

וללכב ירבעה טפשמה


תואובמ .םייללכ םירוביח

6247 Albeck, Shalom: Law and history in halakhic research. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 1 (1980), p. 1-20.

6248 Amram, David Werner: Jewish law, Ancient. Green Bag 3 (1891), p. 381-383; 4 (1892), p. 36-38, 493-495; 6 (1894), p. 407-409; 8 (1896), p. 253-298

6249 Anton, Carl: Einleitung in die judischen und rabbinischen Rechte, dabey insonderheit von einem Judeneide. Braunschweig 1756, 322 + 18 p.

6250 Arieli, Tuviah: Static and dynamic conceptions of Jewish law. Papers, 4th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1967), 1, p. 266-267

6251 Askowith, Dora: Prolegomena - Legal fictions or evasions of the law. Memorial vol. Abrahams, 1927, p. 1-11

6252 Baldwin, Edward Chauncey: Permanent elements in the Hebrew law. International Journal of Ethics 25 (1915), p. 360-371

6253 Bannister, J.: The temples of the Hebrews,... an epitome of the laws... of the Jewish nation. London 1861, 15 + 405 p.

6254 Beaucamp, E.: La justice en Israel. Jubilee vol. Ottaviani, 1972, p. 201-235

6255 Beck, Joh. Jodoc.: Tractatus de juribus judaeorum. Von Recht der Juden, worinnen von denen Gesetzen, denen sie unterworffen, deren Heyrathen, Contracten, Wucher, Testamenten, Successionen oder Erbfolgen, Verbrechen und deren Bestrafungen, Privilegien und Rechtswolthaten, Oneribus und Beschwerden, insonderheit der Cronensteuer und guldener Pfennig wie auch Gerichten und gerichtlichen Handlungen und andern mehr, grundlich und deutlich gehandelt wird. Aus denen gottlichen und allgemeinen Reichs-und anderen Special-Rechten und Gewohnheit zusammengetragen und mit Praejudicis, Decisionibus und Responsis uberall bestarket. Nurnberg 1731, 10 + 603 p.; Nurnberg 1741, 8 + 599 p.

6256 Benas, Bertram B.: The renascence of Jewish law. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 2 (1920), p. 1-8

6257 Benas, Bertram B.: A plan for an English history of Jewish law. Juridical Review 44 (1932), p. 39-57.

6258 Birnbaum, Philip (ed.): A treasury of Judaism. N.Y. 1957, 431 p.; 2nd ed. 1962 (includes articles on Jewish law)

6259 Birnbaum, Philip: A book of Jewish concepts. N.Y. 1964, 10 + 719 p.; New ed. 1975 (includes articles on Jewish law)

6260 Bleich, J. David: Current responsa, decisions of Batei Din, and rabbinical literature. Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 187-203


6261 Bondy, Otto: The validity problem in Hebrew law. Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 54 (1968), p. 217-237

6262 Breuer, Isaac: Concepts of Judaism. Jerusalem 1974, 348 p.; p. 37-52: The law and the individual; p. 53-81: The philosophical foundation of Jewish and modern law; p. 167-192: The belief in the divine origin of the law and its epistemological foundations

6263 Buddeus, Joh. Franciscus: Prudentiae civilis rabbinicae specimen. Jena 1694, 24 + 307 + 3 p.

6264 Castelli, David: La legge del popolo ebreo nel suo evolgimento storico. Firenze 1884, 16 + 420 p.

6265 Chigier, Moshe: Codification of Jewish law. Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 3-32

6266 Cohen, Hermann: Maimonides und der Geist der judischen Gesetze. In: Maimonides, ein Gedenkbuch, ed. Herman Weyl, Buenos Aires 1956, p. 55-62

6267 Cohn, Haim H.: Prolegomena to the theory and history of Jewish law. Jubilee vol. Pound, 1962, p. 44-81

6268 Cohn, Haim H. (ed.): Jewish law in ancient and modern Israel, selected essays with an introduction. N.Y. 1971, 34 + 259 p. |R: Journal f.t. Study of Judaism in Persian, Hellenistic & Roman periods 3 (1972), p. 62-63; Rackman, Emanuel: From Eulogy to Epitaph, Judaism 22 (1973), p. 369-377; Petuchowski, Jacob J., ib. 23 (1974), p. 126-127

6269 Cohn, Haim H.: The spirit of Jewish law. Israel Law Review 9 (1974), p. 456-462

6270 Cohn, Haim H.: The methodology of Jewish law. A secularist view. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 1 (1980), p. 123-135

6271 Cohn, Marcus: Recht, Judisches. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 1261-1275 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 2-10

6272 Dareste, Rodolphe: Le droit israelite. In: Etudes d'histoire du droit, 1 ser. 2nd ed., Paris 1908, p. 18-51

6273 Dekkers, Rene: Epitomae, V: Les Hebreux. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 2nd ser. 2 (1953), p. 167-173

6274 Edersheim, E.W.: The law and polity of the Jews. London n.d., 13 + 188 p. p. 1-12: The king; p. 13-26: Priests and Levites; p. 37-51: Judges and courts of law; p. 52-65: Military laws; p. 66-70: Taxes and tributes; p. 73-85: Property and inheritance; p. 87-98: Slaves and servants; p. 99-109: Wives and children; p. 110-121: Poor laws: debtor and creditor; p. 122-129: Trade; p. 162-184: Moral laws in daily life

6275 Eisenstein, Judah David: Critical review of the legal articles in the Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 1. N.Y. 1901, 38 p.

6276 Elman, Peter: An introduction to Jewish law. London 1958, 104 p. |R: Loewe, Raphael, Journal of Jewish Studies 9 (1958), p. 224-225; Mikliszanski, Jacques, Jewish Social Studies 25 (1963), p. 63

6277 Elon, Menachem: The University's newest institute: the need for research in Jewish law. Scopus 17,2 (1963), p. 8-9

6278 Elon, Menachem: The sources and nature of Jewish law and its application. Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 515-565; 3 (1968), p. 88-126, 416-457; 4 (1969), p. 80-140

6279 Elon, Menachem: Mishpat Ivri, definition and terminology. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 109-151 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 5-46

6280 Elon, Menachem (ed.): The principles of Jewish law. Jerusalem 1975, 866 p. |R: Jackson, B.S., Journal of Jewish Studies 28 (1977), p. 83-85

6281 Elon, Menachem: More about research into Jewish law. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 1 (1980), p. 66-111


6282 Elon, Menachem: Law, Jewish. In: Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Joseph R. Strayer, vol. 7, N.Y. 1986, p. 489-499

6283 Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana: Derecho judio. Vol. 3, p. 426-454

6284 Englard, Izhak: Research in Jewish law, its nature and function. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 1 (1980), p. 21-65. |Comment: Shiber, Baruch: The Albeck system in talmudic research, ib. p. 112-122

6285 Epstein, Isidore: Judaism of tradition. London 1931, 244 p.; p. 81-109: Jewish legalism. |R: 187 'מע ,(גצרת) ד ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

6286 Eschelbacher, Max: Das judische Gesetz. Der Jude 9,4 (1927), p. 58-66

6287 Falk, Zeev W.: Jewish law. In: An introduction to legal systems, ed. J. Duncan M. Derrett, London 1968, p. 29-53

6288 Falk, Zeev W.: Introduction to Jewish law of the Second Commonwealth. 2 vols., Leiden 1972-79, 11 + 369 p.

6289 Falk, Zeev W.: On the study of Jewish law. Dine Israel 4 (1973), English section, p. 5-16

6290 Farbstein, David: On the study of Jewish law. Jewish Quarterly Review 10 (1898), p. 177-181

6291 Feldman, David M.: The structure of Jewish law. In: Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 21-37

6292 Fluegel, Maurice: Spirit of the biblical legislation, in parallel with Talmud, Moralists, Casuists, New Testament, ancient and modern law, especially the social and political institutions. Baltimore 1893, 6 + 248 p. |R: Neubauer, A., Jewish Quarterly Review 6 (1894), p. 580-581

6293 Fraenkel, Meir: Mispat - Recht, Justiz, Prozess. Neue Israel 19 (1966-67), p. 831-835, 931; 20 (1967-68), p. 115-118

6294 Frazer, James George: Folk-Lore in the Old Testament. Vol. 3, London 1919; p. 93-110: The place of the law in Jewish history; p. 304-306: The ordeal of the bitter water in Israel. |R: Smith, Henry Preserved, Harvard Theological Review 17 (1924), p. 63-82

6295 Gershfield, Edward M.: Questio quid iuris? - Some thoughts on Jewish law. Harvard Theological Review 61 (1968), p. 60-67

6296 Gershfield, Edward M.; Fuss, Abraham M. (eds.): Studies in Jewish jurisprudence. 4 vols., N.Y. 1971-76

6297 Glover, A.K.: Jewish law. Wells, Minn. 1900, 259 p.

6298 Goldenberg, R.: The historical study of Jewish law. Association for Jewish Studies Newsletter 22 (1978), p. 13 ff*

6299 Goldfine, Yitzhak: Einfuhrung in das judische Recht. Hamburg 1973, 114 p.

6300 Goldstein, Mateo: Derecho hebreo a traves de la Biblia y el Talmud. Buenos Aires 1947, 499 p.

6301 Greenstone, Julius H.: Jewish life and Jewish law. Jewish Forum 16 (1933), p. 12-15

6302 Guilding, A.E.: Notes on the Hebrew law codes. Journal of Theological Studies 49 (1948), p. 43-52

6303 Gulak, Ascher: Law, Jewish. Encyclopedia of Social Sciences 9, p. 218-224

6304 Gutbrod, W.: Law in Judaism. In: Law, eds. Herman Kleinknecht and W. Gutbrod, London 1962, p. 50-78

6305 Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Institute for research in Jewish law. Hebrew University Research Report 1964 and 1965, p. 457-469; 1968, p. 561-570

6306 Hennequin, Victor: Introduction historique a l'etude de la legislation francaise - Vol. 2: les Juifs, Paris 1842, 633 p.

6307 Herbstein, J.: Jewish law. South African Law Journal 42 (1925), p. 4-13


6308 Herzog, Issac: The sources of Jewish law. Temple Law Quarterly 5 (1930-31), p. 47-65

6309 Herzog, Isaac: John Selden and Jewish law. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 3rd ser. 13 (1931), p. 236-245 = Judaism, law and ethics, London-Jerusalem-N.Y. 1974, p. 65-79

6310 Herzog, Isaac: The main institutions of Jewish law. 2 vols., London 1936-39, 27 + 416, 8 + 315 p.; repr. London 1965-67. |R: Zeitlin, Solomon, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 32 (1941-42), p. 103-107; 300-298 'מע ,(וצרת) ה ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

6311 Herzog, Isaac: Judaism, law and ethics, ed. Ch. Herzog. London-Jerusalem-N.Y., 1974, 10 + 227 p.

6312 Hildesheimer, Israel: Das biblisch-talmudische Recht. Die judische Presse 17 (1886), p. 425-426, 441-442 = Gesammelte Aufsatze, Frankf.a.M. 1923, p. 27-35

6313 Horowitz, George: The spirit of Jewish law. A brief account of biblical and rabbinical jurisprudence with a special note on Jewish law and the State of Israel. N.Y. 1953, 40 + 813 p.

6314 Jackson, Bernard S. (ed.): Studies in Jewish legal history in honour of David Daube. Journal of Jewish Studies 25 (1974), 237 p. |R: Shilo, Shmuel, Israel Law Review 10 (1975), p. 404-407

6315 Jackson, Bernard S.: Sources and problems (in Jewish legal history). In: Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 1-24

6316 Jackson, Bernard S. (ed.): Modern research in Jewish law. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 1 (1980), 157 p.

6317 Jackson, Bernard S. (ed.): Jewish law in legal history and the modern world. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), 9 + 173 p.

6318 Jackson, Bernard S.: Modern research in Jewish law; Some theoretical issues. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 1 (1980), p. 136-157

6319 Jackson, Bernard S.: History, dogmatism and Halakhah. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 1-26

6320 Jacobs, Louis: Jewish law. N.Y. 1968, 12 + 210 p.

6321 Jacobs, Louis: A tree of life; diversity, flexibility and creativity in Jewish law. Oxford 1984, 310 p.

6322 Jost, Isaac Marcus: Judisches Recht. Allgemeine Enzyclopadie der Wissenschafte und Kunste (Ersch-Gruber), Sect. 2, 28 p. 18-21

6323 Jung, Leo: Essentials of Judaism (a guide to facts of Jewish law and life). 4th ed., N.Y. 1927, 27 p.

6324 Kahana, Koppel: Three great systems of jurisprudence (Jewish, Roman, English). London 1955, 12 + 199 p.

6325 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Towards a restatement of Jewish law: the state of scholarly research in Jewish law today (Aug. 1978). Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 97-123

6326 Kisch, Guido: The legal history of the Jews and its sources. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 6 (1934-35), p. 234-244 = Medieval Jewish life, ed. Robert Chazan, N.Y. 1976, p. 102-112

6327 Kisch, Guido: The science of biblical, talmudic and rabbinical law. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 6 (1934-35), p. 245-258 = Medieval Jewish life, ed. Robert Chazan, N.Y. 1976, p. 113-126

6328 Kisch, Guido: Joods Recht en Jodenrecht. Bijdragen 7 (1956), p. 123-125

6329 Kohler, Josef: Darstellung des talmudischen Rechts. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 20 (1907), p. 161-264 = Anhang zu: Der babylonische Talmud, ed. Goldschmidt, Lazarus: Die rechtswissenschaftliche Sektion des babylonischen Talmud, vol. 2, 1907, p. 1197-1232. |R: Aptowitzer, Victor, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 52, N.F. 16 (1908), p. 37-56, 185-205


6330 Kohler, Josef: Israelitisches und judisches Recht. In: Kultur der Gegenwart, vol. 2,7,1, Leipzig-Berlin 1914, p. 71-82

6331 Lagarde, Alphonse: Etude sur la legislation des Hebreux. Toulouse 1865, 168 p.

6332 Landman, Leo: Jewish law in the Diaspora; confrontation and accommodation. Philadelphia 1968, 223 p. |R: Levin, A. Leo, Tradition 11,2 (1970), p. 114-116;
253-252 'מע (1974) 5 לארשי יניד ,באז ,קלפ

6333 Lew, Julian D.M.: Jewish law - its development and its co-existence in the non-Jewish world. Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht 40 (1976), p. 101-122

6334 Lewittes, Mendel: The nature and history of Jewish law. N.Y. 1966, 81 p. = Studies in Torah Judaism, ed. Leon D. Stitskin, N.Y. 1969, p. 241-316

6335 Lewittes, Mendel: Principles and development of Jewish law; the concepts and history of rabbinic jurisprudence from its inception to modern times. N.Y. 1987, 298 p.

6336 Lichtigfeld, Adolph: Twenty centuries of Jewish thought. London 1937, 168 p.; p. 42-102: The law; p. 103-118: Principal types of moral duties or rights emphasized in talmudic law

6337 Link-Salinger (Hyman), Ruth: Jewish law in our time. N.Y. 1982, 183 p. |R:
דנש-זמש 'מע (המשת-דמשת) בי ךרכ לארשי יניד ,ןרהא ,םואבנשריק

6338 Lisman, Johannes Aegidius: Specimen de praestantia iuris mosaici, ex vero iuris fonte directe orti. Pars prior [no more published]. Paris-Leiden 1836

6339 Mendelssohn, Moses; Levin, Hirschel: Ritualgesetze der Juden, betreffend Erbschaften, Vormundschaftssachen, Testamente und Ehesachen,... entworfen... auf Veranlassung und unter Aufsicht..R. Hirschel Lewin. Berlin 1778. 3rd ed., Berlin 1793, 20 + 221 p.; 4th ed., Berlin 1799, 32 + 198 p.; 5th ed., Berlin 1826, 24 + 183 p.; Gesamm. Schrift., vol. 6, Leipzig 1845, p. 1-118; Gesamm. Schrift. Jubilaumsausgabe, vol. 7, Berlin 1930, p. 109-251 (with introd. by S. Rawidowicz, p. CVI-CLXI)

6340 Mielziner, Moses: The law. Hebrew Review Cincinnati 1 (1880), p. 12-31

6341 Mielziner, Moses: Legal maxims and fundamental laws of the civil and criminal code of the Talmud. Cincinnati 1898, 37 p.

6342 Modene, Leon de: Ceremonies et coustumes qui s'observent aujourd'hui parmy les Juifs. Hague 1682, 36 + 166 + 12 p. (Includes the following chapters: Des sacrificateurs et des levites; de la charite pour les pauvres et pour les animaux; de leurs estudes et de leurs academies, de l'origine et du contenu de la Ghemara ou Talmud; de la creation des Rabins, de leur autorite et des excommunications; des contrats, ecritures, temoins, juges et jugemens; du marriage; des fiancailles et des noces; comme la femme se peut demarier et comme on punit celuy qui a abuse d'une fille; de la jalousie et la repudation; de l'Ibum et Caliza; de l'instruction et de la majorite des enfants; supplement touchant les Caraites et les Samaritains). 3 - : Lyon 1684, 38 + 216 + 6 p. 4 - : Paris 1710, 34 + 194 + 8 p. 1 - : Paris 1674, Traduits par Recared Scimeon [= Richard Simon], 30 + 300 + 8 p. 5 - : Paris 1929, 215 p.

6343 Modene, Leon de: Historia de riti hebraici, vita e osservanza degl'Ebrei di questi tempi. Venice 1687, 117 p. Venice 1694, 118 p.

6344 Modene, Leon de: The history of the present Jews throughout the world, being an... account of their customs, ceremonies and manners of living,... transl. by Simon Ockley. London 1707, 19 + 286 p.


6345 Modene, Leon de: Kerk-Zeeden en de Gewoonten, die huiden in gebruikzyn onder de Joden, transl. by Simonville. 2 vols. in 1, Amsterdam 1741-43, 62 + 198, 8 + 203 + 4 p.

6346 Montefiore, Claude G.; Loewe, Herbert (eds.): A rabbinic anthology. N.Y. 1938, 108 + 853 p.; repr. N.Y. 1963

6347 Neubauer, Jacob: Zum judischen Recht. Orientalische Literaturzeitung 30 (1927), p. 321-329

6348 Neufeld, Edward: Survey of Jewish law and jurisprudence and its present-day studies. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 21 (1957), p. 125-140

6349 Novak, David: Law and theology in Judaism. With foreword by Louis Finkelstein. 2 vols., N.Y. 1974-76, 16 + 176, 16 + 236 p.

6350 Perles, Felix: Law (Jewish). Hastings 7, p. 855-858

6351 Pfaff, Christoph Mattaeus: Dissertatio de abrogatione legis ceremonialis etiam quoad Judaeos. Tubingen 1725, 66 p.

6352 Pfaff, Heinr. Ludw.: Versuch einer kurzen Beschreibung des Zustandes der Sitten und Gebrauche der Hebraer fur Ungelehrte. Eisenach 1792, 4 + 162 p.; 2nd ed. 1800

6353 Pound, Roscoe: For the study of Jewish law. Menorah Journal 27 (1939), p. 14-17

6354 Rabinovitch, Nachum L.: The law in rabbinic Judaism. Greek Orthodox Theological Review 24 (1979), p. 301-308

6355 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Studies in legal history. Jerusalem 1958, 39 p.

