מורשת המשפט בישראל
The Jewish Legal Heritage Society
Multi Language Bibliography - Contents Halakhah/25 The Nature of Halakhah and its Development/25 The Written Law and the Oral Law/31 'Halakhah Received by Moses at Sinai'/33 Sects. Halakhah in the Literature of the Second Temple Period/33 Reform/53 The Conservative Movement/56 Halakhah and Reality. Halakhah and Society/58 Halakhah and Psychological Principles/63 Miscellaneous/63 Halakhic Interpretation. Hermeneutic Principles/65 General/65 The Seven Hermeneutic Rules (of Hillel)/66 The Thirteen Hermeneutic Rules (of R. Ishmael)/66 The Thirty-Two Hermeneutic Rules (of R. Eliezer ben Yose haGelili)/66 Individual Hermeneutic Rules. Miscellaneous/67 Exegesis. Terminology/69 General/69 Studies. Terminology. Lexicons/69 Legal Logic/73 Principles for Deciding the Halakhah/73 General/73 Majority and Minority/74 Custom/74 Regulations. Legislation/75 Legislation of the Sages. Positive and Negative Regulations. Emergency Enactment/75 Expropriation/77 Power of Community Legislation/77 Miscellaneous Legislation - Until Close of Talmudic Period/78 Legal Fictions/78 Ethics and Halakhah/79 Aggadah and Halakhah. Philosophy and Halakhah. Kabbalah and Halakhah/85 Jurisprudence/86 Halakhic Schools. Modes of Study. Casuistics/86 Justice and Law/87 Religion and Law/89 The Commandments/91 The Reasons for the Commandments/92 Miscellaneous/92 2. Sources Bible/101 General. Jurisprudence/101 Topics/115 Government/115 King. Judge. Administration/115 Priests and Levites/126 Covenants/128 Taxation/131 War/131 Society/133 General/133 Sabbatical and Jubilee years. Redemption of Property/139 Slavery/140 Proselyte. Foreigner/143 Penal Law/144 General. Punishments/144 Specific Crimes/149 Cities of Refuge/151 Family. Inheritance/153 Civil Law/166 Oath/170 Procedure/171 The Translations of Scripture (Targum)/173 Rabbinic Interpretation of Scripture/173 Miscellaneous/175 The Literature of the Tannaim/182 General. Studies on the Mishnah/182 Topics/191 Tractates. Chapters/193 Tosefta. Baraita/197 The Halakhic Midrashim/201 Persons and Schools of Thought/203 Translations/215 Talmud/218 General/218 Topics/231 Tractates. Sugiyot/244 The Jerusalem Talmud/246 Translations/248 Persons and Schools of Thought/249 History. Realia/252 Variant Texts. Editions/257 Translations/258 The Geonim/261 Maimonides/269 General/269 'Mishneh Torah'/280 Sources and Influence/283 'Sefer haMitzvot'/283 Commentary on the Mishnah/284 Letters. Responsa. Other Works/286 Bibliographies and Indices/288 Translations/288 Shulhan Arukh/291 The Work and its Author/291 Rema/293 Translations/293 Responsa/294 3. Jewish Law in General Jewish Law in General/301 General Works. Introductions/301 Codification/308 Periodicals/308 Bibliographies/309 4. Jewish Law in the State of Israel Jewish Law in the State of Israel/313 General/313 Applicability of Jewish Law/313 Jewish Law in Legislation/314 Jewish Law in Judicial Decisions/316 5. Comparative Law Eastern Law/321 Greek and Roman Law/331 Medieval Law. Christian Law/338 Islamic and Ottoman Law/344 Western Law/346 Miscellaneous/352 6. Society and Government Foundations of Government. Political Theory/357 Constitution. Human Rights/365 Society. Equality/369 Sabbatical and Jubilee Years/374 Annulment of Debt (Shemitta). Prozbul/377 King/377 Priests and Levites/381 The Great Assembly/383 Sanhedrin/385 General. Authority/385 Ordination. Restoration of the Sanhedrin/388 President of the Sanhedrin. 'Av Bet Din'. 'Mufla'/388 Exilarch/389 City - Organization and Administration/390 Communities - Organization and Administration/391 General/391 Austria/394 Australia/396 Italy/396 Ireland/401 South and Central America/401 England/402 Afghanistan/404 South Africa/405 North Africa/405 Erez Israel/407 United States/408 Babylon (Iraq)/412 Germany/413 Denmark/429 India/429 Holland and Belgium/430 Hungary/431 Turkey, Byzantium, the Balkans/432 Yugoslavia/434 Greece and the Greek Islands/434 Egypt/435 Syria/436 Spain and Portugal/436 Poland, Lithuania and Russia/438 Czechoslovakia/443 France/446 Canada/451 Rumania/451 Switzerland/451 Rabbi/452 Lay Leader. 'Parnas'. Functionaries/456 Census/457 Taxation/457 Police/458 Army and War/458 Welfare. Charity. Philanthropy. Love of Fellow Man/462 Redemption of Captives/466 Education/466 Urban Planning. Ecology/473 Land of Israel/474 Jerusalem/475 Religion and State/475 'The Law of the Land is Law'/480 International Law. Covenants/481 7. Courts and Procedure Courts - Types, Establishment, and Authority/485 Arbitration/488 The Judge, His Appointment and Qualifications/488 Procedure/489 General/489 The Trial Process. Court Officials. The Attorney/490 Criminal Procedure/491 Miscellaneous/492 Execution (Civil)/493 Rabbinical Courts in the State of Israel/494 8. Evidence General/497 Testimony/498 The Obligation to Testify. Witnesses' Oath/498 Perjury/498 Specific Types of Evidence/499 Oath/499 Admission/504 Self Incrimination/504 'Miggo' (Rule of Pleading)/505 Presumption. Possession. Usucaption/505 Miscellaneous/507 9. Contracts (Collections. Terminology) Contracts (Collections. Terminology)/511 General/511 Forms. Collections/512 Terminology. Formulas/513 10. Penal Law General. Penology/517 Penal Law in our Times. Capital Punishment - Past and Present/522 General Principles/523 Criminal Intent/523 Self Defence/524 Miscellaneous/525 Crimes/526 General/526 Homicide/526 General/526 Unintentional Killing/527 Cities of Refuge/527 Blood Avenger/528 Expiation Ceremony/529 Euthanasia/529 Suicide/531 Kidnapping/532 Rebellious Son/532 Theft and Robbery/533 Fraud. Deception/534 Crimes in the Area of Family - see Family Treason/535 Witchcraft/535 Cruelty to Animals/536 Bribery/537 Miscellaneous/537 Punishments/538 Execution/