. In: Current responsa, decisions of Bate Din and rabbinical literature. Jewish Law Annual 5 (1985), p. 65-71

12979 Bleich, J. David: The device of the 'sages of Spain' as a solution to the problem of the modern-day Agunah. Tradition 22,3 (1986), p. 77-87

12980 Bleich, J. David: Compelling the husband to divorce, the device of the 'Sages of Spain'. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 237-253

12981 Boerner, Christian Friedrich (praes.); Wolf, Christian Gottlob Friedrich (resp.): Schediasma philologicum de divortio Judaeorum ex varia loca Vet. et Novi Testam. Dissertation Leipzig 1739, 16 p.

12982 Bulz, Emmanuel: Le divorce en droit rabbinique. La Chaux-de Fonds 1954, 144 p.

12983 Busse, G.W.: The Herem of Rabenu Tam in Queen Anne's London. Jewish Historical Society of England, Transactions 21 (1968), p. 138-147

12984 [Ceneau, Robert] Cenalis, Robertus: De divortio matrimonii Mosaici. Paris 1594*

12985 Cobin, David M.: Jewish divorce and the recalcitrant husband; refusal to give a Get as intentional infliction of emotional distress. Journal of Law and Religion 4 (1986), p. 405-430

12986 Cohen, Boaz: Note sur la loi juive de divorce (יתרכ הריסמ ידע). Revue des Etudes Juives 92 (1932), p. 151-162; (also publ. separ.)

12987 Cohen, Boaz: Note sur la signature des temoins au bas du Guett. Revue des Etudes Juives 98 (1934), p. 58-65

12988 Cohen, Boaz: Concerning divorce in Jewish and Roman law. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 21 (1952), p. 3-34 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 377-408

12989 Cohen, Simon: Divorce. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 577-580

12990 Cohn, M.: Le divorce dans la legislation talmudique. Paris 1901*

12991 Cohn, Marcus: Get. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 1141-1145 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 121-123

12992 Colombo, Samuele: Una questione di divorzio; secondo il diritto Ebraico. Livorno 1895, 42 p.

12993 Daiches, Samuel: Divorce in Jewish law. Publications of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence, Engl. branch, 1 (1926) , p. 215-224 = Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 3rd ser., 8 (1926), p. 215-224 = Essays and adresses. Newport 1955, p. 84-96 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 2 (1972). |R:
218-217 'מע ,(זפרת) ב ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

12994 Davies, W.W.: Divorce in Old Testament. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 2, p. 863-865

12995 Davies, W.W.: The codes of Hammurabi and Moses. N.Y. 1905, 126 p.; repr. 1916, 126 p.

12996 Dick, Judah: Is an agreement to deliver or accept a Get in the event of a civil divorce halakhically feasible? Tradition 21,2 (1983), p. 91-106

12997 Dienemann, Max: Das judische Ehescheidungsrecht. Der Schild 7 (1928), p. 197-198, 211

12998 Drach, P.L.B.: Du divorce dans la synagogue. Rome 1840, 24 + 247 p.

12999 Dunner, Lasar: הצילחו טג ירדס השש Der judische Scheidungsakt. Koln 1927, 8 + 101 p.


13000 Emanuel, C.H.L.: Jewish divorce. Law Times 166 (1928), p. 328-329*

13001 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Divorcio. Vol. 3, p. 525-528

13002 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No woman is brazen to her husband's face
הלעב ינפב הינפ הזיעמ השא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 730-736

13003 F.M.G.: Jewish divorce in Palestine. Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 23 (1941), p. 187-189

13004 Falk, Zeev W.: Jewish divorce in a Canadian court: Morris v. Morris (1973) Winnipeg Q.B. (1973) 3 W.W.R. 526. Israel Law Review 9 (1974) p. 440-443

13005 Falk, Zeev W.: Four glosses in Mishnah and Baraita. Memorial vol. Prevost, 1982, p. 171-177

13006 Feis, Leopold de: Del 'libello del ripudio' nella legge mosaica. Giornale della societa Asiatica Italiana 19,1 (1906), p. 51-81

13007 Frazer, Barbara: Avitzur v. Avitzur; Jewish divorce and First Amendment. Rutgers Law Review 36 (1983-84), p. 887-914

13008 Freeman, M.D.A.: The status of a foreign 'Get' in Belgium. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 228-229

13009 Freeman, M.D.A.: Jews and the law of divorce in England. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 276-288

13010 Freid, Jacob (ed.): Jews and divorce. N.Y. 1968, 13 + 208 p. |R:
190 'מע (1970) ב לארשי יניד ,באז ,קלפ

13011 Friedell, Steven F.: The First Amendment and Jewish divorce; a comment on Stern v. Stern. Journal of Family Law 18 (1979-80), p. 525-535

13012 Friedell, Steven F.: Jewish divorce in American courts - the New York experience. Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 25-28

13013 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Termination of marriage upon the wife's request: a Palestinian Ketubba stipulation. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 37 (1969), p. 29-55

13014 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: Divorce upon the wife's demand as reflected in manuscripts from the Geniza. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 103-126

13015 Frimer, Dov I.: A selected English bibliography on the enforcement of Jewish divorce in the secular courts. Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 127-129

13016 Fubini, Guido: Gli ebrei e il divorzio. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 36, 1 (1970), p. 355-365

13017 Funk, Salomon: Die Sprache des Scheidebriefes. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 16 (1924), p. 123-135

13018 Gartner, Tzvi: Problems of a forced Get. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 9 (1985), p. 118-142

13019 Gaster, Moses: The Jewish law of divorce. Jewish Review (London) 1 (1910-11), p. 386-388

13020 Gaster, Moses: The Jewish divorce, no apology. Jewish Review (London) 1 (1910-11), p. 484-500

13021 Geller, Merkham J.: The Elephantine Papyri and Hosea, 2,3. Evidence for the form of the early Jewish divorce writ. Journal f.t. Study of Judaism in Persian, Hellenistic & Roman periods 8 (1977), p. 139-148

13022 Ginsburger, Ernest: Divorce civil, repudiation judaique. Paris n.d., 32 p.

13023 Goldstein, Albert S.: Should we give a Get? Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 58 (1967), p. 77-80

13024 Greenberg, Blu: Jewish divorce law. If we must part, let's part as equals. Lilith 1 (1977), p. 26-29

13025 Greenberg, Simon: And he writes her a bill of divorcement. With introd. by Seymour Siegel. Conservative Judaism 24,3 (1970), p. 73-141. |R: Rabinowitz, Stanley: The Megillah and the Get, ib. 26,3 (1972), p. 64-69

13026 Greenstone, Julius H.: Get. Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 646-647

13027 Groob, Irving: 'Get': divorce Jewish style. Connecticut Bar Journal 40 (1966), p. 594-601


13028 Groob, Irving: Divorce - Jewish style. Case and Comment 72,4 (1967), p. 29-34

13029 Grossman, Milton L.: New legal approaches to the divorce problem. Reconstructionist 15,6 (1949), p. 17-19

13030 Hammond, Philip C.: A divorce document from the Cairo Geniza. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 52 (1961-62), p. 131-153

13031 Hananel, Ascher Isakoff: Der Ehescheidungsbrief im judischen Recht. Dissertation Breslau 1927, 47 p.

13032 Harris, Monford: Toward a theology of divorce. Conservative Judaism 23,4 (1969), p. 33-44

13033 Haut, Irwin H.: Not getting a 'Get' can be a Jewish family law problem. New York Law Journal (August 17, 1981), p. 1 ff.*

13034 Haut, Irwin H.: Divorce in Jewish land life. N.Y. 1983, 13 + 146 p. (Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence, 5). |R: Rackman, Emanuel, Tradition 21,3 (1984), p. 107-108; Levine, Murray, Halakha is alive and well. Jewish Spectator 49,4 (1984), p. 47-50

13035 Haut, Irwin H.: A problem in Jewish divorce law: an analysis and some suggestions. Tradition 16,3 (1977), p. 29-49

13036 Herskowitz, Sylvia A. (ed.): The basics of Jewish divorce. N.Y. 1971, 8 p. (unn.)

13037 Hildesheimer, Israel: Die rituelle Scheidung. Judische Presse 17 (1886), p. 235-237, 251-252 = Gesamm. Schrift., Frankf.a.M. 1923, p. 129-140

13038 Humbert, Michel: Un divorce judaique devant la juridiction royale: L'affaire Samuel Peixotto - Sarah Mendes d'Acosta. Memorial vol. Prevost, 1982, p. 307-318

13039 Hunt, Harry B.: Attitudes toward divorce in post-exilic Judaism. Biblical Illustrator 12 (1986), p. 62-65*

13040 Jones, David Phillip; Johnson, Alastair Bissett: Re: Morris and Morris: a case comment. McGill Law Journal 23 (1977), p. 110-117