6356 Rackman, Emanuel: The legal mind and tannaitic law. Jubilee vol. Zeitlin, 1971, p. 51-56

6357 Raoul, H. [= Hirschler, Raoul]: Le juif, ses rites, ses lois. Paris 1899, 79 p.*

6358 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Der Talmud und sein Recht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 14 (1900), p. 1-148; 15 (1902), p. 161-209; 16 (1903), p. 40-107; publ. sep. Berlin 1912, 5 + 148 p. + 69 p. (in Hebrew)

6359 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: L'esprit du Talmud et son influence sur le droit judaique. Paris 1905, 9 p.

6360 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Biblisch-talmudisches-rabbinisches Recht der Juden. Lemberg (1912?), 24 p.

6361 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Die Methodenfrage beim judischen Recals Schema einer Methodenfrage im Allgemeinen innerhalb der vergleichenden Rechtswissenschaft. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 33 (1916), p. 1-48

6362 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Die Wiederauferstehung des judischen Rechts. Zurich 1919, 13 p. = Schweizerische Juristenzeitung 15.2.1919

6363 Rendtorff, Rolf: Das uberlieferungsgeschichtliche Problem des Pentateuch. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Alttestanentiche Wissenschaft 147 (1977), 8 + 177 p. |R: Childs, Brevard S., Journal of Biblical Literature 97 (1978), p. 272-273; Cunchillos, J.L., Revue des Etudes Juives 138 (1979), p. 435-436

6364 Revel, Hirschel: Law, Jewish: sources and development of. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 557-561

6365 Roth, Edmond: Etude du systeme juridique juif et de quelques institutions relevant de ce systeme. Dissertation Paris 1930, 12 + 164 p.

6366 Saalschutz, Joseph Levin: Das mosaische Recht, mit Beruksichtigung des spateren judischen. 2 vols., Berlin 1846-48, 34 + 879 + 16 p.; 2nd ed.: Das mosaische Recht, nebst den vervollstandigenden talmudisch-rabbinischen Bestimmungen, 1853, 34 + 879 + 44 p. |R: Orient 9 (1848), p. 595-600, 650-653


6367 Salvador, Joseph: Loi de Moise, ou systeme religieux et politique des Hebreux. Paris 1822, 14 + 611 p.

6368 Salvador, Joseph: Histoire des institutions de Moise et du peuple hebreu. 3 vols., Paris 1828, 20 + 414; 457; 455 p.; 2nd ed., 4 vols., Bruxelles 1829-30. 3rd. ed., 2 vols., Paris 1862

6369 Salvador, Joseph: Geschichte der mosaischen Institutionen und des judischen Volks. 3 vols., Hamburg 1836, 72 + 258, 6 + 336, 3 + 464 p.

6370 Sanchez del Rio y Peguero, Carlos: La teoria general del derecho en el antiguo Israel. Temis 7 (1960), p. 87-107

6371 Sauber, Karl Richard: Die Abstraktion im israelitischen Recht. Dissertation Gottingen 1950, 5 + 71 p.

6372 Schechter, Solomon: The Jewish law. In: Selected writings, Oxford 1946, p. 69-77

6373 Schnell, Johann: Das israelitische Recht in seinen Grundzugen dargestellt. Basel 1853, 52 p.

6374 Schreiber, Aaron M.: A suggested approach to the study of Jewish law. Dine Israel 9 (1978-80), English section, p. 7-25

6375 Schroeder, Johann Friedrich: Satzungen und Gebrauche des talmudisch-rabbinischen Judenthums. Ein Handbuch fur Juristen... Bremen 1851, 12 + 678 p.; p. 365-367: Erziehung der Kinder; p. 450-455: Von den Gelubden; p. 456-539: Von Ehesachen; p. 602-604: Die Zehnten von Fruchten - Von den alten Rechten des Schalt- und Jubeljahres; p. 611-630: Vom Eidschwure

6376 Schurer, Emil: A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ. London 1885; Div. 2, vol. 1, p. 57-206: Constitution, Sanhedrin, High Priest; p. 207-305: The priesthood and the Temple worship; p. 306-379: Scribism. -, vol. 2, p. 1-43: Pharisees and Sadducees; p. 44-89: School and synagogue; p. 90-125: Life under the law. |: Abrahams, Israel: Professor Schurer on life under the Jewish law (Paper read before the Society of Historical Theology at Oxford). Jewish Quarterly Review 1 (1899), p. 626-642

6377 Sessa, Guiseppe: Tractatus de Judaeis, eorum privilegiis, observantia et recto intellectu, continens pignora, usuras, testimonia, testamenta, juramenta, successiones, immunitates, matrimonie, repudia... Augusta Taurinorum (Turin) 1717, 16 + 387 p.

6378 Shilo, Shmuel: The contrast between Mishpat Ivri and Halakhah. Tradition 20 (1982), p. 91-100

6379 Silberg, Moshe: Talmudic law and the modern state, transl. from the Hebrew by B.Z. Bokser, N.Y. 1973, 13 + 224 p.

6380 Sinclair, Daniel B.: Projects of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law, Jerusalem. Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 82-83

6381 Smith, J.M. Powis: The origin and history of Hebrew law. Chicago 1931, 279 p.; Repr. 1960

6382 Stein, Kenneth E.: Introduction to Jewish jurisprudence (based on Seder Nezikin). Dissertation Hebrew Union College, N.Y. 1951, 169 p.

6383 Stoderl, Wenzel: Das Gesetz Israels nach Inhalt und Ursprung. Marienbad 1933, 6 + 72 p.

6384 Strack, Hermann L.: Jewish law and Jewish dominion, transl. by Sal. B. Freehof. N.Y. 1923, 56 p.


6385 Struve, Georg Adam (praes.); Nerlis, Johannes Heinrich (resp.): Periculum legale de Judaeis. Dissertation Jena 1680, 22 p. (unn.)

6386 Tschernowitz, Chaim: Beitrag zur Erforschung der Geschichte des judischen Rechts. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 27 (1912), p. 404-424

6387 Walter, Ernst: Judisches Recht. Verwaltungsblatt, Preussischer Landesverband 13,6 (1935), p. 4-6

6388 Webber, George J.: Jewish jurisprudence. Jewish Chronicle, Suppl. (26.2.1926), p. 2-3

6389 Wein, Bezel: Threading the needle of Jewish law. Jewish Life 34,6 (1967), p. 32-39

6390 Wise, Isaac M.: The law. Hebrew Review Cincinnati 1 (1880), p. 12-31

6391 Yaron, Reuven: Introduction to the law of the Aramaic papyri. Oxford 1961, 14 + 135 p. |R: Falk, Zeev W., Journal of Jewish Studies 12 (1961), p. 165-168

6392 Yishayahu, Sarah: Researching Jewish law. Scopus 24,1 (1970), p. 17-20

6393 Ziegler, Kaspar (praes.); Maschow, C.C. (resp.): Disputatio inauguralis quam de juribus judaeorum. Dissertation Wittenberg 1684, [58] p.; Leipzig 1721, [56] p.

6394 Institute for research in Jewish law. Israel Law Review 6 (1971), p. 441-445



6395 Cohn, Haim H.: Codificatory method and Jewish legal theory. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 31-43

6396 Daiches, Samuel: Jewish codes and codification. London 1909, 16 p. = Essays and addresses, Newport 1955, p. 59-83

6397 Elon, Menachem: Codification of law. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 628-656 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 120-146

6398 Elon, Menachem: Conflict of laws. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 882-890 = Principles of Jewish law, p. 715-723

6399 Ginzberg, Louis: Codification of law. Jewish Encyclopedia 7, p. 635-647

6400 Ginzberg, Louis: The codification of Jewish law. In: On Jewish law and lore, Philadelphia 1955, p. 153-184, 257-259; repr. 1961, 1962

6401 Jackson, Bernard S.: The prospects for codification or restatement of Jewish law: a personal summation. Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 180-184

6402 Mirsky, Samuel K.: Jewish codes. Jewish Book Annual 23 (1965-66), p. 55-62

6403 Rakover, Nahum: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 21-29

6404 Zimmels, Hirsch Jacob: Codification by the Jews of Spain. In: The Sephardi heritage, ed. R.D. Barnett, vol. 1, London 1971, p. 402-424



6405 Bentwich, Herbert (ed.): Transactions (with annual reports) of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence (English Branch) for the years 1926-27, 1927-28, 1928-29. Publications of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence, Engl. Branch 1-12 (1929)


6406 Jackson, Bernard S. (ed.): The Jewish Law Annual, Leiden. Vol. 1 (1978), 10 + 274 p.; Vol. 2 (1979), 9 + 270 p.; Vol. 3 (1980), 8 + 257 p.; Suppl. 1: Modern research in Jewish law, 1980, 7 + 157 p., Suppl. 2: Jewish law in legal history and the modern world, 1980, 9 + 175 p.; Vol. 4 (1981), 332 p.; Vol. 5 (1985), 196 p.; Vol. 6 (1987), 297 p.

6406* National Jewish Law Review, N.Y. Vol. 1 (1986), 135 p.; Vol. 2 (1987), 135 p.



6407 Duesberg, Dom Hilaire: Introduction bibliographique a l'histoire du droit du peuple hebreu. Archives d'Histoire du Droit Oriental 2 (1938), p. 143-169

6408 Jackson, Bernard S.: Jewish law in academe. Jewish Spectator 49,2 (1984), p. 61-62

6409 Sedlakova, Jirina: Bibliographisches zum hebraischen Recht. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 11-12 (1957-58), p. 263-292; 14 (1962), p. 89-107

6410 Smith, Solomon C.: Bibliography of Jewish law. New Haven, 1973, 25 p.

6410*Warburg, Ronnie F.: A bibliographic guide to Mishpat Ivri: books and articles in English. National Jewish Law Review 1 (1986), p. 61-135

6411 Survey of recent literature. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 243-274; 2 (1979), p. 213-244; 3 (1980), p. 213-244; 4 (1981), p. 291-332; 5 (1985), p. 109-150; 6 (1987), p. 225-297



לארשי תנידמב ירבעה טפשמה



6412 Bazak, Jacob: The place of Jewish law in the State of Israel. Niv Hamidrashia 11 (1974), Engl. Sect., p. 104-109

6413 Cheshin, Sheneour Zalman: Justice in a new state. Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly 26, (1955) p. 259-273*

6414 Cohn, Haim H.: The spirit of Jewish law. Israel Law Review 9 (1974), p. 456-462

6415 Rackman, Emanuel: Jewish law in the State of Israel - reflections from history. Dine Israel 6 (1975), English section p. 7-24


ירבעה טפשמה תלחה

6416 Akzin, Benjamin: Codification in a new state. A case study of Israel. American Journal of Comparative Law 5 (1956), p. 44-77

6417 Bentwich, Norman: The application of Jewish law in Palestine. Publications of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence, Engl. Branch 2 (1927), p. 59-67 = JSC3rd ser. 9 (1927), p. 59-67 = Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 2 (1927), p. 70-73. |R: 181-180 מע ,(חפרת) ג ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד'

6418 Cohn, Haim H.: Secularization of Divine law. Scripta Hierosolymitana 16 (1966), p. 55-103 = Jewish law in ancient and modern Israel, ed. Haim H. Cohn, N.Y. 1971, p. 1-49

6419 Englard, Izhak: The problem of Jewish law in a Jewish state. Israel Law Review 3 (1968), p. 254-278 = Jewish law in ancient and modern Israel, ed. H. H. Cohn, N.Y. 1971, p. 143-167 = Contemporary thinking in Israel, ed. Avner Tomaschoff, Jerusalem 1973 , p. 57-89

6420 Horowitz, George: The spirit of Jewish law. A brief account of biblical and rabbinical jurisprudence, with a special note on Jewish law and the State of Israel. N.Y. 1953, 40 + 813 p.

6421 Kahana, Koppel: The case for Jewish civil law in the Jewish state. London 1960, 5 + 120 p. |R: Kobrin, Lawrence A., The return of Halakha in its homeland, Tradition 4,1 (1961), p. 124-131

6422 Lowenstein, Fritz: Mischpat Haschalom. Judisches Lexikon 4, p. 226-227

6423 Rabinowitz, Mayer E. (ed.): Jewish law in the State of Israel. Ed. and transl. from: Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly Kallah, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 1973, p. 249-301


6424 Rakover, Nahum: Governmental policy regarding Jewish law. Dine Israel 5 (1974), English section, p. 84-93

6425 Shohet, David Menahem: Precedents in Jewish law, for the State of Israel. Conservative Judaism 6,1 (1949), p. 31-50

6426 Silberg, Moshe: At the crossroads. In: Talmudic law and the modern state, N.Y. 1973, p. 131-153, 210-213

6427 Sinclair, Daniel B.: Does Jewish law apply in the legal system of the State of Israel? L'eylah (Spring 5745), p. 7-8

6428 Webber, George J.: Jurisprudential activities in Palestine. Publications of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1927), Engl. branch, 8 p. = Law Journal 12.11.1927

6429 Witkin, Rae Ann: Progressive Judaism in Israel and Orthodox jurisprudence. Nitzanim 3 (1984-85), p. 119-130

6430 Jewish civil law and the Jewish renaissance. Reconstructionist 2,14 (1936), p. 4-5


הקיחתב ירבעה טפשמה

6431 Aloni, Shulamit: The status of the woman in Israel. Judaism 22 (1973), p. 248-256

6432 Bentwich, Norman: Jewish ethics in the law and courts of Israel. Public Administration in Israel and Abroad 5 (1965), p. 18-22

6433 Bleich, J. David: The halachic controversy concerning the Israeli census. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 8 (1984), p. 62-86

6434 Chigier, Moshe: The widow's rights in Jewish and Israeli law. Jewish Law Annual 5 (1985), p. 44-53

6435 Cohn, Haim H.: The law of return. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 84 (1974), p. 172-176

6436 Colorni, Vittore: Gli antichi principi guispubblicistici ebraici e la nuova costituzione dello Stato d'Israele. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 14 (1948), p. 379-386

6437 84Elon, Menachem: Freedom of contract regarding the law of surety. Papers, 4th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1967), 1, p. 268-269

6438 Elon, Menachem: The sources and nature of Jewish law and its application. Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 515-565; 3 (1968), p. 88-126, 416-457; 4 (1969), p. 80-140

6439 Falk, Zeev W.: Religious law and the modern family in Israel. In: Family law in Asia and Africa, ed. J.N.D. Anderson, London 1967, N.Y. 1968, p. 235-254

6440 Falk, Zeev W.: News in Israeli family law. Dine Israel 3 (1972), English section, p. 45-53; 4 (1973), p. 125-137; 5 (1974), p. 45-57; 6 (1975), p. 123-130; 8 (1977) p. 118-132; 9 (1978-80), p. 145-154

6441 Falk, Zeev W.: Twenty-five years of family law according to Jewish religious law. Dine Israel 5 (1974), English section, p. 7-44

6442 Falk, Zeev W.: The new Abortion law of Israel. Israel Law Review 13 (1978), p. 103-110.

6443 Friedman, Theodore: Conversion to Judaism in Israel. Conservative Judaism 36,4 (1983), p. 74-80

6444 Ginossar, Shalev: Who is a Jew: a better law? The Law of Return (Amendment No. 2) 1970. Israel Law Review 5 (1970), p. 264-267

6445 Goldfine, Yitzhak: Religiose Rechtsordnungen in Israel. Archiv fur Katholisches Kirchen-Recht 137 (1968), p. 95-124


6446 Goldschmidt, Yosef: Jewish law in the legislative activity of the Knesset. Dine Israel 5 (1974), English section, p. 94-107

6447 Grejevsky, A.L.: La nouvelle loi israelienne sur l'obligation alimentaire. Revue Internationale de Droit Compare 13 (1961), p. 341-342

6448 Hecht, Ariel: Recent developments concerning jurisdiction in matters of personal status. Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 488-498

6449 Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Jewish religious legislation in the Knesset. Dine Israel 5 (1974), English section, p. 108-116

6450 Kister, Yitzhak: Law of personal status (in Mandatory Palestine and in Israel). In: International Lawyers' Convention in Israel 1958, Jerusalem 1959, p. 244-256

6451 Korner, Simon: Les statuts du proselyte et de l'apostat en droit hebraique et en droit Israelien. Dissertation Paris 1987, 561 p.

6452 Lahav, Pnina: The status of women in Israel - myth and reality. American Journal of Comparative Law 22 (1974), p. 107-129

6453 Laufer, Joseph: Marital law in transition: the problem in Israel. Buffalo Law Review 9 (1959-60), p. 321-353

6454 Levin, Stanley: Due process in rabbinical and Israeli law; abuse and subversion. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 191-194

6455 Levinthal, Israel Herbert: Development of Jewish law in Palestine. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly (1927), p. 66-69

6456 Meron, Ya'akov: La rencontre contemporaine entre le droit juif et le droit musulman. Revue Internationale de Droit Compare 36 (1984), p. 59-78

6457 Meron, Ya'akov: The contemporary encounter between Jewish and Moslem law. Jewish Law Association Studies 2 (1986), p. 165-192

6458 Rakover, Nahum: Jewish law elements in Israeli legislation. The Knesset, November 1978, 20 p.

6459 Rakover, Nahum: The Department of Jewish law of the Ministry of Justice in Israel. Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 74-81

6460 Rakover, Nahum: The Foundations of Law Act, 1980 and its implementation. Jewish Law Annual 5 (1985), p. 80-84

6461 Sassoon, David M.: The Israel legal system. American Journal of Comparative Law 16 (1968), p. 405-415

6462 Scheftelowitz, Erwin Elchanan: The Jewish law of family and inheritance and its application in Palestine. Tel Aviv 1947, 256 p.

