List of Publications
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Abhandlungen zur Erinnerung an Hirsch Perez Chajes, Wien 1933
Abortion and the law, ed. David T. Smith, Cleveland 1967
Abortion society and the law, eds. David F. Walbert and Douglas J. Butter, Cleveland 1973
Abr Nahrain, an annual under the auspices of the Department of Semitic Studies, University of Melbourne
Abraham unser Vater: Juden und Christen im Gesprach uber die Bibel. Festschrift fur Otto Michel zum 60. Geburtstag, Leiden 1963
Abraham Weiss Jubilee volume, N.Y. 1964
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di scienze morale, storiche e filologiche, Atti
Achawa, Jahrbuch, Verein zur Unterstutzung hilfsbedurftiger israelitischer Lehrer
Acta Juridica (South Africa)
Acta Orientalia (Hung.)
Acta Orientalia, Leiden
Acta Seminarii Neotestamentii Upsaliensis
Acta Thelogica, Aarhus
Actas del primer simposio de estudios sefaradies
Actor. Accad. Univers Jurisprudentae comp.
Aftermath series
AJ = Archives Juives
AJCL = American Journal of Comparative Law
AJS Review = Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies
AJSLL = American Journal of Semitical Languages and Literature
AJYB = American Jewish Year Book
Albany Law Journal
Alexander Marx Jubilee volume on the occasion... of his seventieth birthday, N.Y. 1950
Allgemeine Enzyclopadie der Wissenschafte und Kunste, hrsg. J.S. Ersch und J.G. Gruber, 1818 f.
Allgemeine Medicinische Central-Zeitung
Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums
Almanach du Kkl
Als Mann und Frau geschaffen, hrsg. F. Crusemann und H. Thyen, Gelnhausen 1978
Der Alte Orient
Altorientalische Texte und Untersuchungen
America in history and Bible prophecy, ed. Thomas S. Mccall, Chicago 1976
American Academy of Religion
American Anthropologyst
American Bar Association Journal
American Behavioral Scientist
American Jewish Historical Society Publications
American Jewish History
American Jewish Year Book
American Journal of Comparative Law
American Journal of Economics and Sociology
American Journal of Legal History
American Journal of Semitical Languages and Literatures
American Journal of Surgery
American Law Review
American Medicine
American Zionist
Anais da Biblioteca Nacional (Rio de Janeiro)
Analecta Biblica
Ancient Israelite religion; essays in honour of Frank Moore Cross, Philadelphia 1987
Annales Medico Psychologiques
Annali di Instituto Universitario Orientali, Napoli
Annals of Medical History
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Annuaire de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Annuaire de la Societe des Etudes Juives
Annuaires de l'Institut de Philologie et de l'Histoire Orientales et Slaves
Annual of the Swedish Institute, Jerusalem
Annuario di Studi Ebraici
ANRW = Aufsteig und Niedergang der Romischen Welt
L'Antiquite Classique
Antisemitism and the foundation of Christianity, ed. Alan Davis, N.Y. 1979
Anuar Pentru Israeliti
Approaches to Ancient Judaism
Approaches to Judaism in Modern Times
Arbitration Journal
Archaologie und Altes Testament; Festschrift fur Kurt Galling
zum 8.Januar 1970, Tubingen 1970
Archiv fur Judische Familienforschung
Archiv fur katholisches Kirchenrecht
Archiv fur Kriminal-Anthropolgie und Kriminalistik
Archiv fur Orientforschung, Graz
Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozial-philosophie (after 1933: Archiv... und Wirtschaftsphilosophie)
Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft
Archiv Orientalni, Prag
Archive of Ophtalmology
Archives d'Histoire du Droit Oriental
Archives de Philosophie de Droit et de Sociologie Juridique
Archives Israelites de France
Archives Juives
Archivio di Filosofia
Archivio Giurdico "Filippo Serafini"
Archivio Storico Siciliano
Arizona Law Journal
Arizona Law Review
Arkon Law Review
ASE = Annuario di Studi Ebraici
Asian and African Studies
Association for Jewish Studies, Newsletter
Ateret honor of the 80th birthday of Rabbi Joseph Breuer, N.Y. 1962
Aufsteig und Niedergang der Romischen Welt
Australian Biblical Review
Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences
AZDJ = Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums
BA = Biblical Archaeologist
Back to the sources, ed. Barry W. Holtz, N.Y. 1984
Bar Ilan Annual
Basler Juristische Mitteilungen
BASOR = Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research
Bayrisch-Israelitische Gemeinde-Zeitung
Begegnungen mit dem Judentum, hrsg. Bernhard Ruebenacht, Stuttgart 1984
Beihefte zur Evangelische Theologie
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
Ben Chananja, incl. Forschungen des wissenschaftlich-talmudischen Vereins
Beneficence and health care, ed. E. Shelp, Dordrecht 1982
Bericht der Israelitische Religions-Schule zu Memel
Bericht, Lehranstalt fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums in Berlin
Bericht uber die ffentliche Rabbinatsschule zu Eisenstadt
Between east and west, essays dedicated to the memory of Bela Horowitz, London 1958
Bibbia e Oriente
Bibel-Lexikon, hrsg. Daniel Schenkel, 5 vols., Leipzig 1869-75
Bibel und Kirche
Bibel und Leben
The Bible and liberation, ed. Norman K. Gottwald, N.Y. 1983
Bible Review
Bible Today
Bible Translator
Biblia y Fe
Biblical Archaeologist
Biblical Archaeology Review
Biblical archaeology today, ed. Janet Amitai, Jerusalem 1985
Biblical Illustrator
Biblical studies in memory of H.C. Alleman, N.Y. 1960
Biblical Theology Bulletin
Biblical World
Biblioteque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sect. des Sciences Religieuses
Bibliotheca Orientalis
Bibliotheca Sacra
Biblische Notizen
Biblische Studien, hrsg. O. Bardenhewer, Freiburg im Brisgau 1907
Biblische Zeit und Streitfragen zur Aufklarung der Gebildeten
Biblische Zeitschrift
Biblisches Handworterbuch, hrsg. Paul Zeller, 1893
Biblisches Realworterbuch, hrsg. Georg Benedict Winer, 2 vols., 1847-48
Bijdragen = Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Genotschap voor de Joddsche Wetenschap in Nederland
Bijdragen Tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie
Biomedical ethics in perspective of Jewish teaching and tradition, ed. Isaac Frank, Washington, D.C. 1980
BJGL-I = Blatter fur Judische Geschichte und Litteratur, Beilage zu "Der Israelit"
Blatter des Deutschen Koordinierungsrates der Gesellschaften fur Christlich-Judische Zusammenarbeit
Blatter des Judischen Frauenbundes in Deutschland
Blatter fur Judische Geschichte und Litteratur, Beilage zu "Der Israelit"
Blatter fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre
Blau, Lajos, Jubileumi emlekkonyv, Budapest 1926
B'nai B'rith International Jewish Monthly
Bnai Brith Mitteilungen fur Oesterreich
Boletin, Academia de Ciencias, Bellas Letras y Nobles Arts, Cordoba
Boletin de la Commidad Israelita de Tanger
Boletin de la Real Academia de Buenos Letras de Barcelona
Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid
B'or Ha'torah
Breslauer Judische Gemeindeblat
Bridge; a Yearbook of Judeo-Christian Studies Forum, N.Y.
Bridge, Jews from the American-Israel Cultural Foundation, N.Y.
Bridge, Sidney
British Journal of Sociology
Brooklyn Law Review
Buffalo Law Review
Bulletin de L'Academie de Legistation de Toulouse
Bulletin de la Biblioteca Catalunya
Bulletin de la Societe de Legislation Comparative
Bulletin dell'Instituto di Diritto Romano "Vittorio Scialoso"
Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research
Bulletin of the Copyright Society
Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine
Bulletin of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists
Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
Bulletin of the New York Public Library
Bulletin of the School of Medicine, University of Maryland
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London
Bulletin of the State University of Iowa, Studies in Sociology, Economics, Politics and History
BZ = Biblische Zeitschrift
BZAW = Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur Alttestanentiche Wissenschaft
Cahiers de Fangeaux
Cahiers de la Revue Biblique
Cahiers Juives
California Law Review
Cambridge Ancient History
Cambridge Law Journal
Canadian Bar Journal
Canadian Jewish Historical Society Journal
Capital University Law Review
Cardozo Law Review
Case and Comment
Case Western Reserve Journal
Catalogus librorum hebraeorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana, ed. Moritz Steinschneider, 3 vols., 1852-1860; 2nd printing 1931
Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CBQ = Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CCARJ = Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal
= Central Conference of American Rabbis, Yearbook
Central Conference of American Rabbis, Journal
Central Conference of American Rabbis, Yearbook
Central Law Journal
Central Verein Zeitung
Chicago Jewish Forum
Chicago Legal News
Child and Family
Christian Advocate
Christian Legal Society Quarterly
Christian News from Israel
Church Quarterly
Cincinnati Hebrew Union College Jubilee volume, Cincinnati 1925
CJ = Conservative Judaism
Cleveland Marshal Law Review
The Clinical encounter, ed. Earl E. Shelp, Dordrecht 1983
Columbia Journal of International Law
Columbia Journal of Law and Special Problems
Commercial Law Journal
Communidat Israelita de Tanger, Boletin
Community and the individual Jew; Essays in honor of Lavy M. Becker. Philadelphia 1986
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Conflict and consensus in Jewish political life, eds. Stuart A. Cohen and Eliezer Don-Yehiha, Jerusalem 1986
Congress Bi-weekly
Congress Monthly
Congress Weekly
Connecticut Bar Journal
Connecticut Law Review
Consent in medicine - convergence and divergence in tradition, eds. G.R. Dunstan and Mary J. Sellar, London 1983
Conservative Judaism
Contemporary ethical issues in the Jewish and Christian traditions, ed. Frederick E. Greenspahn, Hoboken 1986
Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978
Contemporary Jewish religious thought, eds. Arthur A. Cohen and Paul Mendes Flohr, N.Y. 1987
Contemporary views on the Holocaust, ed. Randolph L. Braham, Boston 1983
Cornell Law Quarterly
Council Woman
Criminal Law Review
Crossroads, Halacha and the Modern World
Cultura Biblica
Cyclopaedia of Biblical literature, ed. John Kitto, new ed. ed. W. L. Alexander, 3 vols., Edinburgh 1863-66
DBI = Dictionnaire de la Bible, ed. F. Vigouroux et al., 5 in 10 vols., Paris 1912 + Supplement 1-8, 1928-1979
DBIS = Dictionnaire de la Bible, Supplement
De Paul Law Review
De la Torah au Messie; Melanges Henri Cazelles, Paris 1981
The deaf Jew in the modern world, eds. Jerome D. Schein and Lester J. Waldman, Hoboken 1986
Decalogue Journal
Detroit Law Review
Das Deuteronomium, Entstehung, Gestalt und Botschaft, hrsg. Norbert Lohfink, Leuven 1985
Deutsche Rechtswissenschaft
Deutscher Orientalistentag
Deutsches Archiv fur die Geschichte der Klinischen Medizin
Deutsches Archiv fur die Geschichte der Medizin
DI = Dine Israel, an Annual of Jewish Law and Israeli Family Law
Dialogue on diversity; a new agenda for American women, eds. Barbara Peters and Victoria Samuels, N.Y. 1976
Dickinson Law Review
Dictionary of the Bible, ed. James Hastings, 5 vols., N.Y. 1911-12
Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Joseph R. Strayer, vol. 7, N.Y. 1986
Dictionnaire de la Bible, ed. F. Vigouroux et al., 5 in 10 vols., Paris 1912 + Supplement 1-8, 1928-1979
Dielheimer Blatter zum Alten Testament
Dimensions in American Judaism
Dine Israel, an Annual of Jewish Law and Israeli Family Law
Dispersion and Unity, Journal for Zionism and the Jewish World
Dispersion y Unidad
Dor le Dor
Dunquesne Law Review
Early Christian studies,... in honor of Harold R. Willoughby, Chicago 1961
Early Jewish and Christian exegesis, studies in memory of William Hugh Brownlee, Atlanta 1987
EBIB = Encyclopedia Biblica, eds. T.K. Cheyne and J. S. Blank, 4 vols., London 1889-1903
EBr = Encyclopedia Britannica
Educational Monographies of New York College for the ... of Teachers
L'Educatore Israelita
EI = L'Educatore Israelita
EJ = Encyclopedia Judaica, Jerusalem, 16 + 2 vols., 1971-73
EJ Yearbook = Encyclopedia Judaica Yearbook
EJC = Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana, 10 vols. Mexico, 1948-1951
EJE = Encyclopedia Judaica Eschkol- Verlag, Berlin, 10 vols. (uncpl.), 1927-34
Emelekkonyv Bloch Mozes... Budapest 1905
Emelekkonyv Dr. Hevesi Simon, ... Budapest 1934
Emuna; Blatter fur christlich-judische Zusammenarbeit (=Emuna Horizonte, zur Diskussion uber Israel und das Judentum)
Enciclopedia Judaica Castellana, 10 vols. Mexico, 1948-1951
Encounter, Christian Theological Seminar, Indianapolis
Encounter, London = Encounter, Literature, Arts and Current Affairs
Encyclopedia Biblica, eds. T.K. Cheyne and J. S. Blank, 4 vols., London 1889-1903
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Judaica, Eschkol- Verlag, Berlin, 10 vols. (uncpl.), 1927-34
Encyclopedia Judaica, Jerusalem, 16 + 2 vols. 1971-1973
Encyclopedia Judaica Yearbook
Encyclopedia of Religion, 16 vols., N.Y.-London 1987
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, ed. James Hastings, 13 vols., N.Y. 1908-26
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 15 vols., N.Y. 1948-1949
Encyclopedia Talmudica, 2 vols., Jerusalem 1969-1974
Eos; Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum
Equity in the world's legal system, dedicated to Rene Cassin, ed. by Ralph A. Newman, Brussels 1973
ER = Encyclopedia of Religion, 16 vols., N.Y.-London 1987
Eretz Israel
Ersch und Gruber = Allgemeine Enzyclopadie der Wissenschafte und Kunste, hrsg. J.S. Ersch und J.G. Gruber, 1818f.