13041 Juster, Jean: Le mariage; le divorce; capacite de fait (femme juive, mineur). In: Les juifs dans l'Empire Romain, vol. 2, Paris 1914, p. 41-64

13042 Kadouch, Lucien: Divorce juif et tribunaux civils francais. Montrouge 1935, 172 p.

13043 Kahan, Linda S.: Jewish divorce and secular courts: the promise of Avitzur. Georgetown Law Journal 73 (1984-85), p. 193-224

13044 Kohler, Josef: Guterrecht und Ehescheidungsrecht der osterreichischen Juden. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 33 (1916), p. 283-286

13045 Kohler, Kaufmann; Simon, Abram: The harmonization of the Jewish and civil laws of marriage and divorce. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 25 (1915), p. 335-402

13046 Lehmann, Manfred R.: Genesis 2,24 as the basis for divorce in Halakhah and New Testament. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 72 (1960), p. 263-267

13047 Lesetre, Henri: Divorce. Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 1448-1453

13048 Levy, Renee: Le divorce juif et les conflits des lois qu'il peut engendrer. Paris 1929, 2 + 187 p.*

13049 Lew, Julian D.M.: Jewish divorces. New Law Journal 123 (1973), p. 829-830

13050 Lieber, David L.; Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Divorce. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 122-137; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 414-424

13051 Lipinski, E.: The wife's right to divorce in the light of ancient Near Eastern tradition. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 9-27

13052 Luckock, H.M.: The history of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relation to divorce and certain forbidden degrees. London 1894, 20 + 327 p.; 2nd. ed. 1895, 26 + 359 p.


13053 Maidment, Susan: The legal effect of religious divorces. Modern Law Review 37 (1974), p. 611-626

13054 Mayer, Reuven: Mental health and divorce in Judaism. International Journal of Medicine and Law 1 (1980), p. 315-333

13055 McGrath, R.H.: Divorce (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 4, p. 930-931

13056 Meislin, Bernard J.: Jewish divorce in American courts. Journal of Family Law 16 (1977-78), p. 19-35

13057 Meislin, Bernard J.: Civil courts enforcement of agreement to obtain a 'Get'. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 224-227

13058 Meislin, Bernard J.: Pursuit of the wife's right to a 'Get', in United States and Canadian courts. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 250-271

13059 Messeca-Fara: Le divorce juif. 1936*

13060 Modrzejewski, Joseph: Les juifs et le droit hellenistique: divorce et egalite des epoux. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 12 (1961), p. 162-193

13061 Nembach, Ulrich: Ehescheidung nach alttestamentalichem und judischem Recht. Theologische Zeitschrift 26 (1970), p. 161-171

13062 Novak, David: Annulment in lieu of divorce in Jewish law. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 188-206 = Halakhah in a theological dimension, Chico 1985, p. 29-44

13063 Novak, David: Divorce and conversion: is a traditional-liberal modus vivendi possible? In: Halakhah in a theological dimension, Chico 1985, p. 45-60

13064 Osofsky, Bracha: Kol Ishah: Progress in the Get problem. Lilith 10 (Winter 1982-83) p. 4-5

13065 Paterson, John: Divorce and desertion in the Old Testament. Journal of Biblical Literature 51 (1932), p. 161-170

13066 Petuchowski, Jakob J.: Some reflections on the reform attitude towards divorce. Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 45 (1964), p. 11-13

13067 Piatelli, Daniela: Get and Get Shihrur. Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 93-99

13068 Piatelli, Daniela: The marriage contract and bill of divorce in ancient Hebrew law. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 66-78

13069 Polacco, Vittorio: La questione del divorzio e gli Israeliti in Italia. Padova-Verona 1894, 75 p.

13070 Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai: Divorce of Jews in the Roman Empire. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 79-102

13071 Rabinowitz, Louis I.: The London Get of 1287. Jewish Historical Society of England, Transactions 21 (1968), p. 314-322

13072 Radman, Barbara J.: Jewish divorce; what can be done in secular courts to aid the Jewish woman? Georgia Law Review 19 (1984-85), p. 389-425

13073 Rakefet (Rothkoff), Aaron: The divorce in Cleves, 1766. Gesher 4 (1969), p. 147-169

13074 Rost, Leonhard: Fragen zum Scheidungsrecht in Genesis 12,10-20. Jubilee vol. Hertzberg, 1965, p. 186-192

13075 Schreiner, Stefan: Mischehen - Ehebruch - Ehescheidungen. Betrachtungen zu Malachi 2,10-16. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 91 (1979), p. 207-228

13076 Secretan, D.: Dissertation sur le divorce, selon la loi de Moyse et selon l'Evangile. n.p., 1808, 80 p.


13077 Seligman, Ruth: Divorce. Midstream 28,3 (1982), p. 35-37

13078 Sessa, Guiseppe: Tractatus de Judaeis, eorum privilegiis, observantia et recto intellectu, continens pignora, usuras, testimonia, testamenta, juramenta, successiones, immunitates, matrimonie, repudia... Augusta Taurinorum (Turin) 1717, 16 + 387 p.

13079 Shilo, Shmuel: Impotence as a ground for divorce (to the end of the period of Rishonim). Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 127-143

13080 Shulman, Sandra S.: Civil involvement in Jewish divorce law. Annual Survey of American Law 4 (1985), p. 969-976

13081 Sigal, Phillip: The future of rabbinic divorce. In: New dimensions in Judaism, N.Y. 1972, p. 133-153

13082 Solomon, Norman: Jewish divorce law and contemporary society. Jewish Journal of Sociology 25 (1983), p. 131-139

13083 Spiegler, Samuel: Divorce, Halacha and the married-unmarried. Journal of Jewish Communal Service 59 (1982-83), p. 217-218

13084 Strickman, Hermann Norman: A note on the text of Babylonian Talmud Gittin 6a. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 66 (1975-76), p. 173-175

13085 Throckmorton, B.H.: Certificate of divorce. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 549

13086 Toeg, A.: Does Deuteronomy 24,1-4 incorporate a general law of divorce? Dine Israel 2 (1970), English section, p. 5-24

13087 Townsend, John T.: The Gospel of John and the Jews: the story of a religious divorce. In: Antisemitism and the foundations of Christianity, ed. Alan Davies, N.Y. 1979, p. 72-97

13088 Warmflash, Lawrence M.: The New York approach to enforcing religious marriage contracts; from Avitzur to the Get statute. Brooklyn Law Review 50 (1984), p. 229-253

13089 Washofsky, Max: The recalcitrant husband: the problem of definition. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 144-166

13090 Weill, Michel A.: Die Ehescheidung vom judischen Standpunkte. Die Neuzeit 26 (1886), p. 255-257, 266, 275-277. |R: Hahn, Adolf, ib., p. 304; Schwarz, J., ib. p. 342-344

13091 Weill, Michel A.: Le divorce au point de vue israelite. Paris 1886, 16 p.

13092 Wenham, Gordon J.: The restoration of marriage reconsidered. Journal of Jewish Studies 30 (1979), p. 36-40

13093 Winer, G.B.: Ehescheidung. Winer 1, p. 301-302

13094 Yaron, Reuven: On divorce in Old Testament times. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser., 4 (1957), p. 117-128

13095 Yaron, Reuven: The Mesadah bill of divorce. Jubilee vol. Volterra, vol. 6 (1971), p. 433-455

13096 Zagouri, Abraham: Le divorce d'apres la loi talmudique, chez les marocains de confession israelite et les reformes actuelles en la matiere. Maroc 1958, 137 p.

13097 Zakovitch, Yair: The woman's rights in the biblical law of divorce. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 28-46

13098 Zipser, M.: Zur Streitfrage, ob bei einer Ehescheidung ein Beth-Din vonnothen? Ben Chananja 8 (1865), p. 913-915. |: Fassel, Hirsch B., ib. 9 (1866), p. 172-173; Zipser, M., ib. p. 223-224, 238-240; Deutsch, Heinrich, ib. p. 277-278


13099 Dissolution of Jewish marriages by mutual consent. International Law Quarterly 1 (1947), p. 365-368

13100 Divorcing secular and Jewish law. Reconstructionist 49,2 (1983), p. 7,12

13101 Jewish divorce and the civil law. De Paul Law Review 12 (1962-63), p. 295-305

13102 Jewish divorce law in Palestine. Law Times 180 (1935), p. 255-256*

13103 Jewish religious divorce and American jurisprudence: a comparative study. Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal (1984), p. 351-377



13104 Amram, David Werner: Agunah. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 275-276

13105 Amram, David Werner: Desertion. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 534-535

13106 Bernstein, Bela: Die Agunafrage im Lichte des Weltkrieges. Jubilee vol. Schwarz, 1917, p. 557-570

13107 Bleich, J. David: Modern day Agunot: a proposed remedy. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 167-187

13108 Bleich, J. David: Compelling the husband to divorce, the device of the 'Sages of Spain'. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 237-253