6463 Scheftelowitz, Erwin Elchanan: Das religiose Eherecht im Staat. Koln 1970, 189 p. |R: פלק, זאב, דיני ישראל 3 (1972) עמ' 260-259; 5 (1974) עמ' 254

6464 Scheftelowitz, Erwin Elchanan: Neue familienrechtliche Gesetze in Israel. Das Standesamt 23,1 (1970), p. 25-28

6465 Shifman, Pinhas: Religious affiliation in Israeli interreligious law. Israel Law Review 15 (1980), p. 1-48

6466 Shifman, Pinhas: Marriage and cohabitation in Israeli law. Israel Law Review 16 (1981), p. 439-460

6467 Shiloh, Isaac S.: Marriage and divorce in Israel. Israel Law Review 5 (1970), p. 479-498

6468 Silberg, Moshe: The Hebrew law and its utilization in civil courts. Summary, 2nd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1957), Sect. Talmud and Rabb. Liter., p. 8

6469 Tedeschi, Guido: Problemi legislativi israeliani: il matrimonio. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 18 (1952), p. 99-111


6470 Tedeschi, Guido: On reception and on the legislative policy of Israel. Scripta Hierosolymitana 16 (1966), p. 11-54

6471 Tedeschi, Guido: On the problem of marriage in the State of Israel. In: Studies in Israel private law, Jerusalem 1966, p. 218-233

6472 Unna, Moshe: Impact of Halacha in Israel legislation. In: Contemporary Jewish thinking, ed. Avner Tomaschoff, Jerusalem 5734 (1973), p. 46-56

6473 Vitta, Edoardo: The conflict of laws in matters of personal status in Palestine. Tel Aviv 1947, 32 + 315 p.

6474 Wahrhaftig, Zerach: The specific performance of contracts in Hebrew law as compared with the law in force in the State of Israel. Summary, 2nd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1957), Sect. Talmud and Rabb. Liter., p. 14

6475 Wahrhaftig, Zerach: Specific performance of contracts in Hebrew law and in the positive law effective today in the State of Israel. Scripta Hierosolymitana 5 (1958), p. 195-218. |R: Tuchman, Hyman, Tradition 2,1 (1959), p. 145-146

6476 Yadin, Uri: The proposed law of succession in Israel. American Journal of Comparative Law 2 (1953), p. 143-155


הקיספב ירבעה טפשמה

6477 Agranat, Shimon: Jewish law as reflected in the decisions of the Supreme Court of Israel. Dine Israel 5 (1974), English section, p. 59-70

6478 Bass, M.; Cheshin, D.: Jewish law in the judgements of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 200-212

6479 Bentwich, Norman: Jewish ethics in the law and courts of Israel. Public Administration in Israel and Abroad 5 (1965), p. 18-22

6480 Bokser, Ben Zion: Developments in the field of תושיא in Israeli law. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 21 (1957), p. 151-157

6481 Cohn, Haim H.: Jewish law in Israeli jurisprudence. Cincinnati1968, 25 p.

6482 Cohn, Haim H.: Jewish law in Israel. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 124-146

6483 Falk, Zeev W.: The law of the Torah: (1970) (II) 24 P.D. 628, Marzuk v. Minister of the Interior and others. Israel Law Review 6 (1971), p. 595-598

6484 Ginossar, Shalev: A glimpse into marital relations under Jewish law: David Haham v. Braha Haham. Israel Law Review 2 (1967), p. 435-437

6485 Gottschalk, R.: Personal status and religious law in Israel. International Law Quarterly 4 (1951), p. 454-461

6486 Gottschalk, R.: Personal status and religious law in Israel (decisions, etc.). Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 3 (1954), p. 525-527, 673-677

6487 Green, Joseph: Artificial insemination in Israel - a legal view; the position of the Israeli judicial system regarding artificial insemination of a married woman. Proceedings, Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists 9 (1987), p. 213-234

6488 Israel, Supreme Court: Palimport Ltd. v. Ciba Geigi Ltd. and others. Jewish Law Annual 3 (1980), p. 74-79

6489 Kister, I.: The laws of Tsedaqa (almsgiving) in law practice in Israel. Papers, 4th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1967), 1, p. 266


6490 Ott, Donald Gordon: The use of the law in Israel's judicial system. Dissertation Dallas Theological Seminary 1971

6491 Shava, Menashe: The nature and scope of Jewish law in Israel as applied in the civil courts as compared with its application in the rabbinical courts. Jewish Law Annual 5 (1985), p. 3-24

6492 Sinclair, Daniel B.: Jewish law in the judgments of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel. Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 204-207

6493 Sinclair, Daniel B.: Jewish law in the State of Israel. 1. The Supreme Court; 2. Rabbinical Courts. Jewish Law Annual 3 (1980), p. 154-169



חרזמה טפשמ

6494 Aalders, J.G.: De Verhouding tussen het verbondsboek van Mozes en de Codex Hammurabi. Den Haag 1959, 52 p. (Exegetica 1959)

6495 Amalric, Jean: La condition de la femme dans le Code d'Hammourabi et le Code de Moise. Montauban 1907, 73 p.

6496 Anbar (Bernstein), M.: Le chatiment du crime de sacrilege d'apres la Bible et un texte hepatoscopique paleo-babylonien. Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale 68 (1974), p. 172-173

6497 Astour, Michael C.: The Amarna Age forerunners of biblical anti-royalism. Jubilee vol. Weinreich, 1964, p. 6-17

6498 Barrett, D.S.: Hammurabi's Code, secs. 23 and 24: some later parallels (Deuter. 21, 1-9). La Parola del Passato 26 (1971), p. 201-204

6499 Barton, George Aaron: Marriage (Semitic). Hastings 8, p. 466-471

6500 Barton, George Aaron: Suicide (Semitic). Hastings 12, p. 38-39

6501 Barton, George Aaron: Archaeology and the Bible. Philadelphia 1916, 29 + 607 p. (many reprints) p. 378-406: Hammurabi and the Pentateuch; p. 407-426: A Hittite code of laws, with comparison of biblical law; p. 427-438: Part of an Assyrian code of laws, with comparison of biblical law

6502 Ben-Barak, Zafrira: Inheritance by daughters in the ancient Near East. Journal of Semitic Studies 25 (1980), p. 22-33

6503 Bennett, William Henry: Elder (Semitic). Hastings 5, p. 253-256

6504 Bernhardt, Karl Heinz: Das Problem der altorientalischen Konigs-Ideologie im Alten Testament. Vetus Testamentum Supplement 8 (1961), 7 + 351 p.

6505 Blau, Ludwig: Papyri und Talmud in gegenseitiger Beleuchtung. Leipzig 1913, 27 p.

6506 Blau, Ludwig: Bekampfung altorientalischer Rechtsformeln durch die Rabbinen des Talmuds. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 69, N.F. 33 (1925), p. 139-144. |R: Hildesheimer, E.E.: Altjudisches und talmudisches Recht. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 12 (1925), p. 408-412

6507 Blau, Ludwig: The rejection of ancient semitic formulae by Rabbis of the Talmud. 1. The marriage formula; 2. The renunciation; 3. Conventional fine. Jewish Forum 9 (1926), p. 358-361

6508 Boecker, Hans Jochen: Recht und Gesetz im Alten Testament und im Alten Orient. Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970, 206 p. |R: Buss, Martin J., Journal of Biblical Literature 97 (1978), p. 267-268; Hunt, Joseph I., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41 (1979), p. 452-453

6509 Boecker, Hans Jochen: Law and the administration of justice in the O.T. and ancient East. Minneapolis 1980, 224 p. |R: Sawyer, John F.A., Journal of Theological Studies, N.S. 33 (1982), p. 526-527


6510 Box, George Herbert: Adoption (Semitic) 1: Adoption in Babylonia; 2: Adoption not practiced by the Hebrews. Hastings 1, p. 114-115

6511 Bracker, Hans Detlof: Das Gesetz Israels verglichen mit den altorientalischen Gesetzen der Babylonier, der Hethiter und der Assyrer. Hamburg 1962, 175 p.

6512 Brauner, Ronald A.: Some aspects of offence and penalty in the Bible and the literature of the ancient Near East. Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 3 (1974), p. 9-18

6513 Brougers, H.A.: Oud-oosters en Bijbels Recht. Nijkerk 1960, 208 p.

6514 Buchler, Adolf: Das Schneiden des Haares als Strafe der Ehebrecher bei den Semiten. Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunde des Morgenlandes 19 (1905), p. 91-138

6515 Burrows, Millar: The ancient oriental background of Hebrew levirate marriage. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 77 (1940), p. 2-15

6516 Canney, Maurice A.: Oath (Semitic). Hastings 9, p. 436-438

6517 Cardascia, G.: Droits cuneiformes et droit biblique. 6th World Congress of Jewish Studies (1973), 1, p. 63-70

6518 Casanovicz, J.M.: On the Babylonian Code of Laws of Hammurabi and the Laws of Mose. American Anthropologist 9 (1907)*

6519 Cavaignac, E.: Les lois hittites et assyriennes et la legislation mosaique. Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etranger Ser. 4,5 (1926)*

6520 Cook, Stanley Arthur: The Laws of Moses and the Code of Hammurabi. London 1903, 15 + 307 p. |R: Johns, C.H.W., Jewish Quarterly Review 16 (1904), p. 400-402

6521 Cruveilhier, P.: Le levirat chez les Hebreux et chez les Assyriens. Revue Biblique 34 (1925), p. 524-546

6522 Cruveilhier, P.: Le droit de la femme dans la Genese et dans le recueil des lois assyriennes. Revue Biblique 36 (1927), p. 350-376

6523 D'Amati, Nicola: Le 'decime' ebraiche e il problema dell 'imposta nel Mondo Antico. Rivista di Diritto Civile 9, pt. 2 (1963), p. 303-308

6524 Daube, David: Alexandrian methods of interpretation and the rabbis. Jubilee vol. Lewald, 1953, p. 27-44 = Essays in Greco-Roman and related talmudic literature, ed. Henry A. Fischel, N.Y. 1977, p. 165-182

6525 Dauvillier, J.: Le droit maritime phenicien. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 6 (1959), p. 33-63

6526 David, Elieser: Buddhismus und Judentum. Jahrbuche fur Judische Geshichte und Literatur 10 (1907), p. 49-74

6527 David, Martin: De Rechtshistoricus en zijn taak. Leiden 1937, 36 p.

6528 David, Martin: De Codex Hammoerabi en zijn verhouding tot de wetsbepalingen in Exodus. Tidjschrift voor Rechts-geschiedenis 17 (1941-45), p. 73-98

6529 David, Martin: The Codex Hammurabi and its relation to the provisions of law in Exodus. Oudtestamentusche Studien 7 (1950), p. 149-178

6530 Davies, W.W.: The Codes of Hammurabi and Moses. N.Y. 1905, 126 p.; repr. N.Y. 1916

6531 Dembitz, Lewis N.: Babylon in Jewish law. Jewish Quarterly Review 19 (1907), p. 109-126

6532 Diamond, A.S.: 'An eye for an eye'. Iraq 19 (1957), p. 151-155

6533 Diamond, A.S.: Primitive law, past and present. London 1971, 25 + 410 p.; p. 124-138: The law of the Hebrews; p. 139-154: The Hebrew code

6534 Donner, H.: Adoption oder Legitimation? Erwagungen zur Adoption im Alten Testament auf dem Hintergrund der altorientalischen Rechte. Oriens Antiquus 8 (1969), p. 87-125

6535 Doron, Pinchas: A new look on old lex. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Oriental Society 1,2 (1969), p. 21-27


6536 Durr, Lorenz: Das Erziehungswesen im Alten Testament und im antiken Orient. Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-agyptischen Gessellschaft 36,2 (1932), 7 + 159 p.

6537 Durr, Lorenz: Altorientalisches Recht bei den Propheten Amos und Hosea. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 23 (1935), p. 150-157

6538 Edwards, Chilperic: The Hammurabi Code and the Sinaitic legislation. London 1904, 13 + 168 p.; 3rd ed. 1921; repr. Port Washington 1971

6539 Edwards, Chilperic: The world's earliest laws. London 1934, 152 p.

6540 Ellul, Jacques: Le droit biblique d'apres l'exemple de la royaute et les cultures orientales. Jubilee vol. Jean Brethe de la Gressaye, Bordeaux 1967, p. 253-273*

6541 Epstein, Markus: Prozessuale Rechtsgrundsatze der Juden in biblischer und nachbiblischer Zeit. Eine juristische quellenmassige Studie zur Streitfrage: Bibel und Babel. Frankf. a.M. 1905, 32 p.

6542 Evans, D. Geoffrey: Rehobam's advisers at Shechem, and political institutions in Israel and Sumer. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 25 (1966), p. 273-279

6543 Fensham, F. Charles: New light on Exodus 21,6 and 22,7 from the laws of Eshnunna. Journal of Biblical Literature 78 (1959), p. 160-161

6544 Fensham, F. Charles: Clauses of protection in Hittite vassal-treaties and the Old Testament. Vetus Testamentum 13 (1963), p. 133-143

6545 Fensham, F. Charles: Common trends in curses of the Near Eastern treaties and Kudurru-Inscriptions compared with maledictions of Amos and Isaiah. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 75 (1963), p. 155-175

6546 Fensham, F. Charles: Aspects of family law in the Covenant Code in light of ancient Near Eastern parallels. Dine Israel 1 (1969), English section, p. 5-19

6547 Fensham, F. Charles: The son of a handmaid in Northwest Semitic. Vetus Testamentum 19 (1969), p. 312-321

6548 Fensham, F. Charles: Liability in case of negligence in the Old Testament Covenant Code and ancient legal traditions. Acta Juridica (1976), p. 283-294

6549 Fenton, John: Early Jewish life, a study in sociology. London 1880, 24 + 102 p.

6550 Feuchtwang, David: Moses und Hammurabi. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 48, N.F. 12 (1904), p. 385-399

6551 Finkelscherer, Herbert: Zur Frage fremder Einflusse auf das rabbinische Recht. Samuel und das sasanidische Recht. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 79, N.F. 43 (1935), p. 381-398, 431-442

6552 Finkelstein, J.J.: The ox that gored. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 71,2 (1981), 89 p.

6553 Finkelstein, Louis: An old Babylonian contract and Genesis 31,38f. Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (1968), p. 30-36

6554 Fohrer, Georg: Israels Staatsordnung im Rahmen des Alten Orients (Zu Eric Voegelin, Israel and Revelation). Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur offentliches Recht, N.S. 8 (1957-58), p. 129-132

6555 Forster, G.: Diebstahl und Raub im Gesetze Hammurabis. Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Verwandte Gebiete 28 (1913-14), p. 337-340

6556 Fraine, J. de: L'aspect religieux de la royaute israelite. L'institution monarchique dans l'Ancien Testament et dans les textes mesopotamiens, Rome 1954, 425 p.

6557 Freund, L.: Zur Geschichte des Eheguterrechtes bei den Semiten. Sitzungsber. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophische-historische Klasse 162, Abt. 1, Wien 1909, 55 p.


6558 Frymer-Kensky, Tikva: Tit for Tat: the principle of equal retribution in Near Eastern and biblical law. Biblical Archaeologist 43 (1980), p. 230-234

6559 Fuchs, Samuel: Hammurabi... Parallels with Mosaic Code; the 'Lex Talionis'; mode of composition; superiority of Mosaic Code. Jewish Encyclopedia 6, p. 198-200

6560 Fuld, Ludwig: Das Asylrecht im Alterthum und Mittelalter. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 7 (1887), p. 102-157, 285-296

6561 Galling, Kurt: Die israelitische Staatsverfassung in ihrer vorderorientalischen Umwelt. Leipzig 1929, 64 p.

6562 Gevirtz, Stanley: West-Semitic curses and the problem of the origins of Hebrew law. Vetus Testamentum 11 (1961), p. 137-158

6563 Goldstein, Jonathan A.: The Syriac bill of sale from Dura-Europos. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 25 (1966), p. 1-16

6564 Good, Edwin M.: Capital punishment and its alternatives in ancient Near Eastern law. Stanford Law Review 19 (1966-67), p. 947-977

6565 Good, Robert M.: The Israelite royal steward in the light of Ugaritic '1 bt. Revue Biblique 86 (1979), p. 580-582

6566 Gordis, Robert: On adultery in biblical and Babylonian law - a note. Judaism 33 (1984), p. 210-211

6567 Gordon, Benjamin Lee: Ancient medical jurisprudence with special reference to the eye. Archive of Ophthalmology 28 (1942), p. 860-881 = Harofe Haivri 32,2 (1959), English section, p. 210-230; also publ. sep.

6568 Gordon, Cyrus H.: A new Akkadian parallel to Deuteronomy 25,11-12. Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 15 (1935), p. 29-34

6569 Gordon, Cyrus H.: Paralleles nouziens aux lois et coutumes de l'Ancien Testament. Revue Biblique 44 (1935), p. 34-41

6570 Gordon, Cyrus H.: Hos. 2,4-5 in the light of new Semitic inscriptions. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 54 (1936), p. 277-280

6571 Gray, John: Feudalism in Ugarit and early Israel. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 64 (1952), p. 49-55

6572 Gray, John: Social aspects of Canaanite religion. Vetus Testamentum Supplement 15 (1966), p. 170-192

6573 Grayson, A.K.; Seters, John van: The childless wife in Assyria and the stories of Genesis. Orientalia 44 (1975), p. 485-486

6574 Greengus, Samuel: Sisterhood adoption at Nuzi and the 'wife-sister' in Genesis. Hebrew Union College Annual 46 (1975), p. 5-31

6575 Grimme, Hubert: Das Gesetz Chammurabis und Moses. Koln 1903, 45 p.

6576 Gulak, Ascher: Rechtsvergleichende Studien zu Talmud und Papyri. Etudes de Papyrologie 1 (1932), p. 97-104

6577 Gulak, Ascher: Das Urkundenwesen im Talmud, im Lichte der griechisch-agyptischen Papyri und des griechischen und romischen Rechts. Jerusalem 1935, 162 p.

6578 Haupt, Paul: Babylonian elements in the Levitic ritual. Journal of Biblical Literature 19 (1900), p. 55-81

6579 Hejcl, Johann: Das alttestamentliche Zinsverbot im Lichte der ethnologischen Jurisprudenz sowie des altorientalischen Zinswesens. Biblische Studien, ed. O. Bardenhewer, vol. 12, part 4 = Freiburg i.Br. 1907, 8 + 98 p.

6580 Henninger, Joseph: Zum Erstgeborenenrecht bei den Semiten. Jubilee vol. Caskel, 1968, p. 162-183

6581 Hertz, J.H.: Ancient Semitic codes and the Mosaic legislation. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 3rd ser. 10 (1928), p. 207-221 = Publications of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence, Engl. Branch 6 (1928), p. 207-221 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence, vol. 2 (1972).
|R: 197 'מע ,(טפרת) ד ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד


6582 Hoffner, Harry A.: Incest, sodomy and bestiality in the ancient Near East. Jubilee vol. Gordon, 1973, p. 81-90

6583 Hooke, S.H. (ed.): Myth, ritual, and kingship: essays on the theory and practice of kingship in the ancient Near East and in Israel. Oxford 1958, 11 + 308 p.

6584 Jackson, Bernard S.: Evolution and foreign influence in ancient law. American Journal of Comparative Law 16 (1968), p. 372-390

6585 Jackson, Bernard S.: Foreign influence in the early Jewish law of theft. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 18 (1971), p. 25-42 = Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 235-249

6586 Jackson, Bernard S.: Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history. Leiden 1975, 13 + 288 p. |R: Gaylord, H.E., Journal f.t. Study of Judaism in Persian, Hellenistic & Roman periods 7 (1976), p. 63-64; Daube, David, Journal of Jewish Studies 28 (1977), p. 79-80; Garber, Zev, Journal of Biblical Literature 96 (1977),p. 134-135

6587 Jackson, Bernard S.: Principles and cases: the theft law of Hammurabi. In: Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 64-74

6588 Jacob, Ernst: Die altassyrischen Gesetze und ihr Verhaltnis zu den Gesetzen des Pentateuch. Breslau 1921, 64 p. = Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 41 (1925), p. 319-387

6589 Jacob, Ernst: Neues assyrisches Material fur das Verstandnis der Gesetze des Pentateuch. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 82, N.F. 46 (1938), p. 86-89

6590 Jeremias, Johannes: Moses und Hammurabi. 2nd ed., Leipzig 1903, 63 p.

6591 Jirku, Anton: Die Gesetze der Hethiter und das mosaische Gesetz. Theologische Literaturzeitung 43 (1918)*

6592 Jirku, Anton: Drei Falle von Haftpflicht im altorientalischen Palastina-Syrien und Deuteronomium cap. 21. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 79 (1967), p. 359-360

6593 Johns, Claude H.W.: The relations between the laws of Babylonia and the laws of the Hebrew peoples. London 1914. 2nd ed., London 1917, 15 + 102 p.

6594 Kalluveettil, Paul: Declaration and covenant: a comprehensive review of covenant formulae from the Old Testament and the ancient Near East. Rome 1982, 11 + 284 p. |R: Kutsch, Ernst, Bibliotheca Orientalis 41 (1984), p. 680-686; Phillips, Anthony, Journal of Semitic Studies 29 (1984) p. 287-289; Thompson, Henry O., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47 (1985), p. 133-135

6595 Kalthoff, Joh. Heinr.: Jus matrimonii veterum Indorum cum eodem Hebraeorum jure subinde comparatum. Bonn 1829, 106 + 11 p.