Erziehung und Lehre, padagogische Beilage zu "Der Israelit"
ESS = Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 15 vols., N.Y. 1948-1949
Essais Bibliques
Essays and studies in memory of Linder R. Miller, N.Y. 1938
Essays and studies presented to Stanley Arthur Cook, London 1950
Essays in Greco-Roman and related talmudic literature, ed. Henry A. Fischel, N.Y. 1977
Essays in honour of... J.H. Hertz... on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, London 1942
Essays in honor of Solomon B. Freehof; presented by the Rodef Shalom congregation, Pittsburgh 1964
Essays in jurisprudence in honor of Roscoe Pound, Indianapolis 1962
Essays in Old Testament ethics; James Philip Hyatt in memoriam, N.Y. 1974
Essays on Jewish life and thought, presented in honor of Salo Wittmayer Baron, N.Y. 1959
Essays on Maimonides, ed. Salo Wittmayer Baron, N.Y. 1941
Essays presented to... Israel Brodie, London 1967 (Engl. part)
Essays presented to Leo Baeck on the occasion of his 80th birthday, London 1954
Estudios Biblicos
ET = Evangelische Theologie
Et Cetera
Etudes de Papyrologie
Etudes Juives
Etudes Medicales
Etudes orientales...Paul Hirschler, Budapest 1950
Eucumenical Institute for Theological Research
European Judaism
Euthanasia, ed. A. Carmi, Berlin 1984
Evangelische Theologie
Evidences, American Jewish Commentaries
Ex orbe religionum, Studia Geo Widengrin, Leiden 1972
Expository Times
EXT = Expository Times
Festbundel ter Gelegenheid van den zeventigsten Verjarsdaag van L. Wagenaar, Amsterdam 1925
Festgabe zum zehnjahrigen Bestehen der Akademie fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums 1919-1929, Berlin 1929
Festschrift Adolf Schwarz zum siebzigsten Geburtstage, Berlin-Wien 1917
Festschrift...Albrecht Alt, Leipzig 1953-54
Festschrift Alfred Bertholet zum 80. Geburtstag... Tubingen 1950
Festschrift, Dr. I.E. Lichtigfeld, Landesrabbiner von Hessen, zum 70. Geburtstag, Frankf. a.M. 1964
Festschrift Fritz Schulz, Weimar 1951
Festschrift fur Adolf Wach, Leipzig 1913
Festschrift fur Aron Freimann zum 60.Geburtstage, Berlin 1935
Festschrift fur Eberhard Schmidt zum 70.Geburtstag, Gottingen 1961
Festschrift fur Gunther Dehn, Neukirchen 1957
Festschrift fur Jacob Rosenheim anlasslich der Vollendung seines 60. Lebensjahres, Frankf. a.M. 1931
Festschrift fur Leo Baeck, Berlin 1938
Festschrift fur Wilhelm Eilers, Wiesbaden 1967
Festschrift Hans Lewald, bei Vollendung des vierzigsten Amtsjahres als ordentlicher Professor..., Basel 1953
Festschrift... Jakob Freimann zum 70.Geburtstag, Berlin 1937
Festschrift Moritz Schaefer, Berlin 1927
Festschrift P. Kahle, Leiden 1935
Festschrift Simon Dubnow, Berlin 1930
Festschrift Wolf Feilchenfeld, Schrimm 1907
Festschrift zu Ehren des... A. Harcavy aus Anlass seines... vollendeten siebzigsten Lebensjahres, St. Petersburg 1908
Festschrift zu Eugen Mittwochs 60. Geburtstag, Breslau 1937
Festschrift zu Israel Lewy's siebzigsten Geburtstag, Breslau 1911
Festschrift zum achtzigsten Geburtstage Mortitz Steinschneider's Leipzig 1896
Festschrift zum 75-Jahrigen Bestehen der Realschule mit Lyzeum der Israelitischen Religionsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, Frankf. a.M. 1928
Festschrift zum 75-jahrigen Bestehen des Judisch-theologischen Seminars Breslau, Breslau 1929
Festschrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen der Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft Judentums, Berlin 1922
Festschrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen der Landesrabbinerschule in Budapest, Budapest 1927
Festschrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen des Rabbinerseminars zu Berlin, Hannover 1924
Festschrift zum 70.Geburtstage Abraham Berliner's, Frankf. a.M. 1903
Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage David Hoffmann's, Berlin 1914
Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstage des...Dr. Kroner, Stuttgart, Breslau 1917
Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage Jakob Guttmanns, Leipzig 1915
Festschrift zum vierzigjahrigen Amtsjubilaum des...Salomo Carlebach, Berlin 1910
Festskrift in anledning of... David Simonsens 70-aarige Fodselstag, Kopenhagen 1923
Field of offerings, studies in honor of Raphael Patai, Rutherford, N.J. 1983
For Max Weinreich on his seventieth birthday, Hague 1964
Fordham Urban Law Journal
Forsch. d. Wiss. Tal. Vereins, Beilage zu Ben Chananja
Forschung am Judentum; Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstag von Lothar Rothschild, Bern 1970
Forschungen zur Judenfrage, Schriften des Reichsinstituts fur Geschichte des Neuen Deutschlands
Forschungen zur Religion und Literature des Alten und Neuen Testaments
Frankfurter Israelitisches Gemeindeblat
Frankfurter Judaistische Beitrage
Frauenbefreiung, biblische und theologische Argumente, hrsg. Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel, 2 Aufl, Munchen-Mainz 1978
Freiburger Rundbrief
Freie judische Lehrerstimme; Monatsschrift fur die Pflege der Interessen des Judentums in Schule und Haus
Freude am Gottesdienst, hrsg. J. Schreiner, Stuttgart 1983
From the scholar to the classroom; translating Jewish tradition into curriculum, eds. Seymour Fox and Geraldine Rosenfield, N.Y. 1977
Gates of Zion, The Quarterly Review of the Central Synagogue Council of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland
GCAJS = Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies
Gedenkbuch zur Erinnerung an David Kaufmann, Breslau 1900
Gemeindeblatt der Deutsch-Israelitischen Gemeinde, Hamburg (HGG)
Gemeindeblatt der Israelitischen Religions-Gemeinde zu Leipzig
Gemeindeblatt der judischen Gemeinde zu Berlin
Gemeindeblatt, Preussischer Landesverband judischer Gemeinden, Berlin
Georgetown Law Journal
Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
Georgia Law Review
Georgia Lawyer
Gesellschaft und Kultur im alten Vorderasien, hrsg. Horst Klengel, Berlin 1982
Gesher; Publication of the Students' Organization of Yeshiva Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
Giornale della Societa Asiatica Haliana
Glasgow University Oriental Society, Transactions
Gott der Einzige; Zur Entstehung des Monotheismus in Israel, hrsg. E. Haag, Freiburg 1985
Gottes Wort und Gottes Land; Hans Wilhelm Hertzberg zum 70. Geburtstag, Gottingen 1965
Gratz College Anniversary volume, on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary..., 1896-1970, Philadelphia 1971
Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies
Gratz College Publications
Great ages of the Jewish People, ed. Leo W. Schwartz, N.Y. 1956
Great Jewish personalities in ancient and medieval times, ed. Simon Noveck, N.Y. 1959
Greek Orthodox Theological Review
Green Bag
Grunhuts Zeitschrift fur das Privat- und Offentliche Recht der Gegenwart
Guthe = Guthe, H., Kurzes Bibelworterbuch, 1903
Hadassah Magazine
Halacha and comtemporary society, ed. Alfred S. Cohen, N.Y. 1984
Halachic perspective: bio-medical ethics Ohr Tsiporah, Flushing, N.Y. 1981
Handworterbuch des biblischen Altertums, hrsg. Eduard C. Aug. Riehm, 2nd ed., 2 vols. Bielefeld-Leipzig 1893
HAR = Hebrew Annual Review
Harofe Haivri
Harry Austryn Wolfson Jubilee volume, 2 vols., Jerusalem 1965 (Engl. section)
Harvard Law Journal
Harvard Law Review
Harvard Theological Review
Harvard Women's Law Journal
Hastings Dict. = Dictionary of the Bible, ed. James Hastings, 5 vols., N.Y. 1911-12
Hastings = Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, ed. James Hastings, 13 vols., N.Y. 1908-26
Hastings Law Journal
Hatikvah; Organe de l'Union des Etudiants Juifs de Belgique
Hauck = Realencyclopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche, hrsg. A. Hauck; 3 Aufl., hrsg. J.J. Herzog, 24 vols., 1896-1913
HB = Zeitschrift fur Hebraeische Bibliographie, ed. Steinschneider
HBWJ = Hebraische Beitrage zur Wissenschaft des Judentums
Hebraische Beitrage zur Wissenschaft des Judentums
Hebraische Bibliographie, ed. Steinschneider
Hebraische Wortforschung, Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von S. Walter Baumgartner, Leiden 1967
Hebrew Annual Review
Hebrew Physician
Hebrew Review, Cincinnati
Hebrew Studies
Hebrew Union College Annual
Hebrew Union College Annual, (1875-1925), Cincinnati 1925
Hebrew Union College Monthly
Hebrew University Research Report
Henoch, studi storico filologico sull'ebraismo
Heythrop Journal
Historia Judaica, a Journal in Jewish History
History of Education Quarterly
History of Political Economy
History of Religions, an International Journal for Comparative Historical Studies
HJ = Historia Judaica, a Journal in Jewish History
Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums, Festschrift, Berlin 1922
Homenaje a J. Millas-Vallicrosa, vol. 1, Barcelona 1954
Homiletica en Biblica
Hommages a Andre Dupont-Sommer, Paris 1971
HR = Hebrew Review Cincinnati
HTR = Harvard Theological Review
HUCA = Hebrew Union College Annual
Human Life Review
Human rights in religious traditions, ed. Arlene Swidler, N.Y. 1982
IDB = The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, 4 vols., 1962