13109 Chigier, Moshe: Ruminations over the Agunah problem. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 207-225

13110 Cohn, Marcus: Aguna. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 133-136 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 92-94

13111 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Aguna. Vol. 1, p. 124-125

13112 Epstein, Louis M.: Agunah. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 132-133

13113 Epstein, Louis M.: A solution to the Agunah problem. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 4 (1930-32), p. 83-90

13114 Freimann, Jakob: Aguna. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 1, p. 1066-1070

13115 Gordis, Robert: A different kind of hostage; is there a solution to the tragedy of the Agunah? Moment 12,2 (1987), p. 58-61

13116 Higger, Michael: Towards a solution of the Agunah problem. Conservative Judaism 7,3 (1951), p. 6-15

13117 Lipman, Armand: The Agunah. Jewish Forum 9 (1926), p. 259-260

13118 Lookstein, Haskel: The courts aid the Agunah. Sh'ma 13 (1982-83), p. 82-83

13119 Novak, David: The Agunah, or the case of the uncooperative husband. In: Law and theology in Judaism, vol. 1, N.Y. 1974, p. 31-54

13120 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Agunah. Encyclopedia Judaica 2, p. 429-433 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 409-414

13121 Schwarz, Sidney H.: Conservative Judaism and the Agunah. Conservative Judaism 36,1 (1982), p. 37-44

13122 Silberstein, Solomon Joseph: Remedial laws for deserted wives, proved by the real spirit of the written laws of Moses, as well as of the oral laws of Judaism, the Talmud and rabbinical translations. Also a thesis upon Chaliza, N.Y. 1907, 62 p. [in Yiddish]

13123 Stern, Albert: Uber ehegesetzliche Zeitfragen [Levirate marriage; Agunot; conditional Kidushin]. Pest 1872, 207 p.


13124 Unna, Isak: Die Aguna-Gesetze. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 3 (1916), p. 347-366; repr. separ.

13125 Unna, Isak: Zur Agunafrage. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 17 (1930), p. 175-179

13126 Yaron, Reuven: The missing husband in Jewish law. Memorial vol. Prevost, 1982, p. 133-140


'שדקמ ןנברד אתעדא שדקמד לכ' .ןישודק תעקפה

13127 Aronson, David; Simon, Ralph; Faber, Salamon: Kedat Moshe Veyisrael. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 15 (1951), p. 120-145

13128 Choueka, A.: Note sur la 'Haphka'ath Kiddouchine'. Traite d'Union Israelite 9,78-79 (1960), p. 29-30

13129 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Rabbinical annulment of Kidushin
הינימ ןישודיקל ןנבר והניעקפא. Vol. 2, p. 590-598

13130 Epstein, Louis M.: Marriage annulment and Jewish life. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly (1928), p. 71-83

13131 Faber, Salamon: K'dath Beth Din shel Knesioth Harabonim. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 16 (1952), p. 205-211

13132 Novak, David: Annulment in lieu of divorce in Jewish law. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 188-206 = Halakhah in a theological dimension, Chico 1985, p. 29-44

13133 Rakefet (Rothkoff), Aaron: Annulment of marriage within the context of cancellation of the Get. Tradition 15,1-2 (1975), p. 173-185


םידליו םירוה



13134 Amram, David Werner; Eisenstein, Judah David: Alimony. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 398-400

13135 Amram, David Werner: Daughter in Jewish law. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 448-450

13136 Aptowitzer, Victor: Spuren des Matriarchats im judischen Schrifttum. Hebrew Union College Annual 4 (1927), p. 207-240; 5 (1928), p. 261-297

13137 Baab, O.J.: Children. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 558

13138 Baab, O.J.: Father. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 245

13139 Broyde, Channah Sageev: The role of children in making health care decisions: a comparative study. National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 123-135

13140 Cohn, Helene Hanna: Der Vater als Lehrer. Der Jude 9,2 (1927), p. 124-133

13141 Cohn, Marcus: Elterliche Gewalt. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 380-381 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 110-111

13142 Cohn, Marcus: Elternmord. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 382 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 147

13143 Cohn, Marcus: Kinder und Eltern. Judisches Lexikon 3, p. 697-699 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 127-128


13144 Cohn, Marcus: Mutterrecht. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 362-363 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 134

13145 Dosker, Henry B.: Mother, her position in the Old Testament. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 3, p. 2092

13146 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Padres e hijos. Vol. 8, p. 227-228

13147 Encyclopedia Judaica: Children. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 426-428

13148 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Father - paternity (דילומ) בא. Vol. 1, p. 7-21

13149 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Mother (A) - her relationship to her offspring םא. Vol. 2, p. 303-310

13150 Falk, Zeev W.: The underprivileged child in Israel. Recueil de la Societe Jean Bodin 35 (1975), p. 183-196

13151 Feldman, W.M.: The Jewish child. London 1917, 20 + 453 p.

13152 Fensham, F. Charles: The son of a handmaid in Northwest Semitic. Vetus Testamentum 19 (1969), p. 312-321

13153 Freid, Jacob (ed.): Judaism and the community. South Brunswick, N.Y.-London 1968; p. 115-123: Beallor, Gerald: The relationship of the adult child to the aged parents

13154 Friedenberg, Albert M.: The child. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 27-28

13155 Ginsburg, Marvell: The right of the Jewish child to be Jewish. Religious Education 74 (1979), p. 287-294

13156 Goitein, Shlomo Dov: Parents and children. A Geniza study of the medieval Jewish family. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 4 (1975), p. 47-68

13157 Gutnick, Mordechai: Children in life-threatening medical situations: the family responsibility, duties and rights. Or Hadorom 4 (1987), p. 33-42

13158 Herring, Basil F.: Parents and children. In: Jewish ethics and Halakhah for our time: Sources and commentary, N.Y. 1984, p. 197-219

13159 Kahlberg, A.: Der Schwiegervater des Moses. Ein Beitrag zum Bestehen von Resten des Matriarchats in der Bibel. Der Morgen 5 (1929), p. 65-72

13160 Kartagener, M.: Uber Spuren und Reste des Matriarchats im Judentum. Zeitschrift fur Religion und Geistesgeschichte 29 (1977), p. 134-151

13161 Kauschansky, D.M.: Die Rechtsstellung des naturlichen Kindes nach judischem und orientalischen Rechte. Judische Familienforschung 1 (1905)*

13162 Kitto, John: Father. Kitto 2, p. 8-9

13163 Kitto, John: Mother. Kitto 3, p. 239-240

13164 Kohn, Pinchas: Spuren des Mutterrechts in der Bibel. Nachalath Z'wi 5 (1934-35), p. 7-13

13165 Kornfeld, Walter: Parente (en Israel). Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement 6, p. 1261-1291

13166 Koshland, Walter: Mother-right and biblical Judaism. Jerusalem 1943, 125 p.

13167 Kuhlewein, J.: םא. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 173-177

13168 Kuhlewein, J.: ןב. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 316-325

13169 Lesetre, Henri: Fils. Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 2252-2253

13170 Lesetre, Henri: Mere. Dictionnaire de la Bible 4, p. 993-996

13171 Lesetre, Henri: Pere. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 128-131

13172 Levias, Caspar: Father. Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 351-352

13173 Mangenot, E.: Enfant; droits du pere sur l'enfant. Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 1788-1789

13174 Mann, Morris N.: Mothers and fathers: a conceptualization of parent role. Tradition 21,1 (1983), p. 52-65

13175 Margolius, Alexander: Mutter und Kind im altbiblischen Schrifttum. Berlin 1936, 46 p.


13176 Matzner-Bekelman, Shoshana: The Jewish child: halakhic perspectives. N.Y. 1984, 12 + 314 p.; p. 251-268: The rights of the child in Jewish law. |R: Levine, Murray, Halakha is alive and well. Jewish Spectator 49,4 (1984), p. 47-50

13177 Meislin, Bernard J.: Child custody: compelling a Jewish upbringing. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 221-223

13178 Mylius, Gustav Heinrich (praes.); Brascha, Anton Daniel (resp.): Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de patre Iudaeo alimenta sumtus studiorum et legitimam filio Christiano denegante. Dissertation Leipzig 1740, 20 p.

13179 Novak, David: Parents and children in Jewish ethics. In: Law and theology in Judaism, vol. 2, N.Y. 1976, p. 47-86

13180 Plautz, Werner: Zur Frage des Mutterrechts im Alten Testament. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 74 (1962), p. 9-30

13181 Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai: Les effets personnels de la puissance paternelle en droit hebraique, a travers la Bible et le Talmud. Memorial vol. Prevost, 1982, p. 85-101

13182 Rappaport, Solomon: Fathers and children; collective and individual responsibility in Jewish thought. Johannesburg 1963, 116 p.

13183 Ringgren, Helmer: בא. Theologisches Worterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 2-19

13184 Schaffer, Sylvan: Child custody: Halacha and the secular approach. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 6 (1983), p. 33-45 = Halacha and contemporary society, ed. Alfred S. Cohen, N.Y. 1984, p. 70-82

13185 Schechter, Solomon: The Jewish child. In: Selected writings, Oxford 1946, p. 91-95

13186 Schereschewsky, Ben Zi: Maintenance. Encyclopedia Judaica 11, p. 783-788 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 394-398

13187 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Parent and child. Encyclopedia Judaica 13, p. 95-100 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 424-429

13188 Thurnwald: Mutterrecht. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart 4, p. 323-324

13189 Tschernowitz, Chaim: The inheritance of illegitimate children according to Jewish law. Memorial vol. Abrahams, 1927, p. 402-415

13190 Warburg, Ronald: Child custody: a comparative analysis. Israel Law Review 14 (1979), p. 480-503

13191 Winer, G.B.: Eltern. Winer 1, p. 324-325

13192 Winer, G.B.: Kinder. Winer 1, p. 656-658


םאו בא דוביכ

13193 Albertz, Rainer: Hintergrund und Bedeutung des Elterngebots im Dekalog. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 90 (1978), p. 348-374.

13194 Bakshi-Doron, Eliyahu: Honoring an estranged parent. Crossroads 1 (1987), p. 95-103

13195 Bernstein, Isaac: Aliyah and honouring parents. L'eylah 2,4 (5743), p. 7-9

13196 Blidstein, Gerald J.: Honor thy father and mother: filial responsibility in Jewish law and ethics. N.Y. 1975, 14 + 234 p.

13197 Finkel, Joshua: Filial loyalty as a testimony of legitimacy. Journal of Biblical Literature 55 (1936), p. 133-143


13198 Gamberoni, Johann: Das Elterngebot im Alten Testament. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 8 (1964), p. 161-190

13199 Linzer, Norman: The obligation of adult children to aged parents: a view from Jewish tradition. Journal of Aging and Judaism 1,1 (1986), p. 34-48

13200 Loretz, Oswald: Das biblische Elterngebot und die Sohnespflichten in der ugaritischen Aqht-Legende. Biblische Notizen 8 (1979), p. 14-17

13201 Meier, Levi: Filial responsibility to the 'senile' parent; a Jewish approach. In: Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986, p. 75-83

13202 Newman, Aryeh: The Judaic conception of filial piety. Yavneh Review 7 (1969), p. 69-91

13203 Rhee, Song Nai: 'Fear God' and 'Honor your father and mother'. Two injunctions in the Book of Proverbs and the Confucian classics. Encounter 26 (1965), p. 207-214

13204 Shine, Chaim: Honoring one's parents and the Mitzvah of Aliyah. Morasha 1,3 (1985), p. 11-14

13205 Singer, Shmuel: The challenge of honoring parents in contemporary social conditions. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 14 (1987), p. 85-107

13206 Teitelbaum, Samuel: Filial piety. Jewish Institute of Religion, Quarterly 3,4 (1927), p. 24-29



13207 Boecker, Hans Jochen: Anmerkungen zur Adoption im Alten Testament. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 86 (1974), p. 86-89

13208 Box, George Herbert: Adoption (Semitic) 1: Adoption in Babylonia; 2: Adoption not practiced by the Hebrews. Hastings 1, p. 114-115

13209 Candlish, J.S.: Adoption. Hastings Dict. 1, p. 40-42

13210 David, Martin: Adoptie in het Oude Israel. Mededelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, N.R. 18, 4 (1955), p. 85-103

13211 Donner, H.: Adoption oder Legitimation? Erwagungen zur Adoption im Alten Testament auf dem Hintergrund der altorientalischen Rechte. Oriens Antiquus 8 (1969), p. 87-125

13212 Falk, Zeev W.: Legal archaeology: trial by battle, adoption, form of contract. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 17 (1966), p. 167-173

13213 Feigin, Samuel: Some cases of adoption in Israel. Journal of Biblical Literature 50 (1931), p. 186-200

13214 Gittleson, David: The law of adoption. Jewish Chronicle, Suppl. (Jan. 25, 1929), p. 4-5

13215 Gold, Michael: Adoption; a new problem for Jewish law. Judaism 36 (1987), p. 443-450

13216 Goldman, Alex J.: Adoption. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 63-73

13217 Jakobovits, Immanuel: Adoption. In: Journal of a Rabbi, N.Y. 1966, p. 240-243


13218 Kardimon, Samson: Adoption as a remedy for infertility in the period of the Patriarchs. Journal of Semitic Studies 3 (1958), p. 123-126

13219 Kohler, Kaufmann: Adoption. Jewish Encyclopedia 1, p. 206-208

13220 Many, S.: Adoption. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 228-231

13221 Moule, C.F.D.: Adoption. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 48

13222 Polan, S.M.: Adoption (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 1, p. 136

13223 Prevost, Marcel-Henri: Remarques sur l'adoption dans la Bible. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser., 14 (1967), p. 67-77

13224 Schachter, Melech: Various aspects of adoption. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 4 (1982), p. 93-115 = Halacha and contemporary society, ed. Alfred S. Cohen, N.Y. 1984, p. 31-53

13225 Silverstein, Arthur Jay: Adoption in Jewish law. Connecticut Bar Journal 48 (1974), p. 73-82

13226 Steinberg, Meyer: Responsum on problems of adoption in Jewish law, ed. and transl. by Maurice Rose. London 1969, 44 p.

13227 Tann, L.L.: Assisting with adoption. L'eylah (Spring 5745), p. 4-6

13228 Tigay, Joffrey Howard; Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Adoption. Encyclopedia Judaica 2, p. 298-303; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 440-441

13229 Wessely, Wolfgang: Kennt das Judenthum eine Annahme an Kindesstatt: ein Beitrag zur judischen Rechtsgeschichte. Ben Chananja 1 (1858), p. 391-400

13230 Yaron, Reuven: Varia on adoption. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 15 (1965), p. 171-183



13231 Baab, O.J.: Fatherless (םותי). The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 245-246

13232 Bloch, Moses: Die Vormundschaft nach mosaisch-talmudischem Rechte. Jahresbericht, Landesrabbinerschule Budapest 1903-04, 51 p. (Hungarian transl. publ. 1904). |R: Kronberg, N., Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 49, N.F. 13 (1905), p. 620-624

13233 Cohn, Marcus: Judisches Waisenrecht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 37 (1919-20), p. 417-445.
|R: 216 'מע ,(זפרת) ב ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

13234 Cohn, Marcus: Vormund (סופורטופא). Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 1248-1250 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 138-139

13235 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Guardian and ward. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 102-104

13236 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Administrator סופורטופא. Vol. 2, p. 550-571

13237 Grunwald, Max: Judische Waisenfursorge in alter und neuer Zeit. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Judische Volkskunde 66 (1922), p. 3-29

13238 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Orphan. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 1478-1479 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 438-440

13239 Mendelssohn, Moses; Levin, Hirschel: Ritualgesetze der Juden, betreffend Erbschaften, Vormundschaftssachen, Testamente und Ehesachen,... entworfen... auf Veranlassung und unter Aufsicht... R. Hirschel Lewin. Berlin 1778; 3rd ed., Berlin 1793, 20 + 221 p.; 4th ed., Berlin 1799, 32 + 198 p.; 5th ed., Berlin 1826, 24 + 183 p.; Gesamm. Schr., vol. 6, Leipzig 1845, p. 1-118; Gesamm. Schr. Jubilaumsausgabe, vol. 7, Berlin 1930, p. 109-251 (with introd. by S. Rawidowicz, p. CVI-CLXI)


13240 Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Apotropos (guardian). Encyclopedia Judaica 3, p. 218-222 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 441-445



13241 Ascher, Maurice: Sexuelle Fragen vom Standpunkte des Judentums. Frankf.a.M. 1922, 89 p.

13242 Ascher, Maurice: The adolescent in sex and education. With introduction by Beatrice S. Genn and epilogue by Leo Jung. Jewish Forum 10 (1927), p. 6-12, 62-67

13243 Baab, O.J.: Sex, sexual behavior. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 4, p. 296-301

13244 Berman, Myron: Sex and the Jewish teenager. Religious Education 65 (1970), p. 415-421

13245 Borowitz, Eugene B.: Choosing a sex ethic, a Jewish enquiry. N.Y. 1969, 181 p.

13246 Brav, Stanley R.: Since Eve; a Bible-inspired sex ethic for today. N.Y. 1959, 204 p.

13247 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Sexo. Vol. 9, p. 553-562

13248 Feldman, David M.: Homosexuality and Jewish law. Judaism 32 (1983), p. 426-429

13249 Freundel, B.: Homosexuality and Judaism. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 11 (1986), p. 70-87

13250 Gilbert, Maurice: La Bible et l'homosexualite. Notes on Translation 109,1 (1987), p. 78-95

13251 Goldman, Alex J.: Homosexuality. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 192-210

13252 Goldman, Alex J.: Pre-marital sex. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 238-246

13253 Gordis, Robert: Sex and family in the Jewish tradition. N.Y. 1967, 64 p.

13254 Gordis, Robert: Love and sex: a modern Jewish perspective. N.Y. 1978, 12 + 290 p. |R: Lerner, Ann Lapidus, Judaism 27 (1978), p. 374-376; Zerin, Edward, Conservative Judaism 32,2 (1979), p. 104-105

13255 Gordis, Robert: Sex in Judaism. Congress Monthly 45,1 (1978), p. 10-13

13256 Grossman, L.: The pornography issue: a Jewish view. N.Y. 1984*

13257 Herring, Basil F.: Homosexuality. In: Jewish ethics and Halakhah for our time: Sources and commentary, N.Y. 1984, p. 175-196

13258 Horner, Tom. M.: Sex in de bijbel. Assen 1975, 13 + 184 p.

13259 Horner, Tom. M.: Jonathan loved David. Homosexuality in biblical times. Philadelphia 1978, 161 p. |R: Barre, Michael L., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41 (1979), p. 463-465

13260 Kohn, Eugene: Religious sanctions for the sex-guidance of modern Jewish youth. Reconstructionist 1,15 (1935), p. 6-14

13261 Kruijf, T.C. de: De Bijbel over Sexualiteit. Roermond 1963, 103 p.

13262 Kruijf, T.C. de: La sessualita nella Bibbia. 2nd e., Bari 1968, 114 p.


13263 Lamm, Norman: Judaism and the modern attitude to homosexuality. Encyclopedia Judaica Yearbook (1974), p. 194-205 = Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979, p. 197-218 = Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 375-399

13264 Levy, Jacob: Die sexuelle Not in judischer Schau. Frankf.a.M. 1932, 82 p.

13265 Loeffler, G.: Geschlechtlichkeit und Sittlichkeit. Der Morgen 1 (1925), p. 84-100

13266 Martin, A. Damien: The Perennial Canaanites, the sin of homosexuality. Et Cetera 41 (1984), p. 340-361

13267 Matt, Hershel J.: Sin, crime, sickness or alternative life style? A Jewish approach to homosexuality. Judaism 27 (1978), p. 13-24

13268 Mihaly, Eugene: Responsum on homosexuality. Cincinnati n.d., 2 + 12 p.

13269 Muller, Josef: Das sexuelle Leben der Hebraer. In: Das sexuelle Leben der alten Kultur-Volker, Leipzig 1902, p. 124-143

13270 Muntner, Sussmann: Sexology in the Bible and Talmud. Medicinea Contemporana 79 (1961), p. 63-74

13271 Novak, David: Some aspects of the relationship of sex, society, and G-d in Judaism. In: Contemporary ethical issues in the Jewish and Christian traditions, ed. Frederick E. Greenspahn, Hoboken 1986, p. 140-166

13272 Orbach, William: Homosexuality and Jewish law. Journal of Family Law 14 (1975-76), p. 353-383

13273 Patai, Raphael: Sex and family in the Bible and the Middle East. N.Y. 1959, 282 p. |R: Milgrom, Jacob, Reconstructionist 29,13 (1963), p. 28-30

13274 Preuss, Julius: Sexuelles in Bibel und Talmud. Allgemeine Medicinische Central Zeitung 73 (1906), 37 p.

13275 Rabin, Else: Sexualethische Prinzipien und judischer Volksgeist. In: Hygiene und Judentum, ed. Hans Goslar, Dresden 1930, p. 30-33

13276 Schenkel, Daniel: Geschlechtsverkehr (ehelicher). Schenkel 2, p. 430-431

13277 Schindler, R.: Homosexuality, the Halachah, and the helping professions. Journal of Jewish Communal Service 55 (1979), p. 132 ff*

13278 Schwartz, Barry Dov: Judaism and homosexuality. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 40 (1978), p. 108-114

13279 Scorer, C.G.: The Bible and sex ethics today. London 1966, 124 p.

13280 Spar, Elliott T.: Pre-marital and extra-marital relationship. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 40 (1978), p. 78-86

13281 Spath: Keuschheit, Keuschheitsgesetze. Schenkel 3, p. 524-526

13282 Spero, Moshe Halevi: Homosexuality: clinical and ethical challenges. Tradition 17,4 (1979), p. 53-73

13283 Spero, Moshe Halevi: Further examination of the halakhic status of homosexuality. Proceedings, Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists 7 (1983), p. 99-122

13284 Spira, Moses A.: Die Wertung des Sexus im Alten Testament. Dissertation Munchen 1964, 142 p.

13285 Theilhaber, Felix Aron; Kirschner, Bruno: Sexualhygiene der Juden. Judisches Lexikon 5, p. 384-387

13286 Trible, Phyllis: The Bible without sexism. Jewish Spectator 40,1 (1975), p. 49-53

13287 Trible, Phyllis: G-d and the rhetoric of sexuality. Philadelphia 1978, 17 + 206 p. |R: Barry, Michael L., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41 (1979), p. 463-465



תונוש - החפשמ

13288 Amram, David Werner: A lawyer's study in biblical law: The patriarchal family; the powers of the Patriarchs; the position of women; family solidarity. Green Bag 14 (1902), p. 83-85, 231-233, 343-346

13289 Andersen, Francis I.: Israelite kinship terminology and social structure. Bible Translator 20 (1969), p. 29-39

13290 Baab, O.J.: Father's house (בא תיב). The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 246

13291 Baab, O.J.: Virgin (הלותב). The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 4, p. 787-788

13292 Babo, Joseph Marius: Vollstandige Darstellung der Gebrauche, Vorschriften und Ceremonien der Israeliten und der Meinungen der Rabbiner, historisch bearbeitet. Strassburg 1824, 8 + 112 p.; p. 9-13: Von dem Talmud; Sanhedrin; p. 34-45: Von dem Heurathen und ehelichen Dingen

13293 Bammel, Ernst: Markus 10,11f. und das judische Eherecht. Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 61 (1970), p. 95-101

13294 Berman, Myron: The 'New Morality' and the Jewish family. Reconstructionist 33,14 (1967), p. 16-22

13295 Berzon, Azarya: Contemporary issues in the laws of Yichud. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 13 (1987), p. 79-112

13296 Bokser, Ben Zion: Developments in the field of תושיא in Israeli law. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 21 (1957), p. 151-157

13297 Burrows, Millar: The marriage of Boaz and Ruth. Journal of Biblical Literature 59 (1940), p. 445-454

13298 Buxtorf, Johannes: Dissertatio de sponsalibus et divortiis cui accessit Isaaci Abarbanelis diatriba. Basel 1652, 2 + 195 p. = Ugolinus Thesaurus 30

13299 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Writ of rebellion דרמ תרגא. Vol. 1, p. 186-187

13300 Encyclopedia Talmudica: A barren woman תינוליא. Vol. 1, p. 639-646

13301 Encyclopedia Talmudica: No person can live with a snake in one cage
תחא הפיפכב שחנ םע רד םדא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 655-656

13302 Encyclopedia Talmudica: There is no guardian against immorality
תוירעל סופורטופא ןיא. Vol. 1, p. 727-730

13303 Encyclopedia Talmudica: Betrothed woman הסורא. Vol. 2, p. 700-709

13304 Friedman, Mordechai Akiva: The ethics of medieval Jewish marriage. In: Religion in a religious age, ed. Shlomo Dov Goitein, Cambridge, Mass. 1974, p. 83-101. |R: Goitein, Shlomo Dov, ib. p. 102

13305 Ginossar, Shalev: A glimpse into marital relations under Jewish law: David Haham v. Braha Haham. Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 435-437

13306 Goldfine, Yitzhak: Judisches und israelisches Eherecht. Hamburg 1975, 2 + 116 p.

13307 Goldin, Judah: The youngest son or where does Genesis 38 belong. Journal of Biblical Literature 96 (1977), p. 27-44.

13308 Gordis, Robert: Women's right in Judaism; women's right in marriage. Congress Weekly 22,20 (1955), p. 5-7; 22,21, p. 8-11

13309 Gordis, Robert (ed.): Judaism and liberalism - marriage, separation or divorce [A symposium]. Judaism 21 (1972), p. 6-50

13310 Gordis, Robert: Love, marriage and business in the Book of Ruth: a chapter in Hebrew customary law. Jubilee vol. Myers, 1974, p. 241-264


13311 Gordon, Cyrus H.: Fratriarchy in the Old Testament. Journal of Biblical Literature 54 (1935), p. 223-231

13312 Gottschalk, R.: Personal status and religious law in Israel. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 4 (1955), p. 454-461

13313 Gottschalk, R.: Personal status and religious law in Israel (decisions, etc.). Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 3 (1954), p. 525-527, 673-677

13314 Gouldman, M.D.: The Falasha wedding: Gitiye v. The Chief Rabbinate and the Jerusalem Religious Council. Israel Law Review 3 (1968), p. 595-599

13315 Greengus, Samuel: Sisterhood adoption at Nuzi and the 'wife-sister' in Genesis. Hebrew Union College Annual 46 (1975), p. 5-31

13316 Grejevsky, A.L.: Le mariage et le divorce en Israel. Agen 1958, 7 p.

13317 Grelot, Pierre: Man and wife in Scripture. London 1964, 127 p.

13318 Grelot, Pierre: Mann und Frau nach der Heiligen Schrift. Mainz 1964, 126 p.

13319 Henriques, H.S.Q.: Jewish marriages and the English law. London 1909, 59 p.

13320 Herbert, A.S.: Marriage in the Bible and the Early Christian Church. Expository Times 59 (1947-48), p. 12-13

13321 Hobbes, T.R.: Jeremiah 3: 1-5 and Deuteronomy 24: 1-4. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 86 (1974), p. 23-29

13322 Holzinger, Heinrich: Ehe und Frau im vordeuteronomischen Israel. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Alttestanentiche Wissenschaft 27 (1914), p. 229-241

13323 Jenni, E.: חא. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 98-104

13324 Kaiser, Otto: Den Erstgeborenen deiner Sohne sollst du mir geben. Erwagungen zum Kinderopfer im Alten Testament. Jubilee vol. Ratschow 1976, p. 24-48

13325 Kalthoff, Joh. Heinr.: Jus matrimonii veterum Indorum cum eodem Hebraeorum subinde jure comparatum. Bonn 1829, 106 + 11 p.

13326 Katz, Jacob: Family, kinship and marriage among Ashkenazim in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. Jewish Journal of Sociology 1 (1959), p. 4-22

13327 Kohler, Josef: Guterrecht und Ehescheidungsrecht der osterreichischen Juden. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 33 (1916), p. 283-286

13328 Kohler, Kaufmann; Simon, Abram: The harmonization of the Jewish and civil laws of marriage and divorce. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 25 (1915), p. 335-402

13329 Kuhlewein, J.: השא. Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 247-251

13330 Lamm, Norman: A hedge of roses. Jewish insights into marriage and married life. N.Y. 1966, 92 p.

13331 Lasker, Arnold A.: The rabbi and the pre-marital interview. Conservative Judaism 6,2-3 (1949-50), p. 20-33

13332 Lesetre, Henri: Frere. Dictionnaire de la Bible 2, p. 2402-2403

13333 Lesetre, Henri: Soeur. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 1820-1821

13334 Lesetre, Henri: Virginite. Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 2438-2439

13335 Livneh, Ernst: (Le regime matrimonial legal:) Israel. In: Le regime matrimonial legal dans les legislations contemporaines, ed. Andre Rouast, Paris 1957, 9 p.

13336 Maarsingh, B.: Het huwelijk in het Oude Testament. Baarn 196, 159 p.

13337 Maidment, Susan: Jewish marriage and divorce in English law. Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 93-121

13338 Maier, [Joseph]: Beantwortung einiger Fragen aus dem israelitischen Eherecht. Orient 3 (1842), p. 218-222

13339 Margoliouth, George: The marriage law in the Geniza Zedokite documents. Expository Times 25 (1914)*


13340 Martin, James D.: The forensic background to Jeremiah 3,1. Vetus Testamentum 19 (1969), p. 82-92

13341 Mattuck, Israel I.: Marriage, doctrine and practice of liberal Judaism. London 1950, 12 p.

13342 McComiskey, Thomas Eduard: The status of the secondary wife, its development in ancient Near Eastern law. Dissertation N.Y. 1965, 9 + 198 p.

13343 McDowell, Jay H.: You can't go home again. Journal of Family Law 3 (1963), p. 71-86

13344 McGrath, R.H.: Matrimony (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 9, p. 467-468

13345 Mercurius, Francisco: Quaedam praemeditatae et consideratae cogitationes super quatuor priora capita libri primi Moysis Genesis nominati. Amsterdam 1697, 6 + 115 p.

13346 Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel R. de: Erotika Biblion. Bruxelles 1881, 29 + 267 p.

13347 Mitchell, T.C.: The meaning of the noun HTN in the Old Testament. Vetus Testamentum 19 (1969), p. 93-112

13348 Modrzejewski, Joseph: Les juifs et le droit hellenistique: divorce et egalite des epoux. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 12 (1961), p. 162-193

13349 Mohring, Horst R.: Josephus and the marriage customs of the Essenes. Jubilee vol. Willoughby, 1961, p. 120-127

13350 Morgenstern, Julian: Beena marriage (matriarchat) in ancient Israel and its historical implications. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 47 (1929), p. 91-110; 49 (1931), p. 46-58

13351 Morgenstern, Julian: Rites of birth, marriage, death and kindred occasions among the Semites. Cincinnati 1966; N.Y. 1973, 4 + 320 p.

13352 Morris, Trevor; Sher, Julian: A note on the status of Jewish marriages and divorces in the Republic of South Africa. Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 123-126

13353 Niditch, Susan: The wronged woman righted; an analysis of Genesis 38. Harvard Theological Review 72 (1979), p. 143-149

13354 Paglino, G.: La famiglia presso gli Ebrei e altri popoli semitici. Alba 1952, 152 p.

13355 Patai, Raphael: Sex and family in the Bible and the Middle East. N.Y. 1959, 282 p. |R: Milgrom, Jacob, Reconstructionist 29,13 (1963), p. 28-30

13356 Patai, Raphael: Family, love and the Bible. London 1960, 255 p.

13357 Patai, Raphael: L'amour et le couple aux temps bibliques. Tours 1967, 274 p.

13358 Phillips, Anthony: Uncovering the father's skirt. Vetus Testamentum 30 (1980), p. 38-43

13359 Prader, Josef: Das religiose Eherecht der christlichen Kirchen, der Mohammedaner und der Juden. Frankf.a.M. 1973, 117 p.

13360 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Marriage contracts in ancient Egypt in the light of Jewish sources. Harvard Theological Review 46 (1953), p. 91-97 = Jewish law, N.Y. 1956, p. 39-47

13361 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: On the definition of marriage as a 'Consortium omnis vitae'. Harvard Theological Review 57 (1964), p. 55-56

13362 Randenborgh, Gottfried van; Randenborgh, Elisabeth van: Von der Ordnung der Ehe. Ein biblisches Studium uber das Bild der Ehe im Alten Testament und uber die Ehe im Neuen Testament. Berlin 1938, 177 p.

13363 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Ehe. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 247-248

13364 Rappaport, Elijahu: Die Familie als Element der Gemeinschaft. Der Jude 4 (1919-20), p. 215-226

13365 Rauch, Sigismund: Hebraisches Familienrecht in vorprophetischer Zeit. Dissertation Berlin 1907, 46 p.


13366 Reisman, Bernard: The Jewish family and Jewish communal services: A crisis of values. Journal of Jewish Communal Service 56 (1979-80), p. 35-39

13367 Richter: Ehe bei den Hebraern. Allgemeine Enzyclopadie der Wissenschafte und Kunste (Ersch-Gruber), 1st Sect., vol. 31, p. 386-387

13368 Riehm, Eduard: Ehe. Riehm 1, p. 349-355

13369 Riskin, Shlomo: The 'Moredet': a study of the rebellious wife and her status in initiating divorce in Jewish law. Dissertation N.Y. University 1982, 7 + 199 p.

13370 Riskin, Shlomo: The Moredet: a study of the rebellious wife and her status in initiating divorce in Jewish law. Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 155

13371 Rodd, Cyril S.: The family in the Old Testament. Bible Translator 18 (1967), p. 19-26

13372 Rosenblatt, Samuel: The Jewish laws of marriage and divorce applying to the mentally incapacitated. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 21 (1957), p. 141-150

13373 Rosenthal, Gilbert S. (ed.): The Jewish family in a changing world. N.Y. 1970, 367 p.

13374 Rowley, H.H.: The marriage of Ruth. Harvard Theological Review 40 (1947), p. 77-99

13375 Sandmel, Samuel: Jewish and Christian marriage: some observations. Heythrop Journal 11 (1970), p. 237-250

13376 Schaffer, Sylvan: Halachic consideration in marriage counseling and sex therapy. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 7 (1984), p. 53-66

13377 Schechter, Solomon: Geniza specimens: a marriage settlement. Jewish Quarterly Review 13 (1901), p. 218-221

13378 Scheftelowitz, Erwin Elchanan: Neue familienrechtliche Gesetze in Israel. Das Standesamt 23,1 (1970), p. 25-28

13379 Schmitz, Hermann Joseph: Gattin und Mutter im Heidentum, Judentum und Christentum. Koln 1905, 107 p.

13380 Schwarz, Adolf: Die Ehe im biblischen Alterthum. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 45, N.F. 9 (1901), p. 278-291 = Memorial vol. Frankel, 1901, p. 86-99

13381 Sczepansky, Ladislaus: Impedimenta matrimonialia apud Hebraeos et in jure Canonico. Melanges de l'Universite Saint Joseph, Beyrouth 10 (1925), p. 55-75

13382 Segall, Jacob: Die sozialhygienische Bedeutung der Ehegesetzgebung. In: Hygiene und Judentum, ed. Hans Goslar, Dresden 1930,p. 34-35

13383 Segall, Yehoudah: Droit matrimonial hebraique d'apres le Korah (R. Joseph Karo) et ses commentateurs. Dissertation Zurich 1917, 110 p.

13384 Seters, John van: The problem of childlessness in Near Eastern law and the Patriarchs of Israel. Journal of Biblical Literature 87 (1968), p. 401-408

13385 Seters, John van: Jacob's marriages and ancient Near Eastern customs. Harvard Theological Review 62 (1969), p. 377-395

13386 Shiloh, Isaac S.: Marriage and divorce in Israel. Israel Law Review 5 (1970), p. 479-498

13387 Simon, Jocelyn: The biblical background to marriage and divorce. Law Society's Gazette 62 (1965), p. 80-84

13388 Smith, Neil G.: Family ethics in the Wisdom literature. Interpretation 4 (1950), p. 453-457

13389 Spitzer, Samuel: Die judische Ehe nach mosaisch-talmudischen und den in Oesterreich bestehenden, besonders neuesten Ehegesetzen. Essek 1869, 26 p.

13390 Stubbe, Christian: Die Ehe im Alten Testament. Jena 1868, 71 p.

13391 Tedeschi, Guido: Problemi legislativi israeliani: il matrimonio. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 18 (1952), p. 99-111


13392 Tedeschi, Guido: Note di diritto matrimoniale israeliano. Jubilee vol. Jemolo, vol. 4, 1963, p. 629-637

13393 Tibi, Salomon: Le statut personnel des Israelites, et specialement des Israelites tunisiens. 4 vols., Tunis 1921-23, 182 + 133 + 120 + 218 p.

13394 Trible, Phyllis: Gegen das patriarchalische Prinzip in Bibelinterpretationen. In: Frauenbefreiung, biblische und theologische Argumente, ed. Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel, 2nd ed. Munchen-Mainz 1978, p. 93-117

13395 Tsevat, Matitiahu: Marriage and monarchical legitimacy in Ugarit and Israel. Journal of Semitic Studies 3 (1958), p. 237-243

13396 Ugolinus, Blasius: Uxor hebraea. Ugolinus Thesaurus 30*

13397 Vermes, Geza: Sectarian matrimonial Halakhah in the Damascus Rule. Journal of Jewish Studies 25 (1974), p. 197-202

13398 Vida, G. Levi della: A marriage contract on parchment from Fatimide Egypt. Eretz Israel 7 (1964), p. 64-69

13399 Vitta, Edoardo: The conflict of laws in matters of personal status in Palestine. Tel Aviv 1947, 32 + 315 p.

13400 Vollebregt, Godefridus N.: De Bijbel over het huwelijk. Roermund 1961, 111 p.

13401 Vollebregt, Godefridus N.: Die Ehe im Zeugnis der Bibel. Salzburg 1965, 104 p.

13402 Vollebregt, Godefridus N.: Il matrimonio nella Bibbia. Bari 1968, 117 p.

13403 Wambacq, Benjamin N.: Le mariage de Ruth. Jubilee vol. Tisserant, vol. 1 (1964), p. 449-459

13404 Wegner, Judith Romney: Status of women in Jewish and Islamic marriage and divorce law. Harvard Women's Law Journal 5 (1982), p. 1-33

13405 Weiss-Halivni, David: The use of קנה in connection with marriage. Harvard Theological Review 57 (1964), p. 244-248

13406 Wenham, Gordon J.: Betla, 'a girl of marriageable age'. Vetus Testamentum 22 (1972), p. 326-348

13407 Yaron, Reuven: Mistake-occasioned palingamy. Journal of Jewish Studies 25 (1974), p. 203-226





13408 Abrahams, Israel: Inheritance (Jewish). Hastings 7, p. 309-310

13409 Amram, David Werner: Bequest. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 43-45

13410 Baab, O.J.: Inheritance. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 701-703

13411 Bammel, Ernst: Das Gleichnis von den bosen Winzern (Mk 12, 1-9) und das judische Erbrecht. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser., 6 (1959), p. 11-17

13412 Beard, J.R.: Inheritance. Kitto 2, p. 386-388

13413 Bennett, William Henry: Heir. Hastings Dict. 2, p. 341-342

13414 Bialoblocki, Samuel: Erbrecht, -in der Bibel; -im Talmud. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 6, p. 701-711


13415 Bloch, Arnold; Klein, Hyman: Maimonides' Laws of Inheritance. London 1950, 39 p. (Hebrew text with translation)

13416 Bloch, Moses: Das mosaisch-talmudische Erbrecht. Jahresbericht, Landesrabbinerschule Budapest 1889-90, 5 + 70 p.; Hungarian trans. publ. 1890

13417 Bloom, Maurice Joshua: Inheritance in Jewish law. Dissertation Hebrew Union College 1927, 73 p.

13418 Bodenheimer, Levi: Die Erbfolge bei den alten Hebraern. Ein Beitrag zur judischen Alterthumskunde, nach rabbinischen Quellen bearbeitet. Orient 4 (1843), p. 353-356, 390-395, 411-414, 458-460, 473-477

13419 Bodenheimer, Levi: Das Testament unter der Benennung einer Erbschaft. 6 vols. in 1, Crefeld 1847-1849, 26, 23, 30, 30, 31, 28 p.

13420 Castelli, David: Il diritto di testare nella legislazione ebraica. Firenze 1878, 60 p.

13421 Cohn, Marcus: Erbrecht. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 442-456 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 111-119

13422 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Herencia. Vol. 5, p. 374-375

13423 Greenberger, Benjamin: Individual, social and national aspects of inheritance. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 255-268

13424 Greenstone, Julius H.: Inheritance. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 583-585

13425 Griguer, Jules: Des differents regimes de successions au Maroc (Musulman, Berbere et Juif). Tanger-Fez-Paris 1935, 251 p.

13426 Harvey, J.: Inheritance (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia 7, p. 515-516

13427 Hazan, J.M.: Successione per Israele. Ancona 1851, 90 p.

13428 Hepner, Elie: Das judische Erbrecht. Zurich 1958, 9 p.

13429 Hoffmann, Nathan: Der Erb-Acker. Ein Beitrag zum mosaisch-talmudischen Erbrecht. Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur 14 (1887), p. 41-59

13430 Lesetre, Henri: Heritage. Dictionnaire de la Bible 3, p. 610-612

13431 Martin, Alexander: Inheritance. Hastings Dict. 2, p. 470-473

13432 Mendelssohn, Moses; Levin, Hirschel: Ritualgesetze der Juden, betreffend Erbschaften, Vormundschaftssachen, Testamente und Ehesachen,... entworfen... auf Veranlassung und unter Aufsicht... R. Hirschel Lewin. Berlin 1778; 3rd ed., Berlin 1793, 20 + 221 p.; 4th ed., Berlin 1799, 32 + 198 p.; 5th ed., Berlin 1826, 24 + 183 p.; Gesamm. Schr., vol. 6, Leipzig 1845, p. 1-118; Gesamm. Schr. Jubilaumsausgabe, vol. 7, Berlin 1930, p. 109-251 (with introd. by S. Rawidowicz, p. CVI-CLXI)

13433 Meyer, Christian Gottlieb (tr.): Sententiae rabbinorum de successione ab intestato et testamentaria collectae. Halle 1775, 28 + 163 p.

13434 Mielziner, Moses: The rabbinical law of hereditary succession. Cincinnati 1900

13435 Morgenstern, Julian: Inheritance. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 5, p. 565-566

13436 Napier, Davie: The inheritance and the problem of adjacency; an essay on I Kings 21. Interpretation 30 (1976), p. 3-11

13437 Rackman, Emanuel: A Jewish philosophy of property: Rabbinic insights on intestate succession. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 67 (1976-77), p. 65-89

13438 Riehm, Eduard: Erbrecht, Erbtochter. Riehm 1, p. 406-408

13439 Schrader, E.: Erbe. Schenkel 2, p. 137-138

13440 Shilo, Shmuel: Succession. Encyclopedia Judaica 15, p. 475-481 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 445-453

13441 Smith, Henry Preserved: Inheritance (Hebrew). Hastings 7, p. 306-308

13442 Urbach, Efraim E.: Inheritance laws and after-life. Papers, 4th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1967), 1, p. 263


13443 Wanke, G.: .נחלה Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament 2, p. 55-59

13444 Winer, G.B.: Erbschaft. Winer 1, p. 335-336

13445 Wolff, Aron: Das judische Erbrecht. Berlin 1888, 50 p.

13446 Yadin, Uri: The proposed law of succession in Israel. American Journal of Comparative Law 2 (1953), p. 143-155

13447 Zagouri, M.: De l'ordre des successions en droit mosaique. Revue Marrocaine de Droit 14 (1962), p. 765-770


תבה ,השאה ,לעבה תשורי

13448 Ben-Barak, Zafrira: Inheritance by daughters in the ancient Near East. Journal of Semitic Studies 25 (1980), p. 22-33

13449 Muller, D.H.: Zum Erbrecht der Tochter. Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunde des Morgenlandes 19 (1905), p. 389-392

13450 Tychsen, Olof Gerhard: Die Erbfolge eines Ehemannes in den Nachlass seiner ohne Kinder und Testament verstorbenen Ehefrau, nach judischen Gesetzen. Rostock 1804, 6 + 122 p.

13451 Tychsen, Olof Gerhard: Gutachten nach judischen Gesetzen, uber die Frage: kann ein vor einem christlichen Gerichte von einem judischen Ehepaare nach christlichen Gesetzen errichtetes wechselseitiges Testament, vorherige bundigst stipulirte Erbvertrage derselben vernichten? Rostock 1806, 74 p.


תוכלמ ,תונבר ,הררש תשורי

13452 Carlebach, Joseph: Der Streit um die Erbfolge im Rabbinat. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 15 (1928), p. 350-366

13453 Cohen, Stuart A.: La succession a un office public dans la loi rabbinique, remarques de Moche Sofer sur les trois Ketarim. Pardes 1 (1985), p. 150-168

13454 Hoenig, Sidney B.: Filial succession in the rabbinate. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 1 (1972), p. 14-22



13455 Ahroni, Reuben: Why did Esau spurn the birthright? A study in biblical interpretation. Judaism 29 (1980), p. 323-331

13456 Baab, O.J.: Birthright (הרכב). The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 1, p. 440-441

13457 Beitzel, Barry J.: The right of the firstborn (Pi Snayim) in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 21:15-17). Jubilee vol. Archer, 1986, p. 179-190

13458 Bornstein, David Josef: Erstgeburt. Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol-Verlag 6, p. 722-730

13459 Casanowitz, I.M.: Primogeniture. Jewish Encyclopedia 10, p. 198-199


13460 Cohn, Marcus: Erstgeburtsrecht. Judisches Lexikon 2, p. 481-484 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 119-121

13461 Davidson, Samuel: Birth-right (הרוכב). Kitto 1, p. 365-366

13462 Davies, Eryl W.: The meaning of Pi Senayim in Deuteronomy XXI 17. Vetus Testamentum 36 (1986), p. 341-345

13463 Eissfeldt, Otto: Erstlinge und Zehnten im Alten Testament. Leipzig 1917, 8 + 172 p.

13464 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Primogenitura. Vol. 8, p. 610-611

13465 Friedenthal, Marcus Beer: Das Erstgeburtsrecht, durch biblische Ansichten erlautert. הנומאה ירקעו תדה ידוסי, oder theologisch-philosophische Abhandlungen uber die Grundlagen der mosaischen Religion, vol. 3, Breslau 1840, p. 57-79

13466 Gerdes, Daniel (praes.); Rees, Willem Van (resp.): De variis S. S. locis, in quibus primogenitorum mentio occurit. Dissertation Duisburg 1730, 38 p.

13467 Ginsburg, Christian D.: First-born. Kitto 2, p. 16-18

13468 Ginzberg, Louis: Birthright. Jewish Encyclopedia 3, p. 222-223

13469 Henninger, Joseph: Zum Erstgeborenenrecht bei den Semiten. Jubilee vol. Caskel, 1968, p. 162-183

13470 Kirsch, Rafael: Der Erstgeborene nach mosaisch-talmudischem Recht. Vol. 1: Die Stellung, Rechte und Pflichten des Erstgeborenen. Frankf.a.M. 1901, 48 p.

13471 Kooy, V.H.: First-born. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible 2, p. 270-272

13472 Lehrer, Morris: Birthright (Bechorah). Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 2, p. 382-383

13473 Lesetre, Henri: Premier-ne (Bekor). Dictionnaire de la Bible 5, p. 602-605

13474 Levine, Baruch A.; Schereschewsky, Ben Zion: Firstborn. Encyclopedia Judaica 6, p. 1306-1312; partly repr. in: Principles of Jewish law, p. 434-435

13475 Lewis, T.: Firstborn, firstling (רוכב). International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 2, p. 1113-1114

13476 Lublinski, Ida: Jacob und Esau. Ein Beitrag zum Erstgeburtsrecht der Juden. Der Morgen 3 (1927), p. 396-401

13477 Mendelsohn, I.: On the preferential status of the eldest son. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 156 (1959), p. 38-40

13478 Riehm, Eduard: Erstgeburt. Riehm 1, p. 411-413

13479 Schroder, Johann Joachim (praes.); Bockwitz, Johann Daniel (resp.): De veterum Hebraeorum primogenitis et eorum praerogativis. Dissertation Marburg 1741, 20 p.

13480 Strahan, James: First-born (Hebrew). Hastings 6, p. 35-36

13481 Tsevat, Matitiahu: רכב, הרכב, םירוכב. Theologisches Worterbuch zum Alten Testament 1, p. 643-650

13482 Wilson, J. Macartney: Birthright (הרוכב). International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 1, p. 478

13483 Winer, G.B.: Erstgeburt. Winer 1, p. 341-342

13484 Wright, William: Primogeniture (הרוכב). Kitto 3, p. 579-580



13485 Brown, Arthur Mason: The concept of inheritance in the Old Testament. Dissertation Columbia University 1965, 36 + 369 p.

13486 Davies, Eryl W.: Inheritance rights and the Hebrew Levirate marriage. Vetus Testamentum 31 (1981), p. 138-144; 257-268


13487 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Debts of decedents. Jewish Encyclopedia 4, p. 491-492

13488 Ehrman, A.: Gentile interest in Jewish law: a chapter from Selden's 'De Successionibus'. Christian News from Israel 13,3-4 (1962), p. 31-37

13489 Ehrman, A.: The order of succession in Jewish law (Selden's argument against Origen). Papers, 4th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1967), 1, p. 267

13490 Eisenstadt, Samuel: Paralleleinblicke in das judische und romische Erbrecht. Eos 48,3 (1957), p. 15-18

13491 Eisenstadt, Samuel: Paralleleinblicke in das judische und romische Familien- und Erbrecht. Klio 40 (1962), p. 244-259

13492 Elkaim, Haim: La droit d'ainesse d'apres la Bible et la legislation rabbinique. Paris 1952, 143 p.

13493 Encyclopedia Talmudica: One cannot bequeath an interdict to his son
תירומ אל הירבל ארוסא. Vol. 2, p. 461-462

13494 Hirsch, Samson Raphael: Randsiedlung. Ein Beitrag zum judischen Erbhofrecht (aus einem Mischnahkommentar, ed. Michalski). Nachalath Z'wi 3 (1932-33), p. 384-392; 4 (1933-34), p. 30-31

13495 Jacobs, Joseph: Junior right in Genesis. Studies in Biblical Archaeology 1894, p. 46-63

13496 Malka, Elie: Les droits successoraux du conjoint survivant dans le regime mosaique, dans le regime castellane et d'apres le projet d'ordonnance (Taquana) adopte en 1949 par l'Assemblee extraordinaire des grands Rabbins du Maroc. Revue Marrocaine de Droit (1951), p. 12-19

13497 Many, S.: Ainesse, droit d'. Dictionnaire de la Bible 1, p. 317-322

13498 Schwarz, Adolf: La victoire des Pharisiens sur les Sadduceens en matiere de droit successoral. Revue des Etudes Juives 63 (1912), p. 51-62

13499 Selden, Joannes: De successionibus ad leges Ebraeorum in bona defunctorum, liber singularis; in pontificatum, libri duo. Leiden 1638, 58 + 528 p.; Frankf.a.O. 1674, 1 + 248 + 8 p.; idem 1695, 11 + 248 p.; Ugolinus Thesaurus 12

13500 Selden, Joannes: Uxor Ebraica, seu De nuptiis et divortiis ex jure civili, id est Divino et Talmudico, veterum Ebraeorum, libri tres. Ejusdem de successionibus ad leges Ebraeorum in bona defunctorum, liber singularis; in pontificato, libri duo. London 1646; New ed., Frankf.a.O. 1673, 22 + 456 + 14; 248 + 8 p. -, Frankf.a.O. 1695; Joannis Seldeni Opera omnia, London 1726, vol. 2

13501 Szubin, H.Z.; Porten, Bezalel: Exchange of inherited property at Elephantine (Cowley 1). Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1982), p. 651-654

13502 Tschernowitz, Chaim: The inheritance of illegitimate children according to Jewish law. Memorial vol. Abrahams, 1927, p. 402-415