6596 Katsh, Abraham I.: The biblical heritage of American democracy. N.Y. 1977, 9 + 244 p.; p. 91-110: Legislation and justice; p. 111-138: Biblical background of American legislation

6597 Kauschansky, D.M.: Die Rechtsstellung des naturlichen Kindes nach judischem und orientalischem Rechte. Judische Familienforschung 1 (1905)*

6598 Kilian, Rudolf: Apodiktisches und kasuistisches Recht im Licht gyptischer Analogien. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 7 (1963), p. 185-202

6599 Kittel, Rudolf: Der Kodex Hammurabi und das altisraelitische Gesetz. In: Die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft in ihren wichtigsten Ergebnissen, 5th ed., Leipzig 1929, p. 21-37

6600 Kohler, Josef: Skizzen aus dem Orient. 2: Assyrien und Babylonien. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 31 (1914), p. 317-319

6601 Kohler, Josef: Spatbabylonische Urkunden. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 35 (1918), p. 446-459


6602 Kornfeld, Walter: L'adultere dans l'Orient antique. Revue Biblique 57 (1950), p. 92-109; p. 93-96: La legislation dans l'Ancien Testament

6603 Kutsch, Ernst: Salbung als Rechtsakt im Alten Testament und im alten Orient. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Alttestanentiche Wissenschaft 87 (1963), 78 p.

6604 Lagrange, M.J.: L'homicide d'apres le Code de Hammourabi et d'apres la Bible. Revue Biblique 25 (1916), p. 440-471

6605 Lauterbach, Werner: Der Arbeiter Recht und Rechtspraxis des Alten Testaments und des alten Orients. Dissertation Heidelberg 1936, 7 + 91 p.

6606 Levy, Julius: The biblical institution of Deror in the light of Akkadian documents. Eretz Israel 5 (1958), English section, p. 21-31

6607 Linfield, Harry S.: The relation of Jewish to Babylonian law. American Journal of Semitical Languages and Literature 36 (1919), p. 40-66

6608 Linfield, Harry S.: The dependence of the talmudic principle of Asmakhta on Babylonian law. Journal of the American Oriental Society 40 (1920), p. 126-133

6609 Lipinski, E.: The wife's right to divorce in the light of ancient Near Eastern tradition. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 9-27

6610 Loretz, Oswald: Das biblische Elterngebot und die Sohnespflichten in der ugaritischen Aqht-Legende. Biblische Notizen 8 (1979), p. 14-17

6611 MacDonald, Elizabeth Mary: The position of women as reflected in Semitic codes of law. Dissertation Toronto 1931

6612 Macmillan, Kerr D.: Marriage among the early Babylonians and Hebrews. Princeton Theological Review 1908*

6613 Maeso, David Gonzalez: La legislacion Mosaica y el Codigo de Hammurabi. Cultura Biblica 20 (1963), p. 89-108

6614 Magnetti, Donald Louis: The oath in the Old Testament in the light of related terms and in the legal and covenantal context of the ancient Near East. Dissertation Ann Arbor 1969, 238 p.

6615 Malamat, Abraham: Kingship and council in Israel and Sumer: a parallel. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 22 (1963), p. 247-253

6616 Malamat, Abraham: The ban in Mari and in the Bible. Ou-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika, Proc. of the 9th meeting (1966), p. 40-49

6617 Maloney, Robert P.: Usury and restrictions on interest-taking in the ancient Near East. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 36 (1974), p. 1-20

6618 Marcus, David: Civil liberties under Israelite and Mesopotamian kings. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Society, Columbia University 10 (1978), p. 53-60

6619 McComiskey, Thomas Eduard: The status of the secondary wife, its development in ancient Near Eastern law. Dissertation N.Y. 1965, 9 + 198 p.

6620 Mendelsohn, I.: On the preferential status of the eldest son. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 156 (1959), p. 38-40

6621 Mendelsohn, Isaac: Legal aspects of slavery in Babylonia, Assyria and Palestine; a comparative study (3000-500 B.C.). Williamsport, Pa. 1932, 4 + 72 p.

6622 Mendelsohn, Isaac: The conditional sale into slavery of free-born daughters in Nuzi and the law of Exodus 21,7-11. Journal of the American Oriental Society 55 (1935), p. 190-195

6623 Mendelsohn, Isaac: Slavery in the ancient Near East, a comparative study of slavery in Babylonia, Assyria, Syria and Palestine from the middle of the third Millenium to the end of the first Millenium. N.Y. 1949, 6 + 162 p. |R: Bakir, A.M., Journal of Near Eastern Studies 10 (1951), p. 134-135


6624 Mendenhall, George E.: Ancient oriental and biblical law. Biblical Archaeologist 17,2 (1954), p. 26-46

6625 Mendenhall, George E.: Law and covenant in Israel and the ancient Near East. Pittsburgh 1955, 50 p.

6626 Mendenhall, George E.: Recht und Bund in Israel und dem alten vorderen Orient. Zurich 1960, 63 p.

6627 Mesnil-Marigny, Jules Du: Histoire de l'economie politique des anciens peuples de l'Inde, de l'Egypte, de la Judee et de la Grece. 2 vols., Paris 1872; 2nd ed. 1873; 3rd ed. 1877, 3 vols.*

6628 Morgenstern, Julian: Trial by ordeal among the Semites and in ancient Israel. Jubilee vol. Hebrew Union College Annual (1875-1925), 1925, p. 113-143

6629 Morgenstern, Julian: Rites of birth, marriage, death and kindred occasions among the Semites. Cincinnati 1966, N.Y. 1973, 4 + 320 p.

6630 Muller, D.H.: Die Gesetze Hammurabis und die mosaische Gesetzgebung. Jahresbericht, Jud.-theol. Lehranstalt Wien 10 (1902-03), 268 p.; repr. 1975. |R: Johns, Claude H.W., Jewish Quarterly Review 17 (1905), p. 398-400

6631 Muntingh, L.M.: Some aspects of West-Semitic kingship in the period of the Hebrew Patriarchs. Ou-Testamentiese Werkgemeenshap in Suid-Afrika, Proc., 9th meeting (1966), p. 106-115

6632 Neher, Richard: La conception de l'etat dans la Bible. Evidences 6 (1949), p. 32-34

6633 Neubauer, Jacob: Neue babylonisch-assyrische Rechtsdenkmaler und die Bibel. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 8 (1921), p. 504-509

6634 Neufeld, Edward: Ancient Hebrew marriage laws, with special references to general Semitic laws and customs. London 1944, 19 + 304 p. |R: Gordon, Cyrus H., Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 40 (1949-50), p. 25

6635 Nicolai, Johannes: Tractatus de Synedrio Aegyptiorum illorumque legibus insignioribus. Leiden 1706, 6 + 248 + [27] p.; Ugolinus Thesaurus 26

6636 Nossig, Alfred: Die Sozialhygiene der Juden und des altorientalischen Volkerkreises. Stuttgart 1894, 12 + 152 p.

6637 Oettli, Samuel: Das Gesetz Hammurabis und die Thora Israels. Leipzig 1903, 88 p.

6638 Osiander, Johannes Adam: Dissertationes academicae de asylis Hebraeorum, gentilium, Christianorum. Tubingen 1673, 6 + 280 + 12 p. = Ugolinus Thesaurus 26

6639 Paglino, G.: La famiglia presso gli Ebrei e altri popoli semitici. Alba 1952, 152 p.

6640 Patai, Raphael: Sex and family in the Bible and the Middle East. N.Y. 1959, 282 p. |R: Milgrom, Jacob, Reconstructionist 29,13 (1963), p. 28-30

6641 Paul, Shalom M.: Nuzi. Encyclopedia Judaica 12, p. 1287-1291

6642 Paul, Shalom M.: Studies in the Book of Covenant in the light of cuneiform and biblical law. Vetus Testamentum Supplement 18 (1970), 12 + 149 p. |R: Westbrook, Raymund, Israel Law Review 7 (1972), p. 461-464

6643 Paul, Shalom M.: Unrecognized biblical legal idioms in the light of comparative Akkadian expressions. Revue Biblique 86 (1979), p. 231-239

6644 Petschov, Herbert: Die neubabylonische Zwiegesprachsurkunde und Genesis 23. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 19 (1965), p. 103-120

6645 Piatelli, Daniela: L'offesa alla Divinita negli ordinamenti giuridici del mondo antico. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Memorie 8th Ser., 21 (1977), p. 401-449


6646 Piattelli, Daniela: Concezioni giuridiche e metodi costruttivi dei giuristi orientali. Milano 1981, 194 p.

6647 Pick, Hermann: Assyrisches und Talmudisches. Berlin 1903, 33 p.

6648 Price, Ira M.: The laws of deposit in early Babylonia and the Old Testament. Journal of the American Oriental Society 47 (1927), p. 250-255

6649 Price, Ira M.: The oath in court procedure in early Babylonia and the Old Testament. Journal of the American Oriental Society 49 (1929), p. 22-29

6650 Pritsch, Erich: Ein Beitrag zum orientalischen Konigsrecht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 25 (1910-11), p. 388-403

6651 Puukko, A.F.: Die altassyrischen und hethitischen Gesetze und das Alte Testament. Studia Orientalia 1 (1925), p. 125-166

6652 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Marriage contracts in ancient Egypt in the light of Jewish sources. Harvard Theological Review 46 (1953), p. 91-97 = Jewish law, N.Y. 1956, p. 39-47

6653 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: A legal formula in the Susa tablets, in the Egyptian documents of the 12th dynasty... and in the Book of Daniel. Biblica 36 (1955), p. 74-77

6654 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: A biblical parallel to a legal formula from Ugarit. Vetus Testamentum 8 (1958), p. 95

6655 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Neo-Babylonian legal documents and Jewish law. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 13 (1961), p. 131-175

6656 Rhee, Song Nai: 'Fear God' and 'Honor your father and mother'. Two injunctions in the Book of Proverbs and the Confucian classics. Encounter 26 (1965), p. 207-214

6657 Ring, Emanuel: Israels Rechtsleben im Lichte der neuentdeckten assyrischen und hethitischen Gesetzesurkunden. Stockholm-Leipzig 1926, 205 p. |R: Loewenthal, John, Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 44 (1929), p. 270-274

6658 Rodriguez, M.: Collective responsibility (Semitic attitude, coll.resp. in OT). New Catholic Encyclopedia 3, p. 1002-1003

6659 Romer, Willem H. Ph.: Einige Bemerkungen zum altmesopotamischen Recht sonderlich nach Quellen in sumerischer Sprache. Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 95 (1983), p. 319-336

6660 Rosenbacher, A.: Moses und Hammurabi. Prag 1904, 19 p.

6661 Rosenthal, L.: Die Bibel im Lichte altbabylonischer Gesetzgebung. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 3 (1916), p. 682-688

6662 Rosenthal, Ludwig A.: Hamurabigesetz, Thora und Talmud. Mainz 1903, 44 p.

6663 Rosenwasser, Abraham: Politica y religion en la historia antigua de Egipto e Israel. Buenos Aires 1973, 25 p.

6664 Rothstein, Gustav: Altorientalische Texte als Begleitstoffe zur babylonischen Urgeschichte und altisraelitischen Gesetzgebung. Begleithefte zum bibl. Unterricht 1, Frankf. a. M. 1925, 36 p.

6665 Rothstein, J.W.: Moses und das Gesetz, vol. 1: Gesetzgebung in Israel und Babel (Moses und Hammurabi). Berlin 1911, 46 p. = Biblische Zeit- und Streitfragen, 6th Ser., vol. 9, p. 315-358

6666 Safrai, Shmuel: The avoidance of public officein Papyrus Oxy. 1477 and in talmudic sources. Journal of Jewish Studies 14 (1963), p. 67-70; 15 (1964), p. 81

6667 Schaeffer, Henry: The social legislation of the primitive Semites. New Haven 1915, 14 + 245 p.


6668 Schaeffer, Henry: Hebrew tribal economy and the Jubilee, as illustrated in Semitic and Indo-European village communities. Leipzig 1922, 8 + 198 p.

6669 Schmitz, Hermann Joseph: Gattin und Mutter im Heidentum, Judentum und Christentum. Koln 1905, 107 p.

6670 Schmokel, Hartmut: Das angewandte Recht im alten Testament. Eine Untersuchung seiner Beziehungen zum kodifizierten Recht Israels und des alten Orients. Borna-Leipzig 1930, 4 + 134 p.
|R: 181 'מע ,(גצ-בצרת) ח רפס תירק ,'ש ,טטשנזייא

6671 Schorr, Moizesz: Die mosaische Gesetzgebung im Lichte des Codex Hammurabi. Ost und West 4 (1904), p. 441-448, 681-686, 845-854

6672 Schorr, Moizesz: Zur Frage der sumerischen und semitischen Elemente im altbabylonischen Rechte. Paris 1912, 22 p.

6673 Seters, John van: The problem of childlessness in Near Eastern law and the Patriarchs of Israel. Journal of Biblical Literature 87 (1968), p. 401-408

6674 Seters, John van: Jacob's marriages and ancient Near Eastern customs. Harvard Theological Review 62 (1969), p. 377-395

6675 Sick, Ulrich: Die Totung eines Menschen und ihre Ahndung in den keilschriflichen Rechtssammlungen unter Berucksichtigung rechtsvergleichender Aspekte. 2 vols. Dissertation Ostfilden 1984*

6676 Silving, Helen: The oath; the oath's beginnings. Yale Law Journal 68 (1958-59), p. 1329-1337

6677 Simon, Isidore (ed.): Etude speciale des problemes criminologiques, judiciaires et medico-legaux dans la tradition hebraique, comparee a celle des autres peuples de l'antiquite. Revue d'Histoire de la Medecine Hebraique 38 (1957), 72 p.

6678 Skweres, Dieter Eduard: Das Motiv der Strafgrunderfragung in biblischen und neuassyrischen Texten. Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 14 (1970), p. 181-197

6679 Sonsino, Rifat: Motive Clauses in Hebrew law; Biblical forms and Near Eastern parallels. Chicago 1980, 20 + 336 p. |R: Young, William A., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 44 (1982), p. 663-664; Bandstra, Barry L., Journal of Biblical Literature 102 (1983), p. 128-130; Schwartz, Baruch J., Journal of Semitic Studies 28 (1983), p. 161-163; Schweizer, H., Bibliotheca Orientalis 41 (1984), p. 457-462

6680 Sperling, S. David: Bloodguilt in the Bible and in ancient Near Eastern sources. In: Jewish law in our time, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Denver 1982, p. 19-25

6681 Straus, Livia Salmanovitz ; Straus, Marc J.: Physicians in the Bible and the Code of Hammurabi. Medica Judaica 2,1 (1972), p. 13-14

6682 Sulzberger, Mayer: The Am Haarez, the ancient Hebrew parliament. A chapter in the constitutional history of ancient Israel. Philadelphia 1909, 96 p. |R: Slousch, Nahum: Representative government among the Hebrews and Phoenicians, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 4 (1913-14), p. 303-310

6683 Szubin, H.Z.; Porten, Bezalel: Testamentary succession at Elephantine. Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 252 (1983), p. 35-46

6684 Tangberg, K. Arvid: Die Bewertung des ungeborenen Lebens im alten Israel und im alten Orient. Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 1 (1987), p. 51-65

6685 Teubal, Savina J.: Woman, the law, and the ancient Near East. Jubilee vol. Patai, 1983, p. 305-309


6686 Thompson, J.A.: The ancient Near Eastern treatises and the Old Testament. London 1964, 39 p.

6687 Tsevat, Matitiahu: Marriage and monarchical legitimacy in Ugarit and Israel. Journal of Semitic Studies 3 (1958), p. 237-243

6688 Tullock, John Harrison: Blood-vengeance among the Israelites in the light of its Near Eastern background. Dissertation Nashville, Tenn., 1966, 320 p.

6689 Van Selms, A.: The goring ox in the Babylonian and biblical law. Archiv Orientalni 18 (1950), p. 321-330

6690 Verger, Alessandro; Moscati, S.; Volterra, Edoardo: L'amministrazione della giustizia nei papiri aramaici di Elefantina. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 8th ser., 19 (1964), p. 75-94

6691 Verger, Alessandro: Ricerche giuridiche sui papiri aramaici di Elefantina. Roma 1965, 225 p.

6692 Vorwahl, H.: Texte zur biblischen und babylonischen Urgeschichte und Gesetzgebung. Leipzig 1926, 41 p.

6693 Waters, John: The political development and significance of the Shepherd-King symbol in the ancient Near East and the Old Testament. Dissertation Boston 1970

6694 Weinfeld, Moshe: Traces of Assyrian treaty formulae in Deuteronomy. Biblica 46 (1965), p. 417-427

6695 Weinfeld, Moshe: The loyalty oath in the ancient Near East. Ugarit-Forschungen 8 (1976), p. 379-414

6696 Weinfeld, Moshe: Judge and officer in ancient Israel and in the Near East. Israel Oriental Studies 7 (1977), p. 65-88

6697 Weinfeld, Moshe: The organizational pattern and the penal code of the Qumran sect. Fribourg-Gottingen 1986, 100 p.

6698 Weisberg, David B.: Some observations on late Babylonian texts and rabbinic literature. Hebrew Union College Annual 39 (1968), p. 71-80

6699 Westbrook, Raymond: Jubilee laws. Israel Law Review 6 (1971), p. 209-226

6700 Westbrook, Raymond: Biblical and cuneiform law codes. Revue Biblique 92 (1985), p. 247-264

6701 Widengren, Geo: The king and the tree of life in ancient Near Eastern religion (king and saviour). Uppsala 1951, 79 p.

6702 Wiener, Harold Marcus: The legislation of Israel and Babylonia. [London], Victoria Institute Transactions [190-?], 28 p.

6703 Yaron, Reuven: Redemption of persons in the ancient Near East. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 6 (1959), p. 155-176

6704 Yaron, Reuven: Forms of ancient Babylonian legislation (compared with biblical laws). Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Ancient Near East, p. VIII,1-VIII,3

6705 Yaron, Reuven: CP Jud. 144 et alia. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 13 (1962), p. 170-175

6706 Yaron, Reuven: The laws of Eshnunna. Jerusalem 1969, 17 + 220 p. |R: Driver, G.R., Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London 1 (1972), p. 57-59

6707 Yaron, Reuven: The Middle Assyrian laws and the Bible. Biblica 51 (1970), p. 549-557

6708 Yaron, Reuven: The goring ox in Near Eastern laws. In: Jewish law in ancient and modern Israel, ed. H.H. Cohn, N.Y. 1971, p. 50-60

6709 Zakovitch, Yair: Some remnants of ancient laws in the Deuteronomic Code. Israel Law Review 9 (1974), p. 346-351



ימורהו ינוויה טפשמה

6710 Adler, L.: Moses und Lykurg. Achawa 2 (1866), p. 202-218

6711 Auerbach, Leopold: Das judische Obligationenrecht nach den Quellen und mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des romischen und deutschen Rechts. Vol. 1: Umriss der Entwickelungsgeschichte des judischen Rechts; Die Natur der Obligation. Berlin 1870, 20 + 627 p.; 2nd ed. 1876, 16 + 22 + 626 p.; photo-repr. Gedera 1976 with introd. by Abraham M. Fuss

6712 Babany, Leon: Institutions juridiques des Romains comparees aux institutions juridiques des Hebreux, 1: Les personnes. Paris 1926, 97 p.

6713 Baeck, Samuel (1834-1912): Die Asyle der Griechen und Romer, verglichen mit der Zufluchtsstatte des pentateuchischen Gesetzes. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 18 (1869), p. 307-312, 565-572

6714 Bergel, Joseph: Die Eheverhaltnisse der alten Juden im Vergleiche mit den Griechischen und Romischen. Leipzig 1881, 33 p.

6715 Berger, Adolf: The Jewish synagogue and the Aedes Sacrae in Roman law. Jubilee vol. Biondi, 1965, p. 145-163

6716 Blau, Ludwig: Die Strafklauseln der griechischen Papyrusurkunden, beleuchtet durch die aramaischen Papyri und durch den Talmud. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 63, N.F. 27 (1919), p. 138-155

6717 Blau, Ludwig: Prosbol im Lichte der griechischen Papyri und der Rechtsgeschichte. Jubilee vol. Budapest Landesrabbinerschule, 1927, p. 96-151

6718 Bloch, Joseph Samuel: Der Arbeiterstand bei den Palastinensern, Griechen und Romern. Wien 1882, 32 p.

6719 Blume, Fridericus: Lex Dei, sive Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio. Bonn 1833, 48 + 208 p.

6720 Bucher, Sam. Friedr.: Antiquitates hebraicae et graecae selectae, seu, de conclusis hebraeorum ac graecorum feminis. Bautzen-Pirna 1717, 210 + 16 p.

6721 Buchler, Adolf: Die priesterlichen Zehnten und die romischen Steuern in den Erlassen Casars. Jubilee vol. Steinschneider, 1896, p. 91-109

6722 Buddeus, Joh. Franciscus: Leges Solonis cum Mosaicis. Dissertation Halle 1699, 12 p.

6723 Calvin, Joannes: Themis hebreo-romano id est jurisprudentia Mosaica et juris tum Canonici tum civilis romana invicem collata. Hannover 1595*

6724 Cannegieter, Hermann: Commentarius ad fragmenta veteris iurisprudentiae quae extant in collatione legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum. Francquerae (Franeker) 1765

6725 Cervenca, Giuliano: Ancora sul problema della datazione della 'Collatio legum Mosaet Romanorum'. Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 29 (1963), p. 253-276

6726 Cohen, Boaz: The relationship of Jewish and Roman law. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 34 (1943-44), p. 267-280, 409-424 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 1-30

6727 Cohen, Boaz: The testimonial oath. A study in the reciprocal relations of Jewish and Roman law in Medieval Europe. Historia Judaica 7 (1945), p. 51-74 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 710-733


6728 Cohen, Boaz: Civil bondage in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Ginzberg, 1945, p. 113-132 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 159-178

6729 Cohen, Boaz: Some remarks on the law of persons in Jewish and Roman jurisprudence. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 16 (1946-47), p. 1-37 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 122-158

6730 Cohen, Boaz: On the theme of betrothal in Jewish and Roman law. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 18 (1948-49), p. 67-135 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 279-347

6731 Cohen, Boaz: Contrectatio in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Visscher, 1949, vol. 1, p. 133-156 = Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite 2 (1949), p. 133-156 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y., 1966, p. 409-432

6732 Cohen, Boaz: Antichresis in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Marx, 1950, p. 179-202 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 433-456

6733 Cohen, Boaz: Peculium in Jewish and Roman law. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 20 (1951), p. 135-234 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 179-278

6734 Cohen, Boaz: Concerning divorce in Jewish and Roman law. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 21 (1952), p. 3-34 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 377-408

6735 Cohen, Boaz: Letter and spirit in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Kaplan, English section, 1953, p. 109-136 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 31-57 = Essays in Greco-Roman and related talmudic literature, ed. Henry A. Fischel, N.Y. 1977, p. 138-164. |R: Frosini, Vitterio, Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 5 (1954), p. 306-307

6736 Cohen, Boaz: Usufructus in Jewish and Roman law. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 1 (1954), p. 173-193 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 557-577

6737 Cohen, Boaz: Traditio Clavium in Jewish and Roman law. Memorial vol. P. Koschaker, vol. 1, 1954, p. 573-593

6738 Cohen, Boaz: Dowry in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Levi, 1955, p. 57-85 = L'Annuaire de l'Institute de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves 13 (1953), p. 57-85 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 348-376

6739 Cohen, Boaz: Self-help in Jewish and Roman law. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 2 (1955), p. 107-133 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 624-650

6740 Cohen, Boaz: The principle of causation in the Jewish and the Roman law of damages. Jubilee vol. Francisci, vol. 1, 1956, p. 305-336 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 578-609

6741 Cohen, Boaz: Testimonial compulsion in Jewish, Roman and Moslem law. Memorial vol. Goldziher, 1958, pt. 2, p. 50-70 = Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 9 (1958), p. 1-21 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 734-755

6742 Cohen, Boaz: A trace of acceptilatio in Jewish law. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 9 (1958), p. 74-78 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 610-614

6743 Cohen, Boaz: Arbitration in Jewish and Roman law. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 5 (1958), p. 165-223 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 651-709

6744 Cohen, Boaz: Concerning Jewish and Roman law: 'Specificacia' in Jewish and Roman law. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 5 (1958), p. 225-290 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 472-537

6745 Cohen, Boaz: Conditions in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Wolfson, English section, 1965, p. 203-232

6746 Cohen, Boaz: Jewish and Roman law. A comparative study. N.Y. 1966, 898 p. + 22 p. (in Hebrew). |R: Smith, Morton, Journal of Biblical Literature 86 (1967), p. 238-241; Klein, S., Israel Law Review 3 (1968), p. 482-484; Rabello, A.M., La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 14 (1968), p. 231-232; -, Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 20 (1969), p. 551-560; 455-449 'מע ולשת א"ת-םילשורי ,א קלח ,תוכרעהו םיכרע .ימורהו ירבעה טפשמה :ק"י ,יקסנשילקימ


6747 Cohen, Hermann: Das soziale Ideal bei Plato und den Propheten. Der Jude 7 (1923), p. 618-636 = Judische Schriften, vol. 1, Berlin 1924, p. 306-330

6748 Cohn, Marcus: Arbeitsvertrag (Dienstvertrag). Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 446-449 = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, p. 42-43

6749 Cohn, Marcus: Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum. Judisches Lexikon 1, p. 1430

6750 Daiches, Samuel: A Roman law derived from the Talmud. In: Essays and addresses, Newport 1955, p. 97-102

6751 Daube, David: Some comparative law - furtum conceptum. Tidjschrift voor Rechts-geschiedenis 15 (1937), p. 48-77

6752 Daube, David: Collatio 2.6.5. (From 'Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum'). Jubilee vol. Hertz, 1942, p. 111-129

6753 Daube, David: Two early patterns of manumission. Journal of Roman Studies 36 (1946), p. 57-75

6754 Daube, David: Rabbinic methods of interpretation and Hellenistic rhetoric. Hebrew Union College Annual 22 (1949), p. 239-264

6755 Daube, David: Consortium in Roman and Hebrew law. Juridical Review 62 (1950), p. 71-91

6756 Daube, David: Derelicto, occupatio and traditio: Romans and rabbis. Law Quarterly Review 77 (1961), p. 382-389

6757 Daube, David: Texts and interpretation in Roman and Jewish law. Jewish Journal of Sociology 3 (1961), p. 3-28 = Essays in Greco-Roman and related talmudic literature, ed. Henry A. Fischel, N.Y. 1977, p. 240-265

6758 Daube, David: Jewish law in the Hellenistic world. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 45-60

6759 Dirksen, H.E.: Uber die Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum. Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin, Abhandlungen 31 (1846), p. 61-107

6760 Dominicis, M. Antonio de: Ancora sulla Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum (a proposito di una recente critica). Bolletino dell'Istituto di Diritto Romano 'Vittorio Scialosa' 7 (1966), p. 337-342

6761 Ehrman, A.: Pretium justum and laesio enormis in Roman and Jewish sources. Jewish Law Annual 3 (1980), p. 63-71

6762 Eisenstadt, Samuel: Paralleleinblicke in das judische und romische Erbrecht. Eos 48,3 (1957), p. 15-18

6763 Eisenstadt, Samuel: The concept of legal personality in Hebrew and Roman law. Summary, 2nd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1957), Sect. Talmud and Rabb. Liter., p. 6-7

6764 Eisenstadt, Samuel: Paralleleinblicke in das judische und romische Familien- und Erbrecht. Klio 40 (1962), p. 244-259

6765 Farbstein, David: Das Recht der unfreien und der freien Arbeiter nach judisch-talmudischem Recht, verglichen mit dem antiken, speziell mit dem romischen Recht. Frankf.a.M. 1896, 7 + 97 p.

6766 Feuchtwanger, Ludwig: Judisches und romisches Recht: Studien uber die Herkunft der Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum. Bayrisch-Israelitische Gemeinde-Zeitung 13 (1937), p. 99-101

6767 Francisci, Pietro di: Ancora intorno alla Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum. Bolletino dell'Istituto di diritto romano 'Vittorio Scialosa' 5 (1964), p. 97-101


6768 Friedlander, Mor.: Einiges uber die Stellung des romischen und judischen Weibes im Alterthume. Die Neuzeit 22 (1882), p. 541-542, 550-551, 559-560

6769 Gaster, Moses: O poveste Talmudica in literatura romana. Studiu comparativ. Anuar Pentru Israeliti 6 (1883-84), p. 62-66

6770 Geerts, Achilles: Compensation for bodily harms in the Near East and in Rome. In: International Symposium on Society, Medicine and Law, ed. H. Karplus, Amsterdam 1973, p. 65-73

6771 Geiger, Abraham: Griechenthum. Sadducaer und Pharisaer. Zukunftige Welt. Hillel. Judische Zeitschrift fur Wissenschat und Leben, Geiger, 3 (1864-65), p. 1-29

6772 Geiger, Ludwig: Quid de Judaeorum moribus atque institutis scriptoribus Romanis persuasum fuerit. Berlin 1872, 49 p.

6773 Gilson, J.: L'etude du droit romain, compare aux autres droits de l'antiquite. Paris 1899, 295 p.

6774 Ginsburg, Michael: The hellenistic prosbole and the Prosbul. Arctos 3 (1962), p. 37-44

6775 Gordon, Barry: Lending at interest; some Jewish, Greek and Christian approaches, 800BC - AD100. History of Political Economy 14 (1982), p. 406-426

6776 Grayzel, Solomon: The Jews and Roman law. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 59 (1968-69), p. 93-117

6777 Gulak, Ascher: Aeltere talmudische Parallelen zur Novelle 97 des Kaisers Justinian. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 47 (1932-33), p. 241-255

6778 Gulak, Ascher: Das Urkundenwesen im Talmud, im Lichte der griechisch-agyptischen Papyri und des griechischen und romischen Rechts. Jerusalem 1935, 162 p.

6779 Heinemann, Isaac: Tierschutz nach judischer und griechischer Anschauung. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 2 (1915), p. 137-140

6780 Hejcl, Johann: Das alttestamentliche Zinsverbot im Lichte der ethnologischen Jurisprudenz sowie des altorientalischen Zinswesens. Biblische Studien, ed. O. Bardenhewer, vol. 12, part 4 = Freiburg i.Br. 1907, 8 + 98 p.

6781 Hohenlohe, Constantin: Ursprung und Zweck der Collatio legum Mosaet Romanarum. Wien 1835, 28 p.

6782 Horsley, Richard A.: The law of nature in Philo and Cicero. Harvard Theological Review 71 (1978), p. 35-59

6783 Hyamson, Moses: Some points of comparison and contrast in Jewish and Roman law. Jubilee vol. Jews' College, 1906, p. 153-170

6784 Hyamson, Moses: Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio, with introd., facs. and transcr. of the Berlin codex, translation, notes and appendices. London 1913 (= N.Y. 1913), 56 + 53 double + 244 p.

6785 Jackson, Bernard S.: Liability for animals in Roman law, a historical sketch. Cambridge Law Journal 37 (1978), p. 122-143

6786 Jackson, Bernard S.: On the problem of Roman influence on the Halakah and normative self-definition in Judaism. In: Jewish and Christian self-definition, ed. E.P. Sanders, vol. 2, Philadelphia 1981, p. 157-203, 352-379

6787 Jacob, Isaac H.: Comparative study of Gratian and Maimonides. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 285-292

6788 Jacobs, Louis: The Aristotelean syllogism and the Qal Wa-Homer. Journal of Jewish Studies 4 (1953), p. 154-157 = Studies in talmudic logic and methodology, London 1961, p. 3-8

6789 Jones, Thoma: Prolusiones academicae; 1: Recitationes solennes in tit. De Judiciis... apud Ebraeos, Graecos et Romanos disputatur. Oxford 1660, 12 + 302 p.


6790 Jung, Moses (ed.): The Jewish law of theft, with comparative references to Roman and English law. Philadelphia 1929, 6 + 145 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 1-151. |R: Webber, George J., Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 3rd ser. 12 (1930), p. 142-144; Guttmann, Michael, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 75, N.F. 39 (1931), p. 266;
191-190 'מע ,(גצרת) ד ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןיטשקיד

6791 Kahana, Koppel: Three great systems of jurisprudence (Jewish, Roman, English). London 1955, 12 + 199 p.

6792 Katzoff, Ranon: Donatio ante nuptias and Jewish dowry additions. In: Papyrology, ed. Naphtali Lewis, Cambridge 1986, p. 231-244

6793 Kennett, Robert Hatch; Adam, Mrs.; Gwatkin, H.M.: Early ideals of righteousness: Hebrew, Greek and Roman. Edinburgh 1910, 85 p.

6794 Klingenberg, Eberhard: Urteil, Schiedsspruch und Vergleich im romischen, griechischen und judischen Recht. Jubilee vol. Mayer, 1986, p. 63-75*

6795 Konvitz, Milton R.: Law and morals in the Hebrew Scriptures, Plato and Aristotle. Conservative Judaism 23,2 (1969), p. 44-71 = Social responsibility in an age of revolution, ed. Louis Finkelstein, N.Y. 1971, p. 1-37

6796 Konvitz, Milton R.: Conscience and civil disobedience in Jewish, Christian, and Greek and Roman thought. Hastings Law Journal 19 (1977-78), p. 1619-1639

6797 Levinthal, Israel Herbert: The Jewish law of agency, with special reference to the Roman and the common law. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 13 (1922-23), p. 117-191 = N.Y. 1923, 89 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence, 1 (1972), p. 1-89

6798 Lewis, Naphtali; Katzoff, Ranon; Greenfield, Jonas C.: Papyrus Yadin 18. 1: Text, translation and notes. 2: Legal commentary. 3: The aramaic subscription. Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987), p. 229-250

6799 Lieberman, Saul: Roman legal institutions in early Rabbinics and in the Acta Martyrum. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 35 (1944-45), p. 1-57 = Texts and studies, N.Y. 1974, p. 57-111

6800 Lipschutz, Naphtali: Equity in Jewish, Roman and English law. Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jew. Law, p. IX,1-IX,4

6801 Loewenstein, Bernhard: Observationes quaedam de Judaeis eoroumque diversa conditione secundum jus Romanum et Germanicum. Butzow 1668*

6802 Maloney, Robert P.: Usury in Greek, Roman and rabbinic thought. Traditio 27 (1971), p. 79-109

6803 Masi, Antonio: Contributi ad una datazione della 'Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum'. Bolletino dell' Istituto di Diritto Romano 'Vittorio Scialoza', ser. 3, vol. 3 (1961), p. 285-321

6804 Masi, Antonio: Ancora sulla datazione della 'Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum'. Studi Senesi 77 (1965), p. 415-432

6805 Mayer, Samuel: Die Rechte der Israeliten, Athener und Romer. 3 vols., Leipzig 1862-66, Trier 1876, 26 + 418, 16 + 564, 33 + 703 p.

6806 Modrzejewski, Joseph: Les juifs et le droit hellenistique: divorce et egalite des epoux. Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 12 (1961), p. 162-193

6807 Mommsen, Theodor: Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio. In: Collectio librorum iuris anteiustiniani, eds. Paul Krueger, Theod. Mommsen, Willh. Studemund, vol. 3, Berlin 1890, p. 107-198


6808 Nicolai, Johann: Diatribe de juramentis Hebraeorum, Graecorum, Romanarum aliorumque populorum. Frankf.a.M. 1700; Ugolinus Thesaurus 26*

6809 Ostersetzer, Israel: Le 'Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum', ses origines, son but. Revue des Etudes Juives 97 (1934), p. 65-96

6810 Ollendorff: Moses and Lykurg. In: Gossel, J., Popular-wissenschafliche Vortrage uber judische Geschichte und Literatur, vol. 1, Frankf.a.M. 1902, p. 17-41

6811 Ostrow, Jonah: Tannaitic and Roman procedure in homicide. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 48 (1957-58), p. 352-370; 52 (1961-62), p. 160-167, 245-263 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 211-229

6812 Palmer, Henricus Julius Ernestus: De epistularum quas Spartani atque Judaei invicem sibi mississe dicuntur veritate. Dissertation Darmstadt (1828), [2] + 32 p.

6813 Philippson, Ludwig: Der platonische und der mosaische Staat. Gesamm. Abhandlungen, Leipzig 1911, vol. 1, p. 132-144

6814 Pithou (Pithoeus), Pierre (ed.): Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio, ex integris Papiniani, Pauli, Ulpiani, Gay, Modestini aliorumque veterum juris auctorum libris ante tempora Justiniani Imp. desumpta. Ex bibliotheca P. Pithoei, J.C. Basel 1574, 4 + 126 p.; Heidelberg 1656, 12 + 241 + 11 p.

6815 Prevost, Marcel-Henri: Opinions des 'Tannaim' et 'responsa' des jurisconsultes classiques romains. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 17 (1970), p. 67-80

6816 Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai: Alcune note sulla 'Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum' e sul suo luogo d'origine. Memorial vol. Bedarida, 1966, p. 177-186

6817 Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai: Sull'ebraicita dell'autore della 'Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum'. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 33 (1967), p. 339-349

6818 Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai: Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum. Encyclopedia Judaica 5, p. 734-735

6819 Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai: Non Liquet; From modern law to Roman law. Israel Law Review 9 (1974), p. 63-84

6820 Rabello, Alfredo Mordechai: The responsibility of minors in Jewish criminal law (Biblical and talmudic period and notes of comparison with Roman law). Acta Juridica (1977), p. 309-336

6821 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Grecisms and Greek terms in the Aramaic Papyri. Biblica 39 (1958), p. 77-82

6822 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Studies in legal history. Jerusalem 1958, 39 p.

6823 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: On the definition of marriage as a 'Consortium omnis vitae'. Harvard Theological Review 57 (1964), p. 55-56

6824 Rubin, Simon: Der 'Nasciturus' als Rechtssubjekt im talmudischen und romischen Recht. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 20 (1907), p. 119-156

6825 Rubin, Simon: Ein Kapitel aus der Sklaverei im talmudischen und romischen Rechte. Jubilee vol. Schwarz, 1917, p. 211-229; repr. separ. |R: Freund, L., Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 66, N.F. 30 (1922), p. 74-75

6826 Rubin, Simon: Das talmudische Recht; auf den verschiedenen Stufen seiner Entwicklung mit dem romischen verglichen und dargestellt: Sachenrecht. Wien 1938, 253 p.

6827 Rudorff, Adolf Friedrich: Uber den Ursprung... der Lex Dei oder, Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio. Berlin 1869. Abhandlungen der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1868, p. 265-296


6828 Rutgers, S.J.: Comparatio theocratiam Israeliticam inter et hierarchiam romanum. Groningen 1839*

6829 Salomon, Robert: L'esclavage en droit compare juif et romain. Paris 1931, 15 + 122 p.

6830 Scherillo, Gaetano: 'Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum'. Novissimo Digesto Italiano 3 (1959), p. 446-448

6831 Segert, Stanislav: Form and function of ancient Israelite, Greek and Roman legal sentences. Jubilee vol. Gordon, 1973, p. 161-165

6832 Smits, N.: Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio. Haarlem 1934, 8 + 187 p.; introduction [in Dutch], text (p. 72-146), summary [in German]

6833 Sperber, Daniel: A note on some Shi'urim and Graeco-Roman measurements. Journal of Jewish Studies 20 (1969), p. 81-86

6834 Sperber, Daniel: Laesio enormis and the talmudic law of Ona'ah. Israel Law Review 8 (1973), p. 254-274

6835 Spitzer, Samuel: Das Heer- und Wehrgesetz der alten Israeliten, Griechen und Romer. 2nd ed., Vinkovce 1879, 109 p.

683Stephani, Joachim: De jurisdictione Judaeorum, Graecorum, Romanorum et ecclesiasticorum. 2nd ed., Frankfurt 1604; repr. Aalen 1978, 35 + 910 p.

6837 Stryck, Samuel: Leges forenses mosaicae cum iure Romano collatae. Leipzig 1745, 14 + 256 p.; 2nd ed., 1748, 5 + [2] + 256 p.; New ed. Neomagi 1780, 22 + 10 + 287 + 25 p.

6838 Tisset, Pierre: Contribution a l'histoire de la presumption de paternite; etude de droit hebraique et de droit romain. Dissertation Montpellier 1921, 233 p.

6839 Vaux, Roland de: 'Levites' mineens et Levites israelites. Jubilee vol. Junker, 1961, p. 265-273

6840 Volterra, Edoardo: [On:] Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanorum [in Italian]. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 6th ser. 3 (1930), p. 3-123

6841 [Welwod, William] Velvod, Guilielmus: Juris divini Judaeorum ac iuris civilis Romanorum parallela. Lugduni Batavorum (Leiden) 1594, 6 + 54 p.*

6842 Wolle, Christoph: Epistola critica de Hebraismis Ulpiani jurisconsulti... ad Jacobum Henricum I.F. Bornium... Leipzig 1739, 16 p.

6843 Yaron, Reuven: Gifts in contemplation of death in Jewish and Roman law. Oxford 1960, 12 + 250 p. |R: Falk, Zeev W.: Testate succession in Jewish law, Journal of Jewish Studies 12 (1961), p. 64-77; Volterra, Edoardo, ib., p. 331-341; 13 (1962),p. 295

6844 Yaron, Reuven: Duabus sororibus coniunctio. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 10 (1963), p. 115-136

6845 Yaron, Reuven: Reichsrecht, Volksrecht und Talmud. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 11 (1964), p. 281-298

6846 Yaron, Reuven: Varia on adoption. Journal of Juristic Papyrology 15 (1965), p. 171-183




ירצונ טפשמ .םייניבה ימי טפשמ

6847 Abrahams, Israel: Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels. N.Y. 1967 (repr. fr. 1917 and 1927 ed.), 32 + 226 p.

6848 Agus, Aharon: Some early rabbinic thinking on Gnosticism. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 71 (1980-81), p. 18-30

6849 Aptowitzer, Victor: Die syrischen Rechtsbucher und das mosaisch- talmudische Recht. Sitzungsberichte, Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, vol. 163, 5. sect., (1909) 108 p.

6850 Aptowitzer, Victor: Die Rechtsbucher der syrischen Patriarchen und ihre Quellen. Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunde des Morgenlandes 24 (1910), p. 180-224

6851 Aptowitzer, Victor: Die Rechtsbucher der nestorianischen Patriarchen und ihre Quellen. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 7 (1910), 8 p.

6852 Aptowitzer, Victor: The influence of Jewish law on the development of jurisprudence in the Christian Orient. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 1 (1910-11), p. 217-229

6853 Aptowitzer, Victor: The controversy over the Syro-Roman Code. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 2 (1911-12), p. 55-74

6854 Aptowitzer, Victor: Das judische Recht in der armenischen und nestorianischen Kirche. Freie judische Lehrerstimme 1 (1912-13), p. 67, 83-85

6855 Aptowitzer, Victor: Judisches in syrischen Rechtsbuchern. Scripta Universitatis atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitanarum, Orientalia et Judaica 1 (1923), 18 p. (תירבעב) 'מע 12 ,םש ,םיירוסה טפשמה ירפסב לארשי לשמ

6856 Arnaldez, R.: Philon d'Alexandrie et la loi de Moise. Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement 7, p. 1306-1312

6857 Arnd, Josua: Manuale legum Mosaicarum in quo catalogus legum expartitione Judaeorum et Christianorum. Gustrovi (Gustrow) 1663, 3 vols. in 1, 456 p.

6858 Baltzer, Klaus: The covenant formulary in Old Testament, Jewish and early Christian writings. (Transl. fr. 'Das Bundesformular', Neukirchen 1960), Oxford 1971, 13 + 221 p.

6859 Bammel, Ernst: Das Gleichnis von den bosen Winzern (Mk 12, 1-9) und das judische Erbrecht. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 6 (1959), p. 11-17

6860 Bammel, Ernst: Markus, 10, 11 f. und das judische Eherecht. Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 61 (1970), p. 95-101

6861 Barrett, C.K.: Shaliah and apostle. Jubilee vol. Daube, 1978, p. 88-102

6862 Benamozegh, Elie: Morale juive et morale chretienne. Paris 1867, 415 p.

6863 Bennett, William Henry: The Mishna as illustrating the Gospels. Cambridge 1884, 6 + 116 p.

6864 Biasi, Valent. Laurent. de: Familia humana iuxta ius mosaicum ad doctrinam ius praxim catholicam. Wien 1863, 138 p.

6865 Bienert, Walther: Die Arbeit nach der Lehre der Bibel. Eine Grundlegung evangelischer Sozialethik. Stuttgart 1954, 13 + 452 p.

6866 Blidstein, Gerald J.: Notes on Hefker Bet-Din in talmudic and medieval law. Dine Israel 4 (1973), English section, p. 35-49

6867 Bowker, John: Jesus and the Pharisees. N.Y. 1973, 7 + 192 p. |R: Gammie, John G., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 36 (1974), p. 250-251


6868 Bowman, John: Samaritanische Probleme. Studien zum Verhaltnis von Samaritanertum, Judentum und Urchristentum. Stuttgart 1967, 100 p.

6869 Bowman, John: The Samaritan problem. Studies in the relationships of Samaritanism, Judaism and early Christianity. Pittsburgh 1975, 20 + 169 p. |R: Myers, J.M., Catholic Biblical Quarterly 39 (1977), p. 108-109

6870 Brandt, Wilhelm: Das Gesetz Israels und die Gesetze der Heiden bei Paulus und im Hebraerbrief. Munchen 1934, 43 p.

6871 Buddeus, Joh. Franciscus: Antiquitas baptismi initationis Israelitarum vindicata. Dissertation Jena 1710, 36 + 2 p.

6872 Burrows, Millar: Old Testament ethics and the ethics of Jesus. Memorial vol. Hyatt, 1974, p. 227-243

6873 Calvin, Joannes: Themis hebreo-romano id est jurisprudentia Mosaica et juris tum Canonici tum civilis roman. Hannover 1595*

6874 Cohen, Boaz: The rabbinic law presupposed by Matthew 12,1 and Luke 6,1. Harvard Theological Review 23 (1930), p. 91-92

6875 Danby, Herbert: The bearing of the rabbinical criminal code on the Jewish trial narratives in the Gospels. Journal of Theological Studies 21 (1920), p. 51-76

6876 Danz, Joh. Andr. (praes.); Velten, Jacob (resp.): רגה תליבט, sive baptismus proselytorum Judaicus, e monumentis ebraeo-talmudicis erutus: quem ad illustrandum Baptismum Johannis. Dissertation Jena 1699, 2 + 76 p.

6877 Daube, David: Origen and the punishment of adultery in Jewish law. Studia Patristica, vol. 2 presented to the Second International Conference on Patristic Studies, 1955, Berlin 1957, p. 109-113

6878 Daube, David: Evangelisten und Rabbinen. Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 48 (1957), p. 119-126

6879 Duschak, Moritz: Die Moral der Evangelien und des Talmud. Breslau 1885, 10 + 58 p.

6880 Falk, Zeev W.: On matrimonial property in Jewish and Germanic laws. Tidjschrift voor Rechts-geschiedenis 28 (1960), p. 70-78

6881 Falk, Zeev W.: Jewish law and medieval Canon law. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 78-96.

6882 Ferguson, Everett: Jewish and Christian ordination. Harvard Theological Review 56 (1963), p. 13-19

6883 Fink, Daniel: Uber den Begriff der Ehe im Judentum und im Neuen Testamente. Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth, 7 (1920), p. 396-400, 461-473, 571-575; 8 (1921), p. 62-65

6884 Finkel, Asher: The Pharisees and the teacher of Nazareth. A study of their background, their halachic and midrashic teachings, the similarities and differences. Leiden 1964, 13 + 195 p. |R: Neusner, Jacob, Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (1964), p. 183-184

6885 Fitzmyer, Joseph A.: Crucification in ancient Palestine, Qumran literature and the New Testament. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 40 (1978), p. 493-513.

6886 Fleury, l'Abbe: Moeurs des Israelites et des Chretiens. Paris 1712, 2 + 472 p.; Paris 1766, 8 + 4 + 384 p.

6887 Flusser, David: Hillel's self-awareness and Jesus. Immanuel 4 (1974), p. 31-36

6888 Forkman, Goran: The limits of the religious community; expulsion from the religious community within the Qumran Sect, within rabbinic Judaism and within primitive Christianity. Lund 1972, 257 p.


6889 Fox, Marvin: Maimonides and Aquinas on natural law. Dine Israel 3 (1972), English section, p. 5-36

6890 Fuld, Ludwig: Das Asylrecht im Alterthum und Mittelalter. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 7 (1887), p. 102-157, 285-296

6891 Gaston, Lloyd: Paul and the Torah. In: Antisemitism and the foundations of Christianity, ed. Alan Davies, N.Y. 1979, p. 48-71

6892 Gavin, F.: Rabbinic parallels in early Church orders. Hebrew Union College Annual 6 (1929), p. 55-67

6893 Gerhardsson, Birger: Memory and manuscript; Oral tradition and written transmission in rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity. Copenhagen 1961, 379 p. |R: Goldberg, Abraham, Bibliotheca Orientalis 21, 3-4 (1964),p. 223-225

6894 Gordon, Barry: Lending at interest; some Jewish, Greek and Christian approaches, 800BC - AD100. History of Political Economy 14 (1982), p. 406-426

6895 Haacker, Klaus: Der Rechtssatz Jesu zum Thema Ehebruch (Mt 5,28). Biblische Zeitschrift, N.F. 21 (1977), p. 113-116

6896 Herbert, A.S.: Marriage in the Bible and the early Christian Church. Expository Times 59 (1947-48), p. 12-13

6897 Hoffmann, Moses: אקסיע רטש und contractus trinus. Jubilee vol. Hoffmann, 1914, p. 383-386

6898 Hruby, Kurt: Exegese rabbinique et exegese patristique. Revue des Sciences Religieuses 47 (1973), p. 341-372

6899 Hummel, Horace D.: Law and grace in Judaism and Lutheranism. In: Speaking of G-d today, eds. Paul D. Opsahl and Marc H. Tanenbaum, Philadelphia 1974, p. 15-30

6900 Iken, Conrad (praes.); Hase, Theodor von (resp.): De jure vitae et necis tempore mortis Salvatoris apud Judaeos non amplius superstite ad Joh. 18,31. Bremen 1740, 2 + 541 p. Dissertationes philologico-theologicae, vol. 2, ed. Joh. Herm. Schacht, Traiecti Batavorum (Utrecht) 1770, p. 521-572

6901 Isakson, Abel: Marriage and ministry in the New Temple, a study with special reference to Mt. 19,13 and I. Cor. 11, 3-16. Acta Seminarii Neotestamentii Upsaliensis 24 (1965), 210 p. |R: Lorenzi, Lorenzo de, Revue de Qumran 5 (1964-65), p. 446-452

6902 Jackson, Bernard S.: Testes singulares in early Jewish law, and the New Testament. In: Essays in Jewish and comparative legal history, Leiden 1975, p. 172-201

6903 Jacob, Benno: Auge um Auge. Untersuchungen zum Alten und Neuen Testament. Berlin 1929, 6 + 144 p. |R: Goldmann, Felix, Central Verein Zeitung 9 (1930), p. 42-43

6904 Jaeger, H.: La preuve judiciaire d'apres la tradition rabbinique et patristique. Recueil de la Societe Jean Bodin 16 (1965), p. 415- 494

6905 Jaeger, Nicola: Il diritto nella Bibbia. Giustizia individuale e sociale nell'Antico e nel Nuovo Testamento. Assisi 1960, 245 p.

6906 Jaubert, Annie: La notion de l'alliance dans le Judaisme aux abords de l'ere chretienne. Dissertation Paris 1963, 542 p. = Patristica Sorbonensia 6. |R: Ercole, G. D', Studia et Documenta Historiae et Iuris 31 (1965), p. 334-342

6907 Kehnscherper, Gerhard: Die Stellung der Bibel und der alten christlichen Kirche zur Sklaverei. Halle 1957, 187 p.

6908 Kisch, Guido: The influence of the Bible on medieval legal thought in England and Germany. 8eme Congres International des Sciences Historiques (n.d.), p. 473-475


6909 Kisch, Guido: The attitude of the (medieval German) law books to the law of the Jewry privileges and to Jewish law. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 7 (1935-36), p. 136-145

6910 Kisch, Guido: Judisches Recht und Judenrecht. Berlin 1937, 14 p. = Jubilee vol. J. Freimann, 1937, p. 94-105 = Forschungen zur Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittelalters, Stuttgart 1955, p. 187-198

6911 Kisch, Guido: Die Torah im Zeremonial des (deutschen) Judeneides. Der Beweis der Echtheit der Torah. Hebrew Union College Annual 14 (1939), p. 438-456 = Forschungen zur Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Deutschland wahrend des Mittelalters, Stuttgart 1955, p. 146-159

6912 Kisch, Guido: Sachsenspiegel and Bible. Researches in the source history of the Sachsenspiegel and the influence of the Bible on medieval German law. Notre Dame, Indiana 1941, 9 + 198 p.

6913 Kisch, Guido: Relations between Jewish and Christian courts in the Middle Ages. Jubilee vol. Ginzberg, 1945, p. 201-225; repr. in enlarged version: Historia Judaica 21 (1959), p. 81-108

6914 Klausner, Joseph: Christian and Jewish ethics. Judaism 2 (1953), p. 16-30

6915 Kohler, Ludwig: Familie im Alten Testament und Neuen Testament. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart 2, p. 509

6916 Konig, Eduard: Talmud und Neues Testament. Berlin 1907, 56 p. |R: Marmorstein, Arthur: Talmud und Neues Testament, Skalschau 1908, 54 p.

6917 Konvitz, Milton R.: Conscience and civil disobedience in Jewish, Christian, and Greek and Roman thought. Hastings Law Journal 19 (1977-78), p. 1619-1639

6918 Laurentin, Andre: We'attah - Kai nun, formule caracteristique des textes juridiques et liturgiques (a propos de Jean 17,5). Biblica 45 (1964), p. 168-195

6919 Lauterbach, Jacob Z.: The Talmud and the Gospels. Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal 12 (1956), p. 8-13

6920 Lennard, Pierre: El encuento cristiano con el judaismo rabinico. El Olivo 11 (1980), p. 5-19

6921 Liebeschutz, H.: Judaism and Jewry in the social doctrine of Thomas Aquinas. Journal of Jewish Studies 13 (1962), p. 57-81

6922 Loewenstein, Bernhard: Observationes quaedam de Judaeis eorumque diversa conditione secundum jus Romanum et Germanicum. Butzow 1668*

6923 Lohse, Eduard: Die Ordination im Spatjudentum und im Neuen Testament. Gottingen 1951, 108 p.

6924 Luckock, H.M.: The history of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relation to divorce and certain forbidden degrees. London 1894, 20 + 327 p.; 2nd. ed. 1895, 26 + 359 p.

6925 Maier, J.: Jesus von Nazareth in der talmudischen Uberlieferung. Darmstadt 1978, 17 + 367 p.

6926 Mann, Jacob: Rabbinic studies in the Synoptic Gospels. Hebrew Union College Annual 1 (1924), p. 323-355 = Collected articles, vol. 1, Gedera 1971, p. 133-165

6927 Marmorstein, Arthur: Talmud und Neues Testament. Skolschau 1908, 54 p.

6928 Merchavia, Ch.: The Talmud in the additiones of Paul of Burgos. Journal of Jewish Studies 16 (1965), p. 115-134

6929 Meuschen, Johann Gerhard; Scheid, Balth.; Danz, Johann Andreas; Rhenferd, Jakob: Novum Testamentum ex Talmude et antiquitatibus Hebraeorum illustratum. Leipzig 1736, 15 p.l. + 1216 + [96] p.


6930 Meyer, Herbert: Das Hehlerrecht der Juden und der Lombarden. Forschungen zur Judenfrage 1 (1937), p. 92-109

6931 Micklewright, F.H.A.: Jewish problems and an ecclesiastical judge. New Law Journal 123 (1973), p. 1147-1148

6932 Molitor, Franz Joseph: Philosophie der Geschichte oder uber die Tradition. Vol. 1: Uber die Tradition in dem alten Bunde und ihre Beziehung zur Kirche des neuen Bundes. Frankf.a.M. 1827, 6 + 455 p. 2nd ed. Munster 1857, 8 + 752 p.

6933 Mylius, Gustav Heinrich (praes.); Brascha, Anton Daniel (resp.): Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de patre Iudaeo alimenta sumtus studiorum et legitimam filio christiano denegante. Dissertation Leipzig 1740, 20 p.

6934 Negwer, Joseph: Die Ehe und die Familie in der heiligen Schrift des Alten und des Neuen Testaments. Leipzig 1956, 190 p.

6935 Osiander, Johannes Adam: Dissertationes academicae de asylis Hebraeorum, gentilium, Christianorum. Tubingen 1673, 6 + 280 + 12 p. = Ugolinus Thesaurus 26

6936 Pancaro, Severino: The law of the Fourth Gospel: the Torah and the Gospel, Moses and Jesus, Judaism and Christianity according to John. Leiden 1975, 15 + 571 p. |R: Meeks, Wayne A., Journal of Biblical Literature 96 (1977), p. 311-314

6937 Petuchowski, Jakob J.: Halakhah in the Church Fathers. Jubilee vol. Freehof, 1964, p. 202-219

6938 Pick, S.: Judentum und Bergpredigt. Freie Judische Lehrerstimme 2 (1913-14), p. 33-35, 49-52. |: Grunfeld, M., ib. p. 69

6939 Prader, Josef: Das religiose Eherecht der christlichen Kirchen, der Mohammedaner und der Juden. Frankf.a.M. 1973, 117 p.

6940 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: The influence of Jewish law upon the development of Frankish law. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 16 (1946-47), p. 205-224 = Facets of medieval Judaism, N.Y. 1973. |R: Volterra, Edoardo, Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 8 (1956), p. 546-558

6941 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: The title of migrantibus of the Lex Salica and the Jewish Herem Hayishub. Speculum 22 (1947), p. 46-50

6942 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Jewish and Lombard law. Jewish Social Studies 12 (1950), p. 299-328 = Jewish law, N.Y. 1956, p. 182-219

6943 Randenborgh, Gottfried van; Randenborgh, Elisabeth van: Von der Ordnung der Ehe. Ein biblisches Studium uber das Bild der Ehe im Alten Testament und uber die Ehe im Neuen Testament. Berlin 1938, 177 p.

6944 Richter, Johann Tobias (praes.); Wagner, J.G. (resp.): Jus matrimonii Judaeorum in Germania tum inter se tum si alter coniux ad sacra Christianorum transiit. Dissertation Leipzig 1751, 32 p.

6945 Sacchi, Paolo: Retribuzone e giudizio fra Ebraismo e Cristianesimo. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa 9 (1973), p. 407-420

6946 Safrai, Shmuel; Flusser, David: The slave of two masters. Immanuel 6 (1976), p. 30-33

6947 Sanders, E.P.: On the question of fulfilling the law in Paul and rabbinic Judaism. Jubilee vol. Daube, 1978, p. 103-126

6948 Sandmel, Samuel: Jewish and Christian marriage: some observations. Heythrop Journal 11 (1970), p. 237-250


6949 Schappi, Lydia: Die Stellung der Frau im Judentum, im Islam und im Christentum. Ein Vergleich. Judaica 32 (1976), p. 103-112, 161-172

6950 Schmid, Herbert: Die christlich-judische Auseinandersetzung um das Alte Testament in hermeneutischer Sicht. Judaica 26 (1970), p. 129-177

6951 Schmitz, Hermann Joseph: Gattin und Mutter im Heidentum, Judentum und Christentum. Koln 1905, 107 p.

69Schneidt, Joseph Maria (praes.); Samhaber, Joannes B.A. (resp.): Dissertatio inauguralis juridica de juribus Judaeorum ex legibus imprimis Franconicis. Wurzburg 1776, 6 + 88 + 6 p.

6953 Sczepansky, Ladislaus: Impedimenta matrimonialia apud Hebraeos et in jure Canonico. Melanges de l'Universite Saint Joseph, Beyrouth 10 (1925),p. 55-75

6954 Secretan, D.: Dissertation sur le divorce, selon la loi de Moyse et selon l'Evangile. n.p., 1808, 80 p.

6955 Shanks, Hershel: Is the title 'Rabbi' anachronistic in the Gospels? Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 53 (1962-63), p. 337-345. |: Zeitlin, Solomon, ib. p. 345-349 = Exploring the Talmud, vol. 1: Education, ed. Haim Z. Dimitrowsky, N.Y. 1976, p. 164-176

6956 Smith, Morton: Parallels between the Gospels and the tannaitic literature. Dissertation Jerusalem 1945, Engl. abstract

6957 Smith, Morton: Tannaitic parallels to the Gospels. Philadelphia 1951, 12 + 215 p.

6958 Smith, Morton: A comparison of early Christian and early rabbinic tradition. Journal of Biblical Literature 82 (1963), p. 169-176

6959 Soloweyczik, Elias: Die Bibel, der Talmud und das Evangelium. Leipzig 1877, 20 + 351 p.

6960 Spicq, C.: Le vocabulaire de l'esclavage dans le Nouveau Testament. Revue Biblique 85 (1978), p. 201-226

6961 Sugranyes de Franch, Ramon: Etudes sur le droit palestinien a l'epoque evangelique: la contrainte par corps. Fribourg 1946, 143 p. |R: Wirkgreen, Allen, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 7 (1948), p. 207-208

6962 Thieme, Karl: Nachstenliebe, judische und christliche. Judaica 6 (1950), p. 290-300

6963 Townsend, John T.: The Gospel of John and the Jews: the story of a religious divorce. In: Antisemitism and the foundations of Christianity, ed. Alan Davies, N.Y. 1979, p. 72-97

6964 Trabaud, Henri: La loi mosaique, ses origines et son developpement, son role dans le Judaisme et dans le Christianisme primitif. Dissertation Lausanne 1903, 10 + 214 p.

6965 Vliet, H. van: No single testimony: a study on the adoption of the law of Deut. 19,15 par. into the New Testament. Utrecht 1958, 9 + 162 p.

6966 Vogelstein, Hermann: Die Anfange des Talmuds und die Entstehung des Christentums. Konigsberg 1902, 28 p. |R: Kunert, Karl: Die Anfange des Talmuds..., 2nd ed., Leipzig 1914, 19 p.

6967 Vogler, Hubert: Rabbinische Voraussetzungen und Parallelen der urkirchlichen Tradition. Bibel und Leben 12 (1971), p. 105-117

6968 Voisin, Joseph de: Liber de jubilaeo secundum hebraeorum et christianorum doctrinam. Paris 1655, 24 + 447 p.; 2nd ed. 1668

6969 Wagenaar, L.: De Talmud en de oudste geschiedenis van het Christendom. Israelitische Letterbode 9 (1883-84), p. 65-145; 10 (1884-85), p. 1-72

6970 Washer, Judah I.: A comparative study of the economic ethics of the Talmud and... the Church Fathers. Dissertation Pittsburgh 1943*


6971 Wunsche, August: Neue Beitrage zur Erlauterung der Evangelien aus Talmud und Midrasch. Gottingen 1878, 11 + 566 p.

6972 Zeitlin, Solomon: The Halaka in the Gospels and its relation to the Jewish law at the time of Jesus. Hebrew Union College Annual 1 (1924), p. 357-373 = Studies in the early history of Judaism, vol. 4: History of early talmudic law, N.Y. 1978, p. 262-278

6973 Zeitlin, Solomon: The Pharisees and the Gospels. Memorial vol. Miller, 1938, p. 235-286 = Studies in the early history of Judaism, vol. 2, N.Y. 1974, p. 292-343

6974 Zeitlin, Solomon: The title Rabbi in the Gospels is anachronistic. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 59 (1968-69), p. 158-160 = Exploring the Talmud, vol. 1: Education, ed. Haim Z. Dimitrowsky, N.Y. 1976, p. 183-185. |: Donaldson, James, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 63 (1972-73), p. 287-291

6975 Christentum und Judentum, Parallelen. Jahrbuche fur Judische Geshichte und Literatur 9 (1906), p. 59-85


ינמותועהו ימלסומה טפשמה

6976 Brueg, Isidorus: De medicis illustribus Judaeorum qui inter Arabes vixerunt. Inaug. Dissertation Halle 1843, 30 p.

6977 Brunschvig, R.: Hermeneutique normative dans le Judaisme et dans l'Islam. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 8th ser., 30 (1976), fasc. 5-6, p. 1-20

6978 Caprona, Pierre de: Moise dans l'Islam. In: La figure de Moise, eds. Robert Martin-Achard a.o., Geneve 1978, p. 129-141.

6979 Cohen, Boaz: Testimonial compulsion in Jewish, Roman and Moslem law. Memorial vol. Goldziher, 1958, pt. 2, p. 50-70 = Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 9 (1958), p. 1-21 = Jewish and Roman law, N.Y. 1966, p. 734-755

6980 Finkel, Joshua: Old Israelitish tradition in the Koran. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 2 (1930-31), p. 7-21

6981 Freimark, Peter: Zur Stellung des Zwitters im rabbinischen und islamischen Recht. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft 120 (1970), p. 84-102

6982 Goitein, Shlomo Dov: Jews and Arabs. Their contacts through the ages. N.Y. 1955, 13 + 257 p.; p. 46-61: The Jewish tradition in Islam

6983 Goitein, Shlomo Dov: The interplay of Jewish and Islamic laws. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 61-77 = Jewish law in our time, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Denver 1982, p. 55-76

6984 Goldziher, Ignaz: תוצמ ג"ירת in der muhammedanischen Tradition. Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur 1 (1874), p. 58

6985 Halberstam, Joshua: Supererogation in Jewish Halakhah and Islamic Sharia. In: Studies in Islamic and Judaic traditions, eds. William M. Brinner and Stephen D. Ricks, Atlanta 1986, p. 85-98

6986 Hommel, Karl Ferdinand: Bibliotheca juris Rabbinica et Saracenorum Arabica. Bayreuth 1762, 63 + 17 p.

6987 Ivry, Alfred L.: The toleration of ethics and the ethics of tolerance in Judaism and Islam. In: Studies in Islamic and Judaic traditions, eds. William M. Brinner and Stephen D. Ricks, Atlanta 1986, p. 167-184


6988 Katsh, Abraham I.: Judaism in Islam: Biblical and talmudic backgrounds of the Koran and its commentaries. N.Y. 1954, 25 + 265 p.; repr. 1962 under the title: Judaism and the Koran. |R: Nemoy, Leon, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 45 (1954-55), p. 262-265

6989 Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava: Judaism and Islam: differences and similarities. Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 91 (1981), p. 144-152

6990 Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava: Some differences between Judaism and Islam as two religions of law. Religion 14 (1984), p. 175-191

6991 Lewis, Rose: Maimonides and the Muslims. Midstream 25,9 (1979), p. 16-22

6992 Meron, Ya'akov: La rencontre contemporaine entre le droit juif et le droit musulman. Revue Internationale de Droit Compare 36 (1984), p. 59-78

6993 Meron, Ya'akov: Point de contact des droits juif et musulman. Studia Islamica 60 (1984), p. 83-117

6994 Meron, Ya'akov: The contemporary encounter between Jewish and Moslem law. Jewish Law Association Studies 2 (1986), p. 165-192

6995 Nascher, Simon: Die Sentenz bei Juden und Arabern. Berlin 1868, 19 p.

6996 Pedersen, Johannes: Der Eid bei den Semiten, in seinem Verhaltnis zu verwandten Erscheinungen, sowie die Stellung des Eides im Islam. Strassburg 1914, 8 + 242 p.

6997 Prader, Josef: Das religiose Eherecht der christlichen Kirchen, der Mohammedaner und der Juden. Frankf.a.M. 1973, 117 p.

6998 Ricks, Stephen D.: Kinship bars to marriage in Jewish and Islamic law. In: Studies in Islamic and Judaic traditions, eds. William M. Brinner and Stephen D. Ricks, Atlanta 1986, p. 123-141

6999 Roberts, Robert: The social laws of the Qoran, considered and compared with those of the Hebrew and other ancient codes. London 1925, 10 + 126 p.; 2nd ed. London 1971; repr. New Delhi 1977

7000 Rosenblatt, Samuel: The relations between Jewish and Muslim laws concerning oaths and vows. Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research 7 (1935-36), p. 229-243

7001 Rosenthal, Erwin I.J.: Political philosophy in Islam and Judaism. Judaism 17 (1968), p. 430-440

7002 Rosenthal, Erwin I.J.: Judisches Erbe im Islam. Emuna 8 (1973), p. 263-269

7003 Sautayra, E.; Charleville, Mahir: Code rabbinique: Eben Haezer de Josef Karo, traduit par extraits... avec la jurisprudence de la cour d'Alger et des notes comparatives de droit Francais et de droit musulman. 2 vols. in 1. Alger-Paris 1868-69

7004 Schappi, Lydia: Die Stellung der Frau im Judentum, im Islam und im Christentum. Ein Vergleich. Judaica 32 (1976), p. 103-112, 161-172

7005 Simmons, L.M.: Maimonides and Islam. Jewish Chronicle (27.1.1888), p. 15-16; (10.2.1888), p. 15-16

7006 Wagner, Gaston: La justice dans l'Ancien Testament et le Coran, aux niveaux des mariages et des echanges des biens. Neuchatel 1977, 279 p.

7007 Wegner, Judith Romney: Islamic and talmud jurisprudence: The four roots of Islamic law and their talmudic counterparts. American Journal of Legal History 26 (1982), p. 25-71

7008 Wegner, Judith Romney: Status of women in Jewish and Islamic marriage and divolaw. Harvard Women's Law Journal 5 (1982), p. 1-33

7009 Weil, Gotthold: Die Stellung der mundlichen Tradition im Judentum und im Islam. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 83, N.F. 47 (1939, publ. 1963), p. 239-260


7010 Wellhausen, Hermann: Arabisch-judisch[es Strafrecht]. In: Mommsen, Theodor, Fragen zum vergleichenden Strafrecht, Berlin 1903, p. 49-57

7011 Widengren, Geo: Oral tradition and written literature among the Hebrews in the light of Arabic evidence, with special regard to prose narratives. Acta Orientalia 23 (1958), p. 201-262


ברעמה טפשמ

7012 Allen, Isaac: Comparisons between talmudic and American law. Tel Aviv-N.Y. 1960, 67 p. (English section of a Hebr. book, Otzar Hamishpat no. 3501)

7013 Auerbach, Charles: The Talmud - a gateway to the common law. Western Reserve Law Review 3 (1951), p. 5-49; repr. Cleveland 1952, 49 p.

7014 Auerbach, Leopold: Das judische Obligationenrecht nach den Quellen und mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des romischen und deutschen Rechts. Vol 1: Umriss der Entwickelungsgeschichte des judischen Rechts; Die Natur der Obligation. Berlin 1870, 20 + 627 p.; 2nd ed. 1876, 16 + 22 + 626 p.; photo-repr. Gedera 1976, with introd. by Abraham M. Fuss

7015 Bailey, S.J.: Hebrew law and its influence on the law of England. Law Quarterly Review 47 (1931), p. 533-535

7016 Baron, A. Frank: Treatment of Jewish law in American decisions. Israel Law Review 9 (1974), p. 85-96

7017 Bartholomew, G.W.: Application of Jewish law in England. Malaya University Law Review 3 (1961), p. 83-111

7018 Bent, H.: Divorce and Jewish law: A study in comparative jurisprudence. Law Magazine and Review 23 (1898), p. 317 ff.*

7019 Bentwich, Norman: The recognition of Jewish law in private international jurisprudence. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, N.S. 14 (1914), p. 304-313

7020 Bentwich, Norman: The application of Jewish personal law in the British, French and Italian Empire. Juridical Review 53 (1941), p. 118-133

7021 Bleich, J. David: Jewish divorce: judicial misconceptions and possible means of civil enforcement. Connecticut Law Review 16 (1983-84), p. 201-289

7022 Bleich, J. David: A suggested antenuptial agreement: a proposal in wake of Avitzur. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 7 (1984), p. 25-41

7023 Braz, Isaac: The privilege against self-incrimination in Anglo-American law; the influence of Jewish law. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 161-168

7024 Broyde, Channah Sageev: The role of children in making health care decisions: a comparative study. National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 123-135

7025 Cohen, Hermann: Some notes on resemblances of Hebrew and English law. Jewish Quarterly Review 20 (1908), p. 784-797

7026 Colorni, Vittore: Legge ebraica e leggi locali. Ricerche sull'ambito d'applicazione del diritto ebraico in Italia dall'epoca romana al secolo XIX. Milano 1945, 391 p. |R: Modona, Aldo Neppi, La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 16 (1950), p. 136-139 [see: Otzar Hamishpat 3210]


7027 Diamond, A.S.: Law and everyday life in the Hebrew kingdoms and 12th century England. Jubilee vol. C. Roth, 1966, p. 1-22

7028 Dick, Judah: Halacha and the conventional last will and testament. Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 2,1 (1982), p. 5-18 = Halacha and contemporary society, ed. Alfred S. Cohen, N.Y. 1984, p. 278-291

7029 Edles, Gary J.: Biblical parallels in American law. N.Y. State Bar Journal 49 (1977), p. 644-664 = Case and Comment 84 (1979), p. 10-17*

7030 Ehrman, A.: Christian interest in Rabbinics: John Selden (1585-1654). Christian News from Israel 13,1 (1962), p. 22-25

7031 Ehrman, A.: Gentile interest in Jewish law: a chapter from Selden's 'De Successionibus'. Christian News from Israel 13,3-4 (1962), p. 31-37

7032 Ellenson, David; Ellenson, James S.: American courts and the enforceability of a Ketubah; an investigation of recent U.S. court decisions. Conservative Judaism 35,3 (1982), p. 35-42

7033 Engel, Diana R.: Marital property rights in Jewish law: a survey and comparison. National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 97-120

7034 Falk, Zeev W.: Jewish divorce in a Canadian court: Morris v. Morris (1973) Winnipeg Q.B. (1973) 3 W.W.R. 526. Israel Law Review 9 (1974) p. 440-443

7035 Fehr, Hans: Deutsches Recht und judisches Recht. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte, (Germanist. Abt.) 39 (1918), p. 314-318

7036 Finestein, Israel: An aspect of the Jews and English marriage law during the Emancipation: The prohibited degrees. Jewish Journal of Sociology 7 (1965), p. 3-21

7037 Foltin, Richard: Legal reasoning in Talmud and common law. Nitzanim 2 (1983), p. 85-97

7038 Frankel, Emil: Das judische Eherecht nach dem Reichscivilehegesetz vom 6. Februar 1875. Munchen 1891, 128 p.

7039 Frazer, Barbara: Avitzur v. Avitzur; Jewish divorce and First Amendment. Rutgers Law Review 36 (1983-84), p. 887-914

7040 Freeman, M.D.A.: The status of a foreign 'Get' in Belgium. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 228-229

7041 Freeman, M.D.A.: Jews and the law of divorce in England. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 276-288

7042 Frenkel, Anna: Beth Din and the Australian court. Bridge (Sidney) 3,3-4 (1967), p. 45-48

7043 Friedell, Steven F.: The First Amendment and Jewish divorce; a comment on Stern v. Stern. Journal of Family Law 18 (1979-80), p. 525-535

7044 Friedell, Steven F.: Jewish divorce in American courts - the New York experience. Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 25-28

7045 Frimer, Dov I.: A selected English bibliography on the enforcement of Jewish divorce in the secular courts. Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 127-129

7046 Frimer, Dov I.: Medical examinations by order of the court and the right to privacy: the common law and Jewish law experienced. Israel Law Review 17 (1982), p. 96-103

7047 Glaser, Joseph B.: A new/old look at the Fifth Amendment - some help from the past. Jewish Law Association Studies 1 (1985), p. 29-40

7048 Goldfarb, Daniel C.: The definition of death in the common law and Jewish tradition. Conservative Judaism 30,2 (1976), p. 10-22. |: Siegel, Seymour: Updating the criteria of death. ib. p. 23-30; Discussion: p. 31-39


7049 Goodman, Lenn Evan: Equality and human rights: the Lockean and the Judaic views. Judaism 25 (1976), p. 357-362

7050 Gordon, James M.: The right of the first refusal in condominium law and Matzranut - a comparative analysis. Decalogue Journal 33 (October 1987), p. 24-29

7051 Gordon, James W.: Mosaic code; some analogies and contrasts. Virginia State Bar Association 45 (1933), p. 218-249*

7052 Grafman, L. Elliot: Influence of Mosaic law upon the current legal systems. John Marshall Law Quarterly 2 (1937), p. 351-362*

7053 Halberstam, Malvina: The rationale for excluding incriminating statements; U.S. law compared to Jewish law. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 177-190

7054 Haut, Irwin H.: Not getting a 'Get' can be a Jewish family law problem. New York Law Journal (August 17, 1981), p. 1 ff.*

7055 Henriques, H.S.Q.: The Jews and the English law. Oxford 1908, 25 + 324 p.; repr. 1974

7056 Henriques, H.S.Q.: Jewish marriages and the English law. London 1909, 59 p.

7057 Herzog, Isaac: John Selden and Jewish law. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 3rd ser. 13 (1931), p. 236-245 = Judaism, law and ethics, London-Jerusalem-N.Y. 1974, p. 65-79

7058 Isaacs, Nathan: The influence of Judaism on Western law. In: The legacy of Israel, Oxford 1927, p. 377-406. |R: דיקשטיין, פ', המשפט העברי ד (תרצג), עמ' 193-192

7059 Jacobs, Louis: The talmudic hermeneutical rule of 'Binyan Abh' and J.S. Mill's 'Method of Agreement'. Journal of Jewish Studies 4 (1953), p. 59-64 = Studies in talmudic logic and methodology, London 1961, p. 9-15

7060 Jones, David Phillip; Johnson, Alastair Bissett: Re: Morris and Morris: a case comment. McGill Law Journal 23 (1977), p. 110-117

7061 Jung, Moses (ed.): The Jewish law of theft, with comparative references to Roman and English law. Philadelphia 1929, 6 + 145 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 1-151. |R: Webber, George J., Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 3rd ser. 12 (1930), p. 142-144; Guttmann, Michael, Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 75, N.F. 39 (1931), p. 266; 191-190 'מע ,(גצרת) ד ירבעה טפשמה ,'פ ,ןייטשקיד

7062 Jurkowitz, Jed. W.: Talmudic and American tort. Arizona Law Journal 10 (1968), p. 473-483

7063 Kadouch, Lucien: Divorce juif et tribunaux civils francais. Montrouge 1935, 172 p.

7064 Kahan, Linda S.: Jewish divorce and secular courts: the promise of Avitzur. Georgetown Law Journal 73 (1984-85), p. 193-224

7065 Kahana, Koppel: Three great systems of jurisprudence (Jewish, Roman, English). London 1955, 12 + 199 p.

7066 Kahane, Yehuda; Munk, Nathan; Slae, Menachem: Estimating bodily damages according to Jewish law: a comparative legal study. Jewish Law Association Studies 2 (1986), p. 103-141

7067 Katz-Halpern, Marcos David: Algunos aspectos comperativos entre el derecho procesal penal hebreo y el mexicano. Dissertation Mexico 1979, 7 + 354 p.

7068 Kisch, Guido: The influence of the Bible on medieval legal thought in England and Germany. 8eme Congres International des Sciences historiques (n.d.), p. 473-475

7069 Kogan, Michael S.: Liberty and labor in the Jewish tradition. Ideas (Spring 1975), 8 p.


7070 Konvitz, Milton R.: Torah and Constitution; an American bicentennial lecture. Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly 38 (1976), p. 54-67

7071 Lamm, Norman: The Fifth Amendment and its equivalent in the Halakhah. Judaism 5 (1956), p. 53-59

7072 Lamm, Norman; Kirschenbaum, Aaron: Freedom and constraint in the Jewish judicial process. Cardozo Law Review 1 (1979), p. 99-133

7073 Lehmann, Robert D.: Recognition of Bet Din jurisdiction in Kashrut matters (France). Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 234-236

7074 Levinthal, Israel Herbert: The Jewish law of agency, with special reference to the Roman and the common law. Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 13 (1922-23), p. 117-191 = N.Y. 1923, 89 p. = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 1 (1972), p. 1-89

7075 Levy, Renee: Le divorce juif et les conflits des lois qu'il peut engendrer. Paris 1929, 2 + 187 p.*

7076 Lewis, Mark F.: 'To do justly'; the resolution of Jewish problems in American courts. Judaism 29 (1980), p. 110-121

7077 Lewis, Mark F.: Kashrut and controversy [American courts on the right to give Hechsher]. Judaism 34 (1985), p. 334-343

7078 Lincoln, F. Ashe: The Starra, their effect on early English law and administration. London 1939, 16 + 152 p.

7079 Lipschutz, Naphtali: Equity in Jewish, Roman and English law. Synopses, 3rd World Congress of Jewish Studies (1961), Sect. Jew. Law, p. IX,1-IX,4

7080 Maidment, Susan: Jewish marriage and divorce in English law. Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 93-121

7081 Mandelbaum, Simcha: The privilege against self-incrimination in Anglo-American and Jewish law. American Journal of Comparative Law 5 (1956), p. 115-119

7082 Marmorstein, Bruno: A study in comparative law: Assessment of damage in English and Jewish law. L'eylah 2,6 (5744), p. 16-20

7083 Meislin, Bernard J.: Parallels between talmudic and New York usury laws. Comparative Studies in Society and History 9 (1966-67), p. 84-100

7084 Meislin, Bernard J.: Jewish law of marriage in American courts. Journal of Family Law 11 (1971), p. 271-284

7085 Meislin, Bernard J.: Jewish law in American tribunals. Israel Law Review 7 (1972), p. 349-360

7086 Meislin, Bernard J.: Jewish law in American tribunals. N.Y. 1976, 11 + 233 p.

7087 Meislin, Bernard J.: Jewish divorce in American courts. Journal of Family Law 16 (1977-78), p. 19-35

7088 Meislin, Bernard J.: Refusal to testify as a protected First Amendment religious right. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 219-221

7089 Meislin, Bernard J.: Child custody: compelling a Jewish upbringing. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 221-223

7090 Meislin, Bernard J.: Recognition of Bet Din jurisdiction. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 223-224

7091 Meislin, Bernard J.: Civil courts enforcement of agreement to obtain a 'Get'. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 224-227

7092 Meislin, Bernard J.: Varia Americana. Jewish Law Annual 2 (1979), p. 216-222

7093 Meislin, Bernard J.: Jewish law in America. Jewish Law Annual Suppl. 2 (1980), p. 147-173

7094 Meislin, Bernard J.: Pursuit of the wife's right to a 'Get', in United States and Canadian courts. Jewish Law Annual 4 (1981), p. 250-271

7095 Meislin, Bernard J.: United States usury laws: The Bible, Bentham and the Jews. In: Jewish law in our time, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Denver 1982, p. 143-171


7096 Meislin, Bernard: The Ten Commandments in American law. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 109-120

7097 Meislin, Bernard J.: Maimonides and American case law. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 269-283

7098 Morris, Jeffrey B.: The American Jewish judge: an appraisal on the occasion of Bicentennial. Jewish Social Studies 38 (1976), p. 195-223

7099 Morris, Trevor; Sher, Julian: A note on the status of Jewish marriages and divorces in the Republic of South Africa. Dine Israel 10-11 (1981-83), English section, p. 123-126

7100 Moyse, Gabrielle; Klein, Alexandre: Le Talmud de Babylone, ses lois morales et sociales, avec articles compares des codes francais, choisis par A. Klein. Paris 1926, 12 + 137 p. |R: Jung, Moses, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 18 (1927-28), p. 439-440

7101 Parker, David M.: Law of Moses as embodied in our laws. Georgia Lawyer 1 (1930), p. 150, 163*

7102 Perelman, Chaim: Legal ontology and legal reasoning. Israel Law Review 16 (1981), p. 356-367

7103 Plato, Jonathan: Problems in the law of mistake in contracts. A study in Anglo-American law, with reference to Jewish law. Dissertation N.Y. 1957, 2 + 143 p.

7104 Posner, H.; Novak, David: Exclusionary rule: analysis of American and Jewish tradition. New York Law Journal 188 (1982), p. 71 ff.*

7105 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: The common law mortgage and the conditional bond. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 92 (1943), p. 179-194 = Jewish law, N.Y. 1956, p. 290-310

7106 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: The origin of the common law warranty of real and of the inchoate right of dower. Cornell Law Quarterly (Sept. 1944), p. 77-94

7107 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: The influence of Jewish law on the development of the common law. (Repr., n.p., n.d., p. 510-526). |R: Finkelstein, Louis, The Jews, their role in civilization, N.Y. 1971, p. 1-31

7108 Radman, Barbara J.: Jewish divorce; what can be done in secular courts to aid the Jewish woman? Georgia Law Review 19 (1984-85), p. 389-425

7109 Sautayra, E.; Charleville, Mahir: Code rabbinique: Eben Haezer de Josef Karo, traduit par extraits... avec la jurisprudence de la cour d'Alger et des notes comparatives de droit Francais et de droit musulman. 2 vols. in 1. Alger-Paris 1868-69

7110 Schaefer, Arthur Gross: Differing concepts of adequate consideration from common law and talmudic law: De minimis versus equity. National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 79-95

7111 Schechter, Martha Jean: Enforceability of religious law in secular courts - it's Kosher, but is it constitutional? Michigan Law Review 71 (1972-73), p. 1641-1653

7112 Schwartz, Helene E.: Justice by the book: aspects of Jewish and American criminal law. N.Y. 1976, 107 p.

7113 Schwartz, Robert: Two sources of medieval business history (The responsa of Meir of Rothenburg and the Genoese cartularies). American Journal of Legal History 2 (1958), p. 237-255

7114 Schwarz, Robert: Alfasi's responsa and the Genoese cartularies as sources of medieval business concepts. Journal of Public Law 7 (1958), p. 175-185


7115 Sellar, David: Leviticus XVIII, the forbidden degrees and the law of incest in Scotland. Jewish Law Annual 1 (1978), p. 229-232

7116 Shapiro, Judith A.: Shetar's effect on English law - a law of the Jews became the law of the land. Georgetown Law Journal 71 (1982-83), p. 1179-1200

7117 Shulman, Sandra S.: Civil involvement in Jewish divorce law. Annual Survey of American Law 4 (1985), p. 969-976

7118 Spitz, Elie: Pointers for American legislation on computer privacy: Insights from Jewish law. National Jewish Law Review 2 (1987), p. 63-77

7119 Spitzer, Samuel: Das Heer- und Wehrgesetz der alten Israeliten, im Vergleich zu den in Ungarn-Oesterreich bestehenden diesfalligen Bestimmungen. Pest 1869, 56 p.

7120 Spitzer, Samuel: Die judische Ehe nach mosaisch-talmudischen und den in Oesterreich bestehenden, besonders neuesten Ehegesetzen. Essek 1869, 26 p.

7121 Stone, Richard: American law and Halakhah: of change and permanence. Congress Monthly 45,3 (1978), p. 21-24. |R: Discussion: Ruth Gavison, Pnina Lahav, Gideon Hausner, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Howard Squadron, Daniel Goldfarb, Harriet Pilpel, Haim Cohn, Zeev Falk, Edward Weinfeld, Emanuel Rackman, Amnon Rafael, Amos Shapira, Yizhak Zamir, Lionel Kestenbaum, Yizhak Englard, Jack Weinstein, Nathan Lewin, Paul Berger, Irwin Cotler, Richard Stone, ib. p. 24-32

7122 Tedeschi, Guido: Il diritto ebraico nell'Italia contemporanea. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 12,7-9 (1937-38), p. 145-163

7123 Thiel, Jo. Siegismund: Principia jurisprudentiae judaicae per Germaniam communis. Halle 1790*

7124 Topol, Allan J.: Jewish law: a misapplication in New . Israel Law Review 4 (1969), p. 578-582

7125 Tuchman, Is. N.: Jewish law custom and the courts of New York. Master Thesis, Yeshiva University 1975*

7126 Warburg, Ronald: Child custody: a comparative analysis. Israel Law Review 14 (1979), p. 480-503

7127 Warmflash, Lawrence M.: The New York approach to enforcing religious marriage contracts; from Avitzur to the Get statute. Brooklyn Law Review 50 (1984), p. 229-253

7128 Weiss, Abner: Affirmative action: halakhic perspectives. Tradition 17,3 (1978), p. 7-22

7129 Wohlgemuth, Joseph: Das judische Strafrecht und die positive Strafrechtsschule. Jubilee vol. Berliner, 1903, p. 364-376

7130 Yankwich, Leon R.: An American judge looks at the Talmud. Los Angeles 1936, 20 p.

7131 Jewish divorce and the civil law. De Paul Law Review 12 (1962-63), p. 295-305

7132 Jewish religious divorce and American jurisprudence: a comparative study. Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal 7 (1984), p. 351-377

7133 Justification and excuse in the Judaic and common law: the exculpation of a defendant charged with homicide. N.Y. University Law Review 52 (1977), p. 599-628

7134 The rights of the individual under American, Israeli, and halakhic law. Congress Monthly 45,3 (1978), p. 4-8: Lichtenstein, Aharon, The halakhic perspective




7135 Amram, David Werner: The summons: a study in Jewish and comparative procedure. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1919, p. 50-67 = Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence 4 (1976), p. 281-298

7136 Blau, Ludwig: Prosbol im Lichte der griechischen Papyri und der Rechtsgeschichte. Jubilee vol. Budapest Landesrabbinerschule, 1927, p. 96-151

7137 Bottenheim, Paul: Etude sur le mariage d'apres le droit hebreu et l'application en Russie des lois hebraiques le regissant. Bulletin de la Societe de Legislation Comparative 40 (1910-11), p. 233-264

7138 Breslauer, Bernhard: Parallelen zwischen judischem und deutschem Recht. Jahrbuche fur Judische Geshichte und Literatur 10 (1907), p. 75-97

7139 Breuer, Isaac: Die rechtsphilosophischen Grundlagen des judischen und des modernen Rechts. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 8 (1910), p. 35-64

7140 Buddeus, Joh. Franciscus: Synopsis juris naturae et gentium iuxta disciplinam Ebraeorum. Halle 1695; 1704; 1718; 1780

7141 Cahn, Edmond: The Jewish contribution to law. Gates of Zion 16,1 (1961), p. 4-11 = Memorial vol. Dolnitsky, 1982, p. 59-69

7142 Derrett, J. Duncan M.: Jewish law in Southern Asia. International and Comparative Law Quarterly 13 (1964), p. 288-301

7143 Falk, Zeev W.: Zum fremden Einfluss auf das judische Recht. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 18 (1971), p. 11-23

7144 Fluegel, Maurice: Spirit of the biblical legislation, in parallel with Talmud, Moralists, Casuists, New Testament, ancient and modern law, especially the social and political institutions. Baltimore 1893, 6 + 248 p. |R: Neubauer, A., Jewish Quarterly Review 6 (1894), p. 580-581

7145 Fluegel, Maurice: The humanity, benevolence and charity legislation of the Pentateuch and the Talmud, in parallel with the laws of Hammurabi, the doctrines of Egypt, the Roman XII Tables and modern codes. Baltimore 1908, 7 + 307 p.

7146 Frankel, Zacharias: Mosaisches Recht und Hindurecht. Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums 9 (1860), p. 321-331, 365-380, 406-416, 445-454

7147 Gerhard, Johann Ernst (praes.); Hoffmann, Christian (resp.): Umbra in luce, sive consensus et dissensus religionum profanarum, Judaismi, Samaritanismi, Muhammedismi, Gingis-Chanismi atque paganismi, precipe moderni... cum veritate Christiana, sub umbella Joh. Ern. Gerhardus. Jena 1667, 6 + 196 p. (unn.); 2nd ed., Jena 1680, 4 + 196 p.

7148 Gershfield, Edward M.: The value of comparative law. Conservative Judaism 21,1 (1966), p. 49-56

7149 Green, L.C.: An international lawyer looks at comparative law. Israel Law Review 1 (1966), p. 580-592

7150 Happel, Julius: Der Eid im Alten Testament, vom Standpunkt der vergleichenden Religionsgeschichte aus betrachtet. Leipzig 1893, 4 + 72 p.

7151 Husik, Isaac: The law of nature, Hugo Grotius, and the Bible. Hebrew Union College Annual 2 (1925), p. 381-417. |R: דיקשטיין, פ', המשפט העברי ד (תרצג), עמ' 191

7152 Isaacs, Nathan: 'The law' and the law of change. A tentative study in comparative jurisprudence. Cincinnati 1917, 38 p. (Repr. fr. University of Pennsylvania Law Review 65)


7153 Jackson, Bernard S.: Some comparative legal history: Robbery and brigandage. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law 1 (1970), p. 45-105

7154 Jeiteles, Isidor: Fremdes Recht im Talmud. Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft 21 (1930), p. 109-128

7155 Kisch, Guido: The contribution of German Jews to law and jurisprudence. Jubilee vol. Dropsie University, 1979, p. 265-272

7156 Lew, Julian D.M.: Jewish law - its development and its co-existence in the non-Jewish world. Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht 40 (1976), p. 101-122

7157 Maidment, Susan: The legal effect of religious divorces. Modern Law Review 37 (1974), p. 611-626

7158 Marsden, John Benjamin: The influence of the Mosaic Code upon subsequent legislation. London 1862, 8 + 303 p.

7159 Neubauer, Jacob: Beitrage zur Geschichte des biblisch-talmudischen Eheschliessungsrechts. Eine rechtsvergleichend-historische Studie. Leipzig 1920, 16 + 249 p. |R: Epstein, Louis M., Legal conception of marriage in ancient Israel, Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. 14 (1923-24), p. 269-274

7160 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Jewish law, its influence on the development of legal institutions. N.Y. 1956, 14 + 386 p. |R: Volterra, Edoardo, Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica 8 (1957), p. 546-558; 448-444 'מע ולשת א"ת-םילשורי ,א קלח ,תוכרעהו םיכרע םימעהו לארשי יטפשמ ,ק"י ,יקסנשילקימ;
185-182 'מע ,(חישת) גל רפס תירק ,לאפר ,גלשנבואט.

7161 Rabinowitz, Jacob J.: Studies in legal history. Jerusalem 1958, 39 p.

7162 Rapaport, Mordche Sew-Wolf: Die Methodenfrage beim judischen Recht als Schema einer Methodenfrage im allgemeinen innerhalb der vergleichenden Rechtswissenschaft. Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 33 (1916), p. 1-48

7163 Rosenne, Shabtai: The influence of Judaism on the development of international law. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor International Rechts 5 (1958), p. 119-149

7164 Segre, Augusto: Il Sabato ebraico, la Domenica cristiana, il Venerdi musulmano. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel 41 (1975), p. 325-338

7165 Speckhan, Eberhard (praes.); Dibben, Matthias (resp.): Diatagmata Judaeorum, Judenordnung ex iure Caesareo et Pontificio concinnata. Dissertation Helmstadt 1683, 54 p.

7166 Sumner, William Graham: The status of women in Chaldea, Egypt, India, Judea and Greece to the time of Christ. The Forum, N.Y. 42 (1909), p. 113-136

7167 Tibi, Salomon: Le statut personnel des Israelites, et specialement des Israelites tunisiens. 4 vols., Tunis 1921-23, 182 + 133 + 120 + 218 p.

7168 Vismara, Giulio: La donazione nuziale nel diritto ebraico e nelle fonti cristiane in relazione al diritto romano post-classico. Publicazioni della Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 2nd ser., scienze giuridiche 43 (1935), p. 295-406

7169 Volterra, Edoardo: Les rapports entre le droit romain et les droits de l'Orient. Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite, 3rd ser. 2 (1955), p. 135-155

7170 Williams, Walter G.: Tension and harmony between classical prophecy and classical law. In: Transitions in biblical scholarship, ed. J. Coert Rylaardsdam, Chicago-London 1968, p. 71-91

7171 Yaron, Reuven: Jewish law and other legal systems of antiquity. Journal of Semitic Studies 4 (1959), p. 308-331


7172 Yaron, Reuven: Introduction to the law of the Aramaic papyri. Oxford 1961, 14 + 135 p. |R: Falk, Zeev W., Journal of Jewish Studies 12 (1961), p. 165-168

7173 Yaron, Reuven: The restoration of marriage. Journal of Jewish Studies 17 (1966), p. 1-11

7174 Yaron, Reuven: Sponsalia inter decem testes. Juridical Review 1 (1966), p. 42-46

7175 Yaron, Reuven: Ad secundas nuptios convolare. Jubilee vol. David, vol. 1, 1968, p. 265-279

7176 Zweigert, K.: Methodological problems in comparative law. Israel Law Review 7 (1972), p. 465-474