Ideas; A Journal of Conservative Thought
IESS = International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 18 vols., N.Y. 1968-1979
Ignace Goldziher Memorial Volume, Part 2, Jerusalem 1958
IJT = Indian Journal of Theology
Illustrierte Monatshefte fur die Gesamtinteressen des Judenthums
ILR = Israel Law Review
Immanuel; a Bulletin of Religious Thought and Research in Israel
Imprensa Medica
In the time of harvest, essays in honor of Abba Hillel Silver, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, N.Y.- London 1963
In Zwei Welten - Siegfried Moses zum funfundsiebzigsten Geburtstag, Tel-Aviv 1962
Indian Journal of Theology
Indiana University Studies
Institute of Jewish Studies, London, Bulletin and Papers
Intercom, a Quarterly Publication of the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists
International and Comparative Law Quarterly = Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation (from 1952)
International Conference on state and ... economy in the ancient Near East, ed. Edward Lipinski, Leuven 1979
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 18 vols., N.Y. 1968-1979
International Journal of Ethics (formerly: Ethics, an International Journal of Social, Political and Legal Philosophy)
International Law and Politics
International Law Quarterly
International Lawyer Convention
International Numismatic Convention, Jerusalem 1963
International Review of Law and Economics
International Standard Bible Encyclopedie, 5 vols., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1955
International Symposium on society medicine and law, ed. H. Karplus, Amsterdam 1973
Internationale Vereinigung fur Rechts-und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, Bericht
Internationale Zeitschrift fur Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete
Interpretation; A Journal of Bible and Theology
Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, 4 vols., 1962
An Introduction to Legal Systems, ed. J. Duncan M. Derrett, London 1968
Investigaciones Semioticas
Irish Jurist
Isac Leo Seeligman volume; Essays on the Bible and the ancient world, Jerusalem 1983
ISBE = International Standard Bible Encyclopedie, 5 vols., Grand Rapids, Mich. 1955
Isis; An International Review devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences
Isr. Lett. = Israelitische Letterbode
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Proceedings
Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Sciences
Israel Digest
Israel Exploration Journal
Israel, its role in civilization, ed. M. Davis, N.Y. 1956
Israel Journal of Medical Sciences
Israel Law Review
Israel, le Judaisme et l'Europe, eds. Jean Halperin et Georges Levitte, Paris 1984
Israel Museum Journal
Israel of tomorrow, ed. Leo Jung, N.Y. 1946
Israel Oriental Studies
Israel Year-Book
Israel Yearbook of Human Rights
Israelit des 19. Jahrhunderts
Israelitische Annalen, ed. Jost
Israelitische Letterbode
Israelitische Monatsschrift, Beilage zur Judischen Presse
Der IReichsbote
Issues in Law and Medicine
Iura: Rivista Internationale di Divito Romane e Antica
IYBHR = Israel Yearbook of Human Rights
JAAR = Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Jacob Dolnitsky Memorial volume; Studies in Jewish law, philosophy, literature and language, Skokie 1982
Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Juden in der CSR
Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft fur Judische Volkskunde
Jahrbuch der Historischen Kommission fur die Provinz Sachsen und fur Anhalt
Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft
Jahrbuch des Instituts fur Deutsche Geschichte, Universitat Tel-Aviv
Jahrbuch fur die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums, ed. Geiger
Jahrbuch fur die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums, ed. Philippson
Jahrbuch fur die judischen Gemeinden Schleswig-Holsteins und der Hansestadte
Jahrbuch fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur
Jahrbuch fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur, ed. Brull
Jahrbuch fur Judische Volkskunde = Mitteilungen zur Judischen Volkskunde
Jahrbuch fur Protestantische Theologie
Jahresbericht der Israelitisch-theologischen Lehranstalt in Wien
Jahresbericht des judisch-theologischen Seminars ("Fraenkel'sche Stiftung") Breslau
Jahresbericht des Rabbiner-Seminars, Berlin
Jahresbericht Landesrabbinerschule = Jahresbericht der rabbinischen Landesrabbinerschule, Budapest
JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society
JBA = Jewish Book Annual
JBL = Journal of Biblical Literature
JE = Jewish Encyclopedia, N.Y. 12 vols., 1907
Jerusalem Journal of International Relations
Jerusalem, l'unique et l'universel, donnees et debats, 19e Colloque d'Intellectuels Juifs de Langue Francaise, Paris 1939
Jerusalem Quarterly
Jeschurun, Hirsch = Jeschurun, zur Forderung judischer Geschichte und judischen Lebens
Jeschurun, Kobak = Jeschurun, Zeitschrift fur die Wissenschaft des Judenthums, ed. J. Kobak
Jeschurun, Monatsschrift fur Lehre und Leben im Judentum
Jeschurun, Wohlgemuth = Jeschurun, Monatsschrift fur Lehre und Leben im Judentum
Jeschurun; Zeitschrift fur die Wissenschaft des Judenthums, ed. J. Kobak
Jeschurun, zur Forderung judischer Geschichte und judischen Lebens
Jevrejski Almanach
Jew. Chron. = Jewish Chronicle
Jewish Academy of Arts and Sciences, N.Y. Annals
Jewish and Christian self definition, ed. E.P. Sanders, v. 2, Philadephia 1981
Jewish Antiquities
Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979
Jewish Book Annual
Jewish Chronicle
Jewish civilization - essays and studies, honoring the one hundred birthday of Mordechai M. Kaplan, Philadelphia 1979
Jewish Comment
Jewish Digest
The Jewish directory and assistance, ed. I. Tillem, N.Y. 1984
Jewish education
Jewish Encyclopedia, 12 vols., N.Y. 1907
Jewish eugenics and other essays, ed. Max Reichler, N.Y. 1916
Jewish Exponent
The Jewish expression, ed. Judah Goldin, Toronto-N.Y. 1970
Jewish Forum
Jewish Frontier
Jewish Heritage
Jewish Historical Society of England, Transactions
Jewish Indicator
Jewish Institute of Religion Quarterly
Jewish Institute Quarterly
Jewish Journal of Sociology
Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nachum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984
Jewish Law Annual
Jewish Law Association Studies
Jewish law in our time, ed. Ruth Link-Salinger (Hyman), Denver 1982
Jewish Life, N.Y.
Jewish Life in modern Britain, eds. Julius Gould and Shaul Esh, London 1964
Jewish Monthly
Jewish Observer
The Jewish People in the first century, eds. S. Safrai and M. Stern, Assen 1974
Jewish Quarterly
Jewish Quarterly Review
Jewish Review, London
Jewish Social Studies
Jewish Spectator
Jewish spirituality, ed. Arthur Green, vol. 1, N.Y. 1986
Jewish Standard, London
Jewish studies, essays in honour of the very reverend Dr. Gustav Sicher, Chief Rabbi of Prague, Prague 1955
Jewish studies in memory of George A. Kohut, 1874-1933, N.Y. 1935
Jewish studies in memory of Israel Abrahams, N.Y. 1927
Jewish studies in memory of Michael Guttmann, vol. 1, Budapest 1946 (Tanulmanyek a zsido tudomany korebol Dr. Guttmann Milaly e mlekere)
Jewish Theological Seminary Student's Annual
Jewish thought in the seventieth century, eds. Isadore Twersky and Bernhard Septimus, Cambridge, Mass. 1987
Jewish thought in the sixteenth century, ed. Bernhard Dov Cooperman, Cambridge, Mass. 1983
Jewish Times, Baltimore
Jewish Times, Montreal
Jewish Tracts Series
Jewish Tribune, N.Y.
Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986
The Jewish woman: new perspectives, ed. Elizabeth Koltun, N.Y. 1976
Jews' College Jubilee volume, London 1906
Jews' College Publications
Jews, Greeks and Christians, religious cultures in late antiquity, essays in honor of William David Davies,Leiden 1976
Jews in the arts and sciences, Jubilee vol., Jewish Academy of Arts and Sciences, N.Y. 1954
The Jews of Austria, ed. Josef Fraenkl, London 1967
The Jews of Cordoba (X-XII centuries), ed. Jesus Pelgez del Rosal, Cordoba 1987
The Jews of Egypt, ed. S. Shamir, Boulder 1987
JF = Jewish Forum
JFL = Journal of Family Law
JGGJC = Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft fur Geschichte der Juden in der CSR
JGJJ ed. Geiger = Jahrbuch fur die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums, ed. Geiger
JGJJP, Philippson = Jahrbuch fur die Geschichte der Juden und des Judenthums, ed. Philippson
JH = Jewish Heritage
JHCS = Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society
JJCS = Journal of Jewish Communal Service
JJGL = Jahrbuch fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur
JJGL, Brull = Jahrbuch fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur, ed. Brull
JJLG = Jahrbuch der Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft
JJS = Journal of Jewish Studies
JJSO = Jewish Journal of Sociology
JL = Jewish Life, N.Y.
JLA = Jewish Law Annual
JLAS = Jewish Law Association Studies
JLB = Judisches Litteraturblatt, begr. v. M. Rahmer
JLR = Journal of Law and Religion
JM = Judische Monatshefte, Frankfurt a.M.
JMP = Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
JNES = Journal of Near Eastern Studies
JO = Jewish Observer
John Hopkins Hospital Bulletin (Supplem. to John Hopkins Medical Journal)
John Marshall Law Quarterly
Jonas = Revue Internationale de l'Histoire des Sciences, de la Medecine
Josephus, Judaism and Christianity, eds. Louis H. Feldman and Gohei Hata, Detroit 1985
The Joshua Bloch Memorial volume, N.Y. 1960
Joshua Finkel Festschrift, N.Y. 1974
Journal Asiatique
Journal du Droit International Prive
Journal for American Near Eastern Society
Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period
Journal for the Study of the New Testament
Journal for the study of the Old Testament
Journal of Aging and Judaism
Journal of American Medical Association
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Society, Columbia Univeristy
Journal of Bible and Religion (=Journal of the American Academy of Religion)
Journal of Biblical Literature
Journal of Church and State
Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law
Journal of Contemporary History
Journal of Criminal Law
Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, Chicago
Journal of Cuneiform Studies
Journal of Economic Theory
Journal of Family Law
Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society
Journal of Human Relations
Journal of Israel Numismatics
Journal of Jewish Bibliography
Journal of Jewish Communal Service
Journal of Jewish Lore and Philosophy
Journal of Jewish Studies
Journal of Juristic Papyrology
Journal of Law and Religion
Journal of Legal Studies
Journal of Medical Ethics
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages
Journal of Psychology and Judaism
Journal of Public Law
Journal of Reform Judaism
Journal of Religion
Journal of Religion and Health
Journal of Religious Ethics
Journal of Roman Studies
Journal of Semitic Studies
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Journal of the American Medical Association
Journal of the American Oriental Society
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Oriental Society
Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay Branch
Journal of the Royal Society, London
Journal of theRoyal Society of Biblical Archaeology
Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation = Journal of Comparative Legislation
Journal of Theological Studies
Journal of World History
JQR = Jewish Quarterly Review
JR = Jewish Review London
JRAS, Bombay = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Bombay Branch
JRAS, London = Journal of the Royal Society, London
JRe = Juridical Review
JRJ = Journal of Reform Judaism
JSCL = Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation = Journal of Comparative Legislation
JSJ = Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period
JSOS = Jewish Social Studies
JSp = Jewish Spectator
JSS = Journal of Semitic Studies
JSt = Jewish Standard, London
JTS = Journal of Theological Studies
JTS, Student's Annual = Jewish Theological Seminary Student's Annual
Jubelschrift zum neunzigsten Geburtstag des...L. Zunz, Berlin 1884
Jubelschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage des...Heinrich Graetz, Breslau 1887
Jubelschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstag des...Israel Hildesheimer, Berlin 1890
Jubilee vol. Abel = Melanges Armand Abel, vols. 1-3, Leiden 1974-1980
Jubilee vol. Akademie der Wissenschaft des Judentums = Festgabe zum zehnjahrigen Bestehen der Akademie fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums 1919-1929, Berlin 1929
Jubilee vol. Albright = Near Eastern Studies in honor of W.F. Albright, Baltimore-London 1971
Jubilee vol. Alt = Festschrift...Albrecht Alt, Leipzig 1953-54
Jubilee vol. Altman = Studies in Jewish religion and intellectual history, presented to Alexander Altman on accasion of his seventieth birthday, University Ala, 1979
Jubilee vol. Archer = A tribute to Gleason Archer, Chicago 1986
Jubilee vol. Bachi = Scritto in onore di Ricardo Bachi, Citta di Castello 1950 =RMI 16, No. 6-8
Jubilee vol. Baeck, 1938 = Festschrift fur Leo Baeck, Berlin 1938
Jubilee vol. Baeck, 1954 = Essays presented to Leo Baeck on the occasion of his 80th birthday, London 1954
Jubilee vol. Bagatti = In onore del P. Bellarmino Bagatti, vols. 1-2, Jerusalem 1976
Jubilee vol. Baron, 1959 = Essays on Jewish life and thought, presented in honor of Salo Wittmayer Baron, N.Y. 1959
Jubilee vol. Baron, 1974 = Salo Wittmayer Baron Jubilee volume, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, Jerusalem 1974
Jubilee vol. Baumgartner = Hebraische Wortforschung, Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von S. Walter Baumgartner, Leiden 1967
Jubilee vol. Becker = Community and the individual Jew; Essays in honor of Lavy M. Becker, Philadelphia 1986
Jubilee vol. Belaunde = Libro Jubilar de Victor Andres Belaunde, Lima 1963-1964
Jubilee vol. Berlin Hochschule = Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums, Festschrift, Berlin 1922
Jubilee vol. Berlin Rabbinerseminar = Festschrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen des Rabbinerseminars zu Berlin, Hannover 1924
Jubilee vol. Berliner = Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstage Abraham Berliners, Frankf. a.M. 1903
Jubilee vol. Bertholet = Festschrift Alfred Bertholet zum 80. Geburtstag, Tubingen 1950
Jubilee vol. Biondi = Studi in onore di Biondo Biondi, Milano 1965
Jubilee vol. Black = Neotestamentica et Semitica in honour of Matth. Black, Edinburgh 1969
Jubilee vol. Blau, 1926 = Blau, Lajos, Jubileumi emlekkonyv, Budapest 1926
Jubilee vol. M.A. Bloch = Emlekkonyv Bloch Mozes..., Budapest 1905
Jubilee vol. Blumenkranz = Les juifs au regard de l'histoire; Melanges en l'honneur de Bernhard Blumenkranz, Paris 1985
Jubilee vol. Breslau, Seminar, 1929 = Festschrift zum 75-jahrigen Bestehen des Judisch-theologischen Seminars Breslau, Breslau 1929
Jubilee vol. Breuer = Ateret honor of the 80th birthday of Rabbi Joseph Breuer, N.Y. 1962
Jubilee vol. Brodie = Essays presented to ... Israel Brodie, London 1967 (Engl. part)
Jubilee vol. Budapest Landesrabbinerschule = Festschrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen der Landesrabbinerschule in Budapest, Budapest 1927
Jubilee vol. Carlebach = Festschrift zum vierzigjahrigen Amtsjubilaum des...Salomo Carlebach, Berlin 1910
Jubilee vol. Caskel = Verner-Festschrift Werner Caskel zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, Leiden 1968
Jubilee vol. Cassin = Equity in the world's legal system, dedicated to Rene Cassin, ed. by Ralph A. Newman, Brussels 1973
Jubilee vol. Cazelles = De la Torah au Messie; Melanges Henri Cazelles, Paris 1981
Jubilee vol. Cincinnati, HUC = Cincinnati Hebrew Union College Jubilee Volume, Cincinnati 1925
Jubilee vol. Hermann Cohen = Judaica, Festschrift zu Hermann Cohen's 70.Geburtstag, Berlin 1912
Jubilee vol. H.H. Cohn = Of law and man, essays in honor of Haim H. Cohn, N.Y. 1971
Jubilee vol. Cook = Essays and studies presented to Stanley Arthur Cook, London 1950
Jubilee vol. F.M. Cross = Ancient Israelite religion; essays in honour of Frank Moore Cross, Philadelphia 1987
Jubilee vol. Daube = Studies in Jewish legal history; essays in honour of David Daube, London 1974
Jubilee vol. David = Symbolae iuridicae et historiae Martine David dedicatae, Leiden 1968
Jubilee vol. G.H. Davies = Proclamation and presence; Old Testament essays in honour of Gwynne Henton Davies, Richmond, Va. 1970
Jubilee vol. W.D. Davies = Jews, Greeks and Christians, religious cultures in late antiquity, essays in honor of William David Davies, Leiden 1976
Jubilee vol. Dehn = Festschrift fur Gunther Dehn, Neukirchen 1957
Jubilee vol. Dropsie University = Essays on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the Dropsie University (1909-1979), Philadelphia 1979
Jubilee vol. Dubnow = Festschrift Simon Dubnow, Berlin 1930
Jubilee vol. Dupont = Testimonium Christi; Scritti in onore di Jacques Dupont, Brescia 1985
Jubilee vol. Dupont-Sommer = Hommages a Andre Dupont-Sommer, Paris 1971
Jubilee vol. Eichenstein = Brocho l'Menachem, essays contributed in honor of Menachem H. Eichenstein, Rabbi of Vaad Hoeir, St. Louis 1955
Jubilee vol. Eichrodt = Wort-Gebet-Glaube; Beitrage zur Theologie des Alten Testaments, Walther Eichrodt zum 80.Geburtstag, Zurich 1970
Jubilee vol. Eilers = Festschrift fur Wilhelm Eilers, Wiesbaden 1967
Jubilee vol. Eisenstein = Shivim, essays and studies in honour of Ira Eisenstein, Philadelphia 1977
Jubilee vol. Eissfeldt = Von Ugarit nach Qumran, Otto Eissfeldt dargebracht..., Berlin 1958
Jubilee vol. Elliger = Wort und Geschichte; Festschrift Fur Karl Elliger zum 70.Geburtstag, Kevelaer 1973
Jubilee vol. Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultat der Universitat Wien 1921
Jubilee vol. Feilchenfeld = Festschrift Wolf Feilchenfeld, Schrimm 1907
Jubilee vol. Finkel = Joshua Finkel Festschrift, N.Y. 1974
Jubilee vol. Francisci = Studi in onore di Peitro de Francisci, Milano 1956
Jubilee vol. Frankel = Z. Frankel Gedenkblatter, Breslau 1901
Jubilee vol. Frankfurt a.M., Realschule = Festschrift zum 75-Jahrigen Bestehen, Realschule mit Lyzeum der israelitischen Religionsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, Frank.a.M. 1928
Jubilee vol. Freedman = The word of the L-rd shall go forth; Essays in honor of David Noel Freedman in celebration of his sixtieth birthday, Winona Lake 1983
Jubilee vol. Freehof = Essays in honor of Solomon B. Freehof; presented by the Rodef Shalom congregation, Pittsburgh 1964
Jubilee vol. A. Freimann = Festschrift fur Aron Freimann zum 60.Geburtstage, Berlin 1935
Jubilee vol. J. Freimann = Festschrift...Jakob Freimann zum 70.Geburtstag, Berlin 1937
Jubilee vol. Galling = Archaologie und Altes Testamen; Festschrift fur Kurt Galling zum 8.Januar 1970, Tubingen 1970
Jubilee vol. Gaster Anniversary Volume = Occident and Orient... Studies... in honour of M. Gaster's 80th birthday, London 1936
Jubilee vol. T.H. Gaster = The Gaster Festschrift [Theodor Herzl] N.Y. 1974 = Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia University 5 (1973)
Jubilee vol. Ginzberg = Louis Ginzberg Jubilee volume on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, N.Y. 1945 (Engl. section)
Jubilee vol. Goitein = Studies in Judaism and Islam; Presented to Shelomo Dov Goitein on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, Jerusalem 1981
Jubilee vol. Gordon = Orient and Occident, essays presented to Cyrus H. Gordon on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1973
Jubilee vol. Graetz = Jubelschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage des...Heinrich Graetz, Breslau 1887
Jubilee vol. Gratz College = Gratz College AnniversVolume, on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary..., 1896-1970, Philadelphia 1971
Jubilee vol. Grosso = Studi in onore di Guiseppe Grosso, Torino 1968
Jubilee vol. J. Guttmann = Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage Jakob Guttmanns, Leipzig 1915
Jubilee vol. Harcavy = Festschrift zu Ehren des... A. Harcavy aus Anlass seines... vollendeten siebzigsten Lebensjahres, St. Petersburg 1908
Jubilee vol. Haupt = Oriental studies dedicated to Paul Haupt, Baltimore-Leipzig 1926
Jubilee vol. Heinemann = Isaak Heinemann Zum 60. Geburtstage, Breslau 1936
Jubilee vol. Heller = Jubilee Volume in honour of... Bernhard Heller on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Budapest 1941
Jubilee vol. Hertz = Essays in honour of... J.H. Hertz... on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, London 1942
Jubilee vol. Hertzberg = Gottes Wort und Gottes Land; Hans Wilhelm Hertzberg zum 70. Geburtstag, Gottingen 1965
Jubilee vol. Hevesi = Emlekkony Dr. Hevesi Simon..., Budapest 1934
Jubilee vol. Hildesheimer = Jubelschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstag des...Israel Hildesheimer, Berlin 1890
Jubilee vol. Hochschule Berlin = Festschrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen der Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums, Berlin 1922
Jubilee vol. Hoffmann = Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage David Hoffmanns, Berlin 1914
Jubilee vol. Hooke = Promise and fulfilment; essays presented to Samuel Henry Hooke in celebration of his ninetieth birthday, Edinburgh 1963
Jubilee vol. HUCA (1875-1925) = Hebrew Union College Annual, (1875-1925) Cincinnati 1925
Jubilee vol. Jakobovits = Tradition and transition; Essays presented to Chief Rabbi Sir Immanuel Jakobovits to celebrate twenty years in office, London 1986
Jubilee vol. Jean Breth de la Gressaye = Melanges offerts a Jean Breth de la Gressaye, Bordeaux 1967
Jubilee vol. Jewish academy of arts and sciences, N.Y. = Jews in the arts and sciences; Jubilee volume, Jewish Academy of Arts and Sciences, N.Y. 1964
Jubilee vol. Jews' College = Jews' College Jubilee Volume, London 1906
Jubilee vol. JQR = The seventy-fifth anniversary volume of the Jewish Quarterly Review, Philadelphia 1967
Jubilee vol. Jung = The Leo Jung Jubilee volume... on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, 5722-1962, N.Y. 1962
Jubilee vol. Junker = Lex tua veritas. Festschrift fur Herbert Junker zur Vollendung des siebzigsten Lebensjahres, Trier 1961
Jubilee vol. Kahle = Festschrift P. Kahle, Leiden 1935
Jubilee vol. Kaplan = Mordecai M. Kaplan Jubilee volume on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, N.Y. 1952 (Engl. section)
Jubilee vol. Y. Kaufmann = Yeheskel Kaufmann Jubilee volume, Jerusalem 1960
Jubilee vol. Kelman = Perspectives on Jews and Judaism; essays in honor of Wolf Kelman, N.Y. 1980
Jubilee vol. Kiev = Studies in Jewish bibliography, history and literature, in honor of I. Edward Kiev, N.Y. 1971
Jubilee vol. Kohler = Studies in Jewish literature, issued in honor of... Kaufmann Kohler... on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Berlin 1913
Jubilee vol. Kroner = Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstage des...Dr. Kroner, Stuttgart, Breslau 1917
Jubilee vol. Kuhn = Tradition und Glaube; das fruhe Christentum in seiner Umwelt. Festgabe fur Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65. Geburtstag, Gottingen 1971
Jubilee vol. Landesrabbinerschule Budapest = Festschrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen der Landesrabbinerschule in Budapest, Budapest 1927
Jubilee vol. Lenel = Symbolae Friburgensis in honorem Ottonis Lenel, Leipzig n.d.
Jubilee vol. Levi = Melanges offerts a M. Israel Levi...a l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Paris 1926
Jubilee vol. Lewald = Festschrift Hans Lewald, bei Vollendung des vierzigsten Amtsjahres als ordentlicher Professor..., Basel 1953
Jubilee vol. Lewy = Festschrift zu Israel Lewys siebzigsten Geburtstag, Breslau 1911
Jubilee vol. Lichtigfeld = Festschrift, Dr. I.E. Lichtigfeld...zum 70. Geburtstag, Frankf. a. M. 1964
Jubilee vol. Lowenstamm = Studies in Bible and the ancient Near East presented to Samuel E. Lowenstamm on his seventieth birthday, vols. 1-2, Jerusalem 1978
Jubilee vol. Mark = Justice, justice shall thou pursue; papers assembled on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Julius Mark, N.Y. 1975
Jubilee vol. Marx = Alexander Marx Jubilee volume on the occasion ... of his seventieth birthday, N.Y. 1950 (Engl. section)
Jubilee vol. May = Translating and understanding the Old Testament, Essays in honor of H.G. May, Nashville 1970
Jubilee vol. Mayer = Wie gut sind deine Zelte, Jaakow... Festschrift zum 60 Geburtstag von Reinhold Mayer, Gerlingen 1986
Jubilee vol. Mendenhall = The quest for the Kingdom of G-d; studies in honor of George E. Mendenhall, Winona Lake 1983
Jubilee vol. Michel = Abraham unser Vater: Juden und Christen im Gesprach uber die Bibel. Festschrift fur Otto Michel zum 60. Geburtstag, Leiden 1963
Jubilee vol. Millas-Vallicrosa = Homenaje a J. Millas-Vallicrosa, vol. 1, Barcelona 1954
Jubilee vol. Mittwoch = Festschrift zu Eugen Mittwochs 60. Geburtstag, Breslau 1937
Jubilee vol. Moriarty = The word in the world; essays in honour of Frederick L. Moriarty, Cambridge, Mass. 1973
Jubilee vol. Moses = In zwei Welten. Siegried Moses zum funfundsiebzigsten Geburtstag, Tel Aviv 1962
Jubilee vol. Myers = A light unto my path, Old Testament studies in honor of Jacob K. Myers, Philadelphia 1974
Jubilee vol. Neuman = Studies and essays in honor of Abraham A. Neuman, Leiden 1962
Jubilee vol. Nemoy = Studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica presented to Leom Nemoy on his eightieth birthday, Ramat Gan 1982
Jubilee vol. Olan = A rational faith; essays in honor of Levi A. Olan, N.Y. 1977
Jubilee vol. Ottaviani = Populus Dei; studi on onore del...Alfredo Ottaviani par il cinquantesimo di sacerdozio, Roma 1969
Jubilee vol. Patai = Field of offerings, studies in honor of Raphael Patai, Rutherford, N. J. 1983
Jubilee vol. Philipson
Jubilee vol. Plaut = Through the sound of many voices, writings contributed on the occasion of the 70th birthday of W. Gunther Plaut, Toronto 1982
Jubilee vol. Polotsky = Studies in Egyptology and linguistics in honour of H. J. Polotsky, Jerusalem 1964
Jubilee vol. Pound = Essays in jurisprudence in honor of Roscoe Pound, Indianapolis 1962
Jubilee vol. Rad, 1961 = Studien zur Theologie der alttestamentlichen Ueberlieferungen; Gerhard von Rad... zum 60. Geburtstag, Neukirchen 1961
Jubilee vol. Rad, 1971 = Probleme biblischer Theologie; Gerhard von Rad zum 70. Geburtstag, Munchen 1971
Jubilee vol. Ratschow = Denkender Glaube; Festschrift Carl Heinz Ratschow zur Vollendung seines 65. Lebensjahres am 22 Juli 1976, Berlin 1976
Jubilee vol. Rosenheim = Festschrift fur Jacob Rosenheim anlasslich der Vollendung seines 60. Lebensjahres, Frankf. a.M. 1931
Jubilee vol. C. Roth = Remember the days; essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth, London 1986
Jubilee vol. Rothschild = Forschung am Judentum; Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstag von Lothar Rothschild, Bern 1970
Jubilee vol. Rudolph = Verbannung und Heimkehr; Beitrage zur Geschichte und Theologie Israels im 6. und 5. Jahrhundert vor Chr.; Wilhelm Rudolph zum 70. Geburtstage,Tubingen 1961
Jubilee vol. Ruis
Jubilee vol. Sanfillipo - Studi in onore di Cesare Sanfillipo, vols. 1-6, Milano 1982-1985
Jubilee vol. Schaalman = The life of covenant; the challenge of comtemporary Judaism; essays in honor of Herman E. Schaalman, Chicago 1986
Jubilee vol. Schaefer = Festschrift Moritz Schaefer, Berlin 1927
Jubilee vol. Schmidt = Festschrift fur Eberhard Schmidt zum 70. Geburtstag, Gottingen 1961
Jubilee vol. Scholem = Studies in mysticism and religion, presented to Gershom G. Scholem, on his seventieth birthday, Jerusalem 1967
Jubilee vol. Schulz = Festschrift fur Fritz Schulz, Weimar 1951
Jubilee vol. Schuster = (ספר היובל)Liber amicorum voor Opperreibbinijn Schuster ter gelegenheid van zijn zestiste verjaarsdag, Assen 1971
Jubilee vol. Schwarz = Festschrift Adolf Schwarz zum siebzigsten Geburtstage, Berlin-Wien 1917
Jubilee vol. Seebald = Reinhold Seebald Festschrift, Leipzig 1929
Jubilee vol. Shazar = Zer li'Gevurot, The Zalman Shazar Jubilee volume... on his 83rd birthday, Jerusalem 1973
Jubilee vol. Sicher = Jewish studies, essays in honour of the very reverend . Gustav Sicher, Chief Rabbi of Prague, Prague 1955
Jubilee vol. Silver = In the time of harvest, essays in honor of Abba Hillel Silver, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, N.Y.- London 1963
Jubilee vol. Simonsen = Festskrift in anledning of... David Simonsens 70-aarige Fodselstag, Kopenhagen 1923
Jubilee vol. M. Smith = Christianity, Judaism and other Greco-Roman cults; studies for Morton Smith at sixty, vols. 1-4, Leiden 1975
Jubilee vol. Steinschneider = Festschrift zum achtzigsten Geburtstage Mortitz Steinschneider's, Leipzig 1896
Jubilee vol. Stevenson = Presentation volume to William Barron Stevenson, Glassgo 1945
Jubilee vol. Stone = Legal change; Essays in honour of Julius Stone, Sydney 1983
Jubilee vol. Synagoge Osnabruck = Festschrift zur Weihe der Synagoge und des judischen Kulturzentrum in Osnabruck, Osnabruck 1965
Jubilee vol. Tisserant - melanges Eugene Tisserant, citta del Vaticano 1964
Jubilee vol. Visscher = Melanges Fernand de Visscher, Bruxelles 1949-50
Jubilee vol. Volterra = Studi in onore di Edoard Volterra, 6 vols., Milano 1971
Jubilee vol. Wach = Festschrift fur Adolf Wach, Leipzig 1913
Jubilee vol. Wachstein
Jubilee vol. Wagenaar = Festbundel ter Gelegenheid van den zeventigsten Verjarsdaag van L. Wagenaar, Amsterdam 1925
Jubilee vol. Waxman = Meyer Waxman Jubilee volume on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday, Jerusalem - Tel Aviv 1966 (Engl. sect.)
Jubilee vol. Weinreich = For Max Weinreich on his seventieth birthday, Hague 1964
Jubilee vol. Weiss = Abraham Weiss Jubilee volume, N.Y. 1964
Jubilee vol. Westermann = Werden und Wirken des Alten Testaments; Festschrift fur Claus Westermann zum 70. Geburtstag, Gottingen 1980
Jubilee vol. Wiarda = Jeugdrecht op een keerpunt; essays in honour of J. Wiarda, Groningen 1974
Jubilee vol. Widengrin = Ex orbe religionum, Studia Geo Widengrin, Leiden 1972
Jubilee vol. Willoughby = Early Christian studies,... in honor of Harold R. Willoughby, Chicago 1961
Jubilee vol. Wohlgemuth = Judische Studien. Joseph Wohlgemuth zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstage, Franf. a.M. 1928
Jubilee vol. Wolfson = Harry Austryn Wolfson Jubilee volume, 2 vols., Jerusalem 1965 (Engl. section)
Jubilee vol. Wurthwein = Textgemass; Aufsatze und Beitrage zur Hermeneutik des Alten Testaments; Festschrift fur Ernst Wurthwein zum 70. Geburtstag, Gottingen 1979
Jubilee vol. Zeitlin = Solomon Zeitlin, scholar laureate, N.Y. 1971
Jubilee vol. Zunz = Jubelschrift zum neunzigsten Geburtstag des... L. Zunz, Berlin 1884
Jubilee vol. in honour of... Bernhard Heller on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Budapest 1941
Jud.Gem.Blatt = Judisches Gemeindeblatt fur die Israelitische Gemeinde zu Frankfurt a.M.
Jud. Gem. Blatt Leipzig
Jud. Lex.= Judisches Lexikon, hrsg. G. Herlitz, Bruno Kirschner, 4 in 5 vols., 1927-30
Judaica, Beitrage zum Verstandnis des judischen Schicksals in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Judaica Bohemiae
Judaica, Festschrift zu Hermann Cohen's 70. Geburtstag, Berlin 1912
Judaism, a Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought
Judaism and Christianity, ed. Erwin I.J. Rosenthal, 3 vols. N.Y. 1937-1938
Judaism and ethics, ed. Daniel Jeremy Silver, N.Y. 1970
Judaism and mental health, a social service perspective, ed. Norman Linzer, N.Y. 1978
Judaisme et droits de l'homme, ed. Emmanuel Hirsch, Paris 1984
Der Jude
Die Juden und Judengemeinden Mahrens in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, hrsg. Hugo Gold, Brunn 1929
Judentum im Mittelaltar, hrsg. Paul Wilpert, Berlin 1966
Judisch-liberale Zeitung
Judische Familienforschung
Das Judische Gemeindeblatt fur die Israelitische Gemeinde zu Frankfurt am Main
Die Judische Literature seit Abschluss des Kanons, hrsg. Jakob Winter und August Wunsche, Trier 1894
Judische Monatshefte, Frankf. a.M.
Die Judische Presse
Judische Studien. Joseph Wohlgemuth zu seinem sechzigsten Geburtstage, Frankf. a.M. 1928
Judische Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft und Leben, ed. Geiger
Judisches Gemeindeblatt und Nachrichtenblatt der Gemeindeverwaltung der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinde zu Leipzig
Judisches Lexikon, hrsg. G. Herlitz, Bruno Kirschner, 4 vols. in 5, 1927-30
Judisches Litteraturblatt, begr. v. M. Rahmer
Judisches Volk - gelobets Land, hrsg. W.P. Ecker, N.P. Levinson und M. Stohr, Munchen 1970
Les juifs au regard de l'histoire; Melanges en l'honneur de Bernhard Blumenkranz, Paris 1985
Juridical Review
Justice, justice shall thou pursue; papers assembled on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Julius Mark, N.Y. 1975
JZW, Geiger = Judische Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft und Leben, ed. Geiger
Kairos; Zeitschrift fur Religions-wissenschaft und Theologie
Kalendar und Jahrbuch fur Israeliten
Kansas City Law Review
Karl Marx Universitat Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift
Der Katholic
KAWJ = Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins zur Grundung und Erhaltung einer Akademie fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums
Keeping Posted
Kennedy Institute Quarterly Report
Kentucky State Bar Journal
Kerygma und Dogma, Zeitschrift fur theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre
Kinship and consent; the Jewish political tradition and its contemporary uses, ed. Daniel J. Elazar, Ramat Gan 1981
Kitto = Cyclopaedia of Biblical literature, ed. John Kitto, new ed. by W.L. Alexander, 3 vols., Edinburgh 1863-66
Klio, Beitrage zur alten Geschichte
Konigsberger Gelehrten-Gesellschaft, Geisteswissenschaftliche Klasse
Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen
Korrespondenzblatt des Vereins zur Grundung und Erhaltung einer Akademie fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums
Kountrass, mensuel de pensee juive et d'information
Kurzes Bibelworterbuch, hrsg. H. Guthe, Tubingen 1903
Labyrinth, Studies in the relations between myth and ritual in the ancient world, ed. S.H. Hooke, London 1935
Das Land Israel in biblischen Zeit, hrsg. Georg Strecker, Gottingen 1983
Law, eds. Herman Kleinknecht and W. Gutrod, London 1962
Law Journal, London
Law Magazine and Register
Law Magazine and Review
Law Society Journal
Law Society's Gazette
The Law Times
Lawyer and Banker
Lawyer, London
Leeds Jewish Annual
Legal change; Essays in honour of Julius Stone, Sydney 1983
Legal Legislative Information Processing
Leo Back Institute Yearbook
The Leo Jung Jubilee volume: Essays in his honor on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, 5722-1962, N.Y. 1962
Lex tua veritas, Festschrift fur Herbert Junker zur Vollendung des siebzigsten Lebensjahres, Trier 1961
Libro Jubilar de Victor Andres Belacinde, Lima 1963
A light unto my path, Old Testament studies in honor of Jacob K. Myers, Philadelphia 1974
The literature of the Sages, ed. S. Safrai, Vol. 1, 1985
Littera Judaica in memoriam Edwin Guggenheimer, Frankf. a.M., n.d.
Livre d'hommage a la memoire du... Samuel Poznanski, Warsaw 1927
Logos, Internationale Zeitschrift fur Philosophie der Kultur
London Theological Review
Louis Ginzberg Jubilee volume on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, N.Y. 1945 (Engl. section)
Loyola Law Journal
Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Journal
LQR = Law Quarterly Review
Lumiere et vie
Maarav; a Journal for the Study of Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures
Magazin fur die Wissenschaft des Judenthums
Maimonides and philosophy, eds. Shlomo Pines and Yirmiyahu Yovel, Dodrecht 1986
Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nahum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987
Malaya University Law Review
Manitoba Law Journal
Marburger Studien zur Afrika- und Asienkunde
Marital counseling, ed. Hirsh Lazar Silverman, Springfield 1967
Marquette Law Review
Marxist Perspectives
Massachusetts Law Society Journal
McGill Law Journal
Mededlingen der Koninklijke Nederlands Akademie Van Wetenschappen
Medica Judaica, Journal of Medicine, Past and Present
Medical Journal and Record
Medical Life
Medical Record
Medicinea Contemporana
Melanges a la memoire de Marcel-Henri Prevost; droit biblique, interpretation rabbinique, communautes et societe, Paris 1982
Melanges de l'Universite Saint Joseph, Beyrouth
Melanges dedies a la memoire de Jacques Teneur, Lille 1970
Melanges...Fernand de Visscher, Bruxelles 1949-50
Melanges offerts a Jean Brethe de la Gressaye, Bordeaux 1967
Melanges offerts a M. Israel Levi... a l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire, Paris 192
Memorial vol. Abrahams = Jewish studies in memory of Israel Abrahams, N.Y. 1927
Memorial vol. Alleman = Biblical studies in memory of H.C. Alleman, N.Y. 1960
Memorial vol. Bedarida = Scritti sull'ebraismo in memoria di Guido Bedarida, Florence 1966
Memorial vol. Bela Horowitz = Between east and west, essays dedicated to the memory of Bela Horowitz, London 1958
Memorial vol. J. Bloch = The Joshua Bloch memorial Volume, N.Y. 1960
Memorial vol. Brownlee = Early Jewish and Christian exegesis, studies in memory of William Hugh Brownlee, Atlanta 1987
Memorial vol. Carpi = Scritti in memoria di Leone Carpi, Jerusalem 1967
Memorial vol. Cassuto = Scritti in memoria di Nathan Cassuto, Jerusalem 1986
Memorial vol. Chajes = Abhandlungen zur Erinnerung an Hirsch Perez Chajes, Wien 1933
Memorial vol. Chwolson = Recueil des travaux rediges en memoire de M. Daniel Chwolson, Berlin 1899
Memorial vol. Diez Macho = Salvation en la Palabra, Targum, Derash, Berith, en memoria de Alejandro Diez Macho, Madrid 1986
Memorial vol. Disegni = Miscellanea di studi in memoria di Dario Disegni, Torino 1969
Memorial vol. Dolnitsky = The Jacob Dolnitsky memorial volume; studies in Jewish law, philosophy, literature and language, Skokie 1982
Memorial vol. Elmalech = זכור לאברהם Zakhor le-Abraham, Abraham Elmalech Memorial volume, Jerusalem 1972
Memorial vol. Fischel = Walter Fischel memorial volume 1981
Memorial vol. Frankel
Memorial vol. Goldziher = Ignace Goldziher memorial volume, part 2, Jerusalem 1958
Memorial vol. Goodenough = Religions in antiquity, essays in memory of Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, Leiden 1968
Memorial vol. Guggenheim = Littera Judaica in memoriam Edwin Guggenheim, Frankf. a. M., n.d.
Memorial vol. M. Guttmann = Jewish studies in memory of Michael Guttmann, vol. 1, Budapest 1946 (Tanulmanyek a zsido tudomany korebol Dr. Guttmann Milaly e mlekere)
Memorial vol. Hirschler = Etudes orientales a la memoire de Paul Hirschler, Budapest 1950
Memorial vol. Hyatt = Essays in Old Testament ethics; James Philip Hyatt in memoriam, N.Y. 1974
Memorial vol. Kaufmann = Gedenkbuch zur Erinnerung an David Kaufmann, Breslau 1900
Memorial vol. A. Kohut = Semitic studies in memory of Alexander Kohut, Berlin 1897
Memorial vol. G.A. Kohut = Jewish studies in memory of George A. Kohut, 1874-1933, N.Y. 1935
Memorial vol. Lookstein = Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein memorial volume, N.Y. 1980
Memorial vol. Low = Semitic studies in memory of... Immanuel Low, Budapest 1947
Memorial vol. Attilio Milano = (Scritti) Volume speciale in memoria di Attilio Milano, RMI 36 (1970), Nos. 7,8,9
Memorial vol. Miller = Essays and studies in memory of Linder R. Miller, N.Y. 1938
Memorial vol. Mirsky = Samuel Mirsky memorial volume, Studies in Jewish law, philosophy and literature, N.Y. 1970
Memorial vol. Nahon = Scritti in memoria di Umberto Nahon, Jerusalem 1978
Memorial vol. Oppenheimer = Orientaciones; Diez enfoques actuales sobre temas Judaicos, en memoria del rabino Dr Iosef Oppenheimer, Buenos Aires 1981
Memorial vol. Poznanski = Livre d'hommage a la memoire du... Samuel Poznanski, Warsaw 1927
Memorial vol. Prevost = Melanges a la memoire de Marcel-Henri Prevost; droit biblique, interpretation rabbinique, communautes et societe, Paris 1982
Memorial vol. C. Roth = Studi sull'Ebraismo Italiano in memoria di Cecil Roth, Roma 1974
Memorial vol. L. Roth = Studies in rationalism, Judaism, and universalism, in memory of Leon Roth, London 1966
Memorial vol. Seeligman = Isaac Leo Seeligman volume; Essays on the Bible and the ancient world, Jerusalem 1983
Memorial vol. Teneur = Melanges dedies a la memoire de Jacques Teneur, Lille 1977
Memorial vol. Vajda = Melanges Georges Vajda: etudes de pensee de philosophie et de litterature juive et arabe, in memoriam, Hildesheim 1982
Men. J. = Menorah Journal
Mennonite Quarterly Review
Menorah, Australian Journal of Jewish Studies
Menorah Journal
Mental Health and Society, Jerusalem
Meyer Waxman Jubilee volume on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday, Jerusalem-Tel Aviv 1966 (Engl. sect.)
MGJV = Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur judische Volkskunde
MGWJ = Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums
Michigan Law Review
Michigan Quarterly Review
A minority in Britain, ed. Maurice Freedman, London 1955
Miscelanea de Estudios Arabes y Hebraicos
Miscellanea di studi in memoria di Dario Disegni, Torino 1969
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur judische Volkskunde = Mitteilungen zur Judischen Volkskunde
Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-agyptischen Gesellschaft
Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der Deutschen Juden
Mitteilungen des Jud. Lehrervereins fur Bayern
Mitteilungsblatt, Landesverband Israelitscher Religionsgemeinden Hessens
MJGL = Magazin fur Judische Geschichte und Literatur, ed. Berliner, vol. 1,2 (1874,1875), from vol. 3 (1876)-Magazin fur die Wissenschaft des Judenthums
MJu = Medica Judaica, Journal of Medicine, Past and Present
Modern Judaism
Modern Law Review
Monatsschrift der osterreichischen Israelitischen Union
Monatsschrift fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums
Le monde de la Bible
Morasha; a Journal of Religious Zionism
Mordecai M. Kaplan Jubilee volume on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, N.Y. 1952 (Engl. section)
Mose, Antologia Israelitica
Moses ben Maimon, hrsg. J. Guttmann a.o., vol. 2, Leipzig 1914
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine
Movement and issues in American Judaism; an analysis and sourcebook of developments since 1945, ed. Bernhard Martin, Westport, Conn. 1978
Myth ritual and kingship; essays on the theory and practice of kingship in the ancient Near East and in Israel, ed. S.H. Hooke, Oxford 1958
Nachalath Z'wi, eine Monatsschrift fur Judentum in Lehre und Tat
National Jewish Law Review
National Review
National University Law Review
NCE = New Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 vols., N.Y. 1967
Near East Archaeological Society Bulletin
Near Eastern Studies in honor of W.F. Albright, Baltimore-London 1971
Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor International Recht
Neotestamentica et Semitica in honour of Matth. Black, Edinburgh 1969
Ner Maarovi
Das Neue Israel, Zeitschrift fur Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft
Neue Judische Monatshefte
Neue Juristische Wochenschrift
Neue Kirchliche Zeitschrift
Neuzeit, Wochenschrift fur Politische, Religiose und KulturInteressen-New Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 vols., N.Y. 1967
New England Journal of Medicine
New Frontiers in Insurance, ed. Yehuda Kahane, Tel Aviv 1979
New Law Journal
New perspectives on human abortion, eds. Thomas W. Hilgars, Dennis J. Horan and David Mall, Frederick, MD. 1981
New Testament Studies
New York Law Journal
New York Medical Journal
New York State Journal of Medicine
New York University Journal of International Law and Politics
New York University Law Review
NH = Niv Hamidrashia, Journal devoted to Halacha, Jewish Thought and Education
Niemand als Mozes, Leiden 1987
Niv Hamidrashia, Journal devoted to Halacha, Jewish Thought and Education
NJLR = National Jewish Law Review
Northern Kentucky Law Review
Notes and Translation
Noticia Christianas de Israel
Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy
Nouveaux Cahiers
Nouvelle Revue Theologique
Novissimo Digesto Italiano
Novum Testamentum; an International Quarterly for New Testament and Related Studies
Numen, International Review for the History of Religions
Nuova Rivista Storica
NZ = Nachalath Z'wi, eine Monatsschrift fur Judentum in Lehre und Tat
Occident and Orient... Studies... in honour of M. Gaster's 80th birthday, London 1936
Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Oeffentliches Recht
Of law and man, essays in honor of Haim H. Cohn, N.Y. 1971
Ohio State Law Journal
El Olivio
OLZ = Orientalistische Literaturzeitung
Or Hadorom
Oriens Antiques
Orient and Occident, essays presented to Cyrus H. Gordon on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1973
Orient; Literaturblatt des Orients
Orientaciones; Diez enfoques actuales sobre temas Judaicos, en memoria del rabino Dr Iosef Oppenheimer, Buenos Aires 1981
Oriental studies dedicated to Paul Haupt, Baltimore-Leipzig 1926
Orientalische Zeitung
Ose - Rundschau
Osgoode Hall Law Journal
Ost und West
Ou-Testamentiese Werkgemeenshap in Suid-Afrika, Proceedings
Oudtestamentusche Studien
OuS = Oudtestamentusche Studien
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Oxford Society of Historical Theology, Abstracts of Proceedings
PAAJR = Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research
Palestine Exploration Quarterly
PAOJS = Proceedings, Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists
Papyrology, ed. Naphtali Lewis, Cambridge 1986
Pardes; Anthropologie, Histoire, Philosophie, Litterature
Parola del Passato
Patterns of Prejudice, Institute of Jewish Affairs
Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly
Performing Arts Review
Perspectives in Jewish Learning
Perspectives on the Holocaust, ed. by Randolph L. Braham, Boston 1983
Petach, a Journal of Thought and Reflection of the College of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem
Phi Lambda Kappa Quarterly
The Philosophy of human rights, international perspectives, ed. Allan S. Rosenbaum, Westport 1980
PJL = Principles of Jewish law, ed. Menachem Elon, Jerusalem 1975
Politique et religion dans le Judaisme moderne; des communautes a l'emancipation, ed. Daniel Tollet, Paris 1987
Popular-wissenschaftliche Monatsblatter zur Belehrung des Judentums, ed. A. Brull
Populus Dei; studi on onore del...Alfredo Ottaviani par il cinquantesimo di sacerdozio, Roma 1969
PRA = Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly, Philadelphia
Presentation volume to William Barron Stevenson, Glasgo 1945
La Preuve en droit, ed. C. Perelman and P. Foriers, Bruxelles 1981
Princeton Theological Review
Principles of Jewish law, ed. Menachem Elon, Jerusalem 1975
Probleme biblischer Theologie; Gerhard von Rad zum 70. Geburtstag, Munchen 1971
Proceedings, American Academy for Jewish Research
Proceedings, Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists
Proceedings, National Law Institute, University of Notre Dame
Proceedings of the Oxford Society of Historical Theology
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
Proceedings, Rabbinical Assembly, Philadelphia
Proclamation and Presence; Old Testament essays in honour of Gwynne Henton Davies, Richmond, Va. 1970
Promise and fulfilment; essays presented to Samuel Henry Hooke in celebration of his ninetieth birthday, Edinburgh 1963
Prooftexts, a Journal of Jewish Literary History
PSJJ = Publications of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence
Psychoanalytic Review
Public Administration in Israel and Abroad
Publication of the Gratz College
Publications of the Society for Jewish Jurisprudence
The quest for the Kingdom of G-d; studies in honor of George E. Mendenhall, Winona Lake 1983
Qumran-Probleme, Vortrage des Leipziger Symposions uber Qumran-Probleme, hrsg. Hans Bardtke, Berlin 1963
Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Memorial volume, N.Y. 1980
Rabels; Zeitschrift fur auslandisches und internationales Privatrecht
Rassegna Clinico Scientifica
La Rassegna Mensile di Israel
Rayon, organe mensuel de l'Union Liberale Israelite
RB = Revue Biblique
The real Jew; aspects of the Jewish contribution to civilization, ed. H. Newman, London 1925
Realencyclopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche, hrsg. A. Hauck; 3. Aufl., hrsg. J.J. Herzog, 24 vols., 1896-1913
Reason and revelation as authority in Judaism, ed. Norbert M. Samuelson, Melrose Park, Pa. 1982
Recueil de la Societe Jean Bodin
Recueil des Cours de l'Academie de Droit International
Recueil des travaux rediges en memoire de M. Daniel Chwolson, Berlin 1899
Recherches de Science Religieuse
Rechtskunding Weekblad
Der Reichbote
Reinhold Seebald Festschrift, Leipzig 1929
REJ = Revue des Etudes Juives
Religion and sexism, ed. Reutter, N.Y. 1974
Religion in a religious age, ed. Shlomo Dov Goitein, Cambridge 1974
Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2. Aufl., 6 vols., Tubingen 1927-32
Religion in the Middle East, ed. Arthur J. Arberry, Cambridge 1969
Religion, literature and society in ancient Israel, Formative Christianity and Judaism, ed. Jacob Neusner Lanham 1987
Religion och Samahalle, Mellanostern, eds. J.O. Bhchfeldt and J. Hjarpe, Vanersborg 1985
Religion und Politik in der Gesellschaft des 20. Jahrhunderts, hrsg. Shemaryahu Talmon und Gregor Siefer, Bonn 1978
Religion y Cultura
Religions in Antiquity, essays in memory of Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough, Leiden 1968
Religious Education
Religious liberty and human rights in nations and in religions, ed. Leonard Swidler, N.Y. 1986
Religious Studies Review
Remember the days זכור ימות עולם; Essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth, London 1986
Rencontre, Chretiens et Juifs
Response, A Contemporary Jewish Review
Review and Expositor
Review of Religion
Revista de Cultura Biblica
Revista Hispanica Moderna (Columbia University)
Revolution gegen den Fortschrift, hersg. Johann Jakob Bachofens, Zurich 1987
Revue Biblique
Revue d'Assyriologie et d'Archeologie Orientale
Revue de Droit Canonique
Revue de l'Histoire des Religions
Revue de Qumran
Revue de Theologie et de Philosophie, Lausanne
Revue des Etudes Islamiques
Revue des Etudes Juives
Revue des Sciences Philosophique et Theologique
Revue des Sciences Religieuses
Revue d'Histoire de la Medecine Hebraique
Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie religieuses
Revue Historique de Droit Francais et Etranger
Revue Internationale de Droit Compare
Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquite
Revue Internationale d'Histoire Militaire
Revue Marrocaine de Droit
Revue Orientale, ed. Carmoly
RGG = Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 2. Aufl. 6 vols., Tubingen 1927-32
RHMH = Revue d'Histoire de la Medecine Hebraique
Rhode Island Jewish Historical Notes
RI = Rivista Israelitica
RIDA = Revue Internationale des Droits del'Antiquite
Riehm = Riehm, Eduard C. Aug., Handworterbuch des biblischen Altertums, 2nd ed., 2 vols., Bielefeld-Leipzig 1893-94
Risk Management
Rivista Biblica
Rivista degli Studi Orientali
Rivista di Dritto Civile
Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica
Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa
Rivista di Storia Economica
Rivista Internationale di Diritto Romano e Antica
Rivista Israelitica
Rivista Italiana per le Scienze Giuridiche
Rivista Juridica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico
RMI = La Rassegna Mensile di Israel
Jubilee vol. C. Roth = Remember the days; essays on Anglo-Jewish history presented to Cecil Roth, London 1986
RQ = Revue de Qumran
Rutgers Law Journal
Rutgers Law Review
Sachsen und Anhalt, Jahrbuch der Historischen Kommission fur die Provinz Sachsen und fur Anhalt
Sachsische Akademie der Wissenschaften Leipzig Philologisch Historische Klasse Abhandlungen
Saeculum, Jahrbuch fur Universal-Geschichte
Salo Wittmayer Baron Jubilee volume, on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, Jerusalem 1974
Salvation en la Palabra, Targum, Derash, Berith, en memoria de Alejandro Diez Macho, Madrid 1986
Der Sammler
Samuel Mirsky Memorial volume, Studies in Jewish law, philosophy and literature, N.Y. 1970
Sarwey's Monatsschrift fur die Justizpflege
Scandinavia Journal of the Old Testament
Scences Ecclesiastiques = Science et Esprit, Revue Theologique et Philosophique
Schenkel = Bibel-Lexikon, hrsg. Daniel Schenkel, 5 vols., Leipzig 1869-75
Der Schild, Zeitschrift des Reichsbundes Judischer Frontsoldaten
Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaft des Judentums
Schriften der Konigsberger Gelehrten - Gesellschaft, Geistes wissenschaftliche Klasse
Schweizerische Juristenzeitung
Sciences Religieuses
Scienza Giuridiche
Scottish Journal of Theology
Scripta Hierosolymitana
Scripta Universitatis Atque Bibliothecae Hierosolymitanarum Judaica et Orientalia
Scritti in memoria di Leone Carpi, Jerusalem 1967
Scritti in memoria di Nathan Cassuto, Jerusalem 1986
Scritti in Memoria di Umberto Nahon, Jerusalem 1978
Scritti sull'ebraismo in memoria di Guido Bedarida, Florence 1966
(Scritti) Volume speciale in memoria di Attilio Milano, RMI 36 (1970), Nos. 7,8,9
Scritto in onore di Ricardo Bachi, Citta di Castello 1950 =RMI 16, No. 6-8
Sefarad, Revista la Escuela de Estudios Hebraicos
Semitic studies in memory of Alexander Kohut, Berlin 1897
Semitic studies in memory of... Immanuel Low, Budapest 1947
The Sephardic heritage, ed. R.D. Barnett, London 1971
The sfifth anniversary volume of the Jewish Quarterly Review, Philadelphia 1967
Sexual Probleme, Zeitschrift fur Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik
SH = Scripta Hierosolymitana
Social responsibility in an age of revolution, ed. Louis Finkelstein, N.Y. 1931
Society of Biblical Literature Seminary Papers
Sociological Inquiry
Les soixante-dix nations; regard juif sur les peuples de la terre, eds. Jean Halperin et George Levitte, Paris 1987
Solomon Zeitlin, scholar laureate, ed. Sidney B. Hoenig, N.Y. 1971
South African Law Journal
Southwestern Law Journal
Speaking of G-d today; Jews and Lutherans in conversation, eds. Paul D. Opsahl and Mark H. Tanenbaum, Philadelphia 1974
Speculum, a Journal of Medieval Studies
Spirituality and prayer, eds. Leon Klenicki and Gabe Huck, N.Y. 1983
SRo = Studia Rosenthaliana
St. Louis University Law Journal
Das Standesamt
Stanford Law Review
State Audit, Development in public accountability, ed. by B. Geist, London 1981
Studi in onore di Biondo Biondi, Milano 1965
Studi in onore di Cesare sanfilippo, Milan 1983.
Studi in onore di Edoard Volterra, 6 vols., Milano 1971
Studi in onore di Guiseppe Grosso,Torino 1968
Studi in onore di Peitro de Francisci, Milano 1956
Studi Senesi
Studi sull'Ebraismo Italiano in memoria di Cecil Roth, Roma 1974
Studia Catholica
Studia et Documenta Historiae et Juris
Studia Islamica
Studia Orientalia, Helsingfors
Studia Patristica
Studia Philosophia
Studia Rosenthaliana
Studia Theologica, Lund
Studia Theologica, Riga
Studien zur Theologie der alttestamentlichen Ueberlieferungen; Gerhard von Rad... zum 60. Geburtstag, Neukirchen 1961
Studies and essays in honor of Abraham A. Neuman, Leiden 1962
Studies in Biblical Archaeology, N.Y.
Studies in Biblical Theology
Studies in Egyptology and linguistics in honour of H. J. Polotsky, Jerusalem 1964
Studies in Islamic and Judaic traditions, eds. William M. Brinner and Stephen D. Ricks, Atlanta 1986
Studies in Jewish Bibliography, history and literature, in honor of I. Edward Kiev, N.Y. 1971
Studies in Jewish Jurisprudence
Studies in Jewish legal history; essays in honour of David Daube, London 1974
Studies in Jewish literature, issued in honor of... Kaufmann Kohler... on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Berlin 1913
Studies in Jewish philosophy, ed. Norbert M. Samuelson, Lanham-N.Y.-London 1987
Studies in Jewish religion and intellectual history; presented to Alexander Altman on accasion of his seventieth birthday, University Ala. 1979
Studies in Judaica, Karaitica and Islamica, presented to Leom Nemoy on his eightieth birthday, Ramat Gan 1982
Studies in Judaism and Islam; Presented to Shelomo Dov Goitein on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, Jerusalem 1981
Studies in medieval Jewish history and literature, vol. 2, ed. Isadore Twersky, Cambridge, Mass. 1984
Studies in mysticism and religion, presented to Gershom G. Scholem, on his seventieth birthday, Jerusalem 1967
Studies in rationalism, Judaism, and universalism, in memory of Leon Roth, London 1966
Studies in Religion
Studies in the period of David and Solomon and other essays, ed. Tomo Ishida, Tokyo 1982
Studies on Jewish life and culture, Tokyo
Studii Biblici Franciscani, Liber annus
Sulamith, eine Zeitschrift zur Beforderung der Kultur und Humanitat unter der Judischen Nation
Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok
Symbolae Friburgensis in honorem Ottonis Lenel, Leipzig n.d.
Symbolae iuridicae et historiae Martine David dedicatae, Leiden 1968
Synagogue Recorder
La table ronde
Tanulmanyok Blau Lajos, Budapest 1938
Tekster of Tolkninger. ti studies, Det. Gamla Testamente, ed. Kund Jeppesen and Frederick H. Cryer, Anis 1986
Tel Aviv University Studies in Law
Temis, Revista de Ciencia y Tecnica Juridicas
Temple Law Quarterly
Teologia Viatore
Tesoro de los Judios Safardies
Testimonium Christi; Scritti in onore di Jacques Dupont, Brescia 1985
Teyler's Theol. Tijdschrift
THAT = Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament, 2 vols., Munchen 1971-76
Theokratia, Jahrbuch des Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum
Theologie aus dem Norden
Theologie Revue
Theologie und philosophie
Theologische Literaturzeitung
Theologische Realenzyklopedie
Theologische Studien und Kritiken
Theologische Quartalschrift
Theologische Zeitschrift
Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament, 2 vols., Munchen 1971-76
Theologisches Worterbuch zum Alten Testament, 1 vol., Stuttgart 1973
Thesaurus Antiquitatum Sacrum, Blassio Ugolinus, 1744-1769
Through the sound of many voices, writing contributed on the occasion of the 70th birthday of W. Gunther Plaut, Toronto 1982
Tidschrift for Teologie og Kirche
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie en Theologie
Tijdschrift voor Rechts-geschiedenis
TL = Theologische Literaturzeitung
To see ourselves as others see us, eds. Jacob Neusner and Ernst S. Frerichs, Chico 1985
Totalitarian democracy and after, International Colloquium in memory of Jacob L. Talmon, Jerusalem 1984
Traditio, Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion
Tradition and change in Jewish experience, ed. A. Leland Jamison, Syracuse, N.Y. 1978
Tradition and transition; Essays presented to Chief Rabbi Sir Immanuel Jakobovits to celebrate twenty years in office, London 1986
Tradition, Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought
Tradition und Erneuerung
Tradition und Glaube; das fruhe Christentum in seiner Umwelt. Festgabe fur Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65. Geburtstag, Gottingen 1971
Traite d'Union Israelite
Transactions of the American philosophical Society
Transition in biblical scholarship, ed. J. Coert Rylaardsdam, Chicago-London 1968
Translating and understanding the Old Testament, Essays in honor of H.G. May, Nashville 1970
TRE = Tijdschrift voor Rechts-geschiedenis
A tribute to Gleason Archer, Chicago 1986
TUI = Traite d'Union Israelite
Tulane Law Review
TWAT = Theologisches Worterbuch zum Alten Testament, 1 vol., Stuttgart 1973
Types of redemption, eds. R.J.C. Werblowsky and C.J. Blecker, Leiden 1970
TZ = Theologische Zeitschrift
Udim, Zeitschrift der Rabbinerkonferenz in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Ugarit Forschungen
Ugolinus = Blassio Ugolinus, Thesaurus Antiquitatum Sacrum, 1744-1769
UJE = Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 10 vols., N.Y. 1948
Understanding rabbinic Judaism, ed. Jacob Neusner, N.Y. 1974
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
United States Bureau of Education, Report of the Commissioner of Education
United States Law Review
Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 10 vols., 1948
University of Chicago Law Review
University of Florida Law Review
University of Pennsylvania Law Review
University of San Francisco Valley Law Review
University of Texas Record
Vanderbilt Law Review
La Vengeance, eds. R. Verdier et J.P. Poly, Paris 1984
Verbannung und Heimkehr; Beitrage zur Geschichte und Theologie Israels im 6. und 5. Jahrhundert vor Chr.; Wilhelm Rudolph zum 70. Geburtstage, Tubingen 1961
Verfassung und Recht in Uebersee
Verner-Festschrift Werner Caskel zum siebzigsten Geburtstag, Leiden 1968
Verwaltungsblatt, Preussischer Landesverband
Vetus Testamentum
Vetus Testamentum Supplement
Vie Spirituelle
Virginia Law Register
Virginia State Bar Association
Voices from Israel; understanding the Israeli mind, ed. Etan Levine, N.Y. 1986
Von Ugarit nach Qumran, Otto Eissfeldt dargebracht..., Berlin 1958
VT = Vetus Testamentum
VTS = Vetus Testamentum Supplement
Die Wahrheit
Walter Fischel Memorial Volume, 1981
Washington Law Reporter
Wayne Law Review
WCJS = World Congress of Jewish Studies
Wegweiser durch die neuere Literatur Rechts und Staatswissenschaft
Die Welt
Western Political Quarterly
Western Reserve Law Review
Westminster Review
Wie gut sind deine Zelte, Jaakow... Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Reinhold Mayer, Gerlingen 1986
Wiener Jahrbuch fur Israeliten
Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunde des Morgenlandes
Winer = Biblisches Realworterbuch, hrsg. Georg Benedict Winer, 2 vols., 1847-48
Wissenschaftlische Zeitschrift der Universitat Rostock
Wissenschaftlische Zeitschrift fur Judische Theologie
WJR = Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts, Basel 1980
The word in the world; essays in honour of Frederick L. Moriarty, Cambridge, Mass. 1973
The word of the L-rd shall go forth; Essays ihonor of David Noel Freedman in celebration of his sixtieth birthday, Winona Lake 1983
World Congress of Jewish Studies
World religions and medicine, ed. David Goodacre, Oxford 1983
Wort-Gebet-Glaube; Beitrage zur Theologie des Alten Testaments, Walther Eichrodt zum 80. Geburtstag, Zurich 1970
Wort und Dienst
Wort und Geschichte; Festschrift Fur Karl Elliger zum 70. Geburtstag, Kevelaer 1973
Worterbuch des Judischen Rechts: Neudruck 1980 der im Judischen Lexikon (1927-1930) erschienenen `Beitrage Zum Judischen Recht', Basel 1980
WZJT = Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift fur Judische Theologie
WZKM = Wiener Zeitschrift fur Kunde des Morgenlandes
Yad La-Talmud, Ramat Gan 1984
Yavneh Review
Yeheskel Kaufmann Jubilee volume, Jerusalem 1960
Yivo Blatter
Yod; Revue des Etudes Hebraiques et Juives Modernes et Contemporaines
Z. Frankel Gedenkblatter, Breslau 1901
ZAW = Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
ZDMG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft
Zeitschrift der Historischen Gesselschaft fur die Provinz Pozen
Zeitschrift der Savigny Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina Vereins
Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Verwandete Gebiete
Zeitschrift fur Auslandisches und Internationales Privatrecht
Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden
Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden in der Tschechoslovakie
Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden in Deutchland, ed. Elbogen
Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden in Deutchland, ed. Geiger
Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
Zeitschrift fur die Religiosen Interessen des Judenthums
Zeitschrift fur die Wissenschaft des Judenthums, ed. Zunz
Zeitschrift fur Evangelische Ethik
Zeitschrift fur Evangelisches Kirchenrecht
Zeitschrift fur Geschichte und Erziehung
Zeitschrift fur Geschichtlische Rechtswissenschaft
Zeitschrift fur Hebraeische Bibliographie, ed. Brody
Zeitschrift fur Hebraeische Bibliographie, ed. Steinschneider
Zeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie
Zeitschrift fur Philosophie und Katholische Theologie
Zeitschrift fur Religion und Geistesgeschichte
Zeitschrift fur Spekulative Theologie
Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche
Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft
Zeller = Paul Zellers, Biblisches Handworterbuch, 1893
ZGJD - Elbogen = Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden in Deutchland, ed. Elbogen
ZGJD - Geiger = Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden in Deutchland, ed. Geiger
ZGJT = Zeitschrift fur die Geschichte der Juden in der Tschechoslovakie
ZHB = Zeitschrift fur Hebraeische Bibliographie, ed. Brody
ZNW = Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
ZRIJ = Zeitschrift fur die Religiosen Interessen des Judenthums
ZTK = Zeitschrift fur Theologie und Kirche
Die Zukunft
ZVR = Